PHPUnit_TestCase( $name );
// all the methods of HTML class are static,
// so we don't need any setUp() and tearDown() methods here
* Test the general HTML::element method
function testElement()
HTML::element( "foo" )
HTML::element( "Foo", "" )
HTML::element( "foo", "bar" )
HTML::element( "foo", "bar", array() )
HTML::element( "foo", "bar", array( "attr" => "value" ) )
HTML::element( "foo", null, array( "attr1" => "value1", "attr2" => "value2" ) )
// test element inside element
HTML::element( "foo", HTML::element( "bar", HTML::element( "baz" ) ) )
* Test method for creating links
function testA()
// simple link
HTML::a( "", "example" )
// link with title
HTML::a( "", "John", "send e-mail to John" )
* Test method for creating abbreviations
function testAbbr()
// simple abbr
HTML::abbr( "PHP" )
// abbr with title
HTML::abbr( "PHP", "PHP Hypertext Preprocessor" )
* Test method for creating strong emphasis
function testStrong()
HTML::strong( "Hei!" )
* Test method for creating error messages
function testError()
Error on line #128
HTML::error( "Error on line #128" )
'Error on line #128',
HTML::error( "Error on line #128", false )
* Test method for creating notice messages
function testNotice()
'Operation completed with success.
HTML::notice( "Operation completed with success." )
'Operation completed with success.',
HTML::notice( "Operation completed with success.", false )
* Test method for creating paragraphs
function testP()
'Hello, world!
HTML::p( "Hello, world!" )
* Test methods for creating headings
function testH()
'Heading 1
HTML::h1( "Heading 1" )
'Heading 2
HTML::h2( "Heading 2" )
'Heading 3
HTML::h3( "Heading 3" )
* Test method for list items
function testLi()
'Hello, world!',
HTML::li( "Hello, world!", array("class" => "first-child") )
* Test method for creating multiple elements
function testMultiElement()
'line 1
line 2
HTML::multiElement( "p", array("line 1", "line 2") )
* Test method for unordered list
function testUl()
HTML::ul( "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" )
* Test method for ordered list
function testOl()
'- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
HTML::ol( "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" )
* Test methods for definition list
function testDl()
'- Hello, world!
- A canonical first program.
HTML::dt("Hello, world!"),
HTML::dd("A canonical first program.")
* Test methods for actionList
function testActionList()
HTML::backLink( "foo", "bar", STANDALONE )
HTML::backLink( "foo", "bar" )
HTML::newLink( "foo", "bar", STANDALONE )
HTML::newLink( "foo", "bar" )
HTML::newFolderLink( "foo", "bar", STANDALONE )
HTML::newFolderLink( "foo", "bar" )
HTML::actionList( HTML::actionLink("foo", "bar", "new") ),
HTML::newLink( "foo", "bar", STANDALONE )
* Test methods for error pages
function testErrorPages()
Foo is bar. Sorry.
HTML::errorPage( "Foo is bar. Sorry." )
'Access denied!
No more beer for you.
HTML::accessDeniedPage( "No more beer for you." )