after the VIKO database * has been updated. If run before - an error message is shown. * * The files will be loaded into table File_Contents. */ // turn on all errors // this has to be at the very beginning to catch all the errors beginning from here. error_reporting(E_ALL); // Modify the include path to fit the requirements of VIKO // after we have adjusted the include path, we can start including required libraries. initialize_php_include_path(); /** * HTML class is needed for generating HTML */ require_once "HTML.php"; /** * Main class for VIKO */ require_once 'VIKO.php'; /** * MimeType class is needed for determining MIME types */ require_once 'MimeType.php'; // load VIKO configuration file Configuration::get( getcwd() . "/viko.conf"); // use ordinary database connection instead of DB object // DB introduces too much overhead, and we need the fastest solution possible. mysql_connect( Configuration::getDatabaseHost(), Configuration::getDatabaseUsername(), Configuration::getDatabasePassword() ); mysql_select_db( Configuration::getDatabaseName() ); // first of all make sure that the database is updated before running this script. // The old Files_Folder table should be dropped after the database update - so // by checking the existance of that table we can find out, if the database is updated. $files_folders_table = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'Files_Folders'"); if ( mysql_num_rows($files_folders_table) > 0 ) { // the table exists - therefore the database is not updated VIKO_page( "Error!", HTML::errorPage( "Before running this script, you have to update VIKO database. " . "Use the database update script in file sql/changes_2.0.sql." ) ); } // we ask a confirmation before running this script. if ( !isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { // show a form with submit button. VIKO_page( "Import files to database", HTML::h2( "Import files to database" ) . '
' . '

Press the button to start importing files from VIKO 1.1 files/ folder.

' . '

NB! Make sure, that you have backed the contents of ' . 'files/ directory, before you continue.

' . '

' . '
' ); } $files_not_found = load_files_to_database(); // if there were more files in database than in files/ dir, then show error and list of those files $not_found_error = ""; if ( count($files_not_found) > 0 ) { $not_found_error = HTML::error( "The script failed to find " . count($files_not_found) . " files mentioned in database. " . "Note, that this is a sign of error - your database and files folder are out of sync. " . "The listing of these files follows:" ); $not_found_error .= "
    foreach ( $files_not_found as $file ) {
        $not_found_error .= "$file\n";
    $not_found_error .= "
"; } $nr_of_files_to_process = get_nr_of_files_to_process(); if ( $nr_of_files_to_process > 0 ) { VIKO_page( "Part of the files imported to database", HTML::h2("Part of the files imported to database") . HTML::p("Because the server has time limit for PHP scripts, " . "it's not possible to import all files in one run. ". "You have to keep clicking 'Continue' until all files are imported.") . HTML::p("There are $nr_of_files_to_process more files to process.") . '
' . '

' . '
' . $not_found_error ); } else { $files_left_over = look_for_remaining_files(); // if there were more files in files/ dir than in database, then show error and list of those files $left_over_error = ""; if ( count($files_left_over) > 0 ) { $left_over_error = HTML::error( "The script found " . count($files_left_over) . " files from files/, " . "that were not mentioned in database. " . "Note, that this is a sign of error - your database and files folder are out of sync." ); $left_over_error .= "
        foreach ( $files_left_over as $file ) {
            $left_over_error .= "$file\n";
        $left_over_error .= "
"; } if ( $not_found_error == "" && $left_over_error == "" ) { // no errors were recorded - exit with success message VIKO_page( "Success! File hierarchy converted", HTML::h2("Success! File hierarchy converted") . HTML::notice("Structure of files/ directory converted to VIKO 2.0.") . HTML::p("You should now remove the file 'convert-viko-files.php' from VIKO installation.") ); } else { // the file VIKO_page( "Conversion finished with errors", HTML::h2("Conversion finished with errors") . HTML::p( "When converting structure of files/ directory to VIKO 2.0, " . "the following errors accoured:" ) . $not_found_error . $left_over_error ); } } /** * Loads files from 'files/file_id/filename.ext' to database * * Also empties database field file_uri. * * If the database contained references to some files, that were not found * in filesystem, the function returns a list (array) of those missing files. * If everything went successfully an empty array is returned. * * @return array list of errors */ function load_files_to_database() { // get listing of all files from database $r = mysql_query( "SELECT material_id, material_uri FROM Materials WHERE material_type = 'FILE' AND material_uri != '' " ); $errors = array(); // we may not exceed the maximum execution time // the default is 30 seconds, but we may not be sure. // probably it isn't smaller than 30 seconds, so we can extract 5 seconds for extra safety $time_limit = ini_get("max_execution_time") - 5; $start_time = time(); while ( $file = mysql_fetch_array($r) ) { // get the name of old ID directory by removing everything after the slash "/" (including slash itself) $old_file_dir = 'files/' . preg_replace( '#/.*$#', '', $file["material_uri"] ); if ( file_exists( $old_file_dir ) ) { // because the old filename might contain some strange characters which may not // correlate with the filename characters in database, open the directory and // read the filename from there into variable $filename $filename = get_first_file_from_dir( $old_file_dir ); // load the file into database load_file_into_database( $file["material_id"], "$old_file_dir/$filename" ); // remove the file from 'files' unlink( "$old_file_dir/$filename" ); // remove the old file directory from 'files' rmdir( $old_file_dir ); } else { $errors[] = "Directory '$old_file_dir' is missing!"; } // determine the MIME type of file $mime_type = MimeType::determineFromFilename( $file["material_uri"] ); // empty field file_uri in database and set the mime type mysql_query( "UPDATE Materials SET material_uri='', mime_type='$mime_type' WHERE material_id=$file[material_id] " ); // check whether we have reached or exceeded time limit if ( $time_limit > 0 && time() >= $start_time + $time_limit ) { return $errors; } } return $errors; } /** * Retrieves the name of the first file in directory * * @param string $dir directory * @return string filename */ function get_first_file_from_dir( $dir ) { $dir_handle = opendir( $dir ); while ( false !== ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) ) { if ( ! ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') ) { break; } } closedir( $dir_handle ); return $filename; } /** * Inserts file contents into table File_Contents * * @param int $file_id * @param string $filename */ function load_file_into_database( $file_id, $filename ) { // echo "loading $filename..."; $file = file_get_contents( $filename ); $file = mysql_real_escape_string( $file ); mysql_query( "INSERT INTO Material_Contents (material_id, material_content) VALUES ( $file_id, '$file' )" ); // echo " [done]\n"; } /** * Checks, if there are any more files left in old 'files' directory * * If there are, returns array containing names of the files moved. * * @return array remaining files */ function look_for_remaining_files() { $remaining_files = array(); $dir_handle = opendir( 'files' ); while ( false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) ) { if ( $file == '.' || $file == '..' ) { // do nothing - these are system dirs } else { // count the files $remaining_files[] = "files/$file"; } } closedir( $dir_handle ); return $remaining_files; } /** * Returns the number of files in database that need loading to database * * @return int nr of files */ function get_nr_of_files_to_process() { $r = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Materials WHERE material_type = 'FILE' AND material_uri != '' "); $row = mysql_fetch_array( $r ); return $row[0]; } /** * Create VIKO error page * * @param string $title the title of the page * @param string $content the whole contents of the page */ function VIKO_page( $title, $content ) { $viko =& new VIKO(); $viko->setTitle( $title ); $viko->setContent( $content ); // output page header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo $viko->toHTML(); exit(); } /** * Modifies PHP include path to contain paths to VIKO and PEAR code libraries * * VIKO code resides in two subdirectories of VIKO installation: * * * * We want that when we say: include("Foo.php"); the PHP to find the file when * there exists either lib/Foo.php or PEAR/Foo.php. * * This is why we have to modify PHP include path to include the paths to * both of these important directories. */ function initialize_php_include_path() { // get current working directory $cwd = getcwd(); // create path to VIKO code library $lib_path = "$cwd/lib"; // create path to PEAR code library $PEAR_path = "$cwd/PEAR"; // get the current PHP include path $old_path = ini_get("include_path"); // insert the VIKO and PEAR library paths // at the beginning of PHP default include path ini_set( 'include_path', "$lib_path:$PEAR_path:$old_path" ); } ?>