PHPTAL - Template Attribute Language for PHP Laurent Bedubourg Usage requirements ================== To use PHPTAL in your projects, you will only require this: - PHP5 If you are willing to use the builtin internationalisation system of (I18N) the gettext extension must be compiled into PHP (--with-gettext). PEAR Install ============ Get the latest PHPTAL package on Then run pear install PHPTAL-X.X.X.tar.gz NON PEAR install ================ Get the latest PHPTAL package on tar zxvf PHPTAL-X.X.X.tar.gz mv PHPTAL-X.X.X PHPTAL mv PHPTAL/PHPTAL.php . mv PHPTAL* /path/to/your/php/include/path Getting the latest development version ====================================== You can checkout the latest subversion trunk content using: svn co phptal PHPTAL development requirements =============================== If you want to hack PHPTAL (don't forget to send me patches), you will require: - The PHPTAL development package - PEAR[0] - Phing[1] to run maintainance tasks in an ant way - PHPUnit2[2] to run tests - PhpDocumentor[3] (optional) to generate PHP documentation Phing tasks =========== - phing doc (call phpdocumentor on classes folder) - phing test (run tests) - phing main (test, build, pear-package, tar) [0] [1] [2] [3] -- dev notes -- Runtime classes =============== - PHPTAL_Exception - PHPTAL_Context - PHPTAL_RepeatController - PHPTAL_Filter - PHPTAL_Trigger - PHPTAL_TranslationService - PHPTAL_GetTextTranslator Parsetime classes ================= - PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser - PHPTAL_Php_Attribute - PHPTAL_Dom_Node