'; //exit(get_option('checkout_url')); # the following variables are read from the form $Address1 = $_POST['address']; $Address2 = ""; #Set up PxPayRequest Object $request->setAmountInput(nzshpcrt_overall_total_price($_SESSION['delivery_country'])); $request->setTxnData1(get_option('blogname'));# whatever you want to appear, original: $request->setTxnData1("Widget order"); $request->setTxnData2("n/a"); # whatever you want to appear $request->setTxnData3("n/a"); # whatever you want to appear $request->setTxnType("Purchase"); if(get_option('dps_curcode') != '') { $request->setInputCurrency(get_option('dps_curcode')); } else { $request->setInputCurrency("USD"); } $request->setMerchantReference($sessionid); # fill this with your order number $request->setEmailAddress(get_option('purch_log_email')); $request->setUrlFail($script_url); $request->setUrlSuccess($script_url); #Call makeResponse of PxAccess object to obtain the 3-DES encrypted payment request $request_string = $pxaccess->makeRequest($request); header("Location: $request_string"); exit(); } function submit_dps() { update_option('access_url', $_POST['access_url']); update_option('access_userid', $_POST['access_userid']); update_option('access_key', $_POST['access_key']); update_option('mac_key', $_POST['mac_key']); if($_POST['dps_curcode'] != null) { update_option('dps_curcode', $_POST['dps_curcode']); } return true; } function decrypt_dps_response(){ global $wpdb; $PxAccess_Url = get_option('access_url'); $PxAccess_Userid = get_option('access_userid'); $PxAccess_Key = get_option('access_key'); $Mac_Key = get_option('mac_key'); $pxaccess = new PxAccess($PxAccess_Url, $PxAccess_Userid, $PxAccess_Key, $Mac_Key); $curgateway = get_option('payment_gateway'); $sessionid = $_GET['sessionid']; $enc_hex = $_GET["result"]; if($enc_hex != null) { $rsp = $pxaccess->getResponse($enc_hex); $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); $total_weight = 0; if(($rsp->ResponseText == 'APPROVED')){ $sessionid = $rsp->MerchantReference; $processing_stage = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `processed` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` WHERE `sessionid` = ".$sessionid." LIMIT 1"); if($processing_stage < 2) { $wpdb->query("UPDATE `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` SET `processed` = '2' WHERE `sessionid` = ".$sessionid." LIMIT 1"); } } } return $sessionid; } function form_dps() { $access_url = get_option('access_url'); if($access_url == '') { update_option('access_url', "https://www.paymentexpress.com/pxpay/pxpay.aspx"); } $select_currency[get_option('dps_curcode')] = "selected='selected'"; $output = " \n\r"; // $output = " $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Access URL\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Access User Id\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Access Key\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Mac Key\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Note: DPS will give you a 64 character key / password. The first 48 characters of this go into the \"Access Key\" field and the last 16 characters go into the \"Mac Key\" field.\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Currency sent to DPS\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "Note: Because DPS does not support questionmarks in the URL you must use permalinks - currently only date and name based permalinks have been fully tested with DPS.\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; return $output; } #****************************************************************************** #* Name : PxAccess.inc #* Description : The objects for PX Payment page #* Copyright (c) : 2004 Direct Payment solutions #* Date : 2003-12-24 #* Modifications : 2003-12-24 MifMessage class #* : 2004-09-01 PxAccess, PxPayRequest, PxPayResponse classes #* which encapsulate 3-DES to handle payment requests and #* response. #* 2004-10-14 Implements complete transactions #* 2005-03-14 change unpack("H*", $enc); to unpack("H$enclen", $enc); #* due to the version 4.3.10 Php unpack function bugs #*Version : 2.01.08 #****************************************************************************** # MifMessage. # Use this class to parse a DPS PX MifMessage in XML form, # and access the content. class MifMessage { var $xml_; var $xml_index_; var $xml_value_; # Constructor: # Create a MifMessage with the specified XML text. # The constructor returns a null object if there is a parsing error. function MifMessage($xml) { $p = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($p,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); $ok = xml_parse_into_struct($p, $xml, $value, $index); xml_parser_free($p); if ($ok) { $this->xml_ = $xml; $this->xml_value_ = $value; $this->xml_index_ = $index; } #print_r($this->xml_value_); # JH_DEBUG } # Return the value of the specified top-level attribute. # This method can only return attributes of the root element. # If the attribute is not found, return "". function get_attribute($attribute) { #$attribute = strtoupper($attribute); $attributes = $this->xml_value_[0]["attributes"]; return $attributes[$attribute]; } # Return the text of the specified element. # The element is given as a simplified XPath-like name. # For example, "Link/ServerOk" refers to the ServerOk element # nested in the Link element (nested in the root element). # If the element is not found, return "". function get_element_text($element) { #print_r($this->xml_value_); # JH_DEBUG $index = $this->get_element_index($element, 0); if ($index == 0) { return ""; } else { ## TW2004-09-24: Fixed bug when elemnt existent but empty # $elementObj = $this->xml_value_[$index]; if (! array_key_exists("value", $elementObj)) return ""; return $this->xml_value_[$index]["value"]; } } # (internal method) # Return the index of the specified element, # relative to some given root element index. # function get_element_index($element, $rootindex = 0) { #$element = strtoupper($element); $pos = strpos($element, "/"); if ($pos !== false) { # element contains '/': find first part $start_path = substr($element,0,$pos); $remain_path = substr($element,$pos+1); $index = $this->get_element_index($start_path, $rootindex); if ($index == 0) { # couldn't find first part; give up. return 0; } # recursively find rest return $this->get_element_index($remain_path, $index); } else { # search from the parent across all its children # i.e. until we get the parent's close tag. $level = $this->xml_value_[$rootindex]["level"]; if ($this->xml_value_[$rootindex]["type"] == "complete") { return 0; # no children } $index = $rootindex+1; while ($indexxml_value_) && !($this->xml_value_[$index]["level"]==$level && $this->xml_value_[$index]["type"]=="close")) { # if one below parent and tag matches, bingo if ($this->xml_value_[$index]["level"] == $level+1 && # $this->xml_value_[$index]["type"] == "complete" && $this->xml_value_[$index]["tag"] == $element) { return $index; } $index++; } return 0; } } } class PxAccess { var $Mac_Key, $Des_Key; var $PxAccess_Url; var $PxAccess_Userid; function PxAccess($Url, $UserId, $Des_Key, $Mac_Key){ error_reporting(E_ERROR); $this->Mac_Key = pack("H*",$Mac_Key); $this->Des_Key = pack("H*", $Des_Key); $this->PxAccess_Url = $Url; $this->PxAccess_Userid = $UserId; } function makeRequest($request) { #Validate the REquest if($request->validData() == false) return "" ; #$txnId=rand(1,100000); $txnId = uniqid("MI"); #You need to generate you own unqiue reference. JZ:2004-08-12 $request->setTxnId($txnId); $request->setTs($this->getCurrentTS()); $request->setSwVersion("2.01.01"); $request->setAppletType("PHPPxAccess"); $xml = $request->toXml(); if (strlen($xml)%8 != 0) { $xml = str_pad($xml, strlen($xml) + 8-strlen($xml)%8); # pad to multiple of 8 } #add MAC code JZ2004-8-16 $mac = $this->makeMAC($xml,$this->Mac_Key ); $msg = $xml.$mac; #$msg = $xml; $enc = $this->encrypt_tripledes($msg, $this->Des_Key); #JZ2004-08-16: Include the MAC code $enclen = strlen($enc) * 2; $enc_hex = unpack("H$enclen", $enc); #JZ2005-03-14: there is a bug in the new version php unpack function #$enc_hex = @unpack("H*", $enc); #JZ2005-03-14: there is a bug in the new version php unpack function #$enc_hex = $enc_hex[""]; #use this function if PHP version before 4.3.4 #$enc_hex = $enc_hex[1]; #use this function if PHP version after 4.3.4 $enc_hex = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "4.3.4", ">=")) ? $enc_hex[1] :$enc_hex[""]; $PxAccess_Redirect = "$this->PxAccess_Url?userid=$this->PxAccess_Userid&request=$enc_hex"; return $PxAccess_Redirect; } #****************************************************************************** # This function ecrypts data using 3DES via libmcrypt #****************************************************************************** function encrypt_tripledes($data, $key) { # deprecated libmcrypt 2.2 encryption: use this if you have libmcrypt 2.2.x # $result = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $data, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT); # return $result; # # otherwise use this for libmcrypt 2.4.x and above: $td = mcrypt_module_open('tripledes', '', 'ecb', ''); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND); mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv); $result = mcrypt_generic($td, $data); #mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); #Might cause problem in some PHP version return $result; } #****************************************************************************** # This function decrypts data using 3DES via libmcrypt #****************************************************************************** function decrypt_tripledes($data, $key) { # deprecated libmcrypt 2.2 encryption: use this if you have libmcrypt 2.2.x # $result = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $data, MCRYPT_DECRYPT); # return $result; # # otherwise use this for libmcrypt 2.4.x and above: $td = mcrypt_module_open('tripledes', '', 'ecb', ''); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND); mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv); $result = mdecrypt_generic($td, $data); #mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); #Might cause problem in some PHP version return $result; } #JZ2004-08-16 #****************************************************************************** # Generate and return a message authentication code (MAC) for a string. # (Uses ANSI X9.9 procedure.) #****************************************************************************** function makeMAC($msg,$Mackey){ if (strlen($msg)%8 != 0) { $extra = 8 - strlen($msg)%8; $msg .= str_repeat(" ", $extra); # pad to multiple of 8 } $mac = pack("C*", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # start with all zeros #$mac_result = unpack("C*", $mac); for ( $i=0; $iencrypt_des($mac,$Mackey); } #$mac = pack("C*", $mac); #$mac_result= encrypt_des($mac, $Mackey); $mac_result = unpack("H8", $mac); #$mac_result = $mac_result[""]; #use this function if PHP version before 4.3.4 #$mac_result = $mac_result[1]; #use this function if PHP version after 4.3.4 $mac_result = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "4.3.4", ">=")) ? $mac_result[1]: $mac_result[""]; return $mac_result; } #****************************************************************************** # This function ecrypts data using DES via libmcrypt # JZ2004-08-16 #****************************************************************************** function encrypt_des($data, $key) { # deprecated libmcrypt 2.2 encryption: use this if you have libmcrypt 2.2.x # $result = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, $data, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT); # return $result; # # otherwise use this for libmcrypt 2.4.x and above: $td = mcrypt_module_open('des', '', 'ecb', ''); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND); mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv); $result = mcrypt_generic($td, $data); #mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); #Might cause problem in some PHP version mcrypt_module_close($td); return $result; } #JZ2004-08-16 function getResponse($resp_enc){ #global $Mac_Key; $enc = pack("H*", $resp_enc); $resp = trim($this->decrypt_tripledes($enc, $this->Des_Key)); $xml = substr($resp, 0, strlen($resp)-8); $mac = substr($resp, -8); $checkmac = $this->makeMac($xml, $this->Mac_Key); if($mac != $checkmac){ $xml = "0Response MAC Invalid"; } $pxresp = new PxPayResponse($xml); return $pxresp; } #****************************************************************************** # Return the current time (GMT/UTC).The return time formatted YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. #JZ2004-08-30 #****************************************************************************** function getCurrentTS() { return gmstrftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time()); } } #****************************************************************************** # Class for PxPay request messages. #****************************************************************************** class PxPayRequest extends PxPayMessage { var $TxnId,$UrlFail,$UrlSuccess; var $AmountInput, $AppletVersion, $InputCurrency; var $EnableAddBillCard; var $TS; var $AppletType; #Constructor function PxPayRequest(){ $this->PxPayMessage(); } function setAppletType($AppletType){ $this->AppletType = $AppletType; } function getAppletType(){ return $this->AppletType; } function setTs($Ts){ $this->TS = $Ts; } function setEnableAddBillCard($EnableBillAddCard){ $this->EnableAddBillCard = $EnableBillAddCard; } function getEnableAddBillCard(){ return $this->EnableAddBillCard; } function setInputCurrency($InputCurrency){ $this->InputCurrency = $InputCurrency; } function getInputCurrency(){ return $this->InputCurrency; } function setTxnId( $TxnId) { $this->TxnId = $TxnId; } function getTxnId(){ return $this->TxnId; } function setUrlFail($UrlFail){ $this->UrlFail = $UrlFail; } function getUrlFail(){ return $this->UrlFail; } function setUrlSuccess($UrlSuccess){ $this->UrlSuccess = $UrlSuccess; } function setAmountInput($AmountInput){ $this->AmountInput = trim(sprintf("%9.2f",$AmountInput)); } function getAmountInput(){ return $this->AmountInput; } function setSwVersion($SwVersion){ $this->AppletVersion = $SwVersion; } function getSwVersion(){ return $this->AppletVersion; } #****************************************************************** #Data validation #****************************************************************** function validData(){ $msg = ""; if($this->TxnType != "Purchase") if($this->TxnType != "Auth") if($this->TxnType != "GetCurrRate") if($this->TxnType != "Refund") if($this->TxnType != "Complete") if($this->TxnType != "Order1") $msg = "Invalid TxnType[$this->TxnType]
"; if(strlen($this->MerchantReference) > 64) $msg = "Invalid MerchantReference [$this->MerchantReference]
"; if(strlen($this->TxnId) > 16) $msg = "Invalid TxnId [$this->TxnId]
"; if(strlen($this->TxnData1) > 255) $msg = "Invalid TxnData1 [$this->TxnData1]
"; if(strlen($this->TxnData2) > 255) $msg = "Invalid TxnData2 [$this->TxnData2]
"; if(strlen($this->TxnData3) > 255) $msg = "Invalid TxnData3 [$this->TxnData3]
"; if(strlen($this->EmailAddress) > 255) $msg = "Invalid EmailAddress [$this->EmailAddress]
"; if(strlen($this->UrlFail) > 255) $msg = "Invalid UrlFail [$this->UrlFail]
"; if(strlen($this->UrlSuccess) > 255) $msg = "Invalid UrlSuccess [$this->UrlSuccess]
"; if(strlen($this->BillingId) > 32) $msg = "Invalid BillingId [$this->BillingId]
"; if(strlen($this->DpsBillingId) > 16) $msg = "Invalid DpsBillingId [$this->DpsBillingId]
"; if ($msg != "") { trigger_error($msg,E_USER_ERROR); return false; } return true; } } #****************************************************************************** # Abstract base class for PxPay messages. # These are messages with certain defined elements, which can be serialized to XML. #****************************************************************************** class PxPayMessage { var $TxnType; var $TxnData1; var $TxnData2; var $TxnData3; var $MerchantReference; var $EmailAddress; var $BillingId; var $DpsBillingId; var $DpsTxnRef; function PxPayMessage(){ } function setDpsTxnRef($DpsTxnRef){ $this->DpsTxnRef = $DpsTxnRef; } function getDpsTxnRef(){ return $this->DpsTxnRef; } function setDpsBillingId($DpsBillingId){ $this->DpsBillingId = $DpsBillingId; } function getDpsBillingId(){ return $this->DpsBillingId; } function setBillingId($BillingId){ $this->BillingId = $BillingId; } function getBillingId(){ return $this->BillingId; } function setTxnType($TxnType){ $this->TxnType = $TxnType; } function getTxnType(){ return $this->TxnType; } function setMerchantReference($MerchantReference){ $this->MerchantReference = $MerchantReference; } function getMerchantReference(){ return $this->MerchantReference; } function setEmailAddress($EmailAddress){ $this->EmailAddress = $EmailAddress; } function getEmailAddress(){ return $this->EmailAddress; } function setTxnData1($TxnData1){ $this->TxnData1 = $TxnData1; } function getTxnData1(){ return $this->TxnData1; } function setTxnData2($TxnData2){ $this->TxnData2 = $TxnData2; } function getTxnData2(){ return $this->TxnData2; } function getTxnData3(){ return $this->TxnData3; } function setTxnData3($TxnData3){ $this->TxnData3 = $TxnData3; } function toXml(){ $arr = get_object_vars($this); $root = get_class($this); if($root == "PxPayRequest") $root = "Request"; elseif ($root == "PxPayResponse") $root = "Response"; else $root ="Request"; $xml = "<$root>"; while (list($prop, $val) = each($arr)) $xml .= "<$prop>$val" ; $xml .= ""; return $xml; } } #****************************************************************************** # Class for PxPay response messages. #****************************************************************************** class PxPayResponse extends PxPayMessage { var $Success; var $StatusRequired; var $Retry; var $AuthCode; var $AmountSettlement; var $CurrencySettlement; var $CardName; var $CurrencyInput; var $UserId; var $ResponseText; #var $DpsTxnRef; var $MerchantTxnId; var $TS; function PxPayResponse($xml){ $msg = new MifMessage($xml); $this->PxPayMessage(); $TS = $msg->get_element_text("TS"); $expiryTS = $this->getExpiredTS(); if(strcmp($TS, $expiryTS) < 0 ){ $this->Success = "0"; $this->ResponseText = "Response TS out of range"; return; } $this->setBillingId($msg->get_element_text("BillingId")); $this->setDpsBillingId($msg->get_element_text("DpsBillingId")); $this->setEmailAddress($msg->get_element_text("EmailAddress")); $this->setMerchantReference($msg->get_element_text("MerchantReference")); $this->setTxnData1($msg->get_element_text("TxnData1")); $this->setTxnData2($msg->get_element_text("TxnData2")); $this->setTxnData3($msg->get_element_text("TxnData3")); $this->setTxnType($msg->get_element_text("TxnType")); $this->Success = $msg->get_element_text("Success"); $this->StatusRequired = $msg->get_element_text("StatusRequired"); $this->Retry = $msg->get_element_text("Retry"); $this->AuthCode = $msg->get_element_text("AuthCode"); $this->AmountSettlement = $msg->get_element_text("AmountSettlement"); $this->CurrencySettlement = $msg->get_element_text("CurrencySettlement"); $this->CardName = $msg->get_element_text("CardName"); $this->CurrencyInput = $msg->get_element_text("CurrencyInput"); $this->UserId = $msg->get_element_text("UserId"); $this->ResponseText = $msg->get_element_text("ResponseText"); $this->DpsTxnRef = $msg->get_element_text("DpsTxnRef"); $this->MerchantTxnId = $msg->get_element_text("MerchantTxnId"); $this->TS = $msg->get_element_text("TS"); } function getTS(){ return $this->TS; } function getMerchantTxnId(){ return $this->MerchantTxnId; } function getResponseText(){ return $this->ResponseText; } function getUserId(){ return $this->UserId; } function getCurrencyInput(){ return $this->CurrencyInput; } function getCardName(){ return $this->CardName; } function getCurrencySettlement(){ $this->CurrencySettlement; } function getAmountSettlement(){ return $this->AmountSettlement; } function getSuccess(){ return $this->Success; } function getStatusRequired(){ return $this->StatusRequired; } function getRetry(){ return $this->Retry; } function getAuthCode(){ return $this->AuthCode; } #****************************************************************************** # Return the expired time, i.e. 2 days ago (GMT/UTC). #JZ2004-08-30 #****************************************************************************** function getExpiredTS() { return gmstrftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time()- 2 * 24 * 60 * 60); } } ?>