'.print_r($_POST, true).''); if(($_POST['wpsc_live_search']==true) && (get_option('show_live_search') == 1) && !empty($_POST['keyword'])){ $keyword=$_POST['keyword']; $search_sql = gold_shpcrt_search_sql($keyword); $product_list = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' $search_sql ORDER BY `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`name` ASC",ARRAY_A) ; //exit("SELECT DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' $search_sql ORDER BY `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`name` ASC"); $output = ""; $_SESSION['live_search_results'] = $product_list; exit($output); } if ($_POST['affiliate']==true) { if(!function_exists('affiliate_text')) { function affiliate_text($id, $user) { $output = ""; return $output; } } $id = $_POST['prodid']; $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $product = $product[0]; $link = affiliate_text($id,$_POST['uid']); echo ""; exit(); } if ($_POST['log_affiliate']==true) { $uid = $_POST['uid']; $amount = $_POST['amount']; $product = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}wpsc_affiliates SET paid=paid+$amount WHERE user_id='$uid'"); echo "uid=".$uid; exit(); } } function edit_submit_extra_images($id) { global $wpdb; foreach($_FILES['extra_image']['name'] as $key => $name) { if(($name != '') && ($_FILES['extra_image']['size'][$key] >= 0)) { $time_data = explode(" ",microtime()); $microtime = str_replace("0.", ".", $time_data[0]); $fulltime = $time_data[1].$microtime; $name = basename($name); // test to see if the image already exists if(file_exists(WPSC_IMAGE_DIR.$name)) { $name_parts = explode('.',basename($name)); $extension = array_pop($name_parts); $name_base = implode('.',$name_parts); $dir = glob(WPSC_IMAGE_DIR."$name_base*"); foreach($dir as $file) { $matching_files[] = basename($file); } $name = null; $num = 2; // loop till we find a free file name, first time I get to do a do loop in yonks do { $test_name = "{$name_base}-{$num}.{$extension}"; if(!file_exists(WPSC_IMAGE_DIR.$test_name)) { $name = $test_name; } $num++; } while ($name == null); } //echo("
"); //exit("
"); $new_image_path = (WPSC_IMAGE_DIR.$name); $type = $_FILES['extra_image']['type'][$key]; $tmp_name = $_FILES['extra_image']['tmp_name'][$key]; $resize_state = $_POST['extra_image_resize'][$key]; $extra_height = $_POST['extra_height'][$key]; $extra_width = $_POST['extra_width'][$key]; move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $new_image_path); if(function_exists("getimagesize")) { //image_processing($tmp_name,$new_image_path); $imagetype = @getimagesize($new_image_path); } $stat = stat( dirname( $new_image_path )); $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666; @ chmod( $new_image_path, $perms ); $insert_query = "INSERT INTO `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` ( `product_id` , `image` , `width` , `height` ) VALUES ( '$id', '$name', '".(int)$imagetype['width']."', '".(int)$imagetype['height']."');"; $wpdb->query($insert_query); } } return $output; } function edit_extra_images($id) { global $wpdb; //exit("
"); if($_POST['extra_image_id'] != null) { foreach($_POST['extra_image_id'] as $num => $value) { if($_POST['extra_deleteimage'][$num] == 1) { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `id` = '".$value."' LIMIT 1"); } } } return $output; } function edit_multiple_image_form($id) { global $wpdb; $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); $values = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `product_id` = '$id'",ARRAY_A); $num = 0; if($values != null) { foreach($values as $image) { if(function_exists("getimagesize")) { if($image['image'] != '') { $num++; $imagepath = WPSC_IMAGE_DIR . $image['image']; include('getimagesize.php'); $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "
"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= TXT_WPSC_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE.":
"; if(is_file(WPSC_IMAGE_DIR.$image['image'])) { $image_size = @getimagesize(WPSC_IMAGE_DIR.$image['image']); } if(($image_size[0] != '') && ($image_size[1] != '')) { $output .= "".$image_size[0]."x".$image_size[1].""; } $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " "; $output .= " "; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= "\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= ""; $output .= "


"; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= "
"; $output .= "".TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW.""; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; } } } } $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "".TXT_WPSC_ADD_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE.""; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "
"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; return $output; } function add_multiple_image_form($state = '') { $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= "".TXT_WPSC_ADD_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE."\n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; return $output; } function gold_shpcrt_preview_image() { global $wpdb; if(($_GET['view_preview'] == 'true') && is_numeric($_GET['imageid'])) { if(function_exists("getimagesize")) { $imagesql = "SELECT `image` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `id`='".$_GET['imageid']."' LIMIT 1"; $imagedata = $wpdb->get_results($imagesql,ARRAY_A); $imagepath = WPSC_IMAGE_DIR . $imagedata[0]['image']; if(is_numeric($_GET['height']) && is_numeric($_GET['width'])) { $height = $_GET['height']; $width = $_GET['width']; } else { $image_size = @getimagesize($imagepath); $width .= $image_size[0]; $height .= $image_size[1]; } if(($height > 0) && ($height <= 1024) && ($width > 0) && ($width <= 1024)) { include("image_preview.php"); } } } } function gold_shpcrt_display_extra_images($product_id,$product_name, $display = false) { global $wpdb; $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); $images = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `product_id` = '$product_id' ORDER BY `id` DESC",ARRAY_A); $output = ""; if($images != null) { foreach($images as $image) { $image_link = WPSC_IMAGE_URL.$image['image'].""; $display_style = ''; if($display == false) { $display_style = "style='display: none;'"; } $output .= "$product_name"; } } return $output; } function gold_shpcrt_display_gallery($product_id, $invisible = false) { global $wpdb; $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); if(get_option('show_gallery') == 1 && !isset($_GET['range'])) { /* No GD? No gallery. */ if(function_exists("getimagesize")) { /* get data about the base product image */ $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".$product_id."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $image_link = WPSC_IMAGE_URL.$product['image'].""; $image_file_name = $product['image']; $imagepath = WPSC_THUMBNAIL_DIR.$image_file_name; $base_image_size = @getimagesize($imagepath); /* get data about the extra product images */ $images = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `product_id` = '$product_id' AND `id` NOT IN('$image_file_name') ORDER BY `image_order` ASC",ARRAY_A); $output = ""; //echo "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `product_id` = '$product_id' AND `id` NOT IN('$image_file_name') ORDER BY `image_order` ASC"; $new_height = get_option('wpsc_gallery_image_height'); $new_width = get_option('wpsc_gallery_image_width'); if(count($images) > 0) { /* display gallery */ if($invisible == true) { foreach($images as $image) { $extra_imagepath = WPSC_IMAGE_DIR.$image['image'].""; $extra_image_size = @getimagesize($extra_imagepath); $thickbox_link = WPSC_IMAGE_URL.$image['image'].""; $image_link = "index.php?image_id=".$image['id']."&width=".$new_width."&height=".$new_height.""; $output .= " "; } } else { $output .= "


"; $output .= ""; } } } } return $output; } function gold_shpcrt_search_sql($search_string = '') { global $wpdb; $output = ""; if($search_string == '') { $search_string = $_GET['product_search']; } if($search_string != '') { $brand_sql = ''; $category_sql = ''; $search_string_title = "%".$wpdb->escape(stripslashes($search_string))."%"; $search_string_description = "%".$wpdb->escape(stripslashes($search_string))."%"; $category_list = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `name` LIKE '".$search_string_title."'"); $meta_list = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT `product_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `meta_value` REGEXP '".$wpdb->escape(stripslashes($search_string))."' AND `custom` IN ('1')"); //echo "SELECT `product_id` FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."wpsc_productmeta` WHERE `meta_value` LIKE '".$wpdb->escape(stripslashes($_GET['product_search']))."' AND `custom` IN ('1')"; if($category_list != null) { $category_assoc_list = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT `product_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` WHERE `category_id` IN ('".implode("', '", $category_list)."')"); $category_sql = "OR `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` IN ('".implode("', '", $category_assoc_list)."')"; } // this cannot currently list products that are associated with no categories $output = "AND (`".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`name` LIKE '".$search_string_title."' OR `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`description` LIKE '".$search_string_description."' OR `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` IN ('".implode("','",$meta_list)."') OR `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`additional_description` LIKE '".$search_string_description."' $category_sql )"; //echo $output; } return $output; } function gold_shpcrt_search_form(){ $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); $output = ''; if(get_option('permalink_structure') != '') { $seperator ="?"; } else { $seperator ="&"; } $output .= ""; echo $output; } function product_display_list($product_list, $group_type, $group_sql = '', $search_sql = '') { global $wpdb; $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); if(get_option('permalink_structure') != '') { $seperator ="?"; } else { $seperator ="&"; } $product_listing_data = wpsc_get_product_listing($product_list, $group_type, $group_sql, $search_sql); $product_list = $product_listing_data['product_list']; $output .= $product_listing_data['page_listing']; if($product_listing_data['category_id']) { $category_nice_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `nice-name` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `id` ='".(int)$product_listing_data['category_id']."' LIMIT 1"); } else { $category_nice_name = ''; } if($product_list != null) { $output .= ""; $i=0; foreach($product_list as $product) { $num++; if ($i%2 == 1) { $output .= " "; } else { $output .= " "; } $i++; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " "; $variations_procesor = new nzshpcrt_variations; $variations_output = $variations_procesor->display_product_variations($product['id'],false, false, true); if($variations_output[1] !== null) { $product['price'] = $variations_output[1]; } $output .= " "; $output .= " "; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; $output .= " \n\r"; } $output .= "
"; if($product['description'] != null) { $output .= ""; $output .= "".$product["; $output .= ""; } $output .= " "; if($product['special'] == 1) { $special = "".TXT_WPSC_SPECIAL." - "; } else { $special = ""; } $output .= "" . stripslashes($product['name']) . ""; $output .= " "; if(($product['quantity'] < 1) && ($product['quantity_limited'] == 1)) { $output .= "No"; } else { $output .= "Yes"; } $output .= " "; if(($product['special']==1) && ($variations_output[1] === null)) { $output .= nzshpcrt_currency_display(($product['price'] - $product['special_price']), $product['notax'],false,$product['id']) . "
"; } else { $output .= "".nzshpcrt_currency_display($product['price'], $product['notax']).""; } $output .= "
"; if (get_option('addtocart_or_buynow') == '0'){ $output .= "
"; } if(get_option('list_view_quantity') == 1) { $output .= " "; } $output .= $variations_output[0]; $output .= ""; $output .= ""; if (get_option('wpsc_selected_theme')=='iShop') { if (get_option('addtocart_or_buynow') == '0') { if(($product['quantity_limited'] == 1) && ($product['quantity'] < 1)) { $output .= ""; } else { $output .= ""; } } else { if(!(($product['quantity_limited'] == 1) && ($product['quantity'] < 1))){ $output .= google_buynow($product['id']); } } } else { if (get_option('addtocart_or_buynow') == '0') { if(($product['quantity_limited'] == 1) && ($product['quantity'] < 1)) { $output .= ""; } else { $output .= ""; } } else { if(!(($product['quantity_limited'] == 1) && ($product['quantity'] < 1))){ $output .= google_buynow($product['id']); } } } $output .= "
"; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= $product['description']; $output .= "
\n\r"; $output .= "
"; } else { $output .= "

".TXT_WPSC_NOITEMSINTHIS." ".$group_type.".

"; } return $output; } //written by allen function gold_shpcrt_xmlmaker(){ $keyword = $_POST['value']; header("Content-type: text/xml"); $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); global $wpdb; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' AND ".$wpdb->prefix."product_list.name LIKE '$keyword%'"; $product_list = $wpdb->get_results($sql,ARRAY_A) ; echo "\n\r"; //you can choose any name for the starting tag echo "\n\r"; if ($product_list != null) { foreach($product_list as $product) { echo $product['image']; echo "\n\r"; echo "\n\r"; echo "<a href='#' onClick='window.location=\"".$siteurl."/?page_id=3&product_id=".$product['id']."\"'>\n\r"; echo "<table cellspacing='2' border='0' class='products'>\n\r"; echo "<tr>\n\r"; echo "<td class='product_img' rowspan='2'>\n\r"; if($product['image']!=""){ echo "<img src='".WPSC_IMAGE_URL.$product['image']."' width='35' height='35' />\n\r"; } else { echo "<img src='./wp-content/plugins/".WPSC_DIR_NAME."/no-image-uploaded.gif' width='35' height='35'/>\n\r"; } echo "</td>\n\r"; echo "<td width='5px' rowspan='2'>\n\r"; echo "</td>\n\r"; echo "<td align='left'>\n\r"; echo "<strong>".$product['name']."</strong>\n\r"; echo "</td>\n\r"; echo "<tr>\n\r"; echo "<td>\n\r"; if (strlen($product['description'])>34){ $product['description'] = substr($product['description'],0,33)."..."; } echo $product['description']; echo "</td>\n\r"; echo "</tr>\n\r"; echo "</table>\n\r"; echo "</a>"; echo "\n\r"; echo "\n\r"; echo $product['name']; echo "\n\r"; echo ""; } } echo ""; exit(); } //end of written by allen $gold_gateway_directory = dirname(__FILE__).'/merchants/'; $gold_nzshpcrt_merchant_list = nzshpcrt_listdir($gold_gateway_directory); foreach($gold_nzshpcrt_merchant_list as $gold_nzshpcrt_merchant) { if(!is_dir($gold_gateway_directory.$gold_nzshpcrt_merchant)) { include_once($gold_gateway_directory.$gold_nzshpcrt_merchant); } $num++; } if(count((array)get_option('custom_gateway_options')) == 1) { // if there is only one active gateway, and it has form fields, append them to the end of the checkout form. $active_gateway = implode('',(array)get_option('custom_gateway_options')); if((count((array)$gateway_checkout_form_fields) == 1) && ($gateway_checkout_form_fields[$active_gateway] != '')) { $gateway_checkout_form_field = $gateway_checkout_form_fields[$active_gateway]; } } //exit("
"); if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/mp3_functions/mp3_functions.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/mp3_functions/mp3_functions.php'); } if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/dropshop/drag_and_drop_cart.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/dropshop/drag_and_drop_cart.php'); } if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/grid_display_functions.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/grid_display_functions.php'); } if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/members/members.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/members/members.php'); } if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/product_slider/product_slider.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/product_slider/product_slider.php'); } if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/api_key_generator/api_key_generator.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/api_key_generator/api_key_generator.php'); } /* re-added by dev.xiligroup 090701 */ if(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/touchShop/touchShopCore.php')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/touchShop/touchShopCore.php'); } if(isset($_GET['activate']) && $_GET['activate'] == 'true') { add_action('init', 'gold_shpcrt_install'); } if(get_option('show_search') == 1) { add_action('wpsc_top_of_products_page', 'gold_shpcrt_search_form'); } add_action('admin_head', 'gold_shpcrt_javascript'); add_action('wp_head', 'gold_shpcrt_javascript'); add_action('init', 'wpsc_gold_shpcrt_ajax'); //exit(get_option('show_live_search')); add_action('init', 'gold_shpcrt_preview_image'); } ?>