' . "\n" . ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['MainPageIconic'] ? '' : '' ) . ( $dbstats ? $strDatabasesStats : $strDatabases ) . "\n" .'' . "\n"; /** * Gets the databases list */ if ($server > 0) { $databases = PMA_DBI_get_databases_full(null, $dbstats, null, $sort_by, $sort_order, $pos, true); $databases_count = $PMA_List_Database->count(); } else { $databases_count = 0; } /** * Displays the page */ if ($databases_count > 0) { reset($databases); $first_database = current($databases); // table col order // there is no db specific collation or charset prior 4.1.0 if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40100) { $column_order['DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strCollation, 'description_function' => 'PMA_getCollationDescr', 'format' => 'string', 'footer' => PMA_getServerCollation(), ); } $column_order['SCHEMA_TABLES'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strNumTables, 'format' => 'number', 'footer' => 0, ); $column_order['SCHEMA_TABLE_ROWS'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strRows, 'format' => 'number', 'footer' => 0, ); $column_order['SCHEMA_DATA_LENGTH'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strData, 'format' => 'byte', 'footer' => 0, ); $column_order['SCHEMA_INDEX_LENGTH'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strIndexes, 'format' => 'byte', 'footer' => 0, ); $column_order['SCHEMA_LENGTH'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strTotalUC, 'format' => 'byte', 'footer' => 0, ); $column_order['SCHEMA_DATA_FREE'] = array( 'disp_name' => $strOverhead, 'format' => 'byte', 'footer' => 0, ); $_url_params = array( 'pos' => $pos, 'dbstats' => $dbstats, 'sort_by' => $sort_by, 'sort_order' => $sort_order, ); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList'] < $databases_count) { // Move to the beginning or to the previous page if ($pos > 0) { // loic1: patch #474210 from Gosha Sakovich - part 1 if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationBarIconic']) { $caption1 = '<<'; $caption2 = ' < '; $title1 = ' title="' . $GLOBALS['strPos1'] . '"'; $title2 = ' title="' . $GLOBALS['strPrevious'] . '"'; } else { $caption1 = $GLOBALS['strPos1'] . ' <<'; $caption2 = $GLOBALS['strPrevious'] . ' <'; $title1 = ''; $title2 = ''; } // end if... else... $_url_params['pos'] = 0; echo '' . $caption1 . ''; $_url_params['pos'] = $pos - $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']; echo '' . $caption2 . ''; } echo '
'; if ($pos + $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList'] < $databases_count) { if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationBarIconic']) { $caption3 = ' > '; $caption4 = '>>'; $title3 = ' title="' . $GLOBALS['strNext'] . '"'; $title4 = ' title="' . $GLOBALS['strEnd'] . '"'; } else { $caption3 = '> ' . $GLOBALS['strNext']; $caption4 = '>> ' . $GLOBALS['strEnd']; $title3 = ''; $title4 = ''; } // end if... else... $_url_params['pos'] = $pos + $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']; echo '' . $caption3 . ''; $_url_params['pos'] = floor($databases_count / $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']) * $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxDbList']; echo '' . $caption4 . ''; } } $_url_params['pos'] = $pos; echo ''; } else { echo $strNoDatabases; } unset($databases_count); /** * Create new database. */ if ($cfg['ShowCreateDb']) { echo '