query_vars['category_id'])) { $category_id = $wp_query->query_vars['category_id']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['category'])) { $category_id = $_GET['category']; } // if we have no categories, and no search, show the group list //exit('product id '.$product_id.' catid '.$category_id ); if(is_numeric(get_option('wpsc_default_category')) || (is_numeric($product_id)) || ($_GET['product_search'] != '')) { $output = true; } if((get_option('wpsc_default_category') == 'all+list')|| (get_option('wpsc_default_category') == 'list')){ $output = true; } } if($category_id > 0) { $output = false; } return $output; } /** * wpsc display products function * Used to determine whether to display products on the page * @return boolean - true for yes, false for no */ function wpsc_display_products() { //we have to display something, if we are not displaying categories, then we must display products $output = true; if(wpsc_display_categories()) { if(get_option('wpsc_default_category') == 'list') { $output = false; } if(isset($_GET['range']) || isset($_GET['category'])){ $output = true; } } return $output; } /** * this page url function, returns the URL of this page * @return string - the URL of the current page */ function wpsc_this_page_url() { global $wpsc_query; //echo "category,true).""; if($wpsc_query->is_single === true) { return wpsc_product_url($wpsc_query->product['id']); } else { $output = wpsc_category_url($wpsc_query->category); if($wpsc_query->query_vars['page'] > 1) { // if(get_option('permalink_structure')) { $output .= "page/{$wpsc_query->query_vars['page']}/"; } else { $output = add_query_arg('page_number', $wpsc_query->query_vars['page'], $output); } } return $output; } } /** * is single product function, determines if we are viewing a single product * @return boolean - true, or false... */ function wpsc_is_single_product() { global $wpsc_query; if($wpsc_query->is_single === true) { $state = true; } else { $state = false; } return $state; } /** * category class function, categories can have a specific class, this gets that * @return string - the class of the selected category */ function wpsc_category_class() { global $wpdb, $wp_query; $category_nice_name = ''; if($wp_query->query_vars['product_category'] != null) { $catid = $wp_query->query_vars['product_category']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['category'])) { $catid = $_GET['category']; } else if(is_numeric($GLOBALS['wpsc_category_id'])) { $catid = $GLOBALS['wpsc_category_id']; } else { $catid = get_option('wpsc_default_category'); if($catid == 'all+list') { $catid = 'all'; } } if((int)$catid > 0) { $category_nice_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `nice-name` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `id` ='".(int)$catid."' LIMIT 1"); } else if($catid == 'all') { $category_nice_name = 'all-categories'; } //exit("
"); return $category_nice_name; } /** * wpsc have products function, the product loop * @return boolean true while we have products, otherwise, false */ function wpsc_have_products() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->have_products(); } /** * wpsc the product function, gets the next product, * @return nothing */ function wpsc_the_product() { global $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query->the_product(); } /** * wpsc in the loop function, * @return boolean - true if we are in the loop */ function wpsc_in_the_loop() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->in_the_loop; } /** * wpsc rewind products function, rewinds back to the first product * @return nothing */ function wpsc_rewind_products() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->rewind_products(); } /** * wpsc the product id function, * @return integer - the product ID */ function wpsc_the_product_id() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->product['id']; } /** * wpsc edit the product link function * @return string - a link to edit this product */ function wpsc_edit_the_product_link( $link = null, $before = '', $after = '', $id = 0 ) { global $wpsc_query, $current_user, $table_prefix; if ( $link == null ) { $link = __('Edit'); } $product_id = $wpsc_query->product['id']; if ( $id > 0 ) { $product_id = $id; } $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); get_currentuserinfo(); $output = ''; if($current_user->{$table_prefix . 'capabilities'}['administrator'] == 1) { $output = $before . "" . $link . "" . $after; } return $output; } /** * wpsc the product title function * @return string - the product title */ function wpsc_the_product_title() { global $wpsc_query; //return stripslashes($wpsc_query->the_product_title()); return htmlentities(stripslashes($wpsc_query->the_product_title()), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } /** * wpsc product description function * @return string - the product description */ function wpsc_the_product_description() { global $wpsc_query, $allowedtags; $description_allowed_tags = $allowedtags + array( 'img' => array( 'src' => array(),'width' => array(),'height' => array(), ), 'span' => array( 'style' => array() ), 'ul' => array(), 'li' => array(), 'table' => array(), 'tr'=>array( 'class'=>array(), ), 'th' => array( 'class'=>array(), ), 'td' => array( 'class'=>array(), ), ); return wpautop(wptexturize( wp_kses(stripslashes($wpsc_query->product['description']), $description_allowed_tags ))); } /** * wpsc additional product description function * TODO make this work with the tabbed multiple product descriptions, may require another loop * @return string - the additional description */ function wpsc_the_product_additional_description() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->product['additional_description']; } /** * wpsc product permalink function * @return string - the URL to the single product page for this product */ function wpsc_the_product_permalink() { global $wpsc_query; return wpsc_product_url($wpsc_query->product['id']); } /** * wpsc product price function * @return string - the product price */ function wpsc_the_product_price() { global $wpsc_query; $price = calculate_product_price($wpsc_query->product['id'], $wpsc_query->first_variations); if(($wpsc_query->product['special_price'] > 0) && (($wpsc_query->product['price'] - $wpsc_query->product['special_price'] ) >= 0) && ($variations_output[1] === null)) { $output = nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, $wpsc_query->product['notax'],true, $wpsc_query->product['id']); } else { $output = nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, $wpsc_query->product['notax'], true); } if(get_option('display_pnp') == 1) { //$output = nzshpcrt_currency_display($wpsc_query->product['pnp'], 1); } //echo $price; //echo "
"; return $output; } /** * wpsc external link function * @return string - the product price */ function wpsc_product_external_link($id){ global $wpdb, $wpsc_query; $id = absint($id); $externalLink = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `meta_value` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id`='{$id}' AND `meta_key`='external_link' LIMIT 1"); return $externalLink; } /** * wpsc product sku function * @return string - the product price */ function wpsc_product_sku($id){ global $wpdb; $id = absint($id); $sku = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `meta_value` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id`='{$id}' AND `meta_key`='sku' LIMIT 1"); return $sku; } /** * wpsc product has stock function * TODO this may need modifying to work with variations, test this * @return boolean - true if the product has stock or does not use stock, false if it does not */ function wpsc_product_has_stock() { // Is the product in stock? global $wpsc_query; if((count($wpsc_query->first_variations) == 0) && ($wpsc_query->product['quantity_limited'] == 1) && ($wpsc_query->product['quantity'] < 1)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * wpsc product remaining stock function * @return integer - the amount of remaining stock, or null if product is stockless */ function wpsc_product_remaining_stock() { // how much stock is left? global $wpsc_query; if((count($wpsc_query->first_variations) == 0) && ($wpsc_query->product['quantity_limited'] == 1) && ($wpsc_query->product['quantity'] > 0)) { return $wpsc_query->product['quantity']; } else { return null; } } /** * wpsc is donation function * @return boolean - true if it is a donation, otherwise false */ function wpsc_product_is_donation() { // Is the product a donation? global $wpsc_query; if($wpsc_query->product['donation'] == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * wpsc product on special function * @return boolean - true if the product is on special, otherwise false */ function wpsc_product_on_special() { // function to determine if the product is on special global $wpsc_query; //echo "
"; if(($wpsc_query->product['special_price'] > 0) && (($wpsc_query->product['price'] - $wpsc_query->product['special_price']) >= 0) && (count($wpsc_query->first_variations) < 1)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * wpsc product has file function * @return boolean - true if the product has a file */ function wpsc_product_has_file() { global $wpsc_query, $wpdb; if(is_numeric($wpsc_query->product['file']) && ($wpsc_query->product['file'] > 0)) { return true; } return false; } /** * wpsc product is modifiable function * @return boolean - true if the product has a file */ function wpsc_product_is_customisable() { global $wpsc_query, $wpdb; $engraved_text = get_product_meta($wpsc_query->product['id'], 'engraved'); $can_have_uploaded_image = get_product_meta($wpsc_query->product['id'], 'can_have_uploaded_image'); if(($engraved_text == 'on') || ($can_have_uploaded_image == 'on')) { return true; } return false; } /** * wpsc product has personal text function * @return boolean - true if the product has a file */ function wpsc_product_has_personal_text() { global $wpsc_query, $wpdb; $engraved_text = get_product_meta($wpsc_query->product['id'], 'engraved'); if($engraved_text == 'on') { return true; } return false; } /** * wpsc product has personal file function * @return boolean - true if the product has a file */ function wpsc_product_has_supplied_file() { global $wpsc_query, $wpdb; $can_have_uploaded_image = get_product_meta($wpsc_query->product['id'], 'can_have_uploaded_image'); if($can_have_uploaded_image == 'on') { return true; } return false; } /** * wpsc product postage and packaging function * @return string - currently only valid for flat rate */ function wpsc_product_postage_and_packaging() { global $wpsc_query; return nzshpcrt_currency_display($wpsc_query->product['pnp'], 1, true); } /** * wpsc normal product price function * TODO determine why this function is here * @return string - returns some form of product price */ function wpsc_product_normal_price() { global $wpsc_query; $price = calculate_product_price($wpsc_query->product['id'], $wpsc_query->first_variations, true); if(($wpsc_query->product['special_price'] > 0) && (($wpsc_query->product['price'] - $wpsc_query->product['special_price']) >= 0) && ($variations_output[1] === null)) { $output = nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, $wpsc_query->product['notax'],true,$wpsc_query->product['id']); } else { $output = nzshpcrt_currency_display($price, $wpsc_query->product['notax'], true); } return $output; } /** * wpsc product image function * if no parameters are passed, the image is not resized, otherwise it is resized to the specified dimensions * @param integer width * @param integer height * @return string - the product image URL, or the URL of the resized version */ function wpsc_the_product_image($width = null, $height = null) { // show the full sized image for the product, if supplied with dimensions, will resize image to those. global $wpsc_query, $wpdb; $image_file_name = null; if($wpsc_query->product['image_file'] != null) { $image_file_name = $wpsc_query->product['image_file']; } else if ($wpsc_query->product['image'] != null) { if(is_numeric($wpsc_query->product['image'])){ $image_file_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `image` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES."` WHERE `id`= '".$wpsc_query->product['image']."' LIMIT 1"); }else{ $image_file_name = $wpsc_query->product['image']; } $wpsc_query->product['image_file'] = $wpsc_query->product['image']; } if($image_file_name != null) { if(($width > 0) && ($height > 0)) { return "index.php?image_id=".$wpsc_query->product['image']."&width=".$width."&height=".$height; } else { $image_url = WPSC_IMAGE_URL.$image_file_name; if(is_ssl()) { $image_url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $image_url); } return $image_url; } } else { return false; } } /** * wpsc product thumbnail function * @return string - the URL to the thumbnail image */ function wpsc_the_product_thumbnail() { // show the thumbnail image for the product global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->the_product_thumbnail(); } /** * wpsc product comment link function * @return string - javascript required to make the intense debate link work */ function wpsc_product_comment_link() { // add the product comment link global $wpsc_query; if (get_option('wpsc_enable_comments') == 1) { $enable_for_product = get_product_meta($wpsc_query->product['id'], 'enable_comments'); if ((get_option('wpsc_comments_which_products') == 1 && $enable_for_product == '') || $enable_for_product == 'yes') { $original = array("&","'",":","/","@","?","="); $entities = array("%26","%27","%3A","%2F","%40","%3F","%3D"); $output = "
"; } } return $output; } /** * wpsc product comments function * @return string - javascript for the intensedebate comments */ function wpsc_product_comments() { global $wpsc_query; // add the product comments if (get_option('wpsc_enable_comments') == 1) { $enable_for_product = get_product_meta($wpsc_query->product['id'], 'enable_comments'); if ((get_option('wpsc_comments_which_products') == 1 && $enable_for_product == '') || $enable_for_product == 'yes') { $output = " "; } } return $output; } /** * wpsc have custom meta function * @return boolean - true while we have custom meta to display */ function wpsc_have_custom_meta() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->have_custom_meta(); } /** * wpsc the custom meta function * @return nothing - iterate through the custom meta vallues */ function wpsc_the_custom_meta() { global $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query->the_custom_meta(); } /** * wpsc have variation groups function * @return boolean - true while we have variation groups */ function wpsc_have_variation_groups() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->have_variation_groups(); } /** * wpsc the variation group function * @return nothing - iterate through the variation groups */ function wpsc_the_variation_group() { global $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query->the_variation_group(); } /** * wpsc have variations function * @return boolean - true while we have variations */ function wpsc_have_variations() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->have_variations(); } /** * wpsc the variation function * @return nothing - iterate through the variations */ function wpsc_the_variation() { global $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query->the_variation(); } function wpsc_product_has_multicurrency(){ global $wpdb, $wpsc_query; $sql = "SELECT `meta_key`, `meta_value` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id`=".$wpsc_query->product['id']." AND `meta_key` LIKE 'currency%'"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if(count($results) > 0){ return true; }else{ return false; } // exit('
'.print_r($results, true).'
'); } function wpsc_display_product_multicurrency(){ global $wpdb, $wpsc_query; $output = ''; $sql = "SELECT `meta_key`, `meta_value` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id`=".$wpsc_query->product['id']." AND `meta_key` LIKE 'currency%'"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if(count($results) > 0){ foreach((array)$results as $curr){ $isocode = str_ireplace("currency[", "", $curr['meta_key']); $isocode = str_ireplace("]", "", $isocode); $currency_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `symbol`,`symbol_html`,`code` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `isocode`='".$isocode."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A) ; if($currency_data['symbol'] != '') { $currency_sign = $currency_data['symbol_html']; } else { $currency_sign = $currency_data['code']; } $output .=''.$currency_sign.' '.nzshpcrt_currency_display($curr["meta_value"],false,false,false,true).'
'; //exit('
'.print_r($currency_sign, true).'
'); } } return $output; } /** * wpsc variation group name function * @return string - the variaton group name */ function wpsc_the_vargrp_name() { // get the variation group name; global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->variation_group['name']; } /** * wpsc variation group form ID function * @return string - the variation group form id, for labels and the like */ function wpsc_vargrp_form_id() { // generate the variation group form ID; global $wpsc_query; $form_id = "variation_select_{$wpsc_query->product['id']}_{$wpsc_query->variation_group['variation_id']}"; return $form_id; } /** * wpsc variation group ID function * @return integer - the variation group ID */ function wpsc_vargrp_id() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->variation_group['variation_id']; } /** * wpsc the variation name function * @return string - the variation name */ function wpsc_the_variation_name() { global $wpsc_query; return stripslashes($wpsc_query->variation['name']); } /** * wpsc the variation ID function * @return integer - the variation ID */ function wpsc_the_variation_id() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->variation['id']; } /** * wpsc the variation out_of_stock function * @return string - HTML attribute to disable select options and radio buttons */ function wpsc_the_variation_out_of_stock() { global $wpsc_query, $wpdb; $out_of_stock = false; //$wpsc_query->the_variation(); if(($wpsc_query->variation_group_count == 1) && ($wpsc_query->product['quantity_limited'] == 1)) { $product_id = $wpsc_query->product['id']; $variation_group_id = $wpsc_query->variation_group['variation_id']; $variation_id = $wpsc_query->variation['id']; $priceandstock_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `priceandstock_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_COMBINATIONS."` WHERE `product_id` = '{$product_id}' AND `value_id` IN ( '$variation_id' ) AND `all_variation_ids` IN('$variation_group_id') LIMIT 1"); $variation_stock_data = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `stock` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_PROPERTIES."` WHERE `id` = '{$priceandstock_id}' LIMIT 1"); if($variation_stock_data < 1) { $out_of_stock = true; } } if($out_of_stock == true) { return "disabled='disabled'"; } else { return ''; } } /** * wpsc custom meta name function * @return string - the custom metal name */ function wpsc_custom_meta_name() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->custom_meta_values['meta_key']; } /** * wpsc custom meta value function * @return string - the custom meta value */ function wpsc_custom_meta_value() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->custom_meta_values['meta_value']; } /** * wpsc product rater function * @return string - HTML to display the product rater */ function wpsc_product_rater() { global $wpsc_query; if(get_option('product_ratings') == 1) { $output .= ""; } return $output; } /** * wpsc has breadcrumbs function * @return boolean - true if we have and use them, false otherwise */ function wpsc_has_breadcrumbs() { global $wpsc_query; if(($wpsc_query->breadcrumb_count > 0) && (get_option("show_breadcrumbs") == 1)){ return true; } else { return false; } } /** * wpsc have breadcrumbs function * @return boolean - true if we have breadcrimbs to loop through */ function wpsc_have_breadcrumbs() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->have_breadcrumbs(); } /** * wpsc the breadcrumbs function * @return nothing - iterate through the breadcrumbs */ function wpsc_the_breadcrumb() { global $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query->the_breadcrumb(); } /** * wpsc breadcrumb name function * @return string - the breadcrumb name */ function wpsc_breadcrumb_name() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->breadcrumb['name']; } /** * wpsc breadcrumb URL function * @return string - the breadcrumb URL */ function wpsc_breadcrumb_url() { global $wpsc_query; if($wpsc_query->breadcrumb['url'] == '') { return false; } else { return $wpsc_query->breadcrumb['url']; } } /** * wpsc currency sign function * @return string - the selected currency sign for the store */ function wpsc_currency_sign() { global $wpdb; $currency_sign_location = get_option('currency_sign_location'); $currency_type = get_option('currency_type'); $currency_symbol = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `symbol_html` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".$currency_type."' LIMIT 1") ; return $currency_symbol; } /** * wpsc has pages function * @return boolean - true if we have pages */ function wpsc_has_pages() { global $wpsc_query; if($wpsc_query->page_count > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * wpsc have pages function * @return boolean - true while we have pages to loop through */ function wpsc_have_pages() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->have_pages(); } /** * wpsc the page function * @return nothing - iterate through the pages */ function wpsc_the_page() { global $wpsc_query; $wpsc_query->the_page(); } /** * wpsc page number function * @return integer - the page number */ function wpsc_page_number() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->page['number']; } /** * this is for the multi adding property, it checks to see whether multi adding is enabled; * */ function wpsc_has_multi_adding(){ if(get_option('multi_add') == 1){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * wpsc page is selected function * @return boolean - true if the page is selected */ function wpsc_page_is_selected() { // determine if we are on this page global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->page['selected']; } /** * wpsc page URL function * @return string - the page URL */ function wpsc_page_url() { // generate the page URL global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->page['url']; } /** * wpsc product count function * @return string - the page URL */ function wpsc_product_count() { global $wpsc_query; return $wpsc_query->product_count; } /** * The WPSC Query class. * * @since 3.7 */ class WPSC_Query { var $query; var $query_vars = array(); var $queried_object; var $queried_object_id; var $request; // This selected category, for the breadcrumbs var $category; var $category_product = array(); // product loop variables. var $products; var $product_count = 0; var $current_product = -1; var $in_the_loop = false; var $product; // variation groups: i.e. colour, size var $variation_groups; var $variation_group_count = 0; var $current_variation_group = -1; var $variation_group; // for getting the product price var $first_variations; //variations inside variation groups: i.e. (red, green, blue) or (S, M, L, XL) var $variations; var $variations_count = 0; var $current_variation = -1; var $variation; // Custom meta values var $custom_meta; var $custom_meta_count = 0; var $current_custom_meta = -1; var $custom_meta_values; // Breadcrumbs var $breadcrumbs; var $breadcrumb_count = 0; var $current_breadcrumb = -1; var $breadcrumb; // Pages var $pages; var $page_count = 0; var $current_page = -1; var $page; var $found_products = 0; var $max_num_pages = 0; var $is_single = false; var $is_search = false; /** * The WPSC query constructor, if no query is passed to it, it makes one from the WP_Query data * * @since 3.7 * * @param string $query URL query string. * @return WPSC_Query */ function WPSC_Query ($query = '') { if (empty($query)) { $query = $this->create_default_query(); } $this->parse_query($query); $this->get_products(); //echo("
"); } function create_default_query() { global $wp_query; // get the product_url_name or ID if(isset($wp_query->query_vars['product_url_name']) && ($wp_query->query_vars['product_url_name'] != '')) { $query['product_url_name'] = $wp_query->query_vars['product_url_name']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['category'])) { $query['product_id'] = $_GET['product_id']; } // get the category ID if($wp_query->query_vars['category_id'] > 0) { $query['category_id'] = $wp_query->query_vars['category_id']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['category'])) { $query['category_id'] = $_GET['category']; } // get the category ID if($wp_query->query_vars['category_id'] > 0) { $query['category_id'] = $wp_query->query_vars['category_id']; } // get the page number if($wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_page'] > 0) { $query['page'] = $wp_query->query_vars['wpsc_page']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['page_number'])) { $query['page'] = $_GET['page_number']; } if(isset($_GET['order'])) { $query['sort_order'] = $_GET['order']; $_SESSION['wpsc_product_order'] = $_GET['order']; } else if(isset($_GET['product_order'])) { $query['sort_order'] = $_GET['product_order']; $_SESSION['wpsc_product_order'] = $_GET['order']; } else if(isset($_SESSION['wpsc_product_order'])) { $query['sort_order'] = $_SESSION['wpsc_product_order']; } if(isset($_GET['items_per_page'])) { $query['number_per_page'] = $_GET['items_per_page']; $_SESSION['wpsc_number_per_page'] = $_GET['items_per_page']; } else if(isset($_SESSION['wpsc_product_order'])) { $query['number_per_page'] = $_SESSION['wpsc_number_per_page']; } //$query['sort_order'] //$query['number_per_page'] return $query; } /** * Resets query flags to false. * * The query flags are what page info wp-eCommerce was able to figure out, same as the equivalent method on WordPress **/ function init_query_flags() { $this->is_search = false; $this->is_feed = false; $this->is_404 = false; } /** * Initiates object properties and sets default values, same as the equivalent method on WordPress * * @since 3.7 * @access public **/ function init () { $this->category = null; unset($this->products); unset($this->query); $this->query_vars = array(); unset($this->queried_object); unset($this->queried_object_id); $this->product_count = 0; $this->current_product = -1; $this->in_the_loop = false; $this->variation_groups = null; $this->variation_group = null; $this->variations = null; $this->variation = null; $this->custom_meta = null; $this->custom_meta_values = null; $this->breadcrumbs = null; $this->breadcrumb = null; $this->pages = null; $this->page = null; $this->init_query_flags(); } /** * Fills in the query variables, which do not exist within the parameter. * * @since 3.7 * @access public * * @param array $array Defined query variables. * @return array Complete query variables with undefined ones filled in empty. */ function fill_query_vars($array) { /// remove the comments at the ends of lines in this array once all of these work, until then, only the ones with "// works" work $keys = array( 'product_id' // works , 'product_url_name' // works , 'product_name' , 'category_id' // works , 'category_url_name' // works , 'tag' , 'price' , 'limit_of_items' , 'sort_order' , 'number_per_page' // works , 'page' //, 'sku' ); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ( !isset($array[$key])) $array[$key] = ''; } return $array; } /** * Parse a query string and set query type booleans. * * @since 3.7 * @access public * * @param string|array $query */ function parse_query ($query) { if ( !empty($query) || !isset($this->query) ) { $this->init(); if ( is_array($query) ) $this->query_vars = $query; else parse_str($query, $this->query_vars); $this->query = $query; } $this->query_vars = $this->fill_query_vars($this->query_vars); $qv = &$this->query_vars; // we need a category ID if(!($qv['category_id'] > 0) && ($qv['category_url_name'] == '')) { $qv['category_id'] = get_option('wpsc_default_category'); } // we need a number of items per page if(!($qv['number_per_page'] > 0) && ($qv['number_per_page'] != 'all')) { $qv['number_per_page'] = get_option('wpsc_products_per_page'); } $qv['product_id'] = absint($qv['product_id']); $qv['product_url_name'] = trim($qv['product_url_name']); $qv['product_name'] = trim($qv['product_name']); $qv['category_id'] = absint($qv['category_id']); $qv['category_url_name'] = trim($qv['category_url_name']); $qv['tag'] = trim($qv['tag']); $qv['price'] = absint($qv['price']); $qv['limit_of_items'] = absint($qv['limit_of_items']); $qv['sort_order'] = trim($qv['sort_order']); $qv['number_per_page'] = absint($qv['number_per_page']); $qv['page'] = absint($qv['page']); } function &get_products() { global $wpdb, $wp_query; do_action_ref_array('pre_get_products', array(&$this)); if(($this->query_vars['category_url_name'] != '')) { $category_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `id`, `image_height`, `image_width` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `active`='1' AND `nice-name` = '{$this->query_vars['category_url_name']}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $this->query_vars['category_id'] = $category_data['id']; $this->category = $this->query_vars['category_id']; } else if($this->query_vars['category_id'] > 0) { $category_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `image_height`, `image_width` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `active`='1' AND `id` = '{$this->query_vars['category_id']}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); } if(is_array($category_data)) { $this->category_product['image_height'] = $category_data['image_height']; $this->category_product['image_width'] = $category_data['image_width']; } if($this->query_vars['product_url_name'] != null) { $product_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `product_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `meta_key` IN ( 'url_name' ) AND `meta_value` IN ( '".stripslashes($this->query_vars['product_url_name'])."' ) ORDER BY `product_id` DESC LIMIT 1"); //echo "SELECT `product_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `meta_key` IN ( 'url_name' ) AND `meta_value` IN ( '".stripslashes($this->query_vars['product_url_name'])."' ) ORDER BY `product_id` DESC LIMIT 1
"; } else { $product_id = absint($this->query_vars['product_id']); } if(($product_id > 0)) { $product_list = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".(int)$product_id."' AND `active` IN('1') AND `publish` IN('1') LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); } if(isset($_SESSION['price_range']) && isset($_GET['range'])){ if (is_numeric($_GET['range']) || isset($_SESSION['price_range'])) { $price_ranges = $_SESSION['price_range']; $selected_price_point = absint($_GET['range']); $next_price_point = $selected_price_point + 1; //echo "
"; $product_range_sql_parts = array(); $variation_sql_parts = array(); $product_sql_parts = array(); if(isset($price_ranges[$selected_price_point])) { $product_range_sql_parts[] = "(`price` - `special_price`) >= '".absint($price_ranges[$selected_price_point])."'"; $variation_sql_parts[] = "`price` >= '".absint($price_ranges[$selected_price_point])."'"; if(isset($price_ranges[$next_price_point])) { $product_range_sql_parts[] = "(`price` - `special_price`) < '".absint($price_ranges[$next_price_point])."'"; $variation_sql_parts[] = "`price` < '".absint($price_ranges[$next_price_point])."'"; } $variation_product_ids = (array)$wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT `product_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_PROPERTIES."` WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $variation_sql_parts).""); if(count($variation_product_ids) > 0 ) { $product_sql_parts[] = "( (".implode(" AND ", $product_range_sql_parts).") OR `id` IN('".implode("', '", $variation_product_ids)."') )"; } else { $product_sql_parts += $product_range_sql_parts; } } $product_sql_parts[] = "`active` IN ('1')"; $product_sql_parts[] = "`publish` IN('1')"; $range_sql="SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $product_sql_parts).""; //echo $range_sql; $product_list = $wpdb->get_results($range_sql,ARRAY_A); } } //exit('Here:
'.print_r($this->query_vars, true).'
'); if(count($product_list) > 0 && !isset($_GET['range'])) { // if is a single product $this->is_single = true; $this->products = $product_list; $this->category = $this->query_vars['category_id']; } elseif(count($product_list) > 0 && isset($_GET['range'])) { $this->is_single = false; $this->products = $product_list; $this->category = $this->query_vars['category_id']; }else{ // Otherwise //if we are using pages, how many items per page and what page? if((get_option('use_pagination') == 1)) { $products_per_page = $this->query_vars['number_per_page']; if($this->query_vars['page'] > 0) { $startnum = ($this->query_vars['page']-1)*$products_per_page; } else { $startnum = 0; } } else { $startnum = 0; } // search section is done here if(function_exists('gold_shpcrt_search_sql') && ($_GET['product_search'] != '')) { $search_sql = gold_shpcrt_search_sql(); if($search_sql != '') { // this cannot currently list products that are associated with no categories $rowcount = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id`) AS `count` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`,`".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`publish`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` = `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`product_id` AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.donation = '0' $search_sql"); if (isset($_SESSION['item_per_page'])) $products_per_page = $_SESSION['item_per_page']; //exit($products_per_page); if(!is_numeric($products_per_page) || ($products_per_page < 1)) { $products_per_page = $rowcount; } if($startnum >= $rowcount) { $startnum = 0; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`,`".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`publish`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` = `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`product_id` $no_donations_sql $search_sql ORDER BY `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`special` DESC LIMIT $startnum, $products_per_page"; } } else if (($wp_query->query_vars['ptag'] != null) || ( $_GET['ptag']!=null)) { // search by tags is done here if($wp_query->query_vars['ptag'] != null) { $tag = $wp_query->query_vars['ptag']; } else { $tag = $_GET['ptag']; } $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->terms}` WHERE slug='$tag'"); $term_id = $results[0]->term_id; $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->term_taxonomy}` WHERE term_id = '".$term_id."' AND taxonomy='product_tag'"); $taxonomy_id = $results[0]->term_taxonomy_id; $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->term_relationships}` WHERE term_taxonomy_id = '".$taxonomy_id."'"); foreach ($results as $result) { $product_ids[] = $result->object_id; } $product_id = implode(",",$product_ids); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST." WHERE id IN (".$product_id.") AND `publish` IN('1') AND `active` IN('1')"; //Transom - added publish & active } else { // select by category is done here if(is_numeric($this->query_vars['category_id']) && ($this->query_vars['category_id'] > 0)) { /* * The reason this is so complicated is because of the product ordering, it is done by category/product association * If you can see a way of simplifying it and speeding it up, then go for it. */ $rowcount = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id`) AS `count` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` LEFT JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` ON `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` = `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`product_id` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`publish`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active` = '1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`category_id` IN ('".$this->query_vars['category_id']."') $no_donations_sql"); if(!is_numeric($products_per_page) || ($products_per_page < 1)) { $products_per_page = $rowcount; } if($startnum >= $rowcount) { $startnum = 0; } if($this->query_vars['sort_order']=='DESC') { $order = 'DESC'; } else { $order = 'ASC'; } // Invert this for alphabetical ordering. if (get_option('wpsc_sort_by')=='name') { if( $order == 'ASC'){ $order = 'DESC'; }else{ $order = 'ASC'; } $order_by = "`products`.`name` $order"; } else if (get_option('wpsc_sort_by') == 'price') { $order_by = "`products`.`price` $order"; } else { //$order = 'ASC'; if( $order == 'ASC'){ $product_id_order = 'DESC'; }else{ $product_id_order = 'ASC'; } $order_by = " `order_state` DESC,`order`.`order` $order, `products`.`id` $product_id_order"; //$order_by = " `order_state` DESC, `products`.`id` $product_id_order,`order`.`order` $order"; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `products`.*, `category`.`category_id`,`order`.`order`, IF(ISNULL(`order`.`order`), 0, 1) AS `order_state` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` AS `products` LEFT JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` AS `category` ON `products`.`id` = `category`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_ORDER."` AS `order` ON ( ( `products`.`id` = `order`.`product_id` ) AND ( `category`.`category_id` = `order`.`category_id` ) ) WHERE `products`.`publish`='1' AND `products`.`active` = '1' AND `category`.`category_id` IN ('".(int)$this->query_vars['category_id']."') $no_donations_sql ORDER BY $order_by LIMIT $startnum, $products_per_page"; } else { if ($this->query_vars['sort_order']=='DESC') { $order = 'DESC'; } else { $order = 'ASC'; } if (get_option('wpsc_sort_by')=='name') { $order_by = "`".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`name` $order"; } else if (get_option('wpsc_sort_by') == 'price') { $order_by = "`".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`price` $order"; } else { if( $order == 'ASC'){ $order = 'DESC'; }else{ $order = 'ASC'; } $order_by = "`".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` $order"; } $rowcount = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id`) AS `count` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`,`".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`publish`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` = `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`product_id` $no_donations_sql $group_sql"); if(!is_numeric($products_per_page) || ($products_per_page < 1)) { $products_per_page = $rowcount; } if($startnum >= $rowcount) { $startnum = 0; } $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`,`".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`publish`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`active`='1' AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`id` = `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`product_id` $no_donations_sql $group_sql ORDER BY `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."`.`special`, $order_by LIMIT $startnum, $products_per_page"; } } //echo "{$sql}"; $this->category = $this->query_vars['category_id']; $this->products = $wpdb->get_results($sql,ARRAY_A); if($rowcount > $products_per_page) { if($products_per_page > 0) { $pages = ceil($rowcount/$products_per_page); } else { $pages = 1; } } } if(get_option('permalink_structure') != '') { $seperator ="?"; } else { $seperator ="&"; } $product_view_url = wpsc_category_url($this->category); if(!is_numeric($_GET['category']) && ($_GET['product_search'] != '')) { $product_view_url = add_query_arg('product_search', $_GET['product_search'], $product_view_url); //$product_view_url_not_used .= "product_search=".$_GET['product_search']."&"."view_type=".$_GET['view_type']."&"."item_per_page=".$_GET['item_per_page']."&"; } if(!is_numeric($_GET['category']) && ($_GET['item_per_page'] > 0)) { $product_view_url = add_query_arg('item_per_page', $_GET['item_per_page'], $product_view_url); } if(isset($_GET['order']) && ($_GET['order'] == 'ASC') || ($_GET['order'] == 'DESC') ) { $product_view_url = add_query_arg('order', $_GET['order'], $product_view_url); } if(isset($_GET['view_type']) && ($_GET['view_type'] == 'default') || ($_GET['view_type'] == 'grid') ) { $product_view_url = add_query_arg('view_type', $_GET['view_type'], $product_view_url); } for($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) { if(($this->query_vars['page'] == $i) || (($this->query_vars['page'] <= $i) && ($i <= 1))) { if($_GET['view_all'] != 'true') { $selected = true; } } else { $selected = false; } if(get_option('permalink_structure')) { //if() $page_url = wpsc_category_url($this->category, true)."page/$i/"; } else { $page_url = add_query_arg('page_number', $i, $product_view_url); } $this->pages[$i-1]['number'] = $i; $this->pages[$i-1]['url'] = $page_url; $this->pages[$i-1]['selected'] = $selected; } $this->page_count = count($this->pages); //if ( !$q['suppress_filters'] ) $this->products = apply_filters('the_products', $this->products); $this->product_count = count($this->products); if ($this->product_count > 0) { $this->product = $this->products[0]; } // get the breadcrumbs $this->get_breadcrumbs(); return $this->products; } function next_product() { $this->current_product++; unset($this->product); // make sure it is unset $this->product =& $this->products[$this->current_product]; return $this->product; } function the_product() { $this->in_the_loop = true; $this->next_product(); $this->get_variation_groups(); $this->get_custom_meta(); if ( $this->current_product == 0 ) { do_action('wpsc_loop_start'); } } function have_products() { if ($this->current_product + 1 < $this->product_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_product + 1 == $this->product_count && $this->product_count > 0) { do_action('wpsc_loop_end'); $this->rewind_products(); } $this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_products() { $this->current_product = -1; if ($this->product_count > 0) { $this->product = $this->products[0]; } } /* * (Variation Group and Variation) Loop Code Starts here */ function get_variation_groups() { global $wpdb; $this->variation_groups = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `v`.`id` AS `variation_id`,`v`.`name` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_ASSOC."` AS `a` JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_VARIATIONS."` AS `v` ON `a`.`variation_id` = `v`.`id` WHERE `a`.`type` IN ('product') AND `a`.`associated_id` IN ('{$this->product['id']}')", ARRAY_A); $this->variation_group_count = count($this->variation_groups); $this->get_first_variations(); } function next_variation_group() { $this->current_variation_group++; $this->variation_group = $this->variation_groups[$this->current_variation_group]; return $this->variation_group; } function the_variation_group() { $this->variation_group = $this->next_variation_group(); $this->get_variations(); } function have_variation_groups() { if ($this->current_variation_group + 1 < $this->variation_group_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_variation_group + 1 == $this->variation_group_count && $this->variation_group_count > 0) { $this->rewind_variation_groups(); } return false; } function rewind_variation_groups() { $this->current_variation_group = -1; if ($this->variation_group_count > 0) { $this->variation_group = $this->variation_groups[0]; } } function get_first_variations() { global $wpdb; $this->first_variations = array(); $this->all_associated_variations = array(); foreach((array)$this->variation_groups as $variation_group) { $variation_id = $variation_group['variation_id']; $this->all_associated_variations[$variation_id] = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `v`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES_ASSOC."` AS `a`JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` AS `v` ON `a`.`value_id` = `v`.`id` WHERE `a`.`product_id` IN ('{$this->product['id']}') AND `a`.`variation_id` IN ('$variation_id') AND `a`.`visible` IN ('1') ORDER BY `v`.`id` ASC", ARRAY_A); $this->first_variations[] = $this->all_associated_variations[$variation_id][0]['id']; } } function get_variations() { global $wpdb; //$this->variations = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` WHERE `id` = '$value_id' ORDER BY `id` ASC",ARRAY_A); $this->variations = $this->all_associated_variations[$this->variation_group['variation_id']]; $this->variation_count = count($this->variations); //echo "
"; } function next_variation() { $this->current_variation++; $this->variation = $this->variations[$this->current_variation]; return $this->variation; } function the_variation() { $this->variation = $this->next_variation(); } function have_variations() { if ($this->current_variation + 1 < $this->variation_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_variation + 1 == $this->variation_count && $this->variation_count > 0) { //do_action('wpsc_loop_end'); // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_variations(); } //$this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_variations() { $this->current_variation = -1; if ($this->variation_count > 0) { $this->variation = $this->variations[0]; } } /* * Custom Meta Loop Code Starts here */ function get_custom_meta() { global $wpdb; //$this->variations = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` WHERE `id` = '$value_id' ORDER BY `id` ASC",ARRAY_A); $this->custom_meta = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id` IN('{$this->product['id']}') AND `custom` IN('1') ", ARRAY_A); $this->custom_meta_count = count($this->custom_meta); } function next_custom_meta() { $this->current_custom_meta++; $this->custom_meta_values = $this->custom_meta[$this->current_custom_meta]; // echo "
"; return $this->custom_meta_values; } function the_custom_meta() { $this->custom_meta_values = $this->next_custom_meta(); } function have_custom_meta() { if ($this->current_custom_meta + 1 < $this->custom_meta_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_custom_meta + 1 == $this->custom_meta_count && $this->custom_meta_count > 0) { //do_action('wpsc_loop_end'); // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_custom_meta(); } //$this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_custom_meta() { $this->current_custom_meta = -1; if ($this->custom_meta_count > 0) { $this->custom_meta_values = $this->custom_meta[0]; } } /* * Breadcrumb Loop Code Starts here */ function get_breadcrumbs() { global $wpdb; $this->breadcrumbs = array(); $i = 0; if( $this->category != null) { if($this->is_single == true) { $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['name'] = htmlentities(stripslashes($this->product['name']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['url'] = ''; $i++; } $category_info = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES." WHERE id='".(int)$this->category."'",ARRAY_A); $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['id'] = $category_info['id']; $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['name'] = $category_info['name']; if($i > 0) { $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['url'] = wpsc_category_url($category_info['id']); } else { $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['url'] = ''; } $i++; while ($category_info['category_parent']!=0) { $category_info = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES." WHERE id='{$category_info['category_parent']}'",ARRAY_A); $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['id'] = $category_info['id']; $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['name'] = htmlentities(stripslashes($category_info['name']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $this->breadcrumbs[$i]['url'] = wpsc_category_url($category_info['id']); $i++; } } $this->breadcrumbs = array_reverse($this->breadcrumbs); $this->breadcrumb_count = count($this->breadcrumbs); } function next_breadcrumbs() { $this->current_breadcrumb++; $this->breadcrumb = $this->breadcrumbs[$this->current_breadcrumb]; // echo "
"; return $this->breadcrumb; } function the_breadcrumb() { $this->breadcrumb = $this->next_breadcrumbs(); } function have_breadcrumbs() { if ($this->current_breadcrumb + 1 < $this->breadcrumb_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_breadcrumb + 1 == $this->breadcrumb_count && $this->breadcrumb_count > 0) { //do_action('wpsc_loop_end'); // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_breadcrumbs(); } //$this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_breadcrumbs() { $this->current_breadcrumb = -1; if ($this->breadcrumb_count > 0) { $this->breadcrumb = $this->breadcrumbs[0]; } } /* * Page Loop Code Starts here */ /// We get the pages in get_products //function get_pages() { }; function next_pages() { $this->current_page++; $this->page = $this->pages[$this->current_page]; // echo "
"; return $this->page; } function the_page() { $this->page = $this->next_pages(); } function have_pages() { if ($this->current_page + 1 < $this->page_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_page + 1 == $this->page_count && $this->page_count > 0) { //do_action('wpsc_loop_end'); // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_pages(); } //$this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_pages() { $this->current_page = -1; if ($this->page_count > 0) { $this->page = $this->pages[0]; } } function the_product_title() { return $this->product['name']; } function the_product_thumbnail() { global $wpdb; $image_file_name = null; if ( $this->product['thumbnail_image'] != null ) { $image_file_name = $this->product['thumbnail_image']; } else if ( $this->product['image'] != null ) { if ( $this->product['image_file'] != null ) { $image_file_name = $this->product['image_file']; } else { if ( is_numeric($this->product['image']) ) { $image_file_name = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `image` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_IMAGES . "` WHERE `id`= '" . $this->product['image'] . "' LIMIT 1"); } else { $image_file_name = $this->product['image']; } $this->product['image_file'] = $image_file_name; } $this->product['thumbnail_image'] = $image_file_name; } if ( $image_file_name !== null ) { if ( ($this->category_product['image_height'] != null) && ($this->category_product['image_width'] != null) && (function_exists('ImagePNG')) ) { $image_path = "index.php?productid=" . $this->product['id'] . "&width=" . $this->category_product['image_width']."&height=" . $this->category_product['image_height'] . ""; } else { $image_path = WPSC_THUMBNAIL_URL . $image_file_name; if ( is_ssl() ) { $image_path = str_replace("http://", "https://", $image_path); } } return $image_path; } else { return false; } } } ?>