=== User Role Editor === Contributors: ShinePHP Donate link: http://www.shinephp.com/donate/ Tags: user, role, editor, security, access, permission, capability Requires at least: 2.8. Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: 2.1.1 User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes the role capabilities changing easy. You can change any standard WordPress user role (except administrator) with a few clicks. == Description == User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes the role capabilities changing easy. You can change any standard WordPress user role (except administrator) with a few clicks. Just turn on check boxes of capabilities you wish to add to the selected role and click "Update" button to save your changes. That's done. In case you made some unneccessary change you always have the "Reset" button to restore roles state from the automatically made backup copy. Add new roles and customize its capabilities according to your needs. Unnecessary self-made role can be deleted if there are no users whome such role is assigned. Role assigned every new created user by default can be changed too. To read more about 'User Role Editor' visit this link http://www.shinephp.com/user-role-editor-wordpress-plugin/ = Translations = * Belorussian: [Marsis G.](http://pc.de) * French: [Whiler](http://blogs.wittwer.fr/whiler/) * German: [Peter](http://www.red-socks-reinbek.de) * Japanese: [Technolog.jp](http://technolog.jp/) * Russian: [Vladimir Garagulya](http://shinephp.com) * Spanish: [Dario Ferrer](http://www.darioferrer.com) Dear plugin User! If you wish to help me with this plugin translation I very appreciate it. Please send your language .po and .mo files to vladimir[at-sign]shinephp.com email. Do not forget include you site link in order I can show it with greetings for the translation help at shinephp.com, plugin settings page and in this readme.txt file. If you have better translation for some phrases, send it to me and it will be taken into consideration. You are welcome! == Installation == Installation procedure: 1. Deactivate plugin if you have the previous version installed. 2. Extract "user-role-editor.x.x.x.zip" archive content to the "/wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor" directory. 3. Activate "User Role Editor" plugin via 'Plugins' menu in WordPress admin menu. 4. Go to the "Settings"-"User Role Editor" menu item and change your WordPress standard roles capabilities according to your needs. == Frequently Asked Questions == - Does it work with WordPress 3.0? Yes it does. I tested it with WordPress 3.0 Beta 1. - Does it work with WordPress MU? Yes, it works with WordPress MU. I tested it with WPMU version 2.9.2. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.png User Role Editor main form == Special Thanks to == * [Whiler](http://blogs.wittwer.fr/whiler/) for the help with French translation and useful ideas. * [Peter](http://www.red-socks-reinbek.de) - for the help with German translation. * [Dario Ferrer](http://www.darioferrer.com) - for the help with the Spanish translation. * [Technolog.jp](http://technolog.jp/) - for the help with Japanese translation. * [Marsis G.](http://pc.de/) for the help with Belorussian translation. * [FullThrottle](http://fullthrottledevelopment.com/how-to-hide-the-adminstrator-on-the-wordpress-users-screen) - For the code to hide administrator role at admin backend. You are welcome! Help me with plugin translation, share with me new ideas about its further development and link to your site will appear here. == Changelog == = 2.1.1 = * 19.04.2010 * Form layout changed slightly to fit more long phrases in other languages * Belorussian translation is added. Thanks to [Marsis G.](http://pc.de/). * French, Japan, Russian, Spanish translations are updated. = 2.1 = * 17.04.2010 * Two ways of capabilities names presentation are available for the user choice: standard WordPress name like 'edit_pages' and mouse pointer hint 'Edit pages', and vice versa - human readable form 'Edit pages' with mouse hint for WP standard name 'edit-pages'. Human readable form will be available in translated variant after correspondent translation file will be updated. * Form layout changed slightly to fit more long phrases in other languages * Russian, Spanish translations are updated. = 2.0.3 = * 14.04.2010 * Japanese translation is added. Thanks to [Technolog.jp](http://technolog.jp/). = 2.0.2 = * 11.04.2010 * German translation is verified and updated. Thanks to [Peter](http://www.red-socks-reinbek.de). = 2.0.1 = * 04.04.2010 * It is the critical update - security issue is fixed. Thanks to [Saharuza](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/2855662) for discover and telling me about it. User with 'edit_users' permission could still use URL request with special parameters to remove Administrator role from Admin user or delete Admin user record. Check [this thread](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/383935) for more details. = 2.0 = * 04.04.2010 * Create New Role feature was added * Delete self-made not used role feature was added. You can not delete any WordPress standard role. * Change default role for new user feature was added * Administator role and users with Administrator role permission were hidden from "Users" and "Edit User" page. This is done in case of delegation of add_user, edit_user or delete_user capabilities to some role. = 1.2 = * 28.03.2010 * User Role Editor plugin menu item is moved to the Users menu * Roles in the dropdown list are translated * French translation is added = 1.1 = * 24.03.2010 * Critical bug is fixed. If you click 'Reset' button before any changes to the role data saved (that is click Update button) at least one time, you met with all roles data lost problem. Backup data created automatically before the 1st role data update. If no update - no backup. Special checking for that was added. * German translation is added. * Spanish translation is added. = 1.0 = * 22.03.2010 * 1st release. == Additional Documentation == You can find more information about "User Role Editor" plugin at this page http://www.shinephp.com/user-role-editor-wordpress-plugin/ I am ready to answer on your questions about plugin usage. Use ShinePHP forum at http://shinephp.com/community/forum/user-role-editor/ or plugin page comments and site contact form for it please.