tid = $term->tid; $row->vid = $term->vid; $row->changed = REQUEST_TIME; drupal_write_record('xmlsitemap_taxonomy', $row); $sitemap_changed = TRUE; } if ($sitemap_changed) { xmlsitemap_flag_sitemap(); } } } /** * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter(&$form, &$from_state) { $priority = db_result(db_query("SELECT priority_override FROM {xmlsitemap_taxonomy} WHERE tid = %d", $form['tid']['#value']) ); if ($priority === FALSE) { $priority = -2.0; } $options = xmlsitemap_priority_options('both'); $default = variable_get('xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority_'. $form['vid']['#value'], '0.5'); if (!isset($form['xmlsitemap'])) { $form['xmlsitemap'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('XML sitemap'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, ); } $form['xmlsitemap']['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Priority'), '#description' => t('The default priority is %priority.', array('%priority' => $options[$default])), '#default_value' => $priority, '#options' => $options, ); $form['submit']['#weight'] = isset($form['submit']['#weight']) ? $form['submit']['#weight'] + 1 : 1; $form['delete']['#weight'] = isset($form['delete']['#weight']) ? $form['delete']['#weight'] + 1 : 1; } /** * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_form_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_alter(&$form, &$from_state) { $form['xmlsitemap'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('XML sitemap'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, ); $form['xmlsitemap']['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Priority'), '#description' => t('This will be the default priority of terms in this vocabulary.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority_'. $form['vid']['#value'], 0.5), '#options' => xmlsitemap_priority_options('exclude'), ); $form['submit']['#weight'] = isset($form['submit']['#weight']) ? $form['submit']['#weight'] + 1 : 1; $form['delete']['#weight'] = isset($form['delete']['#weight']) ? $form['delete']['#weight'] + 1 : 1; } /** * Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'update': $terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms($node); foreach ($terms as $term) { $result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT tid, changed, previously_changed, priority_override FROM {xmlsitemap_taxonomy} WHERE tid = %d", $term->tid)); if ($result === FALSE) { $row = new stdClass(); $row->tid = $term->tid; $row->vid = $term->vid; $row->changed = $node->changed; $row->previously_changed = $node->created; } else { $row = $result; if ($row->changed < $node->changed) { $row->previously_changed = $row->changed; $row->changed = $node->changed; } } drupal_write_record('xmlsitemap_taxonomy', $row, $result === FALSE ? NULL : 'tid'); xmlsitemap_flag_sitemap(); } break; } } /** * Implementation of hook_taxonomy(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL) { if ($type == 'vocabulary') { switch ($op) { case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {xmlsitemap_taxonomy} WHERE vid = %d", $array['vid']); variable_del('xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority_'. $array['vid']); xmlsitemap_flag_sitemap(); break; case 'insert': case 'update': if (isset($array['vid'])) { if (variable_get('xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority_'. $array['vid'], 0.5) != $array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority']) { variable_set('xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority_'. $array['vid'], $array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority']); xmlsitemap_flag_sitemap(); } } break; } } else { switch ($op) { case 'delete': db_query("DELETE FROM {xmlsitemap_taxonomy} WHERE tid = %d", $array['tid']); db_query("DELETE FROM {xmlsitemap} WHERE type = 'taxonomy' AND id = %d", $array['tid']); break; case 'insert': if (isset($array['tid']) && isset($array['vid'])) { $row = new stdClass(); $row->tid = $array['tid']; $row->vid = $array['vid']; $row->changed = REQUEST_TIME; $row->priority_override = isset($array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority']) ? $array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority'] : -2.0; drupal_write_record('xmlsitemap_taxonomy', $row); } break; case 'update': $result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT tid, vid, changed, previously_changed, priority_override FROM {xmlsitemap_taxonomy} WHERE tid = %d", $array['tid']) ); if ($result === FALSE) { $row = new stdClass(); $row->tid = $array['tid']; $row->vid = $array['vid']; $row->changed = REQUEST_TIME; $row->priority_override = isset($array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority']) ? $array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority'] : -2.0; } else { $row = $result; if (isset($array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority'])) { $row->priority_override = $array['xmlsitemap_taxonomy_priority']; } } drupal_write_record('xmlsitemap_taxonomy', $row, $result === FALSE ? NULL : 'tid'); break; } xmlsitemap_flag_sitemap(); } } /** * Implementation of hook_xmlsitemap_description(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_description() { return '
'. t('XML sitemap taxonomy') .'
'. '
'. t('The module adds taxonomy terms (categories) to the sitemap. The term default priority may be changed while adding or editing vocabularies and the term default priority can be overridden while adding or editing terms.', array('@terms' => url('admin/content/taxonomy'))) .'
'; } /** * Implementation of hook_xmlsitemap_links(). */ function xmlsitemap_taxonomy_xmlsitemap_links() { $anon_account = drupal_anonymous_user(); $user_access = user_access('access content', $anon_account); $result = db_query( db_rewrite_sql( "SELECT t.tid, t.vid, v.module, xt.changed, xt.previously_changed, xt.priority_override FROM {term_data} t LEFT JOIN {vocabulary} v ON t.vid = v.vid LEFT JOIN {xmlsitemap_taxonomy} xt ON t.tid = xt.tid", 't', 'tid' ) ); $row = new stdClass(); $row->module = 'xmlsitemap_taxonomy'; $row->type = 'taxonomy'; while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) { $row->loc = taxonomy_term_path($term); $row->id = $term->tid; $row->changed = $term->changed; $row->changefreq = max(REQUEST_TIME - $term->changed, empty($term->previously_changed) ? 0 : $term->changed - $term->previously_changed); if ($term->priority_override != -2.0) { $priority = $term->priority_override; } else { $priority = variable_get('xmlsitemap_taxonomy_vocabulary_priority_'. $term->vid, 0.5); } $row->priority = $user_access ? $priority == -1.0 ? $priority : min(max(round($priority, 1), 0.0), 1.0) : -1; $old_row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT lid, type, priority FROM {xmlsitemap} WHERE loc = '%s'", $row->loc)); if ($old_row === FALSE) { drupal_write_record('xmlsitemap', $row); } elseif ($old_row->type = 'taxonomy' && $old_row->priority != $row->priority) { $row->lid = $old_row->lid; drupal_write_record('xmlsitemap', $row, 'lid'); } } } /** * @} End of "addtogroup xmlsitemap". */