* @author Written by scottgifford http://drupal.org/user/245699 * @file Link general user relationship functionalities to services module. */ // Loading the API functions if not already loaded module_load_include('inc', 'user_relationships_api', 'user_relationships.api'); function user_relationship_service_types($version) { return user_relationships_types_load(); } function user_relationship_service_mine($version) { try { global $user; $param = array('user' => $user->uid); $rels = user_relationships_load($param); if (!$rels || !is_array($rels)) { throw new Exception("User relationship load failed"); } return array_values($rels); } catch (Exception $ex) { return services_error(t('Error getting user relationships: @msg', array('@msg' => $ex->getMessage()))); } } function user_relationship_service_approve($version, $rid) { try { global $user; $rels = user_relationships_load(array('rid' => $rid , 'requestee_id' => $user->uid, 'approved' => 0)); if (!$rels || !is_array($rels) || count($rels) != 1) { throw new Exception("User relationship load failed"); } $rel = array_shift($rels); if ($rel->requestee_id != $user->uid) { throw new Exception("Access denied"); } $updated = $rel; $updated->approved = TRUE; user_relationships_update_relationship($rel, $updated, 'approved'); return $rel; } catch (Exception $ex) { return services_error(t('Error approving relationship: @msg', array('@msg' => $ex->getMessage()))); } } function user_relationship_service_delete($version, $rid, $reason) { try { global $user; $rels = user_relationships_load(array('rid' => $rid , 'user' => $user->uid)); if (!$rels || !is_array($rels) || count($rels) != 1) { throw new Exception("User relationship load failed"); } $rel = array_shift($rels); if ($rel->requestee_id != $user->uid && $rel->requester_id != $user->uid) { throw new Exception("Access denied"); } user_relationships_delete_relationship($rel, $user, $reason); return $rel; } catch (Exception $ex) { return services_error(t('Error removing relationship: @msg', array('@msg' => $ex->getMessage()))); } } function user_relationship_service_request($version, $uid, $type_name) { try { $type = user_relationships_type_load(array('name' => $type_name)); error_log("Relationship request with '$uid' type '$type_name'"); if (!$type) { throw new Exception(t('No such relationship type')); } global $user; $ret = user_relationships_request_relationship($user, $uid, $type); if (!$ret) { throw new Exception(t('Unknown failure')); } else if (!is_object($ret)) { throw new Exception($ret); } return $ret; } catch (Exception $ex) { return services_error(t('Error requesting relationship: @msg', array('@msg' => $ex->getMessage()))); } }