
How to show multiple breadcrumbs on your site

If you have a multiple hierarchy menu, or one with multiple node attachments, Taxonomy Treemnu offers you the option to render multiple breadcrumbs.

However, the results may be initially disapointing. You may even believe you have found a bug in the program. Your breadcrumb will look something like this,

We explain why below.

The information for this breadcrumb is being delivered through the Drupal breadcrumb variable, but your standard breadcrumb template code doesn't know how to handle it. Go to your theme's template.tpl file, which is where inline code templates can be overriden. If you already have a breadcrumb theme, alter that. If you do not, the theme function will look something like this,

function phptemplate_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) {
  if (!empty($breadcrumb)) {
    return '< div class="breadcrumb" >'. implode(' › ', $breadcrumb) .'< /div >';

A normal breadcrumb is an array full of links. Taxonomy treemenu is delivering multiple breadcrumbs, so the data is an array of arrays of links (which is why the strange output above). You need to change the breadcrumb theme function to something like this

function phptemplate_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) {
  if (!empty($breadcrumb)) {
  if (!is_string($breadcrumb[0])) {
    $output = '< div id="breadcrumbs-container" >';
    foreach($breadcrumb as $sub_breadcrumb) {
      $output .= '< div class="breadcrumbs" >'. implode(' › ', $sub_breadcrumb) .'< /div >';
    $output .= '< /div>';
    return $output;
  else {
    return '< div class="breadcrumb">'. implode(' › ', $breadcrumb) .'< /div >';

In an wonderful world, that would be all you had to do. Unfortunately, in themes based on the stock Garland theme, your multiple breadcrumb now looks like this,

Yes, the crumbs have flown the box, or so it seems.

The reason for this lies in the HTML and css, not the rendering. Garland Drupal pages use a fixed height for the breadcrumb area, and then absolute positioning to place the breadcrumbs above.

At this point it gets rather hard for us to suggest what you should do next, as we do not know how your site is being designed. However, to take the edge off the situation, we have added some css within the module. This simply imitates Garland but on the HTML given above. So add this line,

drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_treemenu') . '/css/taxonomy-treemenu-page.css');

wherever you are working, in templates or code, and your breadcrumbs will look like this,

which is slightly less irritating while you work on the code.