$id$ The module is closely built into Drupal's admin. So close, that in Garland-so-blue-I'm-getting-lost, you may not be able to see where you're going. So here's a quickstart, Quickstart ----------- *** The following directions assume you are a top rank Admin. If you are not you will need to be granted appropriate permissions *** - Install and enable taxonomy-treemenu. If you have Views enabled, then Taxonomy Treemenu will automatically use that for rendering term lists and nodes. - Go to Views and check you have the default templates loaded and enabled. You may need to use tools > 'Views Cache empty', or do a 'cache empty' through the Devel module. If not, taxonomy Treemenu has it's own internal render functions. No need to do anything. - If you havn't got one, create a taxonomy and some nodes. If you have a clean installation, the Devel module ('Generate items') can do this quickly. (Remember - the Forums and Books modules also have usable taxonomies, though I wouldn't tinker with a book - that module has it's own menu system) - 'Site building > menus'. On that page there is a new link, 'Add taxonomy menutree'. Click on it. - Looks like a standard menu creation page page, with some additions. At the top is a new fieldset 'Branch selector'. Drop down the option list and choose a branch to build from - this will be the root of your new menu. (Note that the root of any menu is not displayed. The base of a treemenu, as displayed to a user, will be the child terms of your chosen root) Note also the other 'Treemenu render options'. If you are curious, have a look at the options, but don't experiment yet - the defaults have been chosen to yield obvious results. - Fill in the required fields - 'menu name' and 'title' (same as Drupal core's custom menus). Leave everything else, and press 'save'. - Type this into your browser address bar, 'mySiteAddress/?q=taxmenu/menu-[nameYouGaveTheMenuInMenuNameField]/page/' The new menu should appear as page content. (If you don't recall the 'nameYouGaveTheMenuInMenuNameField', goto 'admin > menus > nameOfMyMenu' list. The 'nameYouGaveTheMenuInMenuNameField' is listed at the top.) I think what you see now will probably tell you all you need to know to assess this module. Fun with options ----------------- Can you see your menu? Jolly Good! Try this... - admin > menus > 'nameOfTreemenuICreated'. Click on the 'Edit menu' button. - Try changing some options. The options are obvious in their effect. Most of them, anyway. 'link menu roots' is a powerful feature which requires a moment's consideration. Promote to block ---------------- If you want to try the menu in a block, promote the block called 'nameOfMyMenu-treemenu'. There will be a duplicate block, called 'nameOfMyMenu', but if promoted this will return only a warning message.