'fieldset', '#title' => t('Description'), '#description' => $help, ); } } /** * Gets all compatible sets, which means that all arguments are available in the other set too */ function rules_admin_get_compatible_sets($rule, $sets) { if (isset($rule['#set']) && $rule['#set']) { $set = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']); foreach ($sets as $key => $this_set) { if (array_diff(array_keys($set['arguments']), array_keys($this_set['arguments']))) { unset($sets[$key]); } } } return $sets; } /** * Gets an array of element labels grouped by modules * * @param $elements * An array of info elements, e.g. as returned from rules_get_events(). * @param $key * The key for which the value is used for grouping the elements. */ function rules_admin_get_grouped_labels($elements, $key = 'module') { $grouped = array(); $ungrouped = array(); foreach (array_filter($elements, 'rules_admin_element_filter') as $name => $element) { if (isset($element[$key])) { $grouped[$element[$key]][$name] = rules_get_element_label($element); } else { $ungrouped[$name] = rules_get_element_label($element); } } foreach ($grouped as $name => $group) { asort($grouped[$name]); } ksort($grouped); asort($ungrouped); return $ungrouped + $grouped; } /** * This is used for filtering the rules, sets, action and conditions that should be shown. * Rules and sets are filtered when they are fixed and the variable 'rules_show_fixed' * is not set to on. Actions and conditions are filtered out if they are marked as * being hidden. * * @return TRUE, when the element should be kept. Else FALSE. */ function rules_admin_element_filter($element) { if (!variable_get('rules_show_fixed', FALSE)) { if (isset($element['#status']) && $element['#status'] == 'fixed') { return FALSE; } if (isset($element['status']) && $element['status'] == 'fixed') { return FALSE; } } if (isset($element['hidden']) && $element['hidden']) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Determines if the given data type is valid for the given argument. * * @param $data_type * The data type to check. * @param $arg_type * The arguments needed data type. * * @return * True or false. */ function rules_admin_is_valid_data_type($data_type, $arg_type) { if (is_array($arg_type)) { foreach ($arg_type as $type) { // We have multiple options to check for. if (rules_admin_is_valid_data_type($data_type, $type)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } if ($arg_type == '*') { return TRUE; } return $arg_type == $data_type; } /** * Filters the info about elements (actions, conditions), so that only elements * compatible with the given variables are kept, which means suiting variables * for all arguments are available, so that the action/condition can be * configured. * Additionally, arguments having no suiting variables are recorded * in the 'unsatisfied arguments' slot of the element in $infos. */ function rules_admin_filter_info($variables, &$infos) { $filtered = array(); foreach ($infos as $key => $info) { if (isset($info['arguments']) && is_array($info['arguments'])) { foreach ($info['arguments'] as $name => $argument_info) { if (!rules_admin_argument_satisifable($argument_info, $variables)) { // Get the unsatisfied arguments. $infos[$key] += array('unsatisfied arguments' => array()); $infos[$key]['unsatisfied arguments'][$name] = $argument_info['label']; } } if (empty($infos[$key]['unsatisfied arguments'])) { $filtered[$key] = $info; } } else { $filtered[$key] = $info; } } return $filtered; } /** * Determines whether the argument can be configured properly, so whether * there are matching variables available or needed. */ function rules_admin_argument_satisifable($info, $variables) { if ($info['type'] == '*') { return TRUE; } if (($type_info = rules_get_data_types($info['type']))) { // For backward compatibility use_input_form is interpreted as !identifiable if it's unset. if (!empty($type_info['use_input_form']) || (!isset($type_info['use_input_form']) && empty($type_info['identifiable']))) { // Argument value will be set on configuration time. return TRUE; } } if (count(rules_admin_map_get_possible_arguments($info, $variables))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Gets the possible variables (= of the same entity) for an argument */ function rules_admin_map_get_possible_arguments($arg_info, $variables) { $matches = array(); foreach ($variables as $name => $info) { if (rules_admin_is_valid_data_type($info['type'], $arg_info)) { $matches[$name] = $info['label']; } } return $matches; } /** * Returns an array of all existing categories * * @param $item_type * Either 'rules' or 'rule_sets' * * @return * An array of categories to use. */ function rules_admin_get_categories($item_type) { $categories = array(); foreach (array_filter(rules_get_configured_items($item_type), 'rules_admin_element_filter') as $item) { if ($item_type == 'rules' && isset($item['#categories']) && is_array($item['#categories'])) { $categories = $categories + drupal_map_assoc($item['#categories']); } if ($item_type == 'rule_sets' && isset($item['categories']) && is_array($item['categories'])) { $categories = $categories + drupal_map_assoc($item['categories']); } } return array_filter($categories); } /** * Gets an unique name for a newly added rule. */ function _rules_admin_rule_get_new_unique_name() { $id = variable_get('rules_counter', 0); $id++; variable_set('rules_counter', $id); return 'rules_'. $id; } /** * Gets the label for the info of the given element by apply label callbacks. * Note that this is also used for argument infos. * * @param $cfirst * If TRUE, capitalize the first letter, if FALSE lower case the first letter. * @param $element * The element having or containing this label. Pass by referenec to allow * callbacks to alter some info, used by rules_core_node_label_callback(). * * @return An array of changed properties of the given info */ function _rules_admin_get_label(&$form_state, $info, &$element, $value, $cfirst = NULL) { $info_changes = array(); if (drupal_strtolower($info['label']) != drupal_strtolower($value)) { //label has been customized $info_changes['label'] = $value; $info_changes['label callback'] = FALSE; } else if (isset($info['label callback']) && $info['label callback'] && function_exists($info['label callback'])) { $argument_labels = rules_admin_get_argument_labels($form_state['proxy'], $element); $info_changes['label'] = $info['label callback']($element['#settings'], $argument_labels, $element); // Labels are treated as user input, so we decode any entites. $info_changes['label'] = decode_entities($info_changes['label']); if (isset($cfirst)) { $function = $cfirst ? 'drupal_strtoupper' : 'drupal_strtolower'; $info_changes['label'] = $function(drupal_substr($info_changes['label'], 0, 1)) . drupal_substr($info_changes['label'], 1); } } return $info_changes; } /** * Gets the labels of the variables, which are configured to be passed as arguments * to the given element. */ function rules_admin_get_argument_labels($proxy, $element, $prefix = '@') { $labels = array(); $names = rules_get_mapped_argument_names($element); $vars = $proxy->get_available_variables($element['#id']); $labels = array(); foreach ($names as $argument_name => $variable_name) { if (isset($vars[$variable_name]['label'])) { $labels[$prefix . $argument_name] = $vars[$variable_name]['label']; } } return $labels; } /** * Returns a table of rules filtered by the given parameters * * Supported parameters: fixed, category, set, active. * Category and set may be set to NULL to hide their columns. */ function rules_admin_overview_table($params) { $rules = rules_get_configured_items('rules'); _rules_element_defaults($rules); rules_sort_children($rules); //set parameter defaults $params += array('category' => NULL, 'set' => NULL, 'active' => TRUE, 'fixed' => FALSE); extract($params); $is_set = $set && strpos($set, 'event_') !== 0; $header = array(t('Label'), $is_set ? t('Set') : t('Event'), t('Category'), t('Status'), t('Operations')); $rows = array(); foreach (element_children($rules) as $name) { $rule = $rules[$name]; _rules_element_defaults($rule); if ((!$category || in_array($category, $rule['#categories'])) && (!$set && strpos($rule['#set'], 'event_') === 0 || $rule['#set'] == $set) && $rule['#active'] == $active && ($rule['#status'] == 'fixed') == $fixed) { $path = RULES_ADMIN_RULE_PATH .'/'. $name; $ops = array(); if ($rule['#status'] == 'custom') { $ops[] = l(t('delete'), $path .'/delete', array('query' => drupal_get_destination())); } else if ($rule['#status'] == 'altered') { $ops[] = l(t('revert'), $path .'/revert', array('query' => drupal_get_destination())); } $ops[] = l(t('clone'), $path .'/clone', array(), drupal_get_destination()); $categories = array_map('check_plain', $rule['#categories']); $set_info = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']); // If the set info is missing, the module providing the event is gone and the // rule can't be edited. $rows[] = array( $set_info ? l($rule['#label'], $path .'/edit') : check_plain($rule['#label']), $set_info ? check_plain(rules_get_element_label($set_info)) : array('class' => 'error', 'data' => check_plain($rule['#set'])), implode(', ', $categories), theme('rules_admin_configuration_status', $rule['#status']), implode(' ', $ops), ); if (!$set_info) { rules_handle_error_msg("%set can't be found. Probably the providing module has been deactivated.", array('%set' => $rule['#set'])); } } } if (count($rows)) { return array('#value' => theme('table', $header, $rows, array('class' => 'rules-rule-configurations'))); } return array('#value' => '
'. t('None') .'
'); } /** * Returns the given status rendered as html. */ function theme_rules_admin_configuration_status($status) { if ($status == 'altered') { $help = t('This rule has been provided by a module, but has been modified.'); return ''. t('Modified') .''; } else if ($status == 'fixed') { $help = t("This rule has been provided by a module and can't be customized."); return ''. t('Fixed') .''; } else if ($status == 'custom') { $help = t('A custom defined rule.'); return ''. t('Custom') .''; } $help = t('This rule has been provided by a module.'); return ''. t('Default') .''; } /** * Fixes the breadcrumb on the rule edit/delete/revert */ function rules_admin_fix_breadcrumb($rule, $name) { $crumbs = array(); if (strpos($rule['#set'], 'event_') !== 0) { $crumbs[] = l(t('Rule sets'), RULES_ADMIN_SET_PATH); $set_info = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']); $crumbs[] = l($set_info['label'], RULES_ADMIN_SET_PATH .'/'. $rule['#set']); } else { $crumbs[] = l(t('Triggered rules'), RULES_ADMIN_TRIGGER_PATH); } if (arg(5)) { // Also add a crumb to the rule itself. $crumbs[] = l($rule['#label'], RULES_ADMIN_RULE_PATH .'/'. $name); } rules_admin_add_crumbs($crumbs); } /** * Adds some further crumbs to the breadcrumb. * Due to the bug http://drupal.org/node/430304, some pages might have no breadcrumb. */ function rules_admin_add_crumbs($crumbs) { if ($breadcrumb = drupal_get_breadcrumb()) { $breadcrumb = array_merge($breadcrumb, $crumbs); drupal_set_breadcrumb($breadcrumb); } } function rules_admin_is_event_rule($rule) { return !empty($rule['#set']) && strpos($rule['#set'], 'event_') === 0; }