$Id: README.txt,v 2009/03/07 20:00:50 fago Exp $ Rules Module ------------ by Wolfgang Ziegler, nuppla@zites.net The rules modules allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (ECA-rules). It's a replacement with more features for the trigger module in core and the successor of the workflow-ng module. It opens new opportunities for site builders to extend the site in ways not possible before. Installation ------------- *Before* starting, make sure that you have read at least the introduction - so you know at least the basic concepts. You can find it here: http://drupal.org/node/298480 * Copy the whole rules directory to your modules directory and activate the rules module. * You don't need to enable the "rules simpletest" module unless you want to run the tests! * You can find the admin interface at /admin/rules. Notes: * If you have the php module activated, you can use a php input evaluator in your rules. * If you install the token module, you can make use of token replacements in your rules. Get the module from http://drupal.org/project/token. Make sure you have a recent version, a development snapshot which stems from >27.08.08 or once released version 6.12. Then just activate the module - that's it. You don't need to enable the token actions module as rules provides already equivalent actions, which are better integrated into the rules module. Documentation ------------- Check out the docs at http://drupal.org/node/298476 Rules Scheduler --------------- * If you enable the rules scheduler module, you get new actions, that allow you to schedule the execution of rule sets. * Make sure that you have configured cron for your drupal installation as cron is used for scheduling the rule sets. For help see http://drupal.org/cron Rules Simpletest ---------------- This module just provides some test case for the rules module. You don't need to activate it unless you want to run these tests with the simpletest module.