# $Id: nl.po,v 1.8 2009/07/11 17:30:39 soxofaan Exp $
# Dutch translation of Drupal (general)
# Copyright 2009 Stefaan Lippens
# Generated from files:
# captcha.admin.inc,v 1.20 2009/04/27 20:35:08 soxofaan
# image_captcha.admin.inc,v 1.17 2009/04/24 22:16:48 soxofaan
# captcha.module,v 1.83 2009/04/27 20:35:08 soxofaan
# captcha.inc,v 1.1 2009/04/07 22:06:50 soxofaan
# captcha.info,v 1.7 2008/02/17 12:49:24 soxofaan
# image_captcha.user.inc,v 1.19 2009/04/24 22:16:48 soxofaan
# image_captcha.module,v 1.22 2009/04/15 01:41:35 soxofaan
# captcha.install,v 1.9 2009/03/22 20:06:39 soxofaan
# image_captcha.info,v 1.5 2008/02/17 12:49:24 soxofaan
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nl\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-03 15:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-28 00:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: soxofaan\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#: captcha.admin.inc:16 image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:157;179
msgid "none"
msgstr "geen"
#: captcha.admin.inc:17
msgid "default challenge type"
msgstr "standaard CAPTCHA-type"
#: captcha.admin.inc:23
msgid "@type (from module @module)"
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:42
msgid "Form protection"
msgstr "Formulierbescherming"
#: captcha.admin.inc:43
msgid "Select the challenge type you want for each of the listed forms (identified by their so called form_id's). You can easily add arbitrary forms with textfield at the bottom of the table or with the help of the '%CAPTCHA_admin_links' option below."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:44;108 captcha.module:46
msgid "Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms"
msgstr "Voeg CAPTCHA-configuratielinks toe aan de formulieren."
#: captcha.admin.inc:49
msgid "Default challenge type"
msgstr "Standaard CAPTCHA-type"
#: captcha.admin.inc:50
msgid "Select the default challenge type for CAPTCHAs. This can be overriden for each form if desired."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:86
msgid "delete"
msgstr "verwijderen"
#: captcha.admin.inc:110
msgid "This option makes it easy to manage CAPTCHA settings on forms. When enabled, users with the \"%admincaptcha\" permission will see a fieldset with CAPTCHA administration links on all forms, except on administrative pages."
msgstr "Deze optie is handig om CAPTCHA's te beheren op formulieren. Wanneer deze optie ingeschakeld is, zien gebruikers met de \"%admincaptcha\" permissie de CAPTCHA-configuratielinks op alle formulieren, met uitzondering van de beheerpagina's."
#: captcha.admin.inc:110 captcha.module:107
msgid "administer CAPTCHA settings"
msgstr "CAPTCHA-instellingen beheren"
#: captcha.admin.inc:115
msgid "Allow CAPTCHAs and CAPTCHA administration links on administrative pages"
msgstr "Laat CAPTCHA's en CAPTCHA-configuratielinks toe op beheerspagina's."
#: captcha.admin.inc:117
msgid "This option makes it possible to add CAPTCHAs to forms on administrative pages. CAPTCHAs are disabled by default on administrative pages (which shouldn't be accessible to untrusted users normally) to avoid the related overhead. In some situations, e.g. in the case of demo sites, it can be usefull to allow CAPTCHAs on administrative pages."
msgstr "Deze optie maakt het mogelijk om CAPTCHA's toe te voegen aan formulieren op beheerspagina's. CAPTCHA's zijn standaard afwezig op beheerspagina's (die normaal gezien niet toegankelijk zijn voor onbetrouwbare bezoekers) om de gerelateerde overhead te vermijden. In sommige situaties, zoals bij demo-websites kan het nuttig zijn om CAPTCHA's toe te laten op beheerspagina's."
#: captcha.admin.inc:123
msgid "Add a description to the CAPTCHA"
msgstr "Een beschrijving toevoegen aan de CAPTCHA"
#: captcha.admin.inc:124
msgid "Add a configurable description to explain the purpose of the CAPTCHA to the visitor."
msgstr "Voeg een instelbare beschrijving toe om de bedoeling van de CAPTCHA uit te leggen aan de bezoeker."
#: captcha.admin.inc:132
msgid "CAPTCHA description"
msgstr "CAPTCHA-beschrijving"
#: captcha.admin.inc:133;149
msgid "Configurable description of the CAPTCHA. An empty entry will reset the description."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:139
msgid "For language %lang_name (code %lang_code)"
msgstr "Voor taal %lang_name (code %lang_code)"
#: captcha.admin.inc:148
msgid "Challenge description"
msgstr "CAPTCHA-beschrijving"
#: captcha.admin.inc:159
msgid "Default CAPTCHA validation"
msgstr "Standaard CAPTCHA-validatie"
#: captcha.admin.inc:160
msgid "Define how the response should be processed by default. Note that the modules that provide the actual challenges can override or ignore this."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:162
msgid "Case sensitive validation: the response has to exactly match the solution."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:163
msgid "Case insensitive validation: lowercase/uppercase errors are ignored."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:171
msgid "Persistence"
msgstr "CAPTCHA-volharding"
#: captcha.admin.inc:174
msgid "Always add a challenge."
msgstr "Steeds een CAPTCHA voorschotelen."
#: captcha.admin.inc:175
msgid "Omit challenges for a form once the user has successfully responded to a challenge for that form."
msgstr "CAPTCHA achterwege laten eens de gebruiker een CAPTCHA juist beantwoorde voor het formulier."
#: captcha.admin.inc:176
msgid "Omit challenges for all forms once the user has successfully responded to a challenge."
msgstr "CAPTCHA achterwege laten eens de gebruiker een CAPTCHA juist beantwoorde ergens op de site."
#: captcha.admin.inc:178
msgid "Define if challenges should be omitted during the rest of a session once the user successfully responses to a challenge."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:184
msgid "Log wrong responses"
msgstr "Hou foute anwoorden bij"
#: captcha.admin.inc:185
msgid "Report information about wrong responses to the !log."
msgstr "Informatie omtrent foute CAPTCHA-antwoorden worden bijgehouden in het !log."
#: captcha.admin.inc:185
msgid "log"
msgstr "log"
#: captcha.admin.inc:192
msgid "Save configuration"
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:202;342
msgid "Challenge type"
msgstr "CAPTCHA-type"
#: captcha.admin.inc:202
msgid "Operations"
msgstr "Bewerkingen"
#: captcha.admin.inc:229;363
msgid "Illegal form_id"
msgstr "Ongeldig form_id"
#: captcha.admin.inc:255
msgid "Added CAPTCHA point."
msgstr "CAPTCHA point instellingen zijn bewaard."
#: captcha.admin.inc:270
msgid "Reset of CAPTCHA description for language %language."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:281
msgid "Reset of CAPTCHA description."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.admin.inc:289
msgid "The CAPTCHA settings were saved."
msgstr "De CAPTCHA-instellingen werden opgeslagen."
#: captcha.admin.inc:321;335
msgid "Form ID"
msgstr "Form ID"
#: captcha.admin.inc:322;336
msgid "The Drupal form_id of the form to add the CAPTCHA to."
msgstr "Het Drupal form_id van het formulier waaraan de CAPTCHA toegevoegd moet worden."
#: captcha.admin.inc:343
msgid "The CAPTCHA type to use for this form"
msgstr "Het CAPTCHA-type te gebruiken voor dit formulier"
#: captcha.admin.inc:352
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Bewaren"
#: captcha.admin.inc:375
msgid "Saved CAPTCHA point settings."
msgstr "CAPTCHA-point-instellingen zijn bewaard."
#: captcha.admin.inc:392
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the CAPTCHA for form_id %form_id?"
msgstr "Bent u zeker dat u de CAPTCHA voor het formulier met form_id %form_id wilt verwijderen?"
#: captcha.admin.inc:393
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijderen"
#: captcha.admin.inc:396
msgid "Are you sure you want to disable the CAPTCHA for form_id %form_id?"
msgstr "Bent u zeker dat u de CAPTCHA voor het formulier met form_id %form_id wilt uitschakelen?"
#: captcha.admin.inc:397
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Uitschakelen"
#: captcha.admin.inc:410
msgid "Deleted CAPTCHA for form %form_id."
msgstr "CAPTCHA verwijderd voor formulier %form_id."
#: captcha.admin.inc:414
msgid "Disabled CAPTCHA for form %form_id."
msgstr "CAPTCHA uitgeschakeld voor formulier %form_id."
#: captcha.admin.inc:451
msgid "This page gives an overview of all available challenge types, generated with their current settings."
msgstr "Deze pagina geeft een overzicht van de beschikbare CAPTCHA types, gegenereerd met hun huidige instellingen."
#: captcha.admin.inc:459
msgid "Challenge \"%challenge\" by module \"%module\""
msgstr "Uitdaging \"%challenge\" van module \"%module\""
#: captcha.admin.inc:462
msgid "10 more examples of this challenge."
msgstr "10 extra voorbeelden van deze uitdaging."
#: captcha.inc:38
msgid "Failed to set a CAPTCHA type for form %form_id: could not interpret value \"@captcha_type\""
msgstr ""
#: captcha.inc:145
msgid "This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions."
msgstr "Deze vraag wordt gebruikt om te testen indien u een menselijke bezoeker bent teneinde spam-inzendingen te vermijden."
#: captcha.module:31
msgid "\"CAPTCHA\" is an acronym for \"Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart\". It is typically a challenge-response test to determine whether the user is human. The CAPTCHA module is a tool to fight automated submission by malicious users (spamming) of for example comments forms, user registration forms, guestbook forms, etc. You can extend the desired forms with an additional challenge, which should be easy for a human to solve correctly, but hard enough to keep automated scripts and spam bots out."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:32
msgid "Note that the CAPTCHA module interacts with page caching (see performance settings). Because the challenge should be unique for each generated form, the caching of the page it appears on is prevented. Make sure that these forms do not appear on too many pages or you will lose much caching efficiency. For example, if you put a CAPTCHA on the user login block, which typically appears on each page for anonymous visitors, caching will practically be disabled. The comment submission forms are another example. In this case you should set the \"%commentlocation\" to \"%separatepage\" in the comment settings of the relevant content types for better caching efficiency."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:35
msgid "Location of comment submission form"
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:36
msgid "Display on separate page"
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:40
msgid "CAPTCHA is a trademark of Carnegie Mellon University."
msgstr "CAPTCHA is een trademark van Carnegie Mellon University."
#: captcha.module:45
msgid "A CAPTCHA can be added to virtually each Drupal form. Some default forms are already provided in the form list, but arbitrary forms can be easily added and managed when the option \"%adminlinks\" is enabled."
msgstr "Een CAPTCHA kan toegevoegd worden aan zowat elk Drupal formulier. Sommige standaard formulieren zijn reeds beschikbaar in de formulier-lijst, maar willekeurige formulieren kunnen eenvoudig toegevoegd en beheerd worden indien de optie \"%adminlinks\" actief is."
#: captcha.module:47
msgid "Users with the \"%skipcaptcha\" permission won't be offered a challenge. Be sure to grant this permission to the trusted users (e.g. site administrators). If you want to test a protected form, be sure to do it as a user without the \"%skipcaptcha\" permission (e.g. as anonymous user)."
msgstr "Gebruikers met de \"%skipcaptcha\" permissie krijgen geen CAPTCHA voorgeschoteld. Verleen deze permissie aan de betrouwbare gebruikers (b.v websitebeheerders). Indien u de CAPTCHA's wil testen, doe het dan als gebruiker zonder de \"%skipcaptcha\" permissie (b.v. als anonyme gebruiker)."
#: captcha.module:48;107
msgid "skip CAPTCHA"
msgstr "CAPTCHA overslaan"
#: (duplicate) captcha.module:269;322;119 ;222;442;60;71 captcha.info:0
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.user.inc:29;72
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:94
msgid "CAPTCHA"
msgstr "CAPTCHA"
#: captcha.module:327
msgid "CAPTCHA: challenge \"@type\" enabled"
msgstr "CAPTCHA: beschermd met uitdaging \"@type\""
#: captcha.module:328
msgid "Untrusted users will see a CAPTCHA here (!settings)."
msgstr "Onbetrouwbare gebruikers zien hier een CAPTCHA (!settings)."
#: captcha.module:329
msgid "general CAPTCHA settings"
msgstr "algemene CAPTCHA instellingen"
#: captcha.module:333
msgid "Enabled challenge"
msgstr "Ingeschakkelde uitdaging:"
#: captcha.module:334
msgid "\"@type\" by module \"@module\" (!change, !disable)"
msgstr "\"@type\" door module \"@module\" (!change, !disable)"
#: captcha.module:337
msgid "change"
msgstr "wijzigen"
#: captcha.module:338
msgid "disable"
msgstr "uitschakelen"
#: captcha.module:343 image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:49
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Voorbeeld"
#: captcha.module:344
msgid "This is a pre-solved, non-blocking example of this challenge."
msgstr "Dit is een op voorhand opgelost en niet blokkerend voorbeeld van deze uitdaging."
#: captcha.module:353
msgid "CAPTCHA: no challenge enabled"
msgstr "CAPTCHA: geen uitdaging"
#: captcha.module:355
msgid "Place a CAPTCHA here for untrusted users."
msgstr "CAPTCHA plaatsen voor onbetrouwbare gebruikers."
#: captcha.module:417
msgid "CAPTCHA test failed (unknown csid)."
msgstr "CAPTCHA-test faalde (ongekende csid)."
#: captcha.module:437
msgid "The answer you entered for the CAPTCHA was not correct."
msgstr "Het antwoord dat u opgaf voor de CAPTCHA was niet juist."
#: captcha.module:524
msgid "Math question"
msgstr "Wiskunde vraag"
#: captcha.module:525
msgid "Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4."
msgstr "Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in."
#: captcha.module:526
msgid "@x + @y = "
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:545
msgid "Test one two three"
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:222
msgid "CAPTCHA problem: hook_captcha() of module %module returned nothing when trying to retrieve challenge type %type for form %form_id."
msgstr "CAPTCHA probleem: Bij het opvragen van CAPTCHA type %type voor het fomulier %form_id, gaf hook_captcha() van de module %module geen waarde terug."
#: captcha.module:442
msgid "%form_id post blocked by CAPTCHA module: challenge \"%challenge\" (by module \"%module\"), user answered \"%response\", but the solution was \"%solution\"."
msgstr ""
#: captcha.module:120
msgid "Already 1 blocked form submission"
msgid_plural "Already @count blocked form submissions"
msgstr[0] "Reeds 1 tegengehouden formulierinzending"
msgstr[1] "Reeds @counter tegengehouden formulierinzendingen"
#: captcha.module:61
msgid "Administer how and where CAPTCHAs are used."
msgstr "Configureer hoe en waar CAPTCHA's gebruikt worden."
#: captcha.module:77
msgid "General settings"
msgstr "Algemene instellingen"
#: captcha.module:83
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Voorbeelden"
#: captcha.module:84
msgid "An overview of the available challenge types with examples."
msgstr "Overzicht van de beschikbare CAPTCHA-types met voorbeelden."
#: captcha.module:93
msgid "CAPTCHA point administration"
msgstr "CAPTCHA-point-beheer"
#: captcha.install:156
msgid "Unsupported database."
msgstr "Databank type is niet ondersteund."
#: (duplicate) captcha.install:115
msgid "You can now configure the CAPTCHA module for your site."
msgstr "U kan nu de CAPTCHA module instellen voor uw site."
#: captcha.info:0
msgid "Base CAPTCHA module for adding challenges to arbitrary forms."
msgstr "Basis CAPTCHA module om uitdagingen aan allerlei formulieren toe te voegen."
#: captcha.info:0 image_captcha/image_captcha.info:0
msgid "Spam control"
msgstr "Spamcontrole"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:13
msgid "Built-in font"
msgstr "Ingebouwd lettertype"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:39
msgid "The Image CAPTCHA module can not generate images because your PHP setup does not support it (no GD library)."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:50
msgid "Presolved image CAPTCHA example, generated with the current settings."
msgstr "Reeds opgeloste afbeelding-CAPTCHA, gegenereerd met de huidige instellingen:"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:61
msgid "Code settings"
msgstr "Code-instellingen"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:65
msgid "Characters to use in the code"
msgstr "Karakters die in de afbeelding kunnen verschijnen"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:70
msgid "Code length"
msgstr "Codelengte"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:73
msgid "The code length influences the size of the image. Note that larger values make the image generation more CPU intensive."
msgstr "De code lengte beïnvloedt de afmetingen van de afbeelding. Hou er rekening mee dat grotere waarden het genereren van de afbeeldingen CPU-intensiever maakt."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:79
msgid "Font settings"
msgstr "Lettertype-instellingen"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:85
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Lettertype"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:87
msgid "The TrueType font (.ttf) to use for the text in the image CAPTCHA."
msgstr "Het TrueType font (.ttf) te gebruiken vor de afbeelding-CAPTCHA"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:96
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "Lettertypegrootte"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:98
msgid "tiny"
msgstr "zeer klein"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:99;158
msgid "small"
msgstr "klein"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:101;125;185
msgid "normal"
msgstr "normaal"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:103
msgid "large"
msgstr "groot"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:105
msgid "extra large"
msgstr "extra groot"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:108
msgid "The font size influences the size of the image. Note that larger values make the image generation more CPU intensive."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:120
msgid "Character spacing"
msgstr "Karakter spatiëring"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:121
msgid "Define the average spacing between characters. Note that larger values make the image generation more CPU intensive."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:124
msgid "tight"
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:126
msgid "wide"
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:127
msgid "extra wide"
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:134
msgid "Color settings"
msgstr "Kleurinstellingen"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:135
msgid "Configuration of the background and text colors in the image CAPTCHA."
msgstr "Configuratie van de achtergrond- en tekstkleuren in de beeld-CAPTCHA."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:139
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "Achtergrondkleur"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:140
msgid "Enter the hexadecimal code for the background color (e.g. #FFF or #FFCE90)."
msgstr "Geef de hexadecimale code op voor de achtergrondkleur (e.g. #FFF of #FFCE90)."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:147
msgid "Text color"
msgstr "Tekstkleur"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:148
msgid "Enter the hexadecimal code for the text color (e.g. #000 or #004283)."
msgstr "Geed de hexadecimale code op voor de tekstkleur (e.g. #000 of #004283)."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:155
msgid "Additional variation of text color"
msgstr "Bijkomende varitatie op de tekstkleur"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:159;183
msgid "moderate"
msgstr "matig"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:160;187;221
msgid "high"
msgstr "hoog"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:161
msgid "very high"
msgstr "zeer hoog"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:164
msgid "The different characters will have randomized colors in the specified range around the text color."
msgstr "De verschillende karakters zullen een willekeurig kleur hebben in het opgegeven bereik rond de tekstkleur."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:171
msgid "Distortion and noise"
msgstr "Vervorming en ruis"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:172
msgid "With these settings you can control the degree of obfuscation by distortion and added noise. Do not exaggerate the obfuscation and assure that the code in the image is reasonably readable. For example, do not combine high levels of distortion and noise."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:177
msgid "Distortion level"
msgstr "Vervormingsniveau"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:181;217
msgid "low"
msgstr "laag"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:189;223
msgid "severe"
msgstr "ernstig"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:192
msgid "Set the degree of wave distortion in the image."
msgstr "Stel de graad van golfverorming van het beeld in."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:196
msgid "Smooth distortion"
msgstr "Vloeiende vervorming"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:198
msgid "This option enables bilinear interpolation of the distortion which makes the image look smoother, but it is more CPU intensive."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:203
msgid "Add salt and pepper noise"
msgstr "Zout- en peperruis toevoegen"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:205
msgid "This option adds randomly colored point noise."
msgstr "Deze optie voegt lukraak gekleurde puntruis toe."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:209
msgid "Add line noise"
msgstr "Lijn-ruis toevoegen"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:211
msgid "This option enables lines randomly drawn on top of the text code."
msgstr "Deze optie voegt lukraak getekende lijnen toe."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:215
msgid "Noise level"
msgstr "Ruisniveau"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:219
msgid "medium"
msgstr "medium"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:240
msgid "The Image CAPTCHA module can not use True Type fonts because your PHP setup does not support it. There is only a built-in bitmap font available."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:245
msgid "The image CAPTCHA module works best with a TrueType font file (TTF) for generating the images, but because of licencing issues it is not allowed to package fonts with the module. A simple built-in bitmap font is provided as default instead. You can install TrueType fonts yourself by putting them in the fonts directory of the image CAPTCHA module (directory \"%fontsdir\") or by uploading them to your Drupal file system (directory \"%filesdir\") with for example the upload module."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:248
msgid "The usage of the built-in bitmap font it is not recommended because of its small size and missing UTF-8 support."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:259
msgid "The list of characters to use should not contain spaces."
msgstr "De karakterlijst mag geen spaties bevatten."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:264
msgid "You need to select a font"
msgstr "U dient een lettertype te selecteren"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:267
msgid "Font does not exist or is not readable."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:272
msgid "Background color is not a valid hexadecimal color value."
msgstr "Achtergrondkleur is geen geldige hexadecimale kleurwaarde."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.admin.inc:275
msgid "Text color is not a valid hexadecimal color value."
msgstr "Tekstkleur is geen geldige hexadecimale kleurwaarde."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.user.inc:29
msgid "Generation of image CAPTCHA failed. Check your image CAPTCHA configuration and especially the used font."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.user.inc:72
msgid "Could not find or read the configured font (\"%font\") for the image CAPTCHA."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:28
msgid "The image CAPTCHA is a popular challenge where a random textual code is obfuscated in an image. The image is generated on the fly for each request, which is rather CPU intensive for the server. Be careful with the size and computation related settings."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:166
msgid "Enter the characters shown in the image. Ignore spaces and be careful about upper and lower case."
msgstr "Vul de letters in uit de afbeelding. Negeer spaties en let op het gebruik van hoofdletters."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:169
msgid "Enter the characters (without spaces) shown in the image."
msgstr "Vul de letters in uit de afbeelding (zonder spaties)."
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:179;179;40
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.info:0
msgid "Image CAPTCHA"
msgstr "Beeld-CAPTCHA"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:184
msgid "What code is in the image?"
msgstr "Welke code staat in de afbeelding?"
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.module:94
msgid "Encountered an illegal byte while splitting an utf8 string in characters."
msgstr ""
#: image_captcha/image_captcha.info:0
msgid "Provides an image based CAPTCHA."
msgstr "Voorziet een afbeelding gebaseerde CAPTCHA"