module and $captcha_type->type * @return nothing */ function captcha_set_form_id_setting($form_id, $captcha_type) { if ($captcha_type == 'none') { db_query("DELETE FROM {captcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id); db_query("INSERT INTO {captcha_points} (form_id, module, type) VALUES ('%s', NULL, NULL)", $form_id); } elseif ($captcha_type == 'default') { db_query("DELETE FROM {captcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id); db_query("INSERT INTO {captcha_points} (form_id, module, type) VALUES ('%s', NULL, '%s')", $form_id, 'default'); } elseif ($captcha_type == NULL) { db_query("DELETE FROM {captcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id); } elseif (is_object($captcha_type) && isset($captcha_type->module) && isset($captcha_type->type)) { db_query("DELETE FROM {captcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id); db_query("INSERT INTO {captcha_points} (form_id, module, type) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $form_id, $captcha_type->module, $captcha_type->type); } elseif (is_string($captcha_type) && substr_count($captcha_type, '/') == 1) { list($module, $type) = explode('/', $captcha_type); db_query("DELETE FROM {captcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id); db_query("INSERT INTO {captcha_points} (form_id, module, type) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $form_id, $module, $type); } else { drupal_set_message(t('Failed to set a CAPTCHA type for form %form_id: could not interpret value "@captcha_type"', array('%form_id' => $form_id, '@captcha_type' => (string)$captcha_type)), 'warning'); } } /** * Get the CAPTCHA setting for a given form_id. * * @param $form_id the form_id to query for * @param $symbolic flag to return as (symbolic) strings instead of object. * * @return NULL if no setting is known * or a captcha_point object with fields 'module' and 'type'. * If argument $symbolic is true, returns (symbolic) as 'none', 'default' * or in the form 'captcha/Math'. */ function captcha_get_form_id_setting($form_id, $symbolic=FALSE) { $result = db_query("SELECT module, type FROM {captcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id); if (!$result) { return NULL; } $captcha_point = db_fetch_object($result); if (!$captcha_point) { $captcha_point = NULL; } elseif ($captcha_point->type == 'default') { if (!$symbolic) { list($module, $type) = explode('/', variable_get('captcha_default_challenge', 'captcha/Math')); $captcha_point->module = $module; $captcha_point->type = $type; } else { $captcha_point = 'default'; } } elseif ($captcha_point->module == NULL && $captcha_point->type == NULL && $symbolic) { $captcha_point = 'none'; } elseif ($symbolic) { $captcha_point = $captcha_point->module .'/'. $captcha_point->type; } return $captcha_point; } /** * Helper function for generating a new CAPTCHA session. * * @param $form_id the form_id of the form to add a CAPTCHA to. * @param $status the initial status of the CAPTHCA session. * @return the session ID of the new CAPTCHA session. */ function _captcha_generate_captcha_session($form_id=NULL, $status=CAPTCHA_STATUS_UNSOLVED) { global $user; db_query("INSERT into {captcha_sessions} (uid, sid, ip_address, timestamp, form_id, solution, status, attempts) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)", $user->uid, session_id(), ip_address(), time(), $form_id, 'undefined', $status, 0); $captcha_sid = db_last_insert_id('captcha_sessions', 'csid'); return $captcha_sid; } /** * Helper function for updating the solution in the CAPTCHA session table. * * @param $captcha_sid the CAPTCHA session ID to update. * @param $solution the new solution to associate with the given CAPTCHA session. */ function _captcha_update_captcha_session($captcha_sid, $solution) { db_query("UPDATE {captcha_sessions} SET timestamp=%d, solution='%s' WHERE csid=%d", time(), $solution, $captcha_sid); } /** * Helper function for checking if CAPTCHA is required for user, * based on CAPTCHA session ID and user session info. */ function _captcha_required_for_user($captcha_sid, $form_id) { $captcha_session_status = db_result(db_query("SELECT status FROM {captcha_sessions} WHERE csid = %d", $captcha_sid)); $captcha_success_form_ids = isset($_SESSION['captcha_success_form_ids']) ? (array)($_SESSION['captcha_success_form_ids']) : array(); switch (variable_get('captcha_persistence', CAPTCHA_PERSISTENCE_SHOW_ALWAYS)) { case CAPTCHA_PERSISTENCE_SKIP_ONCE_SUCCESSFUL: $captcha_persistence_status = (count($captcha_success_form_ids) > 0); break; case CAPTCHA_PERSISTENCE_SKIP_ONCE_SUCCESSFUL_PER_FORM: $captcha_persistence_status = isset($captcha_success_form_ids[$form_id]); break; default: $captcha_persistence_status = FALSE; } return ($captcha_session_status == CAPTCHA_STATUS_UNSOLVED) && !$captcha_persistence_status; } /** * Get the CAPTCHA description as configured on the general CAPTCHA * settings page. * * If the locale module is enabled, the description will be returned * for the current language the page is rendered for. This language * can optionally been overriden with the $lang_code argument. * * @param $lang_code an optional language code to get the descripion for. * @return a string with (localized) CAPTCHA description. */ function _captcha_get_description($lang_code=NULL) { // If no language code is given: use the language of the current page. global $language; $lang_code = isset($lang_code) ? $lang_code : $language->language; // The hardcoded but localizable default. // Look up the configured CAPTCHA description or fall back on the (localized) default. if (module_exists('locale')) { $description = variable_get("captcha_description_$lang_code", $default); } else { $description = variable_get('captcha_description', $default); } return $description; } /** * Parse or interpret the given captcha_type. * @param $captcha_type string representation of the CAPTCHA type, * e.g. 'default', 'none', 'captcha/Math', 'image_captcha/Image' * @return list($captcha_module, $captcha_type) */ function _captcha_parse_captcha_type($captcha_type) { if ($captcha_type == 'none') { return array(NULL, NULL); } if ($captcha_type == 'default') { $captcha_type = variable_get('captcha_default_challenge', 'captcha/Math'); } return explode('/', $captcha_type); } /** * Helper function to get placement information for a given form_id. * @param $form_id the form_id to get the placement information for. * @param $form if a form corresponding to the given form_id, if there * is no placement info for the given form_id, this form is examined to * guess the placement. * @return placement info array (@see _captcha_insert_captcha_element() for more * info about the fields 'path', 'key' and 'weight'. */ function _captcha_get_captcha_placement($form_id, $form) { // Get CAPTCHA placement map from cache. Two levels of cache: // static variable in this function and storage in the variables table. static $placement_map = NULL; // Try first level cache. if ($placement_map === NULL) { // If first level cache missed: try second level cache. $placement_map = variable_get('captcha_placement_map_cache', NULL); // TODO: add UI in admin UI for flushing this cache. if ($placement_map === NULL) { // If second level cache missed: start from a fresh placement map. $placement_map = array(); // Prefill with some hard coded default entries. // The comment form can have a 'Preview' button, or both a 'Submit' and 'Preview' button, // which is tricky for automatic placement detection. Luckily, Drupal core sets their // weight (19 and 20), so we just have to specify a slightly smaller weight. $placement_map['comment_form'] = array('path' => array(), 'key' => NULL, 'weight' => 18.9); // Additional note: the node forms also have the posibility to only show a 'Preview' button. // However, the 'Submit' button is always present, but is just not rendered ('#access' = FALSE) // in those cases. The the automatic button detection should be sufficient for node forms. // $placement_map['user_login'] = array('path' => array(), 'key' => NULL, 'weight' => 1.9); // TODO: also make the placement 'overridable' from the admin UI? } } // Query the placement map. if (array_key_exists($form_id, $placement_map)) { $placement = $placement_map[$form_id]; } // If no placement info is available in placement map: // search the form for buttons and guess placement from it. else { $buttons = _captcha_search_buttons($form); if (count($buttons)) { // Pick first button. // TODO: make this more sofisticated? Use cases needed. $placement = $buttons[0]; } else { // Use NULL when no buttons were found. $placement = NULL; } // Store calculated placement in caches. $placement_map[$form_id] = $placement; variable_set('captcha_placement_map_cache', $placement_map); } return $placement; } /** * Helper function for searching the buttons in a form. * * @param $form the form to search button elements in * @return an array of paths to the buttons. * A path is an array of keys leading to the button, the last * item in the path is the weight of the button element * (or NULL if undefined). */ function _captcha_search_buttons($form) { $buttons = array(); foreach (element_children($form) as $key) { // Look for submit or button type elements. if (isset($form[$key]['#type']) && ($form[$key]['#type'] == 'submit' || $form[$key]['#type'] == 'button')) { $weight = isset($form[$key]['#weight']) ? $form[$key]['#weight'] : NULL; $buttons[] = array( 'path' => array(), 'key' => $key, 'weight' => $weight, ); } // Process children recurively. $children_buttons = _captcha_search_buttons($form[$key]); foreach ($children_buttons as $b) { $b['path'] = array_merge(array($key), $b['path']); $buttons[] = $b; } } return $buttons; } /** * Helper function to insert a CAPTCHA element in a form before a given form element. * @param $form the form to add the CAPTCHA element to. * @param $placement information where the CAPTCHA element should be inserted. * $placement should be an associative array with fields: * - 'path': path (array of path items) of the container in the form where the * CAPTCHA element should be inserted. * - 'key': the key of the element before which the CAPTCHA element * should be inserted. If the field 'key' is undefined or NULL, the CAPTCHA will * just be appended to the container. * - 'weight': if 'key' is not NULL: should be the weight of the element defined by 'key'. * If 'key' is NULL and weight is not NULL: set the weight property of the CAPTCHA element * to this value. * @param $captcha_element the CAPTCHA element to insert. */ function _captcha_insert_captcha_element(&$form, $placement, $captcha_element) { // Get path, target and target weight or use defaults if not available. $target_key = isset($placement['key']) ? $placement['key'] : NULL; $target_weight = isset($placement['weight']) ? $placement['weight'] : NULL; $path = isset($placement['path']) ? $placement['path'] : array(); // Walk through the form along the path. $form_stepper = &$form; foreach ($path as $step) { if (isset($form_stepper[$step])) { $form_stepper = & $form_stepper[$step]; } else { // Given path is invalid: stop stepping and // continue in best effort (append instead of insert). $target_key = NULL; break; } } // If no target is available: just append the CAPTCHA element to the container. if ($target_key == NULL || !array_key_exists($target_key, $form_stepper)) { // Optionally, set weight of CAPTCHA element. if ($target_weight != NULL) { $captcha_element['#weight'] = $target_weight; } $form_stepper['captcha'] = $captcha_element; } // If there is a target available: make sure the CAPTCHA element comes right before it. else { // If target has a weight: set weight of CAPTCHA element a bit smaller // and just append the CAPTCHA: sorting will fix the ordering anyway. if ($target_weight != NULL) { $captcha_element['#weight'] = $target_weight - .1; $form_stepper['captcha'] = $captcha_element; } else { // If we can't play with weights: insert the CAPTCHA element at the right position. // Because PHP lacks a function for this (array_splice() comes close, // but it does not preserve the key of the inserted element), we do it by hand: // chop of the end, append the CAPTCHA element and put the end back. $offset = array_search($target_key, array_keys($form_stepper)); $end = array_splice($form_stepper, $offset); $form_stepper['captcha'] = $captcha_element; foreach($end as $k => $v) { $form_stepper[$k] = $v; } } } }