display->handler->get_option('calendar_type'); $view->date_info->style_name_size = $this->options['name_size']; $view->date_info->style_with_weekno = $this->options['with_weekno']; $view->date_info->style_max_items = $this->options['max_items']; $view->date_info->style_max_items_behavior = $this->options['max_items_behavior']; if (!empty($this->options['groupby_times_custom'])) { $view->date_info->style_groupby_times = explode(',', $this->options['groupby_times_custom']); } else { $view->date_info->style_groupby_times = calendar_groupby_times($this->options['groupby_times']); } $view->date_info->style_groupby_field = $this->options['groupby_field']; // TODO make this an option setting. $view->date_info->style_show_empty_times = !empty($this->options['groupby_times_custom']) ? TRUE : FALSE; // Make sure views does't try to limit the number of items in this view. $this->view->pager['items_per_page'] = 0; } /** * Set default options */ function options(&$options) { $options['name_size'] = 3; $options['with_weekno'] = 0; $options['max_items'] = 0; $options['max_items_behavior'] = 'more'; $options['groupby_times'] = 'hour'; $options['groupby_times_custom'] = ''; $options['groupby_field'] = ''; } /** * Style options. */ function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) { $calendar_type = $this->display->handler->get_option('calendar_type'); $form['name_size'] = array( '#title' => t('Calendar day of week names'), '#default_value' => $this->options['name_size'], '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('year', 'month', 'week')) ? 'radios' : 'value', '#options' => array(1 => t('First letter of name'), 2 => t('First two letters of name'), 3 => t('Abbreviated name'), 99 => t('Full name')), '#description' => t('The way day of week names should be displayed in a calendar.'), ); $form['with_weekno'] = array( '#title' => t('Show week numbers'), '#default_value' => $this->options['with_weekno'], '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('month')) ? 'radios' : 'value', '#options' => array(0 => t('No'), 1 => t('Yes')), '#description' => t('Whether or not to show week numbers in the left column of calendar weeks and months.'), ); $form['max_items'] = array( '#title' => t('Maximum items'), '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('month')) ? 'select' : 'value', '#options' => array(CALENDAR_SHOW_ALL => t('Unlimited'), CALENDAR_HIDE_ALL => t('No items'), 3 => t('3 items'), 5 => t('5 items'), 10 => t('10 items')), '#default_value' => $calendar_type != 'day' ? $this->options['max_items'] : 0, '#description' => t('Maximum number of items to show in calendar cells, used to keep the calendar from expanding to a huge size when there are lots of items in one day. '), ); $form['max_items_behavior'] = array( '#title' => t('Too many items'), '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('month')) ? 'select' : 'value', '#options' => array('more' => t("Show maximum, add 'more' link"), 'hide' => t('Hide all, add link to day')), '#default_value' => $calendar_type != 'day' ? $this->options['max_items_behavior'] : 'more', '#description' => t('Behavior when there are more than the above number of items in a single day. When there more items than this limit, a link to the day view will be displayed.'), ); $form['groupby_times'] = array( '#title' => t('Time grouping'), '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('day', 'week')) ? 'select' : 'value', '#default_value' => $this->options['groupby_times'], '#description' => t("Group items together into time periods based on their start time."), '#options' => array('' => t('None'), 'hour' => t('Hour'), 'half' => t('Half hour'), 'custom' => t('Custom')), ); $form['groupby_times_custom'] = array( '#title' => t('Custom time grouping'), '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('day', 'week')) ? 'textarea' : 'value', '#default_value' => $this->options['groupby_times_custom'], '#description' => t("When choosing the 'custom' Time grouping option above, create custom time period groupings as a comma-separated list of 24-hour times in the format HH:MM:SS, like '00:00:00,08:00:00,18:00:00'. Be sure to start with '00:00:00'. All items after the last time will go in the final group."), ); // Create a list of fields that are available for grouping and truncation, // excluding the date fields in the view from the grouping options. $field_options = array(); $date_field_options = array(); $fields = $this->display->handler->get_option('fields'); $date_fields = array_keys($this->date_fields()); foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) { $handler = views_get_handler($field['table'], $field['field'], 'field'); if (!in_array($field['table'] .'.'. $field['field'], $date_fields)) { $field_options[$field['table'] .'_'. $field['field']] = $handler->ui_name(); } else { $date_field_options[$field['table'] .'_'. $field['field']] = $handler->ui_name(); } } $form['groupby_field'] = array( '#title' => t('Field grouping'), '#type' => in_array($calendar_type, array('day')) ? 'select' : 'value', '#default_value' => $this->options['groupby_field'], '#description' => t("Optionally group items into columns by a field value, for instance select the content type to show items for each content type in their own column, or use a location field to organize items into columns by location."), '#options' => array('' => '') + $field_options, ); foreach ($form as $key => $value) { if ($value['#type'] == 'value') { $form[$key]['#value'] = $value['#default_value']; } } } /** * Render the calendar attachment style. */ function render() { // Adjust the theme to match the currently selected default. // Only the month view needs the special 'mini' class, // which is used to retrieve a different, more compact, theme. if (!empty($this->view->date_info->mini) && $this->view->date_info->granularity == 'month') { $this->definition['theme'] = 'calendar_mini'; } else { $this->view->date_info->mini = FALSE; $this->definition['theme'] = 'calendar_'. $this->view->date_info->granularity; } $this->view->date_info->hide_admin_links = TRUE; return theme($this->theme_functions(), $this->view, $this->options, array()); } }