# $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2008/09/30 08:58:26 augustin Exp $ # CHANGELOG.txt ################ * 9/30 Removed obsolete variable. * 9/30 Added hook_uninstall(). * 8/14 Fix more notices. * 8/14 Space out some code for better readability. * 8/14 Fix bug when accessing node/add and node/add/*. * 8/13 Added 'supported' collapsed setting. * 7/16 Fix another E_ALL notice when accessing /node/xyz where xyz is anything not corresponding to a node ID. * 7/13 Fix E_ALL notice. # tag DRUPAL-6--1-3 : 27th June 2008. # ==================================== * Update README.txt and INSTALL.txt # tag DRUPAL-6--1-0 : 16th April 2008. # ==================================== * Full upgrade to Drupal 6. # tag DRUPAL-5--2-0 : 10th April 2008. # ==================================== * Fixed logic so that when a user is adding a node (/node/add/node_type), the user's theme is used if the node type is among the allowed ones. * Added setting: which node types should use the users' theme? Beside 'blog', you can add any CCK or custom node type. * Added setting: should a user profile page use the site's default theme, or the user's theme? * Added a setting page, for the three items listed above. * 34360: separate the blog theme from the site theme. A new perm is added: 'select different blog theme' which is in addition to the core perm 'select different theme'. Now the user has two theme settings: one for the whole site, one for his/her blog. * Hook_menu was executed twice for lack of if $may_cache loop. # tag DRUPAL-5--1-2 : 28th July 2007. # ==================================== * Garland is the new default theme for Drupal 5. * 162389: Make theme consistent when adding a comment. Patch by Chris21, with thanks. * Upgrade to Drupal 5.