' . t('The administration menu module provides a dropdown menu arranged for one- or two-click access to most administrative tasks and other common destinations (to users with the proper permissions). Administration menu also displays the number of anonymous and authenticated users, and allows modules to add their own custom menu items. Integration with the menu varies from module to module; the contributed module Devel, for instance, makes strong use of the administration menu module to provide quick access to development tools.', array('@drupal' => 'http://drupal.org/project/devel')) . '
'; $output .= '' . t('The administration menu settings page allows you to modify some elements of the menu\'s behavior and appearance. Since the appearance of the menu is dependent on your site theme, substantial customizations require modifications to your site\'s theme and CSS files. See the advanced module README.txt file for more information on theme and CSS customizations.', array('@settings' => url('admin/settings/admin_menu'))) . '
'; $output .= '' . t('The menu items displayed in the administration menu depend upon the actual permissions of the viewer. First, the administration menu is only displayed to users in roles with the Access administration menu (admin_menu module) permission. Second, a user must be a member of a role with the Access administration pages (system module) permission to view administrative links. And, third, only currently permitted links are displayed; for example, if a user is not a member of a role with the permissions Administer permissions (user module) and Administer users (user module), the User management menu item is not displayed.') . '
'; return $output; } } /** * Implementation of hook_perm(). */ function admin_menu_perm() { return array('access administration menu', 'display drupal links'); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme(). */ function admin_menu_theme() { return array( 'admin_menu_icon' => array( 'arguments' => array(), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_menu(). */ function admin_menu_menu() { $items = array(); $items['admin/settings/admin_menu'] = array( 'title' => 'Administration menu', 'description' => 'Adjust administration menu settings.', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('admin_menu_theme_settings'), 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'file' => 'admin_menu.inc', ); $items['admin_menu/toggle-modules'] = array( 'page callback' => 'admin_menu_toggle_modules', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'admin_menu.inc', ); $items['admin_menu/flush-cache'] = array( 'page callback' => 'admin_menu_flush_cache', 'access arguments' => array('administer site configuration'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => 'admin_menu.inc', ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_init(). * * We can't move this into admin_menu_footer(), because PHP-only based themes * like chameleon load and output scripts and stylesheets in front of * theme_closure(), so we ensure Admin menu's styles and scripts are loaded on * all pages via hook_init(). */ function admin_menu_init() { if (user_access('access administration menu')) { $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu'); drupal_add_css($path .'/admin_menu.css', 'module', 'all', FALSE); // Performance: Defer execution. drupal_add_js($path .'/admin_menu.js', 'module', 'header', TRUE); if ($setting = variable_get('admin_menu_margin_top', 1)) { drupal_add_js(array('admin_menu' => array('margin_top' => $setting)), 'setting'); } if ($setting = variable_get('admin_menu_position_fixed', 0)) { drupal_add_js(array('admin_menu' => array('position_fixed' => $setting)), 'setting'); } if ($setting = variable_get('admin_menu_tweak_tabs', 0)) { drupal_add_js(array('admin_menu' => array('tweak_tabs' => $setting)), 'setting'); } if ($_GET['q'] == 'admin/build/modules' || strpos($_GET['q'], 'admin/build/modules/list') === 0) { drupal_add_js(array('admin_menu' => array('tweak_modules' => variable_get('admin_menu_tweak_modules', 0))), 'setting'); } } } /** * Suppress display of administration menu. * * This function should be called from within another module's page callback * (preferably using module_invoke()) when the menu should not be displayed. * This is useful for modules that implement popup pages or other special * pages where the menu would be distracting or break the layout. * * @param $set * Defaults to TRUE. If called before hook_footer, the menu will not be * displayed. Calling with FALSE returns the suppression state. */ function admin_menu_suppress($set = TRUE) { static $suppress = FALSE; if (!empty($set)) { $suppress = TRUE; } return $suppress; } /** * Implementation of hook_footer(). * * Admin menu was previously output via hook_block(), but suffered from * theme-specific stylesheets that may be applied to layout blocks. We now * output Admin menu in the footer to circumvent this. * * @todo Since admin_menu is rebuilt in the same request, we should be able * to use a helper function instead of a variable to remind us to rebuild * (variable_set() is slow). */ function admin_menu_footer($main = 0) { if (!user_access('access administration menu') || admin_menu_suppress(FALSE)) { return; } // Check for the flag indicating that we need to rebuild. if (variable_get('admin_menu_rebuild_links', FALSE)) { module_load_include('inc', 'admin_menu'); _admin_menu_rebuild_links(); variable_del('admin_menu_rebuild_links'); } $content = ' '; return $content; } /** * Returns a rendered menu tree. * * @param $tree * A data structure representing the tree as returned from menu_tree_data. * * @return string * The complete, rendered administration menu. */ function admin_menu_tree_output($tree) { $output = ''; foreach ($tree as $data) { $extra_class = isset($data['link']['localized_options']['extra class']) ? $data['link']['localized_options']['extra class'] : NULL; $link = admin_menu_item_link($data['link']); if ($data['below']) { $output .= theme_admin_menu_item($link, $data['link']['has_children'], admin_menu_tree_output($data['below']), $data['link']['in_active_trail'], $extra_class); } else { $output .= theme_admin_menu_item($link, $data['link']['has_children'], '', $data['link']['in_active_trail'], $extra_class); } } return $output ? "\n