# -*- coding: utf-8 # Copyright 2005 by Meelis Mets try: from Products.CMFPlone.migrations import v2_5 except ImportError: PLONE25 = 0 PLONE21 = 1 # This is ok since we've never supported anything below Plone 2.1 else: PLONE25 = 1 PLONE21 = 0 SKINS_DIR = 'skins' PROJECT_NAME = 'Eportfolio' GLOBALS = globals() ROLES = ['Student','Lecturer','Moderator','Viewer'] SUBJECTS = ['Eelpraktika','Eesti keel', 'Vene keel', 'Saksa keel', 'Ajalugu', 'Matemaatika', 'Muusika', 'Geograafia', 'Bioloogia', 'Füüsika'] TASK_TYPES = ['ReflectionTask', 'StructuredTask'] BLOG_TYPES = ['BlogEntry', 'ReflectionAnswer', 'StructuredAnswer'] DRAWER_TYPES = ['QCL', 'Report', 'Image', 'File', 'EFolder', 'Photoalbum', 'Link'] PERMISSIONS = {'worksheetOverView': ['Manager', 'Center of Pedagogical Practice', 'Lecturer'], 'worksheetBasicView': ['Manager', 'Student', 'School', 'Lecturer', 'Methodologist', 'Center of Pedagogical Practice',], 'notInTaskList': ['Manager', 'Center of Pedagogical Practice',], 'notInPracticeTaskList': ['Manager', 'Lecturer', 'School', 'Center of Pedagogical Practice',], }