abbr (simpleInline) acronym (simpleInline) Class : address (atomicBlock) Class : blockquote (simpleBlock) Attribute : cite [0..1]: uri Class : br (atomicInline) Class : cite (simpleInline) Class : code (simpleInline) Class : dfn (simpleInline) Class : div (blockStatic, bodyElement, flowStatic) Contains : flow [*] Class : em (simpleInline) Class : h1 (atomicBlock) Class : h2 (atomicBlock) Class : h3 (atomicBlock) Class : h4 (atomicBlock) Class : h5 (atomicBlock) Class : h6 (atomicBlock) Class : kbd (simpleInline) Class : p (atomicBlock) Class : pre (atomicBlock) Although pre inherits from atomicBlock it must not contain, either directly or indirectly, any of the following objects: img, object, big, small, sub, sup. Class : q (simpleInline) Attribute : cite [0..1]: uri Class : samp (simpleInline) Class : span (simpleInline) Class : strong (simpleInline) Class : var (simpleInline) Class : dl (blockStatic, bodyElement, flowStatic)Contains : dlElement [*] Abstract class : dlElement (bodyElement) Derived classes: dd, dt Associated classes: dl Class : dt (dlElement) Contains : inline [*] Class : dd (dlElement) Contains : flow [*] Class : ol (blockStatic, bodyElement, flowStatic) Contains : li [*] Class : ul (blockStatic, bodyElement, flowStatic) Contains : li [*] Class : li (bodyElement) Associated classes: ul, ol Contains : flow [*] 6.2.3. Object Elements Class : object (bodyElement, flowStatic, inlineStatic) Associated classes: drawingInteraction, positionObjectInteraction, positionObjectStage, graphicInteraction, gapImg Contains : objectFlow [*] Attribute : data [1]: string The data attribute provides a URI for locating the data associated with the object. Attribute : type [1]: mimeType Attribute : width [0..1]: length Attribute : height [0..1]: length Class : param (objectFlow) Attribute : name [1]: string The name of the parameter, as interpreted by the object. Attribute : value [1]: string The value to pass to the object for the named parameter. This value is subject to template variable expansion. If the value is the name of a template variable that was declared with the paramVariable set to true then the template variable's value is passed to the object as the value for the given parameter. When expanding a template variable as a parameter value, types other than identifiers, strings and uris must be converted to strings. Numeric types are converted to strings using the "%i" or "%G" formats as appropriate (see printedVariable for a discussion of numeric formatting). Values of base-type boolean are expanded to one of the strings "true" or "false". Values of base-type point are expanded to two space-separated integers in the order horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate, using "%i" format. Values of base-type pair and directedPair are converted to a string consisting of the two identifiers, space separated. Values of base-type duration are converted using "%G" format. Values of base-type file cannot be used in parameter expansion. If the valuetype is REF the template variable must be of base-type uri. Attribute : valuetype [1]: paramType = DATA This specification supports the use of DATA and REF but not OBJECT. Attribute : type [0..1]: mimeType Used to provide a type for values valuetype REF. Enumeration: paramType DATA REF 6.2.4. Presentation Elements Class : b (simpleInline) Class : big (simpleInline) Class : hr (blockStatic, bodyElement, flowStatic) Class : i (simpleInline) Class : small (simpleInline) Class : sub (simpleInline) Class : sup (simpleInline) Class : tt (simpleInline) 6.2.5. Table Elements Class : caption (bodyElement) Associated classes: table Contains : inline [*] Class : col (bodyElement) Associated classes: table, colgroup Class : colgroup (bodyElement) Associated classes: table Contains : col [*] Class : table (blockStatic, bodyElement, flowStatic) Attribute : summary [0..1]: string Contains : caption [0..1] Contains : col [*] If a table directly contains a col then it must not contain any colgroup elements. Contains : colgroup [*] If a table contains a colgroup it must not directly contain any col elements. Contains : thead [0..1] Contains : tfoot [0..1] Contains : tbody [1..*] Abstract class : tableCell (bodyElement) Derived classes: td, th Associated classes: tr In XHTML, table cells are represented by either th or td and these share the following attributes and content model: Attribute : headers [*]: identifier Attribute : scope [0..1]: tableCellScope Attribute : abbr [0..1]: string Attribute : axis [0..1]: string Attribute : rowspan [0..1]: integer Attribute : colspan [0..1]: integer Contains : flow [*] Enumeration: tableCellScope row col rowgroup colgroup Class : tbody (bodyElement) Associated classes: table Contains : tr [1..*] Class : td (tableCell) Class : tfoot (bodyElement) Associated classes: table Contains : th [1..*] Class : th (tableCell) Associated classes: tfoot Class : thead (bodyElement) Associated classes: table Contains : tr [1..*] Class : tr (bodyElement) Associated classes: tbody, thead Contains : tableCell [1..*] 6.2.6. Image Element Class : img (atomicInline) Attribute : src [1]: uri Attribute : alt [1]: string256 Attribute : longdesc [0..1]: uri Attribute : height [0..1]: length Attribute : width [0..1]: length 6.2.7. Hypertext Element Class : a (simpleInline) Although a inherits from simpleInline it must not contain, either directly or indirectly, another a. Attribute : href [1]: uri Attribute : type [0..1]: mimeType