* @author Kornel LesiƄski * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html GNU Lesser General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: CodeWriter.php 605 2009-05-03 02:50:26Z kornel $ * @link http://phptal.org/ */ /** * Helps generate php representation of a template. * * @package PHPTAL * @subpackage Php * @author Laurent Bedubourg */ class PHPTAL_Php_CodeWriter { /** * max id of variable to give as temp */ private $temp_var_counter=0; /** * stack with free'd variables */ private $temp_recycling=array(); /** * keeps track of seen functions for function_exists */ private $known_functions = array(); public function __construct(PHPTAL_Php_State $state) { $this->_state = $state; } public function createTempVariable() { if (count($this->temp_recycling)) return array_shift($this->temp_recycling); return '$_tmp_'.(++$this->temp_var_counter); } public function recycleTempVariable($var) { if (substr($var,0,6)!=='$_tmp_') throw new PHPTAL_Exception("Invalid variable recycled"); $this->temp_recycling[] = $var; } public function getCacheFilesBaseName() { return $this->_state->getCacheFilesBaseName(); } public function getResult() { $this->flush(); $this->_result = trim($this->_result); return $this->_result; } /** * set full '' string to output later * * @param string $dt * @return void */ public function setDocType($dt) { $this->_doctype = $dt; } /** * set full '' string to output later * * @param string $dt * @return void */ public function setXmlDeclaration($dt) { $this->_xmldeclaration = $dt; } /** * functions later generated and checked for existence will have this prefix added * (poor man's namespace) * * @param string $prefix * @return void */ public function setFunctionPrefix($prefix) { $this->_functionPrefix = $prefix; } /** * @return string */ public function getFunctionPrefix() { return $this->_functionPrefix; } /** * @see PHPTAL_Php_State::setTalesMode() * * @param string $mode * @return string */ public function setTalesMode($mode) { return $this->_state->setTalesMode($mode); } public function splitExpression($src) { preg_match_all('/(?:[^;]+|;;)+/sm', $src, $array); $array = $array[0]; foreach ($array as &$a) $a = str_replace(';;', ';', $a); return $array; } public function evaluateExpression($src) { return $this->_state->evaluateExpression($src); } public function indent() { $this->_indentation ++; } public function unindent() { $this->_indentation --; } public function flush() { $this->flushCode(); $this->flushHtml(); } public function noThrow($bool) { if ($bool) { $this->pushCode('$ctx->noThrow(true)'); } else { $this->pushCode('$ctx->noThrow(false)'); } } public function flushCode() { if (count($this->_codeBuffer) == 0) return; // special treatment for one code line if (count($this->_codeBuffer) == 1) { $codeLine = $this->_codeBuffer[0]; // avoid adding ; after } and { if (!preg_match('/\}\s*$|\{\s*$/', $codeLine)) $this->_result .= ''; else $this->_result .= ''; $this->_codeBuffer = array(); return; } $this->_result .= '_codeBuffer as $codeLine) { // avoid adding ; after } and { if (!preg_match('/\}\s*$|\{\s*$/', $codeLine)) $this->_result .= $codeLine . ' ;'."\n"; else $this->_result .= $codeLine; } $this->_result .= '?>'; $this->_codeBuffer = array(); } public function flushHtml() { if (count($this->_htmlBuffer) == 0) return; $this->_result .= implode('', $this->_htmlBuffer); $this->_htmlBuffer = array(); } public function doDoctype() { if ($this->_doctype) { $code = '$ctx->setDocType('.$this->str($this->_doctype).')'; $this->pushCode($code); } } public function doXmlDeclaration() { if ($this->_xmldeclaration) { $code = '$ctx->setXmlDeclaration('.$this->str($this->_xmldeclaration).')'; $this->pushCode($code); } } public function functionExists($name) { return isset($this->known_functions[$this->_functionPrefix . $name]); } public function doFunction($name, $params) { $name = $this->_functionPrefix . $name; $this->known_functions[$name] = true; $this->pushCodeWriterContext(); $this->pushCode("function $name($params) {\n"); $this->indent(); $this->_segments[] = 'function'; } public function doComment($comment) { $comment = str_replace('*/', '* /', $comment); $this->pushCode("/* $comment */"); } public function doEval($code) { $this->pushCode($code); } public function doForeach($out, $source) { $this->_segments[] = 'foreach'; $this->pushCode("foreach ($source as $out):"); $this->indent(); } public function doEnd() { $segment = array_pop($this->_segments); $this->unindent(); if ($segment == 'function') { $this->pushCode("\n}\n\n"); $functionCode = $this->getResult(); $this->popCodeWriterContext(); $this->_result = $functionCode . $this->_result; } elseif ($segment == 'try') $this->pushCode('}'); elseif ($segment == 'catch') $this->pushCode('}'); else $this->pushCode("end$segment"); } public function doTry() { $this->_segments[] = 'try'; $this->pushCode('try {'); $this->indent(); } public function doSetVar($varname, $code) { $this->pushCode($varname.' = '.$code); } public function doCatch($catch) { $this->doEnd(); $this->_segments[] = 'catch'; $this->pushCode('catch('.$catch.') {'); $this->indent(); } public function doIf($condition) { $this->_segments[] = 'if'; $this->pushCode('if ('.$condition.'): '); $this->indent(); } public function doElseIf($condition) { $this->unindent(); $this->pushCode('elseif ('.$condition.'): '); $this->indent(); } public function doElse() { $this->unindent(); $this->pushCode('else: '); $this->indent(); } public function doEcho($code) { if ($code === "''") return; $this->flush(); $this->pushCode('echo '.$this->escapeCode($code)); } public function doEchoRaw($code) { if ($code === "''") return; $this->pushCode('echo '.$this->stringifyCode($this->interpolateHTML($code))); } public function interpolateHTML($html) { return $this->_state->interpolateTalesVarsInHtml($html); } public function interpolateCDATA($str) { return $this->_state->interpolateTalesVarsInCDATA($str); } public function pushHTML($html) { if ($html === "") return; $this->flushCode(); $this->_htmlBuffer[] = $html; } public function pushCode($codeLine) { $this->flushHtml(); $codeLine = $this->indentSpaces() . $codeLine; $this->_codeBuffer[] = $codeLine; } /** * php string with escaped text */ public function str($string) { return '\''.str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $string).'\''; } public function escapeCode($code) { return $this->_state->htmlchars($code); } public function stringifyCode($code) { return $this->_state->stringify($code); } public function getEncoding() { return $this->_state->getEncoding(); } public function interpolateTalesVarsInString($src) { return $this->_state->interpolateTalesVarsInString($src); } public function setDebug($bool) { return $this->_state->setDebug($bool); } public function isDebugOn() { return $this->_state->isDebugOn(); } public function getOutputMode() { return $this->_state->getOutputMode(); } public function quoteAttributeValue($value) { if ($this->getEncoding() == 'UTF-8') // HTML 5: Attributes ; http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/issues/detail?id=93 { // regex excludes unicode control characters, all kinds of whitespace and unsafe characters $attr_regex = '/^[^$&\/=\'"><\s`\pM\pC\pZ\p{Pc}\p{Sk}]+$/u'; // FIXME: interpolation is done _after_ that function, so $ must be forbidden for now } else { $attr_regex = '/^[^$&\/=\'"><\s`\0177-\377]+$/'; } if ($this->getOutputMode() == PHPTAL::HTML5 && preg_match($attr_regex, $value)) return $value; else return '"'.$value.'"'; } public function pushContext() { $this->doSetVar('$ctx', '$tpl->pushContext()'); } public function popContext() { $this->doSetVar('$ctx', '$tpl->popContext()'); } // ~~~~~ Private members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private function indentSpaces() { return str_repeat("\t", $this->_indent); } private function pushCodeWriterContext() { $this->_contexts[] = clone $this; $this->_result = ""; $this->_indent = 0; $this->_codeBuffer = array(); $this->_htmlBuffer = array(); $this->_segments = array(); } private function popCodeWriterContext() { $oldContext = array_pop($this->_contexts); $this->_result = $oldContext->_result; $this->_indent = $oldContext->_indent; $this->_codeBuffer = $oldContext->_codeBuffer; $this->_htmlBuffer = $oldContext->_htmlBuffer; $this->_segments = $oldContext->_segments; } private $_state; private $_result = ""; private $_indent = 0; private $_codeBuffer = array(); private $_htmlBuffer = array(); private $_segments = array(); private $_contexts = array(); private $_functionPrefix = ""; private $_doctype = ""; private $_xmldeclaration = ""; }