# -*- coding: utf-8 # -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- """ Gap Match type """ __version__ = "$Revision:33$"[11:-2] import Globals from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem import re from random import shuffle from zope.interface import implements from Products.QTAuthor.common import commons from Products.QTAuthor.BaseQuestion import BaseQuestion from Products.QTAuthor.Permissions import * from Products.QTAuthor.interfaces import IBaseQuestion, IQuestionAuthoring class GapMatchType(BaseQuestion): """ """ meta_type = 'gap_match_type' security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() implements(IBaseQuestion, IQuestionAuthoring) manage_options = SimpleItem.manage_options def __init__(self, id): self.id=id self.variants = {} self.gapvariants = {} self.gappoints = {} BaseQuestion.__init__(self) security.declarePrivate('manage_afterAdd') def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container): self.index_object() security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getType') def getType(self): return 'gap_match_type' security.declareProtected(perm_edit_question, 'setOtherVariants') def setOtherVariants(self, variants): self.variants = variants txt = self.variants othervars = txt.split(',') othervariants = [] for v in othervars: v.strip() if v != "": othervariants.append(v) self.othervariants = othervariants self.otherlength = len(self.othervariants) security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getOtherVariantsTuple') def getOtherVariantsTuple(self): """ """ return self.othervariants security.declareProtected(perm_edit_question, 'setAllVariants') def setAllVariants(self): #siia siis kõik variandid kokku ühte listi ja siis shuffleda """ """ all = [] first = self.getGapvariants() second = self.getOtherVariantsTuple() for i in range (0, len(second)): z = second[i] all.append(z) for i in range (1, len(first)+1): x = first.get('gap'+str(i)) all.append(x) shuffle(all) self.allvariants = all return all security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getAllVariants') def getAllVariants(self): return self.allvariants def getAnswers(self): all = {} first = self.getGapvariants() second = self.getOtherVariantsTuple() i = 1 for j in range (1, len(first)+1): var = first.get('gap'+str(j)) all['v'+str(i)] = var i += 1 for var in second: all['v'+str(i)] = var i += 1 return all def VariantsTable(self): #variandid tabelisse """ """ if not hasattr(self, 'allvariants'): return "" allvariants = self.getAllVariants() AllLength = len(allvariants) table = '' for i in range(0, AllLength): table += '' table += '' gapvariants = self.getGapvariants() gappoints = self.getGappoints() for i in range(1, len(gapvariants)+1): table += '' x = gapvariants.get('gap'+str(i)) for j in range(0, AllLength): if x == allvariants[j]: table += '' if x != allvariants[j]: table += '' table += '' table += '
'+allvariants[i].decode('utf-8')+''+self.utranslate('label_points', 'Points')+'
' return table security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getVariants') def getVariants(self): """ """ return self.variants security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'setGapVariants') def setGapVariants(self, gapvariants): self.gapvariants = gapvariants security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getGapvariants') def getGapvariants(self): """ """ return self.gapvariants security.declareProtected(perm_edit_question, 'setGapPoints') def setGapPoints(self, gap_points): self.gappoints = gap_points security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getGappoints') def getGappoints(self): """ """ return getattr(self, 'gappoints', {}) security.declareProtected(perm_view_question, 'getMaxPoints') def getMaxPoints(self): maxpoints = 0 gappoints = self.getGappoints() for i in range(1, len(gappoints)+1): maxpoints += float(gappoints.get('gappoints'+str(i))) return maxpoints security.declareProtected(perm_edit_question, 'changeQuestion') def changeQuestion(self, REQUEST): """ """ variants = REQUEST.get('variants') self.setOtherVariants(variants) self.setCommonData(REQUEST) allgaps = re.findall('\[.*?\]', self.getQuestion(REQUEST)) gapscount = len(allgaps) self.reindex_object() message = [] # display message if at least one gap [] is empty for gap in allgaps: # check is that gap empty if gap == "[]": message.append("You have to write correct answer into each gap!") break; if gapscount == 0: message.append("Mark which words you want gapped!") # if something is wrong if len(message) > 0: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.getId() +'/edit?message='+'
'.join(message)) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.getId()+'/gap_match2.html') def gaps(self): """ """ txt = self.getQuestion().decode('utf-8') allgaps = re.finditer('\[.*?\]', txt) allgaps1 = re.finditer('\[.*?\]', txt) correctanswer = {} p = None table = u'' table += '' table += '' table += '' table += '' gapscount = 0 for gap in allgaps1: gapscount += 1 self.gapscount = gapscount textgaps = {} gapvariants = self.getGapvariants() gappoints = self.getGappoints() i = 1 for y in allgaps: x = y.group() correctanswer['res'+str(i)] = x[1:-1] textgaps['gap'+str(i)] = x z = y.span() e = 0 if p: e=p.span()[1] table += '' table += '' x = 0 for k in range(1, gapscount + 1): m = correctanswer.get('res'+str(i)) gapvariant = gapvariants.get('gap'+str(k)) if (gapvariant != None): gapvariant = gapvariant.decode('utf-8') if m == gapvariant and x == 0: table += '' table += '' table += '' p = y i += 1 table += '' table += '
' return table def add_variants(self, REQUEST): """ """ # save variants and points gappoints = {} gapvariants = self.getGapvariants() for i in range(1, self.gapscount+1): if REQUEST.has_key('gap'+str(i)): gapvariants['gap'+str(i)] = REQUEST.get('gap'+str(i)) points = REQUEST.get('gappoints'+str(i)) if (points == ''): points = '1' gappoints['gappoints'+str(i)] = points self.setAllVariants() self.setGapVariants(gapvariants) self.setGapPoints(gappoints) # send to waramu if needed self._sendToWaramu() return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url()) def replace(self, txt): x = re.findall('\[.*?\]', txt) i = 1 for k in x: txt = txt.replace(k, '', 1) i = i + 1 return txt def xml2(self, fullURLs=False): """ """ xml = u'\n' xml += '\n' xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' gapvariants = self.getGapvariants() gapscount = len(gapvariants) for i in range(1, gapscount + 1): xml=xml+'v'+str(i)+' g'+str(i)+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' gappoints = self.getGappoints() for i in range(1, gapscount + 1): xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' xml=xml+'\n' question = self.getQuestion() if fullURLs: from xml.sax.saxutils import escape question = escape(question) question = self.replace(question) xml += '' question = self.fixQuestionText(question) if not fullURLs: question = self.replaceImageurl(question) xml += question xml += '\n' j = 1 for i in range(1, gapscount + 1): xml=xml+''+gapvariants.get('gap'+str(i)).decode('utf-8')+'\n' j = j + 1 for i in range(1, self.otherlength + 1): xml=xml+''+self.othervariants[i-1].decode('utf-8')+'\n' j = j + 1 # question = self.replace(self.getQuestion()) # xml += '

' # xml += self.replaceImageurl(question) # xml += '

\n' xml=xml+'
\n' xml=xml+'
\n' xml=xml+ self.map_response() xml=xml+'
\n' return xml security.declareProtected('QTAuthor: View question', 'getInteractionType') def getInteractionType(self): """ """ return "gapMatchInteraction" def importQuestion(self, data, dom): """ """ additionalFiles = {} questext = data.split('') questext = questext[-1].split('', '['+variant+']') gapvariants['gap'+str(i)] = variant self.setQuestion(questext) self.setGapVariants(gapvariants) othervariants = '' keys = allvariants.keys() for i in range(0, len(allvariants)): var = allvariants.get(keys[i]) othervariants += var if i != len(allvariants)-1: othervariants += ', ' self.setOtherVariants(othervariants) mapEntries = dom.getElementsByTagName("mapEntry") for i in range(1, len(mapEntries)+1): mappedValue = mapEntries[i-1].getAttribute("mappedValue") points['gappoints'+str(i)] = mappedValue.encode('utf-8') self.setGapPoints(points) self.setAllVariants() self.setWhichImages(questext) return additionalFiles def getQuestionStats(self): """ """ table = '' allvariants = self.getAnswers() query = {'getQuesId': self.getId(),} results = self.cat_answers(query) for v in allvariants: table += '' table += '' gaps = self.getGapvariants() for g in gaps: table += '' for v in allvariants: count = 0 for result in results: ans_obj = result.getObject() ans_send = ans_obj.getAnswerSend() values = re.findall('\.*?\<\/value\>', ans_send) for value in values: value = value.replace('', '') value = value.replace('', '') value = value.split(' ') var = value[0] gap = value[1].replace('g', 'gap') if g == gap and v == var: count += 1 table += '' table += '' table += '
' return table def getCSVstats(self, ans_send, frequencies): import re text = "" ques_id = self.getId() if ques_id in frequencies: array = frequencies.get(ques_id) else: array = {} values = re.findall('\.*?\<\/value\>', ans_send) allvariants = self.getAnswers() for value in values: value = value.replace('', '') value = value.replace('', '') value = value.split(' ') var = value[0] chosen = allvariants.get(var) text += chosen + ';' gap = value[1].replace('g', 'gap') if gap in array: gaparray = array.get(gap) else: gaparray = [] gaparray.append(chosen) array[gap] = gaparray frequencies[ques_id] = array return {'csvtext': text, 'frequencies': frequencies} Globals.InitializeClass(GapMatchType) # EOF