Installation instructions ========================= Requirements: Python 2.4.* Zope 2.11.* Following Python libraries is required: SOAPpy cElementTree Set up a new Zope Instance and put QTAuthor code into the Products directory. Also following products is required: PluggableAuthService: PluginRegistry: GenericSetup: From QTAuthor folder copy qtauthor-configure.zcml to etc/package-includes and change mailhost. Start Zope and using your browser go to the ZMI (Zope Management Interface) eg. http://yourwebserver/manage. On the main window, open the drop-down menu on the right and select "QTAuthor" to create QTAuthor site. In the following form you will need to choose the id for the environment (for example "tats"). After this you should be able to access site by going to http://yourwebhost/tats (if you entered "tats" as an id).