POP3Plugin is a plugin for PluggableAuthService (PAS) It authenticates users via POP3 To install, unpack it to Zope's Products directory. Restart Zope. Since there is no way to know what users come from POP3, you need to generate a list of usernames that from POP3 source. File consist of usernames, one username per line. Default location of that file is /tmp/iva-system-names.txt If you need to change that, edit POP3Plugin.py line 37 Usage: In ZMI navigate in to acl_users folder that is PAS. From drop-down menu select POP3 Authenticator and click Add and you get an add form - fill it and click Add button. After that click on newly created object and on 'Activate' tab check Authentication and User_Enumeration Licencing: This software is provided under BSD licence