performSuck("post"); $comment_stat_id = $statistics->performSuck("comment"); global $db; $now = time(); $query = "(SELECT posts, comments, course_guid, 'Nameless' as fullname FROM ".DB_PREFIX."educourses WHERE !deleted AND start_agregate<=".$now." AND stop_agregate>=".$now.") union all (SELECT p.posts as posts, p.comments as comments, p.course_guid as course_guid, CONCAT(p.firstname, ' ', p.lastname) as fullname FROM ".DB_PREFIX."participants p LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."educourses c ON p.course_guid=c.course_guid WHERE c.start_agregate<=".$now." AND c.stop_agregate>=".$now.")"; $result = $db->query($query); $posts_count = 0; $comments_count = 0; if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { while($feed = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $posts_count = $posts_count + $this->suckFeed($feed['posts'], $feed['course_guid'], $feed['fullname'], "post"); $comments_count = $comments_count + $this->suckFeed($feed['comments'], $feed['course_guid'], $feed['fullname'], "comment"); } } $statistics->completeSuck($post_stat_id, $posts_count); $statistics->completeSuck($comment_stat_id, $comments_count); } function suckFeed($feed_url, $course, $author, $type="post") { $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_feed_url($feed_url); $feed->enable_cache(false); $feed->set_output_encoding('UTF-8'); $feed->init(); $feed->handle_content_type(); $success = 0; //XXX We do not handleerrors here, as invalid XML is processed fine, but might raise errors //TODO Think about preprocessing Feed before giving it to SimplePie parser //if ($feed->error()) error_log('Problems with RSS feed: ' . $feed->error()); $items = $feed->get_items(0, 0); foreach ($items as $item) { $title = mysql_real_escape_string($item->get_title()); $link = mysql_real_escape_string($item->get_permalink()); $date = mysql_real_escape_string($item->get_date('U')); $content = mysql_real_escape_string($item->get_content()); $base = mysql_real_escape_string($item->get_base()); $author_name = $author; $f_author = $item->get_author(); $blogger_id = 0; $f_author_name = 0; if (is_object($f_author)) { $f_author_name = $f_author->get_name(); if (!$f_author_name) $f_author_name = 0; preg_match('@^(?:[^/]+)@i', $f_author->get_link(), $matches); if (count($matches)>1 && is_numeric($matches[1])) { $blogger_id = $matches[1]; } } if ($title && $link && $date && $content) { if ($type=="post") { $post_written = $this->writePost($title, $link, $base, $date, $content, $author_name, $blogger_id); $post_rel_written = $this->writePostRelation($course, $link); if ($post_written && $post_rel_written) $success++; } else { $comment_written = $this->writeComment($title, $link, $base, $date, $content, $f_author_name, $blogger_id); $comment_rel_written = $this->writeCommentRelation($course, $link); if ($comment_written && $comment_rel_written) $success++; } } } // destroy feed $feed->__destruct(); unset($feed); return $success; } function writePostRelation($course, $link) { global $db; $query = "INSERT IGNORE into ".DB_PREFIX."course_rels_posts (course_guid, link) values (".$course.", '".$link."')"; return $db->query($query); } function writeCommentRelation($course, $link) { global $db; $query = "INSERT IGNORE into ".DB_PREFIX."course_rels_comments (course_guid, link) values (".$course.", '".$link."')"; return $db->query($query); } function writePost($title, $link, $base, $date, $content, $author_name, $blogger_id) { global $db; $query = "INSERT into ".DB_PREFIX."posts (link, base, title, date, content, author, blogger_id) values ('".$link."', '".$base."', '".$title."', '".$date."', '".$content."', '".$author_name."', '".$blogger_id."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title='".$title."', date='".$date."', content='".$content."', author='".$author_name."', blogger_id='".$blogger_id."', modified=NOW()"; return $db->query($query); } function writeComment($title, $link, $base, $date, $content, $author_name, $blogger_id) { global $db; $pre_query = "SELECT id, author FROM ".DB_PREFIX."posts WHERE '".$link."' LIKE CONCAT(link,'%')"; $pre_result = $db->query($pre_query); $pre_res = mysql_fetch_array($pre_result); $query = "INSERT into ".DB_PREFIX."comments (link, base, title, date, content, author, blogger_id, post_id, post_author) values ('".$link."', '".$base."', '".$title."', '".$date."', '".$content."', '".$author_name."', '".$blogger_id."', '".$pre_res['id']."', '".$pre_res['author']."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title='".$title."', date='".$date."', content='".$content."', author='".$author_name."', blogger_id='".$blogger_id."', post_id='".$pre_res['id']."', post_author='".$pre_res['author']."', modified=NOW()"; return $db->query($query); } } ?>