=== Plugin Name === Contributors: christopherross Plugin URI: http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/wordpress/plugins/cross-slide/ Donate link: http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/wordpress/plugins/cross-slide/ Tags: jquery,slideshow,animated,ken burns, disolve Requires at least: 2.0.0 Tested up to: 3.0.3 Stable tag: 1.0.0 The CrossSlide jQuery plugin for WordPress is designed to quickly add the JS and CSS requirements to operate the jQuery slideshow == Description == The CrossSlide jQuery plugin for WordPress is designed to quickly add the JS and CSS requirements to operate the CrossSlide (http://tobia.github.com/CrossSlide/) jQuery slideshow function to a website which includes an easy, clever static cross fade for WordPress. The plugin allows users to control the speed, angle and transition feed from an easy to use control panel as well as upload images directly to WordPress (or select from existing uploads). == Installation == To install the plugin, please upload the folder to your plugins folder and active the plugin. Once activated, add the php code <?php cr_wp_crossslide(); ?> to your website theme. == Updates == Updates to the plugin will be posted here, to [Christopher Ross](http://thisismyurl.com/) == Frequently Asked Questions == == Donations == If you would like to donate to help support future development of this tool, please visit [Christopher Ross](http://thisismyurl.com/) == Change Log == = 1.0.0 = * official release = 0.0.2 = * removed update routines