prefix . get_class($this) . "_procedures";
if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table_name'") != $table_name) {
$sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " (
name VARCHAR(200),
length int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
public int(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
deleted int(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY id (id)
) CHARSET utf8;";
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
//add default procedures
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Vaktsineerimine',
'length' => 15 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name,
array( 'name' => 'Vaktsineerimine, mikrokiibiga märgistamine ja registrisse kandmine',
'length' => 30 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Emase kassi steriliseerimine',
'length' => 60 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Isase kassi kastreerimine',
'length' => 40 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Väikese emase koera steriliseerimine',
'length' => 60 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Suure emase koera steriliseerimine',
'length' => 90 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Isase koera kastreerimine',
'length' => 60 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Tervisekontrolli uuringud (vereanalüüs+ultraheli+röntgen)',
'length' => 120 ) );
$rows_affected = $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'name' => 'Dermatoloogilised probleemid',
'length' => 30 ) );
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class($this) . "_reservations";
if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table_name'") != $table_name) {
$sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " (
name VARCHAR(200),
length int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
public int(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
$sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " (
length INT(5) NOT NULL,
procedure_id INT(6) NOT NULL,
client_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
client_telephone VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
client_email VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
animal VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
animal_age VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
animal_sex INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
problem VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL,
status INT(1) NOT NULL,
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
add_option( get_class($this) . "_email_reservations_to", "" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_email_reservation_from", "" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_name_email_from", "Example Name" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_day_start_time", "8:00" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_day_end_time", "17:00" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_time_step", "30" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_new_reservation_email", "Tere,\r\n\r\n"
. "veebilehe kaudu on tulnud uus broneering. \r\nBroneeringu andmed:"
. "\r\nAlgus: {algus}\r\nPikkus: {pikkus}\r\nProtseduuri nimi: {protseduur}\r\n"
. "Nimi: {nimi}\r\nTelefon: {telefon}\r\nEmail: {email}\r\nLoom: {loom}\r\n"
. "Vanus: {vanus}\r\nSugu: {sugu}\r\nProbleem: {probleem}\r\n" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_confirm_email_subject", "Broneeringu kinnitus" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_confirm_email", "Tere {nimi},\r\n\r\n"
."Teie broneering algusajaga {algus} ja pikkusega {pikkus}minutit on kinnitatud." );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_decline_email_subject", "Broneeringu tühistus" );
add_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_decline_email", "Tere {nimi},\r\n\r\n"
."Teie broneering algusajaga {algus} ja pikkusega {pikkus}minutit on tühistatud." );
function uninstall() {
global $wpdb;
$list_of_tables_to_drop = Array( '_procedures', '_reservations' );
foreach ( $list_of_tables_to_drop as $table_name ) {
$full_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class($this) . $table_name;
$sql = "DROP TABLE " . $full_table_name;
$wpdb->query( $sql );
function add_pages(){
add_menu_page( 'Broneeringud', 'Broneeringud', 'manage_options', __FILE__, array( &$this, 'get_manage_reservations_page' ) );
$manage_reservations_page = add_submenu_page( __FILE__, 'Broneeringute haldamine', 'Broneeringute haldamine', 'manage_options', __FILE__, array( &$this, 'get_manage_reservations_page' ) );
$add_reservation_page = add_submenu_page( __FILE__, 'Lisa broneering', 'Lisa broneering', 'manage_options', 'get_add_reservation_page', array( &$this, 'get_add_reservation_page' ) );
add_submenu_page( __FILE__, 'Protseduuride haldamine', 'Protseduuride haldamine', 'manage_options', 'get_manage_procedures_page', array( &$this, 'get_manage_procedures_page' ) );
add_submenu_page( __FILE__, 'Seaded', 'Seaded', 'manage_options', 'get_options_page', array( &$this, 'get_options_page' ) );
add_action( 'admin_print_styles-' . $manage_reservations_page, array( &$this, 'HtkLoomakliinik_head_additions' ) );
add_action( 'admin_print_styles-' . $add_reservation_page, array( &$this, 'HtkLoomakliinik_head_additions' ) );
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-' . $add_reservation_page, array( &$this, 'HtkLoomakliinik_head_additions' ) );
function HtkLoomakliinik_head_additions(){
wp_enqueue_style( 'HtkLoomakliinik' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'HtkLoomakliinik' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker-et' );
function ajax_get_available_times(){
$response = array();
$ignore_reservation_id = ( isset( $_POST['ignore_id'] ) )? (int)$_POST['ignore_id']:false;
if( isset( $_POST['date'] ) && isset( $_POST['procedure_id'] ) ){
$procedure = $this->get_procedure( (int)$_POST['procedure_id'] );
if( $procedure == false ){
$response['code'] = 0;
$response['message'] = 'Procedure not found!';
$length = $procedure['length'];
$date = strtotime( $_POST['date'] );
$response['code'] = 1;
$response['times'] = $this->get_available_times( $date, $length, $ignore_reservation_id );
}elseif( isset( $_POST['date'] ) && isset( $_POST['length'] ) ){
$length = (int)$_POST['length'];
$date = strtotime( $_POST['date'] );
$response['code'] = 1;
$response['times'] = $this->get_available_times( $date, $length, $ignore_reservation_id );
$response['code'] = 0;
$response['message'] = 'Date or/and length not set!';
echo json_encode($response);
function ajax_get_month_business(){
$response = array();
if( isset( $_POST['year'] ) && isset( $_POST['month'] ) ){
$response['code'] = 1;
$ignore_reservation_id = ( isset( $_POST['ignore_id'] ) )? (int)$_POST['ignore_id']:false;
if( isset( $_POST['procedure_id'] ) && (int)$_POST['procedure_id'] > 0 ){
$procedure = $this->get_procedure( $_POST['procedure_id'] );
$response['days'] = $this->get_month_days_business( (int)$_POST['month'],
(int)$_POST['year'], true, $procedure['length'], $ignore_reservation_id );
}elseif( isset( $_POST['length'] ) ){
$length = (int)$_POST['length'];
$response['days'] = $this->get_month_days_business( (int)$_POST['month'],
(int)$_POST['year'], true, $length, $ignore_reservation_id );
$response['days'] = $this->get_month_days_business( (int)$_POST['month'],
(int)$_POST['year'], true, 15, $ignore_reservation_id );
// $response['days'] = $this->get_month_days_business( (int)$_POST['month'], (int)$_POST['year'] );
$response['code'] = 0;
$response['message'] = 'Year or/and month not set!';
echo json_encode($response);
function get_day_reservations( $date, $ignore_reservation_id = false ){
global $wpdb;
$reservations = array();
$sql_start = date( 'Y', $date ) . '-' . date( 'm', $date ) . '-' . date( 'd', $date );
$sql_end = date( 'Y', $date ) . '-' . date( 'm', $date ) . '-' . ( date( 'd', $date ) +1 );
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$table_name_procedures = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$ignore_reservation_id_sql_str = ( $ignore_reservation_id === false )?'':
" AND $ <> " . (int)$ignore_reservation_id;
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $table_name.start_time as start_time,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.procedure_id as procedure_id,
$table_name.client_name as client_name, $table_name.client_telephone as client_telephone,
$table_name.client_email as client_email, $table_name.animal as animal,
$table_name.animal_age as animal_age, $table_name.animal_sex as animal_sex,
$table_name.problem as problem, $table_name.status as status,
$ as procedure_name
FROM $table_name, $table_name_procedures
WHERE $ = $table_name.procedure_id AND
$table_name.start_time > '$sql_start' AND
$table_name.start_time < '$sql_end' AND $table_name.status != 2
AND $table_name.status != 3
ORDER BY start_time ASC";
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, OBJECT );
foreach ($rows as $row){
$reservation = array();
$reservation['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$reservation['start_time'] = strtotime( $row->start_time );
$reservation['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$reservation['procedure_id'] = (int)$row->procedure_id;
$reservation['client_name'] = $row->client_name;
$reservation['client_telephone'] = $row->client_telephone;
$reservation['client_email'] = $row->client_email;
$reservation['animal'] = $row->animal;
$reservation['animal_age'] = $row->animal_age;
$reservation['animal_sex'] = $row->animal_sex;
$reservation['problem'] = $row->problem;
$reservation['status'] = (int)$row->status;
$reservation['procedure_name'] = $row->procedure_name;
array_push($reservations, $reservation);
return $reservations;
function get_available_times( $date, $length, $ignore_reservation_id = false ){
$taken_times = $this->get_day_reservations( $date, $ignore_reservation_id );
$available_times = $this->construct_available_times( $taken_times, $date, $length );
return $available_times;
function construct_available_times( $taken_times, $date, $length_to_find ){
$available_times = array();
$day_start = get_option( get_class($this) . '_day_start_time' );
$day_end = get_option( get_class($this) . '_day_end_time' );
$step = (int)get_option( get_class($this) . '_reservation_time_step' );
if( $step <= 0 ){
$step = 30;
$day_start_hour = split(':', $day_start);
$day_start_hour = (int)$day_start_hour[0];
$day_start_minute = split(':', $day_start);
$day_start_minute = (int)$day_start_hour[1];
$day_end_hour = split(':', $day_end);
$day_end_hour = (int)$day_end_hour[0];
$day_end_minute = split(':', $day_end);
$day_end_minute = (int)$day_end_hour[1];
$cur_time = mktime( $day_start_hour, $day_start_minute, 0, date('m', $date), date('d', $date),date('Y', $date));
$last_possible_time = mktime( $day_end_hour, $day_end_minute, 0, date('m', $date), date('d', $date),date('Y', $date));
//$last_possible_time -= $length_to_find * 60;
while( $cur_time + $length_to_find * 60 <= $last_possible_time ){
$proposed_start = $cur_time;
$proposed_end = $cur_time + $length_to_find*60;
foreach( $taken_times as $reservation ) {
if( ( $proposed_end > $reservation['start_time'] && $proposed_end <= $reservation['start_time']
+ $reservation['length']*60 ) ||
( $proposed_start >= $reservation['start_time'] &&
$proposed_end <= $reservation['start_time'] + $reservation['length']*60 ) ||
( $proposed_start >= $reservation['start_time'] &&
$proposed_start < $reservation['start_time'] + $reservation['length']*60 ) ||
( $proposed_start <= $reservation['start_time'] && $proposed_end >= $reservation['start_time'] + $reservation['length']*60 ) ){
$cur_time += $step * 60;
continue 2;
array_push( $available_times, $cur_time );
$cur_time += $step * 60;
return $available_times;
function replace_email_tags( $subject, $reservation ){
$subject = str_replace('{id}', $reservation['id'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{pikkus}', $reservation['length'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{protseduuri_id}', $reservation['procedure_id'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{nimi}', $reservation['client_name'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{telefon}', $reservation['client_telephone'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{email}', $reservation['client_email'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{loom}', $reservation['animal'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{vanus}', $reservation['animal_age'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{sugu}', $reservation['animal_sex'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{probleem}', $reservation['problem'], $subject );
$subject = str_replace('{protseduur}', $reservation['procedure_name'],$subject );
$start = date( 'd', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'm', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'Y', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' '
. date( 'H', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ':'
. date( 'i', $reservation['start_time'] );
$subject = str_replace('{algus}', $start, $subject );
return $subject;
function get_manage_reservations_page(){
if( isset ( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'edit_reservation' ){
if( isset( $_POST['id'] ) && $_POST['id'] > 0
&& isset( $_POST['procedure'] ) && $_POST['procedure'] > 0
&& isset( $_POST['time'] ) && isset( $_POST['name'] )
&& isset( $_POST['telephone'] ) && isset( $_POST['email'] )
&& isset( $_POST['animal'] ) && isset( $_POST['age'] )
&& isset( $_POST['sex'] ) && isset( $_POST['problem'] )
&& isset( $_POST['length'] ) ){
$procedure = $this->get_procedure( (int)$_POST['procedure'] );
if( count( $this->get_reservations_between( (int)$_POST['time'],
(int)$_POST['time'] + $procedure['length']*60, $_POST['id'] ) ) == 0 ){
/*$this->add_reservation( $_POST['procedure'], $_POST['time'], $_POST['name'],
$_POST['telephone'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['animal'], $_POST['age'],
$_POST['sex'], $_POST['problem'], $status = 1 );*/
//send email?
echo '
//warn that there is already reservations at that time
echo 'Sellel ajavahemikul on juba broneering!
$this->edit_reservation( $_POST['id'], $_POST['procedure'], $_POST['time'],
$_POST['length'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['telephone'], $_POST['email'],
$_POST['animal'], $_POST['age'], $_POST['sex'], $_POST['problem'] );
echo 'Kõik vajalikud väljad pole täidetud.
}elseif( isset( $_GET['confirm'] ) && (int)isset( $_GET['confirm'] ) > 0 ){
$this->edit_reservation_status( $_GET['confirm'], 1 );
$reservation = $this->get_reservation( $_GET['confirm'] );
$subject = $this->replace_email_tags( get_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_confirm_email_subject" ), $reservation );
$body = $this->replace_email_tags( get_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_confirm_email" ), $reservation );
$headers = 'From: ' . get_option( get_class($this) . "_name_email_from" )
. ' <' . get_option( get_class($this) . "_email_reservation_from" ) . '>' . "\r\n\\";
wp_mail( $reservation['client_email'], $subject, $body, $headers );
echo '';
}elseif( isset( $_GET['decline'] ) && (int)isset( $_GET['decline'] ) > 0 ){
$this->edit_reservation_status( $_GET['decline'], 2 );
$reservation = $this->get_reservation( $_GET['decline'] );
$subject = $this->replace_email_tags( get_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_decline_email_subject" ), $reservation );
$body = $this->replace_email_tags( get_option( get_class($this) . "_reservation_decline_email" ), $reservation );
$headers = 'From: ' . get_option( get_class($this) . "_name_email_from" )
. ' <' . get_option( get_class($this) . "_email_reservation_from" ) . '>' . "\r\n\\";
wp_mail( $reservation['client_email'], $subject, $body, $headers );
echo 'Broneering tagasi lükatud ja teade saadetud!
}elseif( isset( $_GET['delete'] ) && (int)isset( $_GET['delete'] ) > 0 ){
$this->edit_reservation_status( $_GET['delete'], 3 );
echo '';
$reservations = $this->get_all_reservations(0);
Kinnitamata broneeringud
Aeg |
Pikkus |
Protseduur |
Nimi |
Telefon |
Email |
Loom |
Vanus |
Sugu |
Probleem |
Staatus |
echo '' . date( 'd', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'm', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'Y', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' '
. date( 'H', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ':'
. date( 'i', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . $reservation['length'] . ' min | ';
echo '' . $reservation['procedure_name'] . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_name'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_telephone'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_email'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['animal'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['animal_age'] ) . ' | ';
echo '';
if( $reservation['animal_sex'] == 1 ){
echo 'Emane';
echo 'Isane';
echo ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['problem'] ) . ' | ';
echo '';
if( $reservation['status'] == 0 ){
echo 'Kinnitamata';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 1 ){
echo 'Kinnitatud';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 2 ){
echo 'Tagasi lükatud';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 3 ){
echo 'Tühistatud';
echo 'Teadmata';
echo ' | ';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '
Lükka tagasi
| ';
echo '
Kinnitatud broneeringud
Aeg |
Pikkus |
Protseduur |
Nimi |
Telefon |
Email |
Loom |
Vanus |
Sugu |
Probleem |
Staatus |
echo '' . date( 'd', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'm', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'Y', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' '
. date( 'H', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ':'
. date( 'i', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . $reservation['length'] . ' min | ';
echo '' . $reservation['procedure_name'] . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_name'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_telephone'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_email'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['animal'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['animal_age'] ) . ' | ';
echo '';
if( $reservation['animal_sex'] == 1 ){
echo 'Emane';
echo 'Isane';
echo ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['problem'] ) . ' | ';
echo '';
if( $reservation['status'] == 0 ){
echo 'Kinnitamata';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 1 ){
echo 'Kinnitatud';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 2 ){
echo 'Tagasi lükatud';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 3 ){
echo 'Tühistatud';
echo 'Teadmata';
echo ' | ';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '
Lükka tagasi
| ';
echo '
Tagasi lükatud broneeringud
Aeg |
Pikkus |
Protseduur |
Nimi |
Telefon |
Email |
Loom |
Vanus |
Sugu |
Probleem |
Staatus |
echo '' . date( 'd', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'm', $reservation['start_time'] ) . '.'
. date( 'Y', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' '
. date( 'H', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ':'
. date( 'i', $reservation['start_time'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . $reservation['length'] . ' min | ';
echo '' . $reservation['procedure_name'] . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_name'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_telephone'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['client_email'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['animal'] ) . ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['animal_age'] ) . ' | ';
echo '';
if( $reservation['animal_sex'] == 1 ){
echo 'Emane';
echo 'Isane';
echo ' | ';
echo '' . esc_attr( $reservation['problem'] ) . ' | ';
echo '';
if( $reservation['status'] == 0 ){
echo 'Kinnitamata';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 1 ){
echo 'Kinnitatud';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 2 ){
echo 'Tagasi lükatud';
}elseif( $reservation['status'] == 3 ){
echo 'Tühistatud';
echo 'Teadmata';
echo ' | ';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '
Lükka tagasi
| ';
echo '
0 ){
echo $this->get_edit_reservation_page( $_GET['edit_reservation'] );
get_day_reservations($date, $ignore_reservation_id);
$day_start = get_option( get_class($this) . '_day_start_time' );
$day_end = get_option( get_class($this) . '_day_end_time' );
$day_start_hour = split(':', $day_start);
$day_start_hour = (int)$day_start_hour[0];
$day_start_minute = split(':', $day_start);
$day_start_minute = (int)$day_start_hour[1];
$day_end_hour = split(':', $day_end);
$day_end_hour = (int)$day_end_hour[0];
$day_end_minute = split(':', $day_end);
$day_end_minute = (int)$day_end_hour[1];
$start_time = mktime( $day_start_hour, $day_start_minute, 0, date('m', $date), date('d', $date),date('Y', $date));
$end_time = mktime( $day_end_hour, $day_end_minute, 0, date('m', $date), date('d', $date),date('Y', $date));
$total_available_time = $end_time - $start_time; //in seconds
$total_available_time_left = $total_available_time;
foreach ($reservations as $reservation) {
$total_available_time_left -= $reservation['length']*60;
return ( 1 - (float)$total_available_time_left / (float)$total_available_time );
function get_month_days_business( $month, $year, $ignore_not_busy = true, $length_to_fit = false, $ignore_reservation_id = false ){
$days = array();
$number_of_days = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
for( $i = 1; $i <= $number_of_days; $i++){
$day = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $month, $i, $year );
if( $length_to_fit == false ){
$busyness = $this->get_day_busyness( $day, $ignore_reservation_id );
if( $busyness >= $this->lowest_busyness_to_report && $ignore_not_busy == true ){
$days[$month][$i] = $busyness;
$available_times = $this->get_available_times($day, $length_to_fit, $ignore_reservation_id);
if( count( $available_times ) == 0 ){
$days[$month][$i] = 1;
}elseif( count( $available_times ) == 1 ){
$days[$month][$i] = 0.5;
return $days;
function get_reservations_between( $start, $end, $ignore_reservation_id = false ){
global $wpdb;
$reservations = array();
$start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)$start);
$end_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)$end);
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$ignore_reservation_id_sql_str = ( $ignore_reservation_id === false )?'':
" AND $ <> " . (int)$ignore_reservation_id;
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $table_name.start_time as start_time,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.procedure_id as procedure_id,
$table_name.client_name as client_name, $table_name.client_telephone as client_telephone,
$table_name.client_email as client_email, $table_name.animal as animal,
$table_name.animal_age as animal_age, $table_name.animal_sex as animal_sex,
$table_name.problem as problem, $table_name.status as status
FROM $table_name
WHERE ( ( '$end_time' > start_time AND '$end_time' <= start_time + INTERVAL length MINUTE )
OR ( '$start_time' >= start_time AND '$end_time' <= start_time + INTERVAL length MINUTE )
OR ( '$start_time' >= start_time AND '$start_time' < start_time + INTERVAL length MINUTE )
OR ( '$start_time' <= start_time AND '$end_time' >= start_time + INTERVAL length MINUTE ) )
$ignore_reservation_id_sql_str AND $table_name.status != 2
AND $table_name.status != 3";
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, OBJECT );
foreach ($rows as $row){
$reservation = array();
$reservation['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$reservation['start_time'] = strtotime( $row->start_time );
$reservation['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$reservation['procedure_id'] = (int)$row->procedure_id;
$reservation['client_name'] = $row->client_name;
$reservation['client_telephone'] = $row->client_telephone;
$reservation['client_email'] = $row->client_email;
$reservation['animal'] = $row->animal;
$reservation['animal_age'] = $row->animal_age;
$reservation['animal_sex'] = $row->animal_sex;
$reservation['problem'] = $row->problem;
$reservation['status'] = (int)$row->status;
array_push($reservations, $reservation);
return $reservations;
function add_reservation( $procedure_id, $time, $name, $telephone, $email, $animal, $age, $sex, $problem, $status = 0 ){
global $wpdb;
$procedure = $this->get_procedure((int)$procedure_id);
$start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)$time);
$name = $wpdb->escape( $name );
$telephone = $wpdb->escape( $telephone );
$email = $wpdb->escape( $email );
$animal = $wpdb->escape( $animal );
$age = $wpdb->escape( $age );
$sex = (int)$sex;
$problem = $wpdb->escape( $problem );
$status = (int)$status;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$insert = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name .
" (start_time, length, procedure_id, client_name, client_telephone, client_email, animal, animal_age, animal_sex, problem, status ) " .
"VALUES ( '" . $start_time . "', " . (int)$procedure['length'] . ", " .
$procedure_id . ", '" . $name . "', '" . $telephone . "', '" . $email . "', '" .
$animal . "', '" . $age . "', " . $sex . ", '" . $problem . "', " . $status . ")";
$wpdb->query( $insert );
return $wpdb->insert_id;
function ajax_add_reservation(){
$response = array();
if( isset( $_POST['procedure'] ) && $_POST['procedure'] > 0
&& isset( $_POST['time'] ) && isset( $_POST['name'] )
&& isset( $_POST['telephone'] ) && isset( $_POST['email'] )
&& isset( $_POST['animal'] ) && isset( $_POST['age'] )
&& isset( $_POST['sex'] ) && isset( $_POST['problem'] ) ){
$reservation_id = $this->add_reservation($_POST['procedure'], $_POST['time'], $_POST['name'],
$_POST['telephone'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['animal'], $_POST['age'],
$_POST['sex'], $_POST['problem']);
$response['code'] = 1;
$response['message'] = 'Broneeritud. Kinnitus saadetakse teile emailile.';
$reservation = $this->get_reservation($reservation_id);
$subject = "Uus broneering";
$body = $this->replace_email_tags( get_option( get_class($this) . "_new_reservation_email" ), $reservation );
$headers = 'From: ' . get_option( get_class($this) . "_name_email_from" )
. ' <' . get_option( get_class($this) . "_email_reservation_from" ) . '>' . "\r\n\\";
wp_mail( get_option( get_class($this) . "_email_reservations_to" ), $subject, $body, $headers );
$response['code'] = 0;
$response['message'] = 'Kõik vajalikud väljad ei ole täidetud.';
echo json_encode($response);
function get_add_reservation_page(){
if( isset ( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'add_new' ){
if( isset( $_POST['procedure'] ) && $_POST['procedure'] > 0
&& isset( $_POST['time'] ) && isset( $_POST['name'] )
&& isset( $_POST['telephone'] ) && isset( $_POST['email'] )
&& isset( $_POST['animal'] ) && isset( $_POST['age'] )
&& isset( $_POST['sex'] ) && isset( $_POST['problem'] )){
$procedure = $this->get_procedure( (int)$_POST['procedure'] );
if( count( $this->get_reservations_between( (int)$_POST['time'],
(int)$_POST['time'] + $procedure['length']*60 ) ) == 0 ){
$this->add_reservation( $_POST['procedure'], $_POST['time'], $_POST['name'],
$_POST['telephone'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['animal'], $_POST['age'],
$_POST['sex'], $_POST['problem'], $status = 1 );
//send email?
echo '';
//warn that there is already reservations at that time
echo 'Sellel ajavahemikul on juba broneering!
echo 'Kõik vajalikud väljad pole täidetud.
$public_procedures = $this->get_all_public_procedures();
$reservation = $this->get_reservation($reservation_id);
prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$table_name_procedures = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$status_sql_str = ( $status === false )?'':
" AND $table_name.status = " . (int)$status;
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $table_name.start_time as start_time,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.procedure_id as procedure_id,
$table_name.client_name as client_name, $table_name.client_telephone as client_telephone,
$table_name.client_email as client_email, $table_name.animal as animal,
$table_name.animal_age as animal_age, $table_name.animal_sex as animal_sex,
$table_name.problem as problem, $table_name.status as status,
$ as procedure_name
FROM $table_name, $table_name_procedures
WHERE $ = $table_name.procedure_id
AND $table_name.status != 3 $status_sql_str
ORDER BY start_time DESC";
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, OBJECT );
foreach ($rows as $row){
$reservation = array();
$reservation['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$reservation['start_time'] = strtotime( $row->start_time );
$reservation['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$reservation['procedure_id'] = (int)$row->procedure_id;
$reservation['client_name'] = $row->client_name;
$reservation['client_telephone'] = $row->client_telephone;
$reservation['client_email'] = $row->client_email;
$reservation['animal'] = $row->animal;
$reservation['animal_age'] = $row->animal_age;
$reservation['animal_sex'] = $row->animal_sex;
$reservation['problem'] = $row->problem;
$reservation['status'] = (int)$row->status;
$reservation['procedure_name'] = $row->procedure_name;
array_push($reservations, $reservation);
return $reservations;
function get_reservation( $reservation_id ){
global $wpdb;
$reservation_id = (int)$reservation_id;
$reservations = array();
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$table_name_procedures = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $table_name.start_time as start_time,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.procedure_id as procedure_id,
$table_name.client_name as client_name, $table_name.client_telephone as client_telephone,
$table_name.client_email as client_email, $table_name.animal as animal,
$table_name.animal_age as animal_age, $table_name.animal_sex as animal_sex,
$table_name.problem as problem, $table_name.status as status,
$ as procedure_name
FROM $table_name, $table_name_procedures
WHERE $ = $table_name.procedure_id AND $ = $reservation_id
ORDER BY start_time ASC";
if ( $row = $wpdb->get_row( $sql ) ){
$reservation = array();
$reservation['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$reservation['start_time'] = strtotime( $row->start_time );
$reservation['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$reservation['procedure_id'] = (int)$row->procedure_id;
$reservation['client_name'] = $row->client_name;
$reservation['client_telephone'] = $row->client_telephone;
$reservation['client_email'] = $row->client_email;
$reservation['animal'] = $row->animal;
$reservation['animal_age'] = $row->animal_age;
$reservation['animal_sex'] = $row->animal_sex;
$reservation['problem'] = $row->problem;
$reservation['status'] = (int)$row->status;
$reservation['procedure_name'] = $row->procedure_name;
return $reservation;
return false;
function get_manage_procedures_page(){
if( isset ( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'save_edit' ){
if( isset( $_POST['id'] ) && isset( $_POST['name'] ) && isset( $_POST['length'] ) && isset( $_POST['public'] ) ){
$this->edit_procedure($_POST['id'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['length'], $_POST['public']);
}else if( isset ( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'add_new' ){
if( isset( $_POST['name'] ) && isset( $_POST['length'] ) && isset( $_POST['public'] ) ){
$this->add_procedure($_POST['name'], $_POST['length'], $_POST['public']);
}else if( isset ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete' && isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ){
echo '';
echo 'Protseduuride haldamine
echo '
echo '
echo '
$procedures = $this->get_all_procedures();
echo '
echo '
Protseduuri nimi |
Pikkus |
Avalikult nähtav |
foreach ($procedures as $procedure) {
echo '';
echo '' . $procedure['name'] . ' | ';
echo '' . $procedure['length'] . ' min | ';
echo '' . (($procedure['public'])?'Jah':'Ei') . ' | ';
echo 'Muuda | ';
echo 'Kustuta | ';
echo '
echo '
echo '
echo '
if( isset ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'edit' && isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ){
//edit form
$procedure = $this->get_procedure($_REQUEST['id']);
echo '
function get_options_page(){
if( isset ( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'save_options' ){
$email_to = $_POST['email_to'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_email_reservations_to', $email_to );
$new_reservation_email = $_POST['new_reservation_email'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_new_reservation_email', $new_reservation_email );
$email_from = $_POST['email_from'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_email_reservation_from', $email_from );
$name_email_from = $_POST['name_email_from'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_name_email_from', $name_email_from );
$day_start_time = $_POST['day_start_time'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_day_start_time', $day_start_time );
$day_end_time = $_POST['day_end_time'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_day_end_time', $day_end_time );
$reservation_time_step = $_POST['reservation_time_step'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_reservation_time_step', $reservation_time_step );
$reservation_confirm_email_subject = $_POST['confirm_email_subject'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_reservation_confirm_email_subject', $reservation_confirm_email_subject );
$reservation_confirm_email = $_POST['confirm_email'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_reservation_confirm_email', $reservation_confirm_email );
$reservation_decline_email_subject = $_POST['decline_email_subject'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_reservation_decline_email_subject', $reservation_decline_email_subject );
$reservation_decline_email = $_POST['decline_email'];
update_option( get_class($this) . '_reservation_decline_email', $reservation_decline_email );
Emaili pealkirja ja sisu võimalikud muutujad: {id}, {algus}, {pikkus}, {protseduuri_id}, {nimi}, {telefon}, {email}, {loom}, {vanus}, {sugu}, {probleem}, {protseduur}
prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $ as name,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.public as public
FROM $table_name
WHERE $table_name.deleted = 0
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, OBJECT );
foreach ($rows as $row){
$procedure = array();
$procedure['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$procedure['name'] = $row->name;
$procedure['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$procedure['public'] = (int)$row->public;
array_push($procedures, $procedure);
return $procedures;
function get_all_public_procedures(){
global $wpdb;
$procedures = array();
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $ as name,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.public as public
FROM $table_name
WHERE $table_name.deleted = 0 AND $table_name.public = 1
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, OBJECT );
foreach ($rows as $row){
$procedure = array();
$procedure['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$procedure['name'] = $row->name;
$procedure['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$procedure['public'] = (int)$row->public;
array_push($procedures, $procedure);
return $procedures;
function get_procedure( $id ){
global $wpdb;
$id = (int)$id;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$sql = "SELECT $ as id, $ as name,
$table_name.length as length, $table_name.public as public
FROM $table_name
WHERE $ = $id
if ( $row = $wpdb->get_row( $sql ) ){
$procedure = array();
$procedure['id'] = (int)$row->id;
$procedure['name'] = $row->name;
$procedure['length'] = (int)$row->length;
$procedure['public'] = (int)$row->public;
return $procedure;
return false;
function add_procedure( $name, $length, $public ){
global $wpdb;
$name = $wpdb->escape( $name );
$length = $wpdb->escape( $length );
$public = (int)$public;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$insert = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name .
" (name, length, public) " .
"VALUES ( '" . $name . "', '" . $length . "', " . $public . ")";
$wpdb->query( $insert );
function edit_procedure( $id, $name, $length, $public ){
global $wpdb;
$id = (int)$id;
$name = $wpdb->escape( $name );
$length = $wpdb->escape( $length );
$public = (int)$public;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$update = "UPDATE $table_name SET name='$name', length='$length', public=$public WHERE id=$id";
$wpdb->query( $update );
function edit_reservation( $reservation_id, $procedure_id, $time, $length, $name, $telephone, $email, $animal, $age, $sex, $problem, $status = 0 ){
global $wpdb;
$reservation_id = (int)$reservation_id;
$procedure_id = (int)$procedure_id;
$start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)$time);
$length = (int)$length;
$name = $wpdb->escape( $name );
$telephone = $wpdb->escape( $telephone );
$email = $wpdb->escape( $email );
$animal = $wpdb->escape( $animal );
$age = $wpdb->escape( $age );
$sex = (int)$sex;
$problem = $wpdb->escape( $problem );
$status = (int)$status;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$update = "UPDATE $table_name SET start_time='$start_time', length=$length,
procedure_id=$procedure_id, client_name='$name', client_telephone='$telephone',
client_email='$email', animal='$animal', animal_age='$age', animal_sex=$sex,
problem='$problem', status='$status' WHERE id=$reservation_id";
$wpdb->query( $update );
function edit_reservation_status( $reservation_id, $status ){
global $wpdb;
$reservation_id = (int)$reservation_id;
$status = (int)$status;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_reservations";
$update = "UPDATE $table_name SET status='$status' WHERE id=$reservation_id";
$wpdb->query( $update );
function delete_procedure( $id ){
/*actually wont delete from database, in fear of breaking old reservations, that may
* depend on this procedure.
global $wpdb;
$id = (int)$id;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . get_class( $this ) . "_procedures";
$update = "UPDATE $table_name SET deleted=1 WHERE id=$id";
$wpdb->query( $update );
function get_widget_body( $id, $instance ){
$public_procedures = $this->get_all_public_procedures();
get_field_id('body') .'>';
echo '';
echo $HtkLoomakliinik->get_widget_body( $this->id, $instance);
echo '
# After the widget
echo $after_widget;
function form($instance) {
function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
// processes widget options to be saved
return $new_instance;
//Actions and Filters
if ( isset( $HtkLoomakliinik ) ) {
global $HtkLoomakliinik;
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array(&$HtkLoomakliinik, 'install') );
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array(&$HtkLoomakliinik, 'uninstall') );
add_action( 'widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("HtkLoomakliinik_Widget");') );
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'add_pages' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_available_times', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'ajax_get_available_times' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_get_available_times', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'ajax_get_available_times' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_month_business', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'ajax_get_month_business' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_get_month_business', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'ajax_get_month_business' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_add_reservation', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'ajax_add_reservation' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_add_reservation', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'ajax_add_reservation' ) ); //incase user is logged in and wants to add from frontend
add_action( 'wp_head', array( &$HtkLoomakliinik, 'HtkLoomakliinik_head_additions' ), 0 );
wp_register_style('HtkLoomakliinik', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '/css/style.css', array());
wp_register_style( 'jquery-ui', '' );
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery-ui' );
wp_register_script( 'jquery-ui', '');
wp_register_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker-et', '');
wp_register_script( 'HtkLoomakliinik', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '/js/main.js', array('jquery'));