Raido Kuli
Description: A plugin for a Centre for the Educational Technology.
* Main LePress class
* @author Raido Kuli
class LePress {
* Init plugin core
* Add some actions and filters, init widget and service
* if multisite load also multisite courses widget
function __construct() {
//load translation file
load_plugin_textdomain(lepress_textdomain, false, basename(lepress_abspath).'/languages');
//Add action/filter hooks
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'createOptionsMenus'));
add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'registerDefaultSettings'));
add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'checkIsProfileFilled'));
add_filter('pre_update_option_lepress-settings', array(&$this, 'filterOptionChange'), 10, 2);
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array(&$this, 'uninstall_network'));
//Init service
$this->service = new LePressService();
//Load widget
if(is_multisite()) {
//Load courses sitewide widget
* Filter settings/option change
* If user is changing LePress settings, we filter the changes
* to know if roles where disabled or enabled
* @example If user disables student role, we init unsubscribing sequence on all the active courses
* so there would not be any linger subscriptions left on teacher blog
* @return $option variable
function filterOptionChange($option, $oldvalue) {
if(!isSet($option['user-role']['student']) && $this->isStudentFeatures()) {
//This means user has been in role "student" and now disabling it
global $LePressStudent;
$LePressStudent->initUninstall(); //Unsubscribes from all the courses, rest of the data is kept intact;
if(!isSet($option['user-role']['teacher']) && $this->isTeacherFeatures()) {
//This means user has been in role "teacher" and now disabling it
global $LePressTeacher;
$LePressTeacher->initUninstall(); //Remove all subscriptions, rest of the data is kept intact
return $option;
* Add LePress settings
* Register LePress settings, add sections and fields
function registerDefaultSettings() {
register_setting('lepress-settings', 'lepress-settings');
add_settings_section('lepress-general', '', array(&$this, 'generalSectionHeader'), 'lepress');
add_settings_field('lepress-user-role', __("Choose your role", lepress_textdomain), array(&$this, 'user_role_input'), 'lepress', 'lepress-general');
if($this->isTeacherFeatures() || $this->isStudentFeatures()) {
add_settings_field('lepress-display-names', __("Display names as", lepress_textdomain), array(&$this, 'display_names_input'), 'lepress', 'lepress-general');
* Get blog owner user object
* @return user object
function getBlogOwnerUser() {
$blog_owner_email = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
$blog_owner = get_user_by('email', $blog_owner_email);
return $blog_owner;
* Check is user profile is filled or not
* If profile is not filled, notice will be displayed on admin side of Wordpress
function checkIsProfileFilled() {
$blog_owner = $this->getBlogOwnerUser();
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$access_granted = false;
if(!function_exists('get_users')) {
$users = get_users_of_blog();
} else {
$users = get_users();
foreach($users as $user) {
if($user->ID == $current_user->ID) {
$access_granted = true;
if((empty($current_user->first_name) || empty($current_user->last_name)) && $access_granted) {
$this->echoNoticeDiv(''.__('Please edit your profile and fill Firstname and Lastname fields, otherwise some features of LePress are disabled', lepress_textdomain).'. '.__('Edit profile', lepress_textdomain).'');
} else {
if(!$access_granted) {
//Not blog owner, maybe needed in future
* Display notice on Wordpress admin interface
* Prints HTML div with selected class (updated || error)
function echoNoticeDiv($str, $error = false) {
$class = 'updated';
if($error) {
$class = 'error';
echo '
* Filter string input
* @return filtered string
function safeStringInput($str, $strip_tags = false) {
if($strip_tags) {
return trim(strip_tags($str));
} else {
return htmlspecialchars(trim($str), ENT_COMPAT, $this->getBlogCharset(), false);
* Fail-safe blog charset retriever
* @return string charset
function getBlogCharset() {
return get_option('blog_charset', 'UTF-8');
* Get student role enabled flag
* @return int (role value) or boolean false
function isStudentFeatures() {
$user_roles = $this->get_option('user-role');
return isSet($user_roles['student']) ? $user_roles['student'] : false;
* Get teacher role enabled flag
* @return int (role value) or boolean false
function isTeacherFeatures() {
$user_roles = $this->get_option('user-role');
return isSet($user_roles['teacher']) ? $user_roles['teacher'] : false;
* Get display names order flag
* int 1 = Firstname Lastname, int 2 = Lastname Firstname
* @return int (1 || 2)
function getDisplayNames() {
$set = $this->get_option('display-names');
return $set ? $set : 1;
* Print user roles fields on settings page
* If profile is not filled, fields will be displayed as disabled
function user_role_input() {
$current_user = $this->getBlogOwnerUser();
$disabled = '';
if(empty($current_user->user_firstname) || empty($current_user->user_lastname)) {
$disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
echo 'isStudentFeatures() == 2 && $this->isStudentFeatures() != NULL ? 'checked=checked':'').' id="lepress-settings[user-role][student]" value="2"/> ';
echo 'isTeacherFeatures() == 1 && $this->isTeacherFeatures() != NULL ? 'checked=checked':'').' id="lepress-settings[user-role][teacher]" value="1"/> ';
* Print display names fields on settings page
function display_names_input() {
$setting = $this->getDisplayNames();
$current_user = $this->getBlogOwnerUser();
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
* Print general LePress settings section header
function generalSectionHeader() {
echo '
* Get option from lepress-settings options array
* @return option value or boolean false
function get_option($option) {
$options = get_option('lepress-settings');
return $options ? $options[$option] : false;
* Plugin deactivation hook, deletes all settings data
* If wipe_out flag set, all data will be removed, wipe out
* flag can be set only if teacher role enabled, not meant to be used by students
* this method will be called on network installation deactivation too.
function _uninstall() {
$wipe_out = $this->get_option('wipe_out_flag');
/* Init student data remove */
if($this->isStudentFeatures() || $wipe_out) {
global $LePressStudent;
//Always ensure we are just in case trying to wipe student tables too
//maybe student role was active, then was disabled
if(!$LePressStudent instanceOf LePressStudentRole) {
$LePressStudent = new LePressStudentRole();
$LePressStudent->initUninstall(); //Unsubscribes from all the courses, rest of the data is kept intact;
//If passing $wipe_out to initUninstall, database tables will be deleted, if $wipe_out == true
if($this->isTeacherFeatures() || $wipe_out) {
global $LePressTeacher;
//Always ensure we are just in case trying to wipe teacher tables too
//maybe teacher role was active, then was disabled
if(!$LePressTeacher instanceOf LePressTeacherRole) {
$LePressTeacher = new LePressTeacherRole();
$LePressTeacher->initUninstall($wipe_out); //Remove all subscriptions, rest of the data is kept intact
/* Finally remove main settings data */
unregister_setting('lepress-settings', 'lepress-settings');
* Plugin Uninstall trigger with Network check
* If multisite, all blogs will be iterated and deactivation will be hook
function uninstall_network() {
//Network deactivation fix
if(is_multisite()) {
if(isSet($_GET['networkwide']) && ($_GET['networkwide'] == 1)) {
global $wpdb;
$old_blog = $wpdb->blogid;
// Get all blog ids
$blogids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE blog_id != $old_blog"));
foreach ($blogids as $blog_id) {
* Date + timezone fix with i18n
* This function uses Wordpress date_format option and time_format option
* to output date string + adds gmt_offset to the time
* @return formatted date string
function date_i18n_lepress($tstamp, $to_int = false, $format = false, $time = false) {
if($to_int) {
$tstamp = intval($tstamp);
$tstamp = !is_numeric($tstamp) ? strtotime($tstamp) : $tstamp;
$gmt_offset = is_string(get_option('gmt_offset')) ? get_option('gmt_offset') : 0;
return trim(date_i18n((!$format ? get_option('date_format') : $format).' '.($time ? get_option('time_format') :''), (int) $tstamp + ($gmt_offset * 3600)));
* Multibyte strlen with fallback
* This functions fallsback to strlen method, if multibyte library not loaded.
* @return string length
function mb_strlen($str) {
if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
return mb_strlen(trim($str), $this->getBlogCharset());
} else {
return strlen(trim($str));
* Multibyte cut string with fallback
* This functions fallsback to strlen method, if multibyte library not loaded.
* @return trimmed string
function mb_cutstr($str, $end = 200, $start = 0) {
$str = strip_tags($str);
//Need check, in case Windows Server, with php_mbstring disabled
if(function_exists('mb_strlen') && function_exists('mb_substr')) {
if(mb_strlen($str, $this->getBlogCharset()) <= $end) {
return $str;
$arr = explode(" ", mb_substr($str, $start, $end, $this->getBlogCharset()));
} else {
if(strlen($str) <= $end) {
return $str;
$arr = explode(" ", substr($str, $start, $end));
//Pop last element, which is probably half cut word
return (string) implode(" ", $arr)."...";
* Add advanced section to LePress settings page
function registerAdvancedSection() {
if($this->isTeacherFeatures()) {
add_settings_section('lepress-advanced', '', array(&$this, 'advancedSectionHeader'), 'lepress');
add_settings_field('lepress-wipe-out', __("Wipe data on plugin deactivation", lepress_textdomain), array(&$this, 'permanentDeleteField'), 'lepress', 'lepress-advanced');
* Print wipe out field on settings page
function permanentDeleteField() {
$wipe_out = $this->get_option('wipe_out_flag');
echo ' '.__('If checked, LePress database tables will be deleted. Data saved as Wordpress metadata will not be altered.', lepress_textdomain).'';
* Print advanced sections header
function advancedSectionHeader() {
echo '
'.__('Advanced', lepress_textdomain).'
* Comment fetcher
* Retrieve comment using post_id, user_email and agent fields
* @return comment object
function fetchComment($post_ID, $user_email, $agent = '') {
$args = array('post_id' => $post_ID, 'number' => -1);
if($user_email) {
$args['author_email'] = $user_email;
$comments = get_comments($args);
foreach($comments as $comment) {
if($comment->comment_agent == $agent) {
return $comment;
if(class_exists('LePress')) {
//Define global variable $LePress
$LePress = new LePress();
/* If teacher role checked, load teacher features */
if($LePress->isTeacherFeatures()) {
$LePressTeacher = new LePressTeacherRole();
/* If student role checked, load student features */
if($LePress->isStudentFeatures()) {
$LePressStudent = new LePressStudentRole();
//Run after init function
//Add extra advanced section
add_action('admin_init', array(&$LePress, 'registerAdvancedSection'));