subscriptions->isAssignmentAnswer($post->ID); if($status) { $content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); } else { $content = __("Requested student submission was not found in student's blog", lepress_textdomain); } } else { $content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content); } } else { if($student) { $content = __("Requested student submission was not found in student's blog", lepress_textdomain); } else { $content = __('Could not load post content, try again...', lepress_textdomain); } } $html = ''.$head_str.''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html_dom = str_get_html($html); /* Remove all link tags which are not stylesheet */ foreach($html_dom->find('link') as $link) { if($link->rel != "stylesheet") { $link->outertext = ''; } } /* Remove all meta tags */ foreach($html_dom->find('meta') as $meta) { $meta->outertext = ''; } /* Remove all comments */ foreach($html_dom->find('comment') as $comment) { $comment->outertext = ''; } $html_dom->find('body', 0)->innertext = $content; //Finally output the HTML string echo (string) $html_dom; //Clear memory $html_dom->clear(); unset($html_dom); } /** * Set additional query_vars * * @return query_vars */ function service_add_trigger($vars) { $vars[] = 'lepress-service'; $vars[] = 'lepress-add'; //parameter for simple subscribe method $vars[] = 'lepress-iframe'; return $vars; } /** * Service call handler * * Handles iFrame, teacher and student requests */ function service_trigger_check() { /* If we are dealing with IFrame call */ if(strlen(get_query_var('lepress-iframe')) >= 33) { $to_home = false; $var = get_query_var('lepress-iframe'); $query = split("-", $var); $role = $query[0]; switch($role) { case 't': //teacher post request if(is_user_logged_in()) { global $wp_query; $post_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object()->ID; if($post_id) { $post = get_post($post_id); $meta_key = get_post_meta($post_id, 'iframe-key', true); if(isSet($query[1]) && $meta_key == $query[1]) { $this->handleIFrame($post); } } else { /* This IS a WRAPPER for iframe call from student blog * That way JavaScript iframe-expander.js still works, * because frame url local, although content is not. */ $get_student_if_url = get_transient($query[1]); if($get_student_if_url) { $req = wp_remote_get($get_student_if_url); if($req) { echo wp_remote_retrieve_body($req); } else { __("Requested student submission could not be loaded, try again...", lepress_textdomain); } } else { $to_home = true; } } } else { $to_home = true; } exit; break; case 's': //student post request global $LePressStudent; if($LePressStudent instanceOf LePressStudentRole) { $access = $LePressStudent->subscriptions->verifyAccessMD5($query[2]); if($access) { $post_id = isSet($query[1]) ? intval($query[1]) : false; if($post_id > 0) { $post = get_post($post_id); $this->handleIFrame($post, true); } else { $to_home = true; } } else { $to_home = true; } } break; default: $to_home = true; break; } if($to_home) { header('Location: '.home_url()); } exit; } /* If we are dealing with reqular lepress-service call */ if(intval(get_query_var('lepress-service')) == 1) { $this->handleRequest(); //This function call ends with exit(); } /* If we are dealing with easy subscription form */ if($course_url = get_query_var('lepress-add')) { $course_url = base64_decode($course_url); global $LePressStudent; if($LePressStudent instanceof LePressStudentRole) { //If not logged in, redirect to user's blogs if(!is_user_logged_in()) { $redirect = wp_login_url(add_query_arg(array('lepress-add' => base64_encode($course_url)), site_url())); header('Location:'.$redirect); } else { //Otherwise return result to the AJAX handler if(current_user_can('edit_posts')) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if(!empty($current_user->user_firstname) && !empty($current_user->user_lastname)) { $result = $LePressStudent->subscriptions->subscribe($course_url, '', true); if($result) { update_option('lepress-simple-subscribe-success', $result); } else { update_option('lepress-simple-subscribe-success', 0); } } else { update_option('lepress-simple-subscribe-success', 3); } } header('Location:'.site_url()); } } else { header('Location:'.site_url()); } exit(); } } /** * Easy subscriptions notice displayer * * This method is called, when student subscribes to course using blog url on the teacher widget * and gets redirected to his/her blog */ function displayMessage() { $flag = get_option('lepress-simple-subscribe-success', -1); if($flag > -1) { if($flag == 1) { $txt = __('You have successfully confirmed your LePress course subscription!', lepress_textdomain); } elseif($flag == 2) { $txt = __('You are already subscribed on this course', lepress_textdomain); } elseif($flag == 4) { $txt = __('This course does not accept any new subscriptions', lepress_textdomain); } elseif($flag == 3) { $txt = ''.__('Subscribing failed', lepress_textdomain).'
'.__('Your profile is not filled (firstname/lastname)', lepress_textdomain); } else { $txt = __('Confirming your LePress subscription failed! Try again...', lepress_textdomain); } echo '


'; delete_option('lepress-simple-subscribe-success'); } } /** * Get current request role * * @return int or boolean false */ function getRole() { return $this->role ? $this->role : false; } /** * Get current call action * * @return string or boolean false */ function getAction() { return $this->action ? $this->action : false; } /** * Handle request method * */ function handleRequest() { /* IF we have a POST request */ if(isSet($_POST)) { //Store role and action values, if any $this->role = $_POST['lepress-role'] ? strip_tags($_POST['lepress-role']) : false; $this->action = $_POST['lepress-action'] ? strip_tags($_POST['lepress-action']) : false; } /* IF we a easy subscription form post call, handle that * Request is sent via AJAX */ if(isSet($_POST['simple-subscriber-blog']) || isSet($_POST['lepress_user_blog_id'])) { if(isSet($_POST['lepress_user_blog_id'])) { if(is_user_logged_in() && is_multisite()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if($current_user->ID == intval($_POST['lepress_user_ID'])) { $blog_id_student = intval($_POST['lepress_user_blog_id']); foreach(get_blogs_of_user($current_user->ID) as $blog) { if($blog->userblog_id == $blog_id_student) { //It really is user's blog, let's switch $switched = switch_to_blog($blog_id_student, true); if($switched) { require_once('classes/student.php'); $LePressStudent = new LePressStudentRole(); if($LePressStudent instanceof LePressStudentRole) { $LePressStudent->runAfterInit(); if(!empty($current_user->user_firstname) && !empty($current_user->user_lastname)) { $result = $LePressStudent->subscriptions->subscribe($_POST['course-url'], '', true); if($result && is_bool($result)) { echo 1; //Success, we are subscribed } elseif($result == 4) { echo 4; //Course locked by teacher } else { echo 0; //General error, already subscribed ? } } else { echo 2; //Profile not filled } } } break; } } //Return to current blog restore_current_blog(); } } } else { //If not AJAX call, i.e user not logged in and subscribes using his blog url $blog_url = trim(strip_tags($_POST['simple-subscriber-blog'])); if(filter_var($blog_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $course_ID = intval(trim($_POST['lepress-course-id'])); if($course_ID > 0) { $course_meta = new CourseMeta($course_ID); if($course_meta->getIsCourse()) { $special_url = add_query_arg(array('lepress-add' => base64_encode(get_category_link($course_ID))), $blog_url); header('Location: '.$special_url); } } } else { echo 3; //Blog URL not valid } } exit; } //IF request role == 1 - this means teacher makes request to student blog if($this->getRole() == 1) { $this->parseTeacherRequest(); } //IF request role == 2 - this means student makes request to teacher blog if($this->getRole() == 2) { $this->parseStudentRequest(); } //IF request role == 22 - this means student makes request to other student's blog if($this->getRole() == 22) { $this->parseMateRequest(); } } /** * Student to student request handler */ function parseMateRequest() { global $LePressStudent; switch($this->getAction()) { case 'inviteMeToGroup': $LePressStudent->groups->addMeToGroup($_POST['group_name'], $_POST['group_key'], $_POST['course_url']); break; } exit(); } /** * Teacher request to student handler */ function parseTeacherRequest() { global $LePressStudent; if($LePressStudent->subscriptions->verifyAccess($_POST['course-url'], $_POST['accept-key'])) { switch($this->getAction()) { case 'subscription-status-changed': $LePressStudent->subscriptions->updateStatus($_POST['course-url'], $_POST['course-status'], $_POST['accept-key'], $_POST['lepress-message']); break; case 'getAnswerByID': //Return answer data as XML, no content included if($answer = $LePressStudent->subscriptions->getAnswerByPostID($_POST['post_id'])) { echo $answer; } else { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not found"); } break; case 'addFeedback': $LePressStudent->subscriptions->addFeedback($_POST['post_id'], $_POST['teacher_id'], $_POST['accept-key'], $_POST['feedback'], $_POST['grade']); break; } } else { header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); } exit(); } /** * Student request to teacher handler */ function parseStudentRequest() { if(($cat_id = get_query_var('cat')) > 0 && class_exists('CourseMeta')) { global $LePressTeacher; $course_meta = new CourseMeta($cat_id, $_POST['accept-key']); $blog_url_access = $course_meta->verifyAccess($_POST['lepress-blog'], $_POST['email'], $this->getAction()); if($blog_url_access > -1) { $blog_url = $blog_url_access; switch($this->getAction()) { case 'subscribe': //If subscribe action $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $invite_key = isSet($_POST['invite-key']) ? $_POST['invite-key'] : false; $message = $_POST['lepress-message']; $result = $course_meta->addSubscription($firstname, $lastname, $email, $blog_url, $message, $invite_key); if(!$result && is_bool($result)) { //Invite key check failed header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); } elseif($result == -5) { header('HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed'); } elseif($result <= -2 && $result > -5) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted'); echo $result; // Returning course meta to student } break; case 'getCourseMeta'; echo $course_meta->getCourseMeta(); break; case 'profileUpdated'; $course_meta->updateStudentProfile($_POST['first_name'], $_POST['last_name'], $_POST['new_email'], $_POST['old_email']); header('HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted'); break; case 'unsubscribe': $result = $course_meta->removeSubscription($blog_url, $_POST['accept-key']); if($result) { header('HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted'); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); } break; case 'getAssignments': echo $course_meta->getAssignments(); break; case 'getAssignmentByID': echo $course_meta->getAssignmentByID($_POST['post-id']); break; case 'addAnswer': $course_meta->addAnswer($_POST['post_id'], $_POST['answer-url'], $_POST['answer-content'], $_POST['answer-post-id'], $blog_url); break; case 'getClassmates': echo $course_meta->getClassmates($blog_url); break; /* This is disabled, because development of this feature was halted * probably will be completed in near future case 'addMyGroup': $result = $course_meta->addStudentGroup($_POST['group_name'], $_POST['group_key'], $_POST['email']); if($result) { header('HTTP/1.1 201 Created'); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); } break; case 'addMeToGroup': $course_meta->addMeToGroup($_POST['group_key'], $blog_url); break; case 'removeMyGroup': $result = $course_meta->removeStudentGroup($_POST['group_key'], $_POST['email']); if(!$result) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); } break; */ } } elseif($blog_url_access == -1) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not found"); } elseif($blog_url_access == -2) { header("HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict"); } elseif($blog_url_access == -3) { header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request"); } elseif(!$blog_url_access && is_bool($blog_url_access)) { header('HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed'); } } else { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not found"); } exit(); } } ?>