Get the global cache headers located in global_cache_settings.
The portal logo, linked to the portal root
Skip to content
Site-wide actions (Contact, Sitemap, Help, Style Switcher etc)
The quicksearch box, normally placed at the top right
The skin switcher tabs. Based on which role you have, you get a selection of skins that you can switch between.
The personal bar. (log in, logout etc...)
The breadcrumb navigation ("you are here")
The global sections tabs. (Welcome, News etc)
This instruction gets the portlets (boxes) for the left column.  
The content views (View, Edit, Properties, Workflow)
The content bar
Portal status message
Visual Header Page body text
This instruction gets the portlets (boxes) for the right column.  

The colophon area - contains details about the production of the site. Typically "powered by" buttons, standards, tools used.