url.'mod/waramu/waramu.js">'; $b = new Browser(array()); if (empty($subject_id)) { /*translation:Subjects*/ $title = elgg_echo("koolielu:subjects_page_Subjects"); $c_subjpages = ""; /*translation:Subject pages*/ $c_subjpages .= "

" . elgg_echo("koolielu:waramu_subject_pages") . "

"; $c_subjpages .= "
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 "; $sub = $table_subcount[1][$i]; $c_subjpages .= "wwwroot . "pg/waramu/subjects/".$sub[1]."\">".$sub[2].""; $c_subjpages .=" "; $sub = $table_subcount[2][$i]; $c_subjpages .= "wwwroot . "pg/waramu/subjects/".$sub[1]."\">".$sub[2].""; $c_subjpages .="
"; } $c_subjpages .= "
"; $c_tagcloud = ""; /*translation:Learning materials*/ $c_tagcloud .= "

" . elgg_echo('koolielu:waramu_learming_materials') . "

"; $c_tagcloud .= "
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" . $real_subject->title ."

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"; $subjects_main .= waramu_list_resources($ids, false); $subjects_main .= "
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" . $icon . "

" . $group->name . "
"; $subjects_main .= $group->briefdescription . "

"; } $subjects_main .= "
"; $subjects_main .= "
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"; /*translation:Tools*/ $subjects_main .= ""; $subjects_main .= "
"; $subjects_main .= "
"; $subjects_main .= $tools; $subjects_main .= "
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"; /*translation:News*/ $subjects_main .= ""; $subjects_main .= "
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"; /*translation:Courses*/ $subjects_main .= ""; $subjects_main .= "
"; // Content $subjects_main .= "
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"; // Content $subjects_main .= "
"; $subjects_main .= $job_ads; $subjects_main .= "
"; } $subjects_main .= "
"; $subjects_menu = "
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"; $subjects_menu .= ""; $subjects_menu .= "
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"; $subjects_menu .= "
"; $subjects_menu .= "
"; } $subjects_menu .= "
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"; $subj_logos .= "
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