url.'mod/waramu/waramu_edit.js">'; $c .= ''; /*translation:Edit*/ $c .= "


"; $c .= "
"; $c .= '
'; $c .= '
'; $w = waramu_get(); $wid = get_input('resourceid'); if ( !$wid ) $wid = null; $obj = waramu_getResource("", $wid); $su = $obj->getAnnotationByName('indpwork'); $cr = $obj->getAnnotationByName('keecm'); $th = $obj->getAnnotationByName('thsupport'); $suitable_for_student = $su ? $su->value() : 0; $competition_resource = $cr ? $cr->value() : 0; $tiger_leap_supported = $th ? $th->value() : 0; $fulltd = $w->describeType($obj->getSchema()); $td = $fulltd->listFields(); $langs = $obj->getAllLanguages(); if ( count($langs) == 0 ) { $langs[] = "et"; } if ( !is_null($wid) ) $c .= ''; if ( get_input('r') == '1' ) $c .= ''; $c .= ''; foreach($langs as $l) { $c .= ''; } $combine = array(array('min', 'max')); function fieldhelp($id, $text, $button=true) { if ($button) $help = '?'; $htitle = elgg_echo('koolielu:'.$id); $help .= '
'; /*translation:Help*/ $help .= '
'; $help .= '
'; $help .= '
'; $help .= $text.'
'; $help .= '
'; return $help; } function fieldstart($id, $printable, $lang) { $fid = $id; if ( !is_null($lang) ) { $fid = $lang.'_'.$id; } $res = ""; $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; $trans = elgg_echo("koolielu:".$id); if ( $trans == "koolielu:".$id ) $trans = $printable; $res .= ''; $helptext = elgg_echo('koolielu:'.$id.'_helptext'); $res .= fieldhelp($id, $helptext); if (in_array($id, array("title", "desc", "keywords", "curriculumSubject"))) $res .= ' ' . elgg_view('koolielu/ke_required_field', array()); $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; return $res; } function fieldend() { $res = ""; $res .= '
'; $res .= '
'; return $res; } function generate_html($obj, $td, $multilingual, $w, $lang) { $combine = array(array('min', 'max')); $advancedFields = getAdvancedFields(); $default_vals = array('mdLanguage'=>'et', 'LREkeywords'=>'', 'intendedEndUserRole'=>'learner', 'context'=>'compulsory education'); $res = ""; foreach( $td as $field) { $name = $field['@attributes']['name']; $skipme = false; foreach($combine as $co) { if ( in_array($name, $co)) { $skipme = true; break; } } if ( $skipme ) continue; $printable = $field['title'][0][0]; $multi = $field['@attributes']['multiLingual']; if ( !$multilingual && $multi == '1' ) { continue; } if ( $multilingual && ($multi == '0' || is_null($multi))) { continue; } $ftype = $field['@attributes']['type']; $voc = $field['@attributes']['vocabulary']; $autoval = $field['@attributes']['autovalue']; $fixedVoc = $field['@attributes']['fixedVocabulary']; if ( $autoval == '1' ) { continue; } if (!in_array($name, $advancedFields) ) { $rf = fieldstart($name, $printable, $lang); $viewParams = array( 'mode' => 'edit', 'waramu' => $w, 'fieldname' => $name, 'fieldtype' => $ftype, 'fixedVocabulary' => $fixedVoc, 'vocabulary' => $voc, 'language' => $lang, 'object' => $obj ); if ( elgg_view_exists('waramu/field_'.$name) ) { $rf .= elgg_view('waramu/field_'.$name, $viewParams); } else { $rf .= elgg_view('waramu/field_'.$ftype, $viewParams); } $rf .= fieldend(); $res .= $rf; } else if ($name == 'LREkeywords') { $fval = $obj->get($name); $fvv = ""; foreach($fval as $fx) { $fvv .= $fx[0].","; } if (strlen($fvv)>0) { $fvv = substr($fvv, 0, strlen($fvv)-1); } $res .= ''; } else { $res .= ''; } } return $res; } function have_ml_fields($td) { foreach( $td as $field) { $multi = $field['@attributes']['multiLingual']; if ( $multi == '1' ) return true; } return false; } if ( have_ml_fields($td) ) { /*translation:Metadata language helptext*/ $helptext = elgg_echo('koolielu:mdLanguage_helptext'); $c .= fieldHelp('mdLanguage', $helptext, false); $c .= '
'; $c .= '
'; $c .= '?'; $c .= '
'; foreach($langs as $l) { $c .= '
'; } $c .= '
'; $c .= '
'; foreach($langs as $l) { $c .= '
'; $generated_html = generate_html($obj, $td, true, $w, $l); $c .= $generated_html; $c .= '
'; } $c .= '
'; } $generated_html = generate_html($obj, $td, false, $w, null); $c .= $generated_html; function find_field($td, $fname) { foreach ($td as $field) { $name = $field['@attributes']['name']; if ( $name == $fname ) return $field; } } //if ($fulltd['description'][0]['info'][0]['attachable'][0][0] == "1") { if ($obj->uid) { $c .= fieldstart('files', 'Files'); $viewParams = array( 'mode' => 'edit', 'waramu' => $w, 'fieldname' => 'attachments', 'object' => $obj ); $c .= elgg_view('waramu/field_attachments', $viewParams); $c .= fieldend(); } foreach($combine as $co) { $fname = implode("", $co); $class_from_age_range = array( /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:pre-school education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:preschool'), /*translation:1st grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:1st_grade'), /*translation:2nd grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:2nd_grade'), /*translation:3rd grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:3rd_grade'), /*translation:4th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:4th_grade'), /*translation:5th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:5th_grade'), /*translation:6th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:6th_grade'), /*translation:7th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:7th_grade'), /*translation:8th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:8th_grade'), /*translation:9th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:9th_grade'), /*translation:10th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:10th_grade'), /*translation:11th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:11th_grade'), /*translation:12th grade*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:12th_grade'), /*translation:adult education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:adult_educ'), /*translation:adult education*/ elgg_echo('koolielu:adult_educ') ); $agerange_help = '?'; $viewParams = array( /*translation:agerange*/ 'label' => elgg_echo('koolielu:agerange').$agerange_help, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 20, 'left' => find_field($td, $co[0]), 'right' => find_field($td, $co[1]), 'object' => $obj, 'mode' => 'edit', 'ranges' => $class_from_age_range ); /*translation:Agerange helptext*/ $agerange_help = elgg_echo('koolielu:agerange_helptext'); $c .= fieldhelp('agerange', $agerange_help, false); $c .= "
".elgg_view('waramu/field_'.$fname, $viewParams)."
"; } // suitable for student checkbox area $student_opts = ""; if ($suitable_for_student == 1) { $student_opts = 'checked="checked" '; } /*translation:Suitable for student*/ $suitable_for_student = ''; /*translation:Suitable for student helptext*/ $suitable_help = elgg_echo('koolielu:suitable_student_helptext'); $suitable_for_student .= fieldHelp('suitable_student', $suitable_help); $suitable_for_student .= '
'; // competition resource checkbox area $competition_opts = ""; if ($competition_resource == 1) { $competition_opts = 'checked="checked" '; } /*translation:Competition resource*/ $competition_res = ''; /*translation:Competition resource helptext*/ $competition_help = elgg_echo('koolielu:competition_resource_helptext'); $competition_res .= fieldHelp('competition_resource', $competition_help); $competition_res .= '
'; // tiger leap supported checkbox area $tiger_support_opts = ""; if ($tiger_leap_supported == 1) { $tiger_support_opts = 'checked="checked" '; } /*translation:Created with support from Tiger Leap Foundation*/ $tiger_supported = ''; /*translation:Created with support from Tiger Leap Foundation helptext*/ $tiger_support_help = elgg_echo('koolielu:tiger_leap_supported_helptext'); $tiger_supported .= fieldHelp('tiger_leap_supported', $tiger_support_help); $tiger_supported .= '
'; $more_metadata = ""; $more_metadata .= $suitable_for_student; $more_metadata .= $competition_res; $more_metadata .= $tiger_supported; $c .= '
'; /*translation:Save*/ $c .= elgg_view('input/submit', array('internalname' => 'savebutton', 'js' => 'onclick="controlFields();return false;"', 'value' => elgg_echo('koolielu:Save'))); $c .= "
"; $form = elgg_view('input/form', array('action' => $CONFIG->wwwroot.'action/waramu/saveMetadata', 'body' => $c, 'head' => '', 'internalname' => 'saveform')); $body = elgg_view_layout('two_column_left_sidebar', "", $form); page_draw($title, $body); ?>