listAttachments()); $upload = $w->addAttachment($au, $rid, $fcontents, $fname); } if ($exists) { /*translation:Upload unsuccessful. Resource already has file with that name.*/ $msg = elgg_echo("koolielu:upload_unsuccess_has_file_with_that_name"); } if ($upload['status'][0][0] == '0') { /*translation:Upload successful. Upload another file or close this popup.*/ $msg = elgg_echo("koolielu:upload_success"); } else { /*translation:Upload unsuccessful. Your file has not been uploaded due to technical reason. Please try again later.*/ $msg = elgg_echo("koolielu:upload_unsuccess_unknown"); } } else if ( $fileinfo['error'] == 4 ) { // in case no file was uploaded $msg = ""; } else { /*translation:Upload unsuccessful. Upload another file or close this popup.*/ $msg = elgg_echo("koolielu:upload_unsuccess"); } forward("mod/waramu/upload_form.php?rid=".$rid."&msg=".$msg); ?>