public $handler = 'search2';
public function __construct($page, $ignores=array('search2', 'browse2')) {
$lookval = null;
$used = false;
foreach ($page as $p) {
$used = false;
if ( in_array($p, $ignores) )
if (is_null($lookval) ) {
// TODO: can validate here the validnes of $p as a fieldname
$lookval = trim($p);
} else if ( !is_null($lookval) ) {
if (!strcmp($p, '__x__'))
$p = '';
$this->v[$lookval] = $p;
$lookval = null;
$used = true;
if (!$used && $p)
$this->v[$p] = "";
public function initFromInput() {
global $CONFIG;
// fields
$fnames = array('_fulltext', 'language', 'keywords', 'lotype', 'license', 'curriculumSubject', 'creator', 'vauthor', 'not_older_than', 'not_newer_than', 'min', 'max');
foreach($fnames as $name) {
$v = get_input($name);
if ($name == "max" && $v == "20") $v = 0;
if ($v) $this->set($name, $v);
// annotations
foreach ($CONFIG->curriculum_config['annotations'] as $name => $anno) {
if (!$anno['search']) continue;
$v = get_input($name);
if (!strcmp($v, "1")) $this->set(':'.$name, $v);
// types
$filters = get_input('filter');
$filter = implode($filters, '');
if ($filter) $this->set('filter', $filter);
public function toURL() {
global $CONFIG;
$r = array();
foreach ($this->v as $k=>$v) {
$r[] = urlencode($k);
$r[] = urlencode($v);
return $CONFIG->wwwroot.'pg/waramu/'.$this->handler.'/'.implode($r, '/');
public function toQuery($format="") {
$csns = getCurrentCurriculumArray();
$q = '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'.">\n";
$q .= 'v as $k=>$v) {
$x = $this->translateForQuery($k, $v);
foreach ($x as $y) {
$k = $y[0];
$v = $y[1];
$params = "";
if ($k == "_sort" && $format == "count")
if (count($y) == 3)
$params = $y[2];
$q .= "\t<".$k.$params.">".$v."".$k.">\n";
$q .= '';
return $q;
public function doQuery($format='list_of_ids', $return_list=false) {
$w = waramu_get();
$q = $this->toQuery($format);
$ch = null;
if ($format == "count") {
$ch = cache_count_query($q);
if (!is_null($ch)) {
return $ch;
$rawids = $w->listIdentifiers("", $q);
if ($format == "count") {
$cv = $rawids['count'][0][0];
cache_value($q, $cv);
return $cv;
$rids = $rawids['identifiers'][0]['id'];
$new_ids = array();
foreach ($rids as $rid) {
$new_ids []= $rid[0];
if ($return_list)
return $new_ids;
$sort_vals = array('created', 'download', 'favorites', 'title');
$c = elgg_view('object/listing_header',
array('ids' => $new_ids, 'sort_val' => $this->get("sort"),
'sort_vals' => $sort_vals, 'show_count' => 1, 'b' => $this));
return $c;
public function get($k) {
if (array_key_exists($k, $this->v))
return $this->v[$k];
return false;
public function set($k, $v) {
$this->v[$k] = $v;
public function buildURL($rk, $rv) {
global $CONFIG;
$r = array();
if (!$rv) $rv = '__x__';
foreach ($this->v as $k=>$v) {
if (!$v) $v = '__x__';
$r[] = urlencode($k);
if (!strcmp($k, $rk)) {
$r[] = urlencode($rv);
} else {
$r[] = urlencode($v);
if (!array_key_exists($rk, $this->v)) {
$r[] = $rk;
$r[] = urlencode($rv);
return $CONFIG->wwwroot.'pg/waramu/'.$this->handler.'/'.implode('/', $r);
public function canQuery() {
foreach ($this->v as $k=>$v) {
if ($k == "sort")
if (!is_null($v) && strlen($v)>0)
return true;
return false;
public function isFilter($code) {
$f = $this->get("filter");
if ( strstr($f, $code) )
return true;
return false;
public function getReverseFilterValue($code) {
if (!$this->isFilter($code))
return $this->get("filter").$code;
return str_replace($code, '', $this->get("filter"));
private function translateForQuery($k, $v) {
global $CONFIG;
$r = array();
if ($k == "curriculumSubject") {
$cs = getCurriculumSubject($v);
$cs = $cs[0];
$r[] = array('cs:'.$k, ($cs->eid)-1, ' param="higher"');
$r[] = array('cs:'.$k, $cs->end, ' param="lower"');
} else if ($k == "sort") {
if (!in_array($v, array("created", "title"))) return;
if (strlen($v) > 0) {
$param = "";
if ($v == 'created') $param = ' param="descending"';
if ($v == 'title') $param = ' lang="et"';
$r[] = array("_sort", $v, $param);
} else if ($k == "filter") {
$ft = array();
for ($i=0;$igetFilterByCode($v[$i]);
if (is_null($filter)) continue;
$ft[] = $filter['schema'];
if ($ft) $r[] = array("_schema", implode($ft, ","));
} else if (substr($k, 0, 1) == ':') {
$r[] = array('anno'.$k, $v);
} else if ($k == "not_older_than" || $k == "not_newer_than") {
$param = ' param="higher"';
if ($k == "not_newer_than") $param = ' param="lower"';
$r[] = array("created", date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($v)),$param);
} else if ($k == "license") {
foreach ($CONFIG->curriculum_config['licenses'] as $full=>$lic) {
if ($v == $lic)
$r[] = array($k, $full);
} else if ($k == 'creator') {
$r[] = array('_owner', $v);
} else {
$r[] = array($k, $v);
return $r;
private function getFilterByCode($code) {
global $CONFIG;
foreach ($CONFIG->curriculum_config['filters'] as $filter) {
if ($filter['code'] == $code)
return $filter;
return null;