"; $area2 .= "
"; if (is_array($featured_groups) && sizeof($featured_groups) > 0) { $featured_group = $featured_groups[0]; $area2 .= "
"; $area2 .= "

" . $featured_group->name . "

"; $area2 .= $featured_group->description; /*translation:Read more...*/ $area2 .= "getURL() . "\">" . elgg_echo("koolielu:text_read_more") . ""; $area2 .= "
"; $area2 .= "
"; $area2 .= elgg_view("groups/icon", array('entity' => $featured_group, 'size' => 'large')); $area2 .= "
"; $area2 .= "
"; } //$study_groups = get_entities_from_metadata("study", "1", "group", ""); $study_groups = array(); if (is_array($study_groups) && sizeof($study_groups) > 0) { $study_guids = array(); foreach($study_groups as $group) { array_push($study_guids, $group->getGUID()); } $suitable_objects = get_entities("object", "groupforumtopic", $study_guids , 'time_updated desc', 5, 0, false, 0, $study_guids); if (is_array($suitable_objects) && sizeof($suitable_objects) > 0) { $area2 .= "
"; /*translation:Stydy groups*/ $area2 .= "

" . elgg_echo("koolielu:heading_study_groups") . "

"; foreach($suitable_objects as $item) { $area2 .= "
"; $area2 .= sprintf(date("d.m.Y", $item->time_created)); $item_group = get_entity($item->container_guid); $area2 .= " getURL() . "\">" . $item_group->name . ""; $area2 .= " " . $item->title; /*translation:Read more...*/ $area2 .= " wwwroot . "mod/groups/topicposts.php?topic=" . $item->guid . "&group_guid=" . $item->container_guid . "\">" . elgg_echo("koolielu:text_read_more") . ""; $area2 .= "
"; } $area2 .= "
"; } } // area4 content $area4 = ""; $external_groups = get_entities("object", "externalgroup", "", "", 4);//Only need up to 4 external groups if (is_array($external_groups) && sizeof($external_groups) > 0) { $area4 .= "
"; $area4 .= ""; // We can have up to 4 elements in teh table foreach ($external_groups as $ext) { $area4 .= ""; } $area4 .= "
"; $area4 .= elgg_view("koolielu/ke_externalgroups_rss_view", array('item_number' => 4, 'object' => $ext)); $area4 .= "
"; } $area2 .= "
"; $area2 .= ""; $body = elgg_view_layout('two_column_community', $area1, $area2, "", $area4); page_draw($title, $body); ?>