* @author Moritz Bechler * @author Kornel LesiƄski * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html GNU Lesser General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: TalesInternal.php 940 2010-06-23 13:35:28Z kornel $ * @link http://phptal.org/ */ /** * TALES Specification 1.3 * * Expression ::= [type_prefix ':'] String * type_prefix ::= Name * * Examples: * * a/b/c * path:a/b/c * nothing * path:nothing * python: 1 + 2 * string:Hello, ${username} * * * Builtin Names in Page Templates (for PHPTAL) * * * nothing - special singleton value used by TAL to represent a * non-value (e.g. void, None, Nil, NULL). * * * default - special singleton value used by TAL to specify that * existing text should not be replaced. * * * repeat - the repeat variables (see RepeatVariable). * * */ /** * @package PHPTAL * @subpackage Php */ class PHPTAL_Php_TalesInternal implements PHPTAL_Tales { const DEFAULT_KEYWORD = '_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_'; const NOTHING_KEYWORD = '_NOTHING_NOTHING_NOTHING_NOTHING_'; static public function true($src, $nothrow) { $src = trim($src); if (ctype_alnum($src)) return '!empty($ctx->'.$src.')'; return '!!$ctx->path($ctx, '.self::string($src).',true)'; } /** * not: * * not: Expression * * evaluate the expression string (recursively) as a full expression, * and returns the boolean negation of its value * * return boolean based on the following rules: * * 1. integer 0 is false * 2. integer > 0 is true * 3. an empty string or other sequence is false * 4. a non-empty string or other sequence is true * 5. a non-value (e.g. void, None, Nil, NULL, etc) is false * 6. all other values are implementation-dependent. * * Examples: * * not: exists: foo/bar/baz * not: php: object.hasChildren() * not: string:${foo} * not: foo/bar/booleancomparable */ static public function not($expression, $nothrow) { return '!(' . self::compileToPHPExpression($expression, $nothrow) . ')'; } /** * path: * * PathExpr ::= Path [ '|' Path ]* * Path ::= variable [ '/' URL_Segment ]* * variable ::= Name * * Examples: * * path: username * path: user/name * path: object/method/10/method/member * path: object/${dynamicmembername}/method * path: maybethis | path: maybethat | path: default * * PHPTAL: * * 'default' may lead to some 'difficult' attributes implementation * * For example, the tal:content will have to insert php code like: * * if (isset($ctx->maybethis)) { * echo $ctx->maybethis; * } * elseif (isset($ctx->maybethat) { * echo $ctx->maybethat; * } * else { * // process default tag content * } * * @returns string or array */ static public function path($expression, $nothrow=false) { $expression = trim($expression); if ($expression == 'default') return self::DEFAULT_KEYWORD; if ($expression == 'nothing') return self::NOTHING_KEYWORD; if ($expression == '') return self::NOTHING_KEYWORD; // split OR expressions terminated by a string if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s*\|\s*?(string:.*)$/sm', $expression, $m)) { list(, $expression, $string) = $m; } // split OR expressions terminated by a 'fast' string elseif (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s*\|\s*\'((?:[^\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*)\'\s*$/sm', $expression, $m)) { list(, $expression, $string) = $m; $string = 'string:'.stripslashes($string); } // split OR expressions $exps = preg_split('/\s*\|\s*/sm', $expression); // if (many expressions) or (expressions or terminating string) found then // generate the array of sub expressions and return it. if (count($exps) > 1 || isset($string)) { $result = array(); foreach ($exps as $exp) { $result[] = self::compileToPHPExpressions(trim($exp), true); } if (isset($string)) { $result[] = self::compileToPHPExpressions($string, true); } return $result; } // see if there are subexpressions, but skip interpolated parts, i.e. ${a/b}/c is 2 parts if (preg_match('/^((?:[^$\/]+|\$\$|\${[^}]+}|\$))\/(.+)$/s', $expression, $m)) { if (!self::checkExpressionPart($m[1])) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Invalid TALES path: '$expression', expected '{$m[1]}' to be variable name"); } $next = self::string($m[1]); $expression = self::string($m[2]); } else { if (!self::checkExpressionPart($expression)) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Invalid TALES path: '$expression', expected variable name. Complex expressions need php: modifier."); } $next = self::string($expression); $expression = null; } if (preg_match('/^\'[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\'$/i', $next)) $next = substr($next, 1, -1); else $next = '{'.$next.'}'; // if no sub part for this expression, just optimize the generated code // and access the $ctx->var if ($expression === null) { return '$ctx->'.$next; } // otherwise we have to call PHPTAL_Context::path() to resolve the path at runtime // extract the first part of the expression (it will be the PHPTAL_Context::path() // $base and pass the remaining of the path to PHPTAL_Context::path() return '$ctx->path($ctx->'.$next.', '.$expression.($nothrow ? ', true' : '').')'; } /** * check if part of exprssion (/foo/ or /foo${bar}/) is alphanumeric */ private static function checkExpressionPart($expression) { $expression = preg_replace('/\${[^}]+}/', 'a', $expression); // pretend interpolation is done return preg_match('/^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$/i', $expression); } /** * string: * * string_expression ::= ( plain_string | [ varsub ] )* * varsub ::= ( '$' Path ) | ( '${' Path '}' ) * plain_string ::= ( '$$' | non_dollar )* * non_dollar ::= any character except '$' * * Examples: * * string:my string * string:hello, $username how are you * string:hello, ${user/name} * string:you have $$130 in your bank account */ static public function string($expression, $nothrow=false) { // This is a simple parser which evaluates ${foo} inside // 'string:foo ${foo} bar' expressions, it returns the php code which will // print the string with correct interpollations. // Nothing special there :) $inPath = false; $inAccoladePath = false; $lastWasDollar = false; $result = ''; $len = strlen($expression); for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { $c = $expression[$i]; switch ($c) { case '$': if ($lastWasDollar) { $lastWasDollar = false; } elseif ($inAccoladePath) { $subPath .= $c; $c = ''; } else { $lastWasDollar = true; $c = ''; } break; case '\\': if ($inAccoladePath) { $subPath .= $c; $c = ''; } else { $c = '\\\\'; } break; case '\'': if ($inAccoladePath) { $subPath .= $c; $c = ''; } else { $c = '\\\''; } break; case '{': if ($inAccoladePath) { $subPath .= $c; $c = ''; } elseif ($lastWasDollar) { $lastWasDollar = false; $inAccoladePath = true; $subPath = ''; $c = ''; } break; case '}': if ($inAccoladePath) { $inAccoladePath = false; $subEval = self::compileToPHPExpression($subPath,false); $result .= "'.(" . $subEval . ").'"; $subPath = ''; $lastWasDollar = false; $c = ''; } break; default: if ($lastWasDollar) { $lastWasDollar = false; $inPath = true; $subPath = $c; $c = ''; } elseif ($inAccoladePath) { $subPath .= $c; $c = ''; } elseif ($inPath) { $t = strtolower($c); if (($t >= 'a' && $t <= 'z') || ($t >= '0' && $t <= '9') || ($t == '_')) { $subPath .= $c; $c = ''; } else { $inPath = false; $subEval = self::compileToPHPExpression($subPath,false); $result .= "'.(" . $subEval . ").'"; } } break; } $result .= $c; } if ($inPath) { $subEval = self::compileToPHPExpression($subPath, false); $result .= "'.(" . $subEval . ").'"; } // optimize ''.foo.'' to foo $result = preg_replace("/^(?:''\.)?(.*?)(?:\.'')?$/", '\1', '\''.$result.'\''); /* The following expression (with + in first alternative): "/^\(((?:[^\(\)]+|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)$/" did work properly for (aaaaaaa)aa, but not for (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)aa WTF!? */ // optimize (foo()) to foo() $result = preg_replace("/^\(((?:[^\(\)]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)$/", '\1', $result); return $result; } /** * php: modifier. * * Transform the expression into a regular PHP expression. */ static public function php($src) { return PHPTAL_Php_Transformer::transform($src, '$ctx->'); } /** * phptal-internal-php-block: modifier for emulation of in attributes. * * Please don't use it in the templates! */ static public function phptal_internal_php_block($src) { $src = rawurldecode($src); // Simple echo can be supported via regular method if (preg_match('/^\s*echo\s+((?:[^;]+|"[^"\\\\]*"|\'[^\'\\\\]*\'|\/\*.*?\*\/)+);*\s*$/s',$src,$m)) { return $m[1]; } // keeps semicolon optional return "eval(".self::string($src.'?>').")"; } /** * exists: modifier. * * Returns the code required to invoke Context::exists() on specified path. */ static public function exists($src, $nothrow) { $src = trim($src); if (ctype_alnum($src)) return 'isset($ctx->'.$src.')'; return '(null !== $ctx->path($ctx,'.self::string($src).', true))'; } /** * number: modifier. * * Returns the number as is. */ static public function number($src, $nothrow) { if (!is_numeric(trim($src))) throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("'$src' is not a number"); return trim($src); } /** * translates TALES expression with alternatives into single PHP expression. * Identical to compileToPHPExpressions() for singular expressions. * * @see PHPTAL_Php_TalesInternal::compileToPHPExpressions() * @return string */ public static function compileToPHPExpression($expression, $nothrow=false) { $r = self::compileToPHPExpressions($expression, $nothrow); if (!is_array($r)) return $r; // this weird ternary operator construct is to execute noThrow inside the expression return '($ctx->noThrow(true)||1?'.self::convertExpressionsToExpression($r, $nothrow).':"")'; } /* * helper function for compileToPHPExpression * @access private */ private static function convertExpressionsToExpression(array $array, $nothrow) { if (count($array)==1) return '($ctx->noThrow('.($nothrow?'true':'false').')||1?('. ($array[0]==self::NOTHING_KEYWORD?'null':$array[0]). '):"")'; $expr = array_shift($array); return "(!phptal_isempty(\$_tmp5=$expr) && (\$ctx->noThrow(false)||1)?\$_tmp5:".self::convertExpressionsToExpression($array, $nothrow).')'; } /** * @deprecated */ public static function compileToPHPStatements($expression, $nothrow=false) { trigger_error("Use phptal_tales() instead", E_USER_WARNING); return self::compileToPHPExpressions($expression, $nothrow); } /** * returns PHP code that will evaluate given TALES expression. * e.g. "string:foo${bar}" may be transformed to "'foo'.phptal_escape($ctx->bar)" * * Expressions with alternatives ("foo | bar") will cause it to return array * Use PHPTAL_Php_TalesInternal::compileToPHPExpression() if you always want string. * * @param bool $nothrow if true, invalid expression will return NULL (at run time) rather than throwing exception * * @return string or array */ public static function compileToPHPExpressions($expression, $nothrow=false) { $expression = trim($expression); // Look for tales modifier (string:, exists:, etc...) if (preg_match('/^([a-z](?:[a-z0-9._-]*[a-z0-9])?):(.*)$/si', $expression, $m)) { list(, $typePrefix, $expression) = $m; } // may be a 'string' elseif (preg_match('/^\'((?:[^\']|\\\\.)*)\'$/s', $expression, $m)) { $expression = stripslashes($m[1]); $typePrefix = 'string'; } // failback to path: else { $typePrefix = 'path'; } $result = self::getPHPExpressionsForModifier($typePrefix, $expression, $nothrow); self::verifyPHPExpressions($typePrefix, $result); return $result; } private static function verifyPHPExpressions($typePrefix,$expressions) { if (!is_array($expressions)) { $expressions = array($expressions); } foreach($expressions as $expr) { if (preg_match('/;\s*$/', $expr)) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Modifier $typePrefix generated PHP statement rather than expression (don't add semicolons)"); } } } protected static function getPHPExpressionsForModifier($typePrefix, $expression, $nothrow) { // is a registered TALES expression modifier if (PHPTAL_TalesRegistry::getInstance()->isRegistered($typePrefix)) { $callback = PHPTAL_TalesRegistry::getInstance()->getCallback($typePrefix); return call_user_func($callback, $expression, $nothrow); } // class method if (strpos($typePrefix, '.')) { $classCallback = explode('.', $typePrefix, 2); $callbackName = null; if (!is_callable($classCallback, false, $callbackName)) { throw new PHPTAL_UnknownModifierException("Unknown phptal modifier $typePrefix. Function $callbackName does not exists or is not statically callable", $typePrefix); } $ref = new ReflectionClass($classCallback[0]); if (!$ref->implementsInterface('PHPTAL_Tales')) { throw new PHPTAL_UnknownModifierException("Unable to use phptal modifier $typePrefix as the class $callbackName does not implement the PHPTAL_Tales interface", $typePrefix); } return call_user_func($classCallback, $expression, $nothrow); } // check if it is implemented via code-generating function $func = 'phptal_tales_'.str_replace('-', '_', $typePrefix); if (function_exists($func)) { return $func($expression, $nothrow); } // The following code is automatically modified in version for PHP 5.3 $func = 'PHPTALNAMESPACE\\phptal_tales_'.str_replace('-', '_', $typePrefix); if (function_exists($func)) { return $func($expression, $nothrow); } // check if it is implemented via runtime function $runfunc = 'phptal_runtime_tales_'.str_replace('-', '_', $typePrefix); if (function_exists($runfunc)) { return "$runfunc(".self::compileToPHPExpression($expression, $nothrow).")"; } throw new PHPTAL_UnknownModifierException("Unknown phptal modifier '$typePrefix'. Function '$func' does not exist", $typePrefix); } }