* @author Kornel LesiƄski * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html GNU Lesser General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: PHPTALDocumentBuilder.php 914 2010-06-20 21:02:58Z kornel $ * @link http://phptal.org/ */ /** * DOM Builder * * @package PHPTAL * @subpackage Dom */ class PHPTAL_Dom_PHPTALDocumentBuilder extends PHPTAL_Dom_DocumentBuilder { private $_xmlns; /* PHPTAL_Dom_XmlnsState */ private $encoding; public function __construct() { $this->_xmlns = new PHPTAL_Dom_XmlnsState(array(), ''); } public function getResult() { return $this->documentElement; } protected function getXmlnsState() { return $this->_xmlns; } // ~~~~~ XmlParser implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public function onDocumentStart() { $this->documentElement = new PHPTAL_Dom_Element('documentElement', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', array(), $this->getXmlnsState()); $this->documentElement->setSource($this->file, $this->line); $this->_current = $this->documentElement; } public function onDocumentEnd() { if (count($this->_stack) > 0) { $left='_current->getQualifiedName().'>'; for ($i = count($this->_stack)-1; $i>0; $i--) $left .= '_stack[$i]->getQualifiedName().'>'; throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Not all elements were closed before end of the document. Missing: ".$left, $this->file, $this->line); } } public function onDocType($doctype) { $this->pushNode(new PHPTAL_Dom_DocumentType($doctype, $this->encoding)); } public function onXmlDecl($decl) { if (!$this->encoding) { throw new PHPTAL_Exception("Encoding not set"); } $this->pushNode(new PHPTAL_Dom_XmlDeclaration($decl, $this->encoding)); } public function onComment($data) { $this->pushNode(new PHPTAL_Dom_Comment($data, $this->encoding)); } public function onCDATASection($data) { $this->pushNode(new PHPTAL_Dom_CDATASection($data, $this->encoding)); } public function onProcessingInstruction($data) { $this->pushNode(new PHPTAL_Dom_ProcessingInstruction($data, $this->encoding)); } public function onElementStart($element_qname, array $attributes) { $this->_xmlns = $this->_xmlns->newElement($attributes); if (preg_match('/^([^:]+):/', $element_qname, $m)) { $namespace_uri = $this->_xmlns->prefixToNamespaceURI($m[1]); if (false === $namespace_uri) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("There is no namespace declared for prefix of element < $element_qname >", $this->file, $this->line); } } else { $namespace_uri = $this->_xmlns->getCurrentDefaultNamespaceURI(); } $attrnodes = array(); foreach ($attributes as $qname=>$value) { if (preg_match('/^([^:]+):(.+)$/', $qname, $m)) { $local_name = $m[2]; $attr_namespace_uri = $this->_xmlns->prefixToNamespaceURI($m[1]); } else { $local_name = $qname; $attr_namespace_uri = ''; // default NS. Attributes don't inherit namespace per XMLNS spec } if (false === $attr_namespace_uri) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("There is no namespace declared for prefix of attribute $qname of element < $element_qname >", $this->file, $this->line); } if ($this->_xmlns->isHandledNamespace($attr_namespace_uri) && !$this->_xmlns->isValidAttributeNS($attr_namespace_uri, $local_name)) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Attribute '$qname' is in '$attr_namespace_uri' namespace, but is not a supported PHPTAL attribute", $this->file, $this->line); } $attrnodes[] = new PHPTAL_Dom_Attr($qname, $attr_namespace_uri, $value, $this->encoding); } $node = new PHPTAL_Dom_Element($element_qname, $namespace_uri, $attrnodes, $this->getXmlnsState()); $this->pushNode($node); $this->_stack[] = $this->_current; $this->_current = $node; } public function onElementData($data) { $this->pushNode(new PHPTAL_Dom_Text($data, $this->encoding)); } public function onElementClose($qname) { if ($this->_current === $this->documentElement) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Found closing tag for < $qname > where there are no open tags", $this->file, $this->line); } if ($this->_current->getQualifiedName() != $qname) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Tag closure mismatch, expected < /".$this->_current->getQualifiedName()." > (opened in line ".$this->_current->getSourceLine().") but found < /".$qname." >", $this->file, $this->line); } $this->_current = array_pop($this->_stack); if ($this->_current instanceof PHPTAL_Dom_Element) { $this->_xmlns = $this->_current->getXmlnsState(); // restore namespace prefixes info to previous state } } private function pushNode(PHPTAL_Dom_Node $node) { $node->setSource($this->file, $this->line); $this->_current->appendChild($node); } public function setEncoding($encoding) { $this->encoding = $encoding; } }