* @author Kornel LesiƄski * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html GNU Lesser General Public License * @version SVN: $Id: XmlParserTest.php 907 2010-06-14 13:50:15Z kornel $ * @link http://phptal.org/ */ class XmlParserTest extends PHPTAL_TestCase { public function testSimpleParse() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseFile($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), 'input/xml.01.xml')->getResult(); $expected = trim(join('', file('input/xml.01.xml'))); $this->assertEquals($expected, $builder->result); $this->assertEquals(7, $builder->elementStarts); $this->assertEquals(7, $builder->elementCloses); } public function testXMLStylesheet() { $tpl = $this->newPHPTAL(); $tpl->baz = 'quz'; $tpl->setSource(' '); $this->assertXMLEquals(' ', $tpl->execute()); } public function testPHPBlocksNotInterpolated() { $tpl = $this->newPHPTAL(); $tpl->setSource(''); $this->assertEquals('${baz}', $tpl->execute()); } public function testCharactersBeforeBegining() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); try { $parser->parseFile($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), 'input/xml.02.xml')->getResult(); $this->assertTrue( false ); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertTrue( true ); } } public function testAllowGtAndLtInTextNodes() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseFile($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), 'input/xml.03.xml')->getResult(); $this->assertEquals(normalize_html_file('output/xml.03.xml'), normalize_html($builder->result)); $this->assertEquals(3, $builder->elementStarts); $this->assertEquals(3, $builder->elementCloses); // a '<' character withing some text data make the parser call 2 times // the onElementData() method $this->assertEquals(7, $builder->datas); } /** * @expectedException PHPTAL_ParserException */ public function testRejectsInvalidAttributes1() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), '')->getResult(); $this->fail($builder->result); } /** * @expectedException PHPTAL_ParserException */ public function testRejectsInvalidAttributes2() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), '')->getResult(); $this->fail($builder->result); } public function testSkipsBom() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), "\xef\xbb\xbf")->getResult(); $this->assertEquals("", $builder->result); } public function testAllowsTrickyQnames() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), "\xef\xbb\xbf<_.:_ xmlns:_.='tricky'/>")->getResult(); $this->assertEquals("<_.:_ xmlns:_.=\"tricky\">", $builder->result); } public function testRootNS() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), "")->getResult(); $this->assertEquals('', $builder->result); } public function testAllowsXMLStylesheet() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $src = " "; $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), $src)->getResult(); $this->assertEquals($src, $builder->result); } public function testFixOrRejectCDATAClose() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $src = ' ]]> '; try { $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), $src)->getResult(); $this->assertEquals(' ]]> ', $builder->result); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { /* ok - rejecting is one way to do it */ } } /** * @expectedException PHPTAL_ParserException */ public function testSelfClosingSyntaxError() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $src = ''; $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), $src)->getResult(); } public function testFixOrRejectEntities() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); $src = ' & ; Ā   &--;'; try { $parser->parseString($builder = new MyDocumentBuilder(), $src)->getResult(); $this->assertEquals(' & ; Ā   &--;', $builder->result); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { /* ok - rejecting is one way to do it */ } } public function testLineAccuracy() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); try { $parser->parseString(new PHPTAL_Dom_PHPTALDocumentBuilder(), "1 3 4 error in line 6! "); $this->fail("Accepted invalid XML"); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { $this->assertEquals(6, $e->srcLine); } } public function testLineAccuracy2() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); try { $parser->parseString(new PHPTAL_Dom_PHPTALDocumentBuilder(), " "); $this->fail("Accepted invalid XML"); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { $this->assertEquals(7, $e->srcLine); } } public function testLineAccuracy3() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); try { $parser->parseString(new PHPTAL_Dom_PHPTALDocumentBuilder(), " "); $this->fail("Accepted invalid XML"); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { $this->assertEquals(8, $e->srcLine); } } public function testClosingRoot() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); try { $parser->parseString(new PHPTAL_Dom_PHPTALDocumentBuilder(), ""); $this->fail("Accepted invalid XML"); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { $this->assertContains('ishallnotbeclosed', $e->getMessage()); $this->assertNotContains('imrootelement', $e->getMessage()); $this->assertNotContains("documentElement", $e->getMessage()); } } public function testNotClosing() { $parser = new PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser('UTF-8'); try { $parser->parseString(new PHPTAL_Dom_PHPTALDocumentBuilder(), ""); $this->fail("Accepted invalid XML"); } catch(PHPTAL_ParserException $e) { $this->assertNotContains("documentElement", $e->getMessage()); $this->assertRegExp("/element_e.*element_d.*element_c.*element_b.*element_a/", $e->getMessage()); } } public function testSPRY() { $tpl = $this->newPHPTAL(); $tpl->setSource('


'); $tpl->prepare(); } public function testSPRY2() { $tpl = $this->newPHPTAL(); $tpl->phptal_var = 'ok'; $tpl->setSource('
'); $this->assertXMLEquals('
', $tpl->execute()); } } class MyDocumentBuilder extends PHPTAL_Dom_DocumentBuilder { public $result; public $elementStarts = 0; public $elementCloses = 0; public $specifics = 0; public $datas = 0; public $allow_xmldec = true; public function __construct() { $this->result = ''; parent::__construct(); } public function onDoctype($dt) { $this->specifics++; $this->allow_xmldec = false; $this->result .= $dt; } public function onXmlDecl($decl) { if (!$this->allow_xmldec) throw new Exception("more than one xml decl"); $this->specifics++; $this->allow_xmldec = false; $this->result .= $decl; } public function onCDATASection($data) { $this->onProcessingInstruction(''); } public function onProcessingInstruction($data) { $this->specifics++; $this->allow_xmldec = false; $this->result .= $data; } public function onComment($data) { $this->onProcessingInstruction(''); } public function onElementStart($name, array $attributes) { $this->allow_xmldec = false; $this->elementStarts++; $this->result .= "<$name"; $pairs = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key=>$value) $pairs[] = "$key=\"$value\""; if (count($pairs) > 0) { $this->result .= ' ' . join(' ', $pairs); } $this->result .= '>'; } public function onElementClose($name) { $this->allow_xmldec = false; $this->elementCloses++; $this->result .= ""; } public function onElementData($data) { $this->datas++; $this->result .= $data; } public function onDocumentStart(){} public function onDocumentEnd(){} public function getResult(){return $this->result;} public function setEncoding($e) {} }