# -*- coding: utf-8
# $Id: SCORMTool.py 135 2007-04-21 17:37:53Z vahur $
# Copyright 2006 by IVA Team and contributors
# This file is part of IVA.
# IVA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# IVA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with IVA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""Feedmoot client for IVA"""
__version__ = "$Revision: 135 $"[11:-2]
import Globals
from Globals import Persistent
from OFS import Folder
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.iva.Cruft import Cruft
import urllib2
class FeedmootClient(Folder.Folder, Persistent, Cruft):
""" Feedmoot client for IVA """
meta_type = 'FeedmootClient'
id = 'feedmoot'
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def getFeedmootLocation(self):
""" return feedmoot service location """
return "http://birdy:8888/feedmoot/"
return "http://www.htk.tlu.ee/feedmoot/"
def getSpace(self, context):
""" get space key """
# TODO: check for valid context here!
from Products.iva.UserInfo import UserInfo
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
print "context:", context, isinstance(context, UserInfo)
#do not support feedmoot clients somewhere else
logged_in = getSecurityManager().getUser().getUserName()
if isinstance(context, UserInfo):
# my feedmoot or someone else's
if context.get_uname() != logged_in:
return ""
# go to your UserInfo context
context = self.fle_users.get_user_info(logged_in)
print "context2:", context
if hasattr(context.aq_base, 'feedmoot_key'):
print "key 1:", context.aq_base.feedmoot_key
return context.aq_base.feedmoot_key
import json
resp = self.wrapper({'QUERY_STRING':'makeContract'})
print resp
k = json.read(json.read(resp))
print k
space_key = k.get('resp').get('key')
context.feedmoot_key = space_key
return space_key
def _getFeedmootKey(self, context):
""" return feedmoot key """
return context.aq_base.feedmoot_key
except AttributeError:
return ""
def _delFeedmootKey(self, context):
""" delete feedmoot key """
print "... deleting feedmoot key"
del context.feedmoot_key
def xhtml(self):
""" empty """
return "Hello there!
Your feedmoot page is empty.
Click \"edit\"!"
def listPages(self, context):
""" list pages """
import json
empty = ['Feedmoot', self.absolute_url()]
init_resp = self.wrapper({'QUERY_STRING': 'initSession?token='+self._getFeedmootKey(context)})
init = json.read(init_resp)
print init_resp
if json.read(init_resp).get('errno') == 3:
if self._getFeedmootKey(context): self._delFeedmootKey(context)
return [empty]
session_key = init.get('resp').get('session_key')
list_resp = self.wrapper({'QUERY_STRING': 'listPages?session_key='+session_key})
pagelist_raw = json.read(list_resp)
pagelist = pagelist_raw.get('resp').get('pages')
print self.wrapper({'QUERY_STRING': 'closeSession?session_key='+session_key})
res = []
for x in pagelist:
res.append([x.get('title'), x.get('url')])
if not res:
return res
def getContent(self, url):
""" """
print "trying to open url:"+url
opener = urllib2.urlopen(url+'/xhtml')
return opener.read()
def wrapper(self, REQUEST):
""" wrapper """
url = self.getFeedmootLocation()
opener = urllib2.urlopen(url+REQUEST.get('QUERY_STRING'))
return opener.read()