INSTALL - Download the product archive and untar it into the "/Products" directory. - The name of the dicrecory for the product should be "iCampfolio". - Restart Zope. - Go to the Portal "preferences" -> "Add/Remove Products". - Select the "iCampfolio" product and click the "Install" button. HOW TO USE THE iCampfolio PRODUCT How to create initial iCampFolio folder: - Go to "preferences" -> "ZMI". - Find the place you want to put it to. - Select "iCampfolio Content" and click "Add". - Select "iCampFolio" and provide the Id (or title). - Click "Add" button. Now the initial "iCampFolio" folder is ready to be used: - You might want to go to your "iCampFolio" folder and provide a title for your product (use "edit" tab). In addition you can also write a description. - Now you can add "Affordance" and "iCampTool" objects into this newly created folder from the portal graphical interface. !Note! Inside this folder you can only add "iCampTool" and "Affordance" objects.