This is an additional support file with some general texts and things for the "iCampfolio" product. Product adds two items into the portal: 1. Folder: iCampFolio 2. Object: iCampTool The folder is only addable from ZMI, the object is the only addable item inside the folder. !!! Fields implmented as "TextField -> TextAreaWidget": 1. Name of the tool 2. Operation system platform 3. Development platform (programming language) 4. Licence 5. Data managment system (database) 6. Application server (if any; e.g. Zope) 7. Server-side web technologies 8. Client-side web technologies (browser) 9. Portal platform (e.g. IVA on Zope) 10. Data exchange / syndication standards 11. Metadata standards 12. Secutiry model 13. Extendability / modularity 14. Localisation 15. External access to functionality (e.g. external access APIs) 16. User base (who is using) !!! Fields implemented as sets of two fields "StringField -> SelectionWidget" and "TextField -> TextAreaWidget" 17. SQI implementation status Addressing the iCamp areas of challenge: 18. a. Self-direction and self-organising intentional change (or learning) projects 19. b. Collaboration 20. c. Social Networking