'.print_r($theme_array, true).''); foreach((array)$theme_array as $theme){ // exit($theme['Version']); if($theme['Name']=='Default Theme' ||$theme['Name']=='iShop Theme' ||$theme['Name']=='Marketplace Theme' ){ if((float)$theme['Version'] < 3.6){ $nag = true; } } } return $nag; } function wpsc_get_themes($themes_folder = '') { $wpsc_themes = array (); // exit(WPSC_THEMES_PATH); $themes_root = WPSC_THEMES_PATH; if( !empty($themes_folder) ){} //$themes_root .= $themes_folder; if ( !is_dir( $themes_root ) ) { return $wpsc_themes; } // Files in wp-content/uploads/themes directory //exit($themes_root); $themes_dir = opendir($themes_root); $theme_files = array(); if ( $themes_dir ) { //exit('her'); while (($file = readdir( $themes_dir ) ) !== false ) { if ( substr($file, 0, 1) == '.' ) continue; if ( is_dir( $themes_root.'/'.$file ) ) { $themes_subdir = @ opendir( $themes_root.'/'.$file ); if ( $themes_subdir ) { while (($subfile = readdir( $themes_subdir ) ) !== false ) { if ( substr($subfile, 0, 1) == '.' ) continue; if ( substr($subfile, -4) == '.css' ) $theme_files[] = "$file/$subfile"; } } } else { if ( substr($file, -4) == '.css' ) $theme_files[] = $file; } } } @closedir( $themes_dir ); @closedir( $themes_subdir ); if ( !$themes_dir || empty($theme_files) ) return $wpsc_themes; foreach ( $theme_files as $theme_file ) { if ( !is_readable( "$themes_root/$theme_file" ) ) continue; $theme_data = get_theme_data( "$themes_root/$theme_file", false, false ); //Do not apply markup/translate as it'll be cached. if ( empty ( $theme_data['Name'] ) ) continue; $wpsc_themes[plugin_basename( $theme_file )] = $theme_data; } uasort( $wpsc_themes, create_function( '$a, $b', 'return strnatcasecmp( $a["Name"], $b["Name"] );' )); //$cache_plugins[ $plugin_folder ] = $wp_plugins; //wp_cache_set('plugins', $cache_plugins, 'plugins'); return $wpsc_themes; } /** *wpsc_get_theme_file_path function, gets the path to the theme file, uses the plugin themes folder if the file is not in the uploads one */ function wpsc_get_theme_file_path($file) { // get the theme folder here global $wpsc_theme_path; $file = basename($file); $cur_wpsc_theme_folder = apply_filters('wpsc_theme_folder',$wpsc_theme_path.WPSC_THEME_DIR); if(is_file($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/".$file)) { $output = $cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/".$file; } else { $wpsc_theme_path = WPSC_FILE_PATH . "/themes/".WPSC_THEME_DIR; $output = $wpsc_theme_path."/".$file; } return $output; } /** *select_wpsc_theme_functions function, provides a place to override the e-commece theme path * add to switch "theme's functions file * © with xiligroup dev * @todo - 1bigidea - shouldn't this load theme/functions.php rather than theme/theme.php???? (handy feature though) */ function wpsc_select_theme_functions() { global $wpsc_theme_path; $theme_dir = WPSC_THEME_DIR; /* done by plugins_loaded */ $cur_wpsc_theme_folder = apply_filters('wpsc_theme_folder',$wpsc_theme_path.$theme_dir); if((get_option('wpsc_selected_theme') != '') && (file_exists($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/".$theme_dir.".php") )) { include_once($cur_wpsc_theme_folder.'/'.$theme_dir.'.php'); } // end add by xiligroup.dev } add_action('init','wpsc_select_theme_functions',1); /** * wpsc_user_enqueues products function, * enqueue all javascript and CSS for wp ecommerce */ function wpsc_enqueue_user_script_and_css() { global $wp_styles, $wpsc_theme_url, $wpsc_theme_path; /** * added by xiligroup.dev to be compatible with touchshop */ if (has_filter('wpsc_enqueue_user_script_and_css') && apply_filters('wpsc_mobile_scripts_css_filters',false)){ do_action('wpsc_enqueue_user_script_and_css'); } else { /** * end of added by xiligroup.dev to be compatible with touchshop */ $version_identifier = WPSC_VERSION.".".WPSC_MINOR_VERSION; //$version_identifier = ''; if(is_numeric($_GET['category']) || is_numeric($wp_query->query_vars['product_category']) || is_numeric(get_option('wpsc_default_category'))) { if(is_numeric($wp_query->query_vars['product_category'])) { $category_id = $wp_query->query_vars['product_category']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['category'])) { $category_id = $_GET['category']; } else { $category_id = get_option('wpsc_default_category'); } } if(is_ssl()) { $siteurl = str_replace("http://", "https://", $siteurl); } wp_enqueue_script( 'jQuery'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-e-commerce', WPSC_URL.'/js/wp-e-commerce.js', array('jquery'), $version_identifier); wp_enqueue_script('wp-e-commerce-ajax-legacy', WPSC_URL.'/js/ajax.js', false, $version_identifier); wp_enqueue_script('wp-e-commerce-dynamic', $siteurl."/index.php?wpsc_user_dynamic_js=true", false, $version_identifier); wp_enqueue_script('livequery', WPSC_URL.'/wpsc-admin/js/jquery.livequery.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.3'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-rating', WPSC_URL.'/js/jquery.rating.js', array('jquery'), $version_identifier); wp_enqueue_script('wp-e-commerce-legacy', WPSC_URL.'/js/user.js', array('jquery'), WPSC_VERSION.WPSC_MINOR_VERSION); wp_enqueue_script('wpsc-thickbox',WPSC_URL.'/js/thickbox.js', array('jquery'), 'Instinct_e-commerce'); if(file_exists($wpsc_theme_path.get_option('wpsc_selected_theme')."/".get_option('wpsc_selected_theme').".css")) { $theme_url = $wpsc_theme_url.get_option('wpsc_selected_theme')."/".get_option('wpsc_selected_theme').".css"; } else { $theme_url = $wpsc_theme_url. '/default/default.css'; } wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsc-theme-css', $theme_url, false, $version_identifier, 'all'); wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsc-theme-css-compatibility', WPSC_URL. '/themes/compatibility.css', false, $version_identifier, 'all'); wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsc-product-rater', WPSC_URL.'/js/product_rater.css', false, $version_identifier, 'all'); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-e-commerce-dynamic',$siteurl."/index.php?wpsc_user_dynamic_css=true&category=$category_id" , false, $version_identifier, 'all' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsc-thickbox', WPSC_URL.'/js/thickbox.css', false, $version_identifier, 'all'); /* IE conditional css wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsc-ie-fixes', WPSC_URL.'/themes/wpsc-ie-fixes.css', false, $version_identifier, 'all'); $wp_styles->add_data( 'wpsc-ie-fixes', 'conditional', 'lt IE 7' ); */ } if(!defined('WPSC_MP3_MODULE_USES_HOOKS') and function_exists('listen_button') ) { function wpsc_legacy_add_mp3_preview($product_id, &$product_data) { global $wpdb; // echo "
".print_r($product_data,true).""; if(function_exists('listen_button')){ $file_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_FILES."` WHERE `id`='".$product_data['file']."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); if($file_data != null) { echo listen_button($file_data['idhash'], $file_data['id']); } } } add_action('wpsc_product_before_description', 'wpsc_legacy_add_mp3_preview', 10, 2); } } if(strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "wp-admin") === false) { add_action('init', 'wpsc_enqueue_user_script_and_css'); } function wpsc_product_list_rss_feed() { $rss_url = htmlentities(add_query_arg('wpsc_action', 'rss')); echo ""; } if( get_option('show_products_rss') == 1 ) { add_action('wp_head', 'wpsc_product_list_rss_feed'); } function wpsc_user_dynamic_js() { header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); header('Expires: '.gmdate('r',mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),(date('d')+12),date('Y'))).''); header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=86400'); header('Pragma: public'); $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); ?> jQuery.noConflict(); /* base url */ var base_url = ""; var WPSC_URL = ""; var WPSC_IMAGE_URL = ""; var WPSC_DIR_NAME = ""; /* LightBox Configuration start*/ var fileLoadingImage = "/images/loading.gif"; var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "/images/closelabel.gif"; var fileThickboxLoadingImage = "/images/loadingAnimation.gif"; var resizeSpeed = 9; // controls the speed of the image resizing (1=slowest and 10=fastest) var borderSize = 10; //if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `id`='{$category_id}' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); if($category_data['display_type'] != '') { $display_type = $category_data['display_type']; } else { $display_type = get_option('product_view'); } if(!defined('WPSC_DISABLE_IMAGE_SIZE_FIXES') || (constant('WPSC_DISABLE_IMAGE_SIZE_FIXES') != true)) { $thumbnail_width = get_option('product_image_width'); if($thumbnail_width <= 0) { $thumbnail_width = 96; } $thumbnail_height = get_option('product_image_height'); if($thumbnail_height <= 0) { $thumbnail_height = 96; } $single_thumbnail_width = get_option('single_view_image_width'); $single_thumbnail_height = get_option('single_view_image_height'); if($single_thumbnail_width <= 0) { $single_thumbnail_width = 128; } $show_thumbnails = get_option('show_thumbnails'); ?> /* * Default View Styling */ div.default_product_display div.textcol{ margin-left: px !important; px !important; */ ?> min-height: px; _height: px; } div.default_product_display div.textcol div.imagecol{ position:absolute; top:0px; left: 0px; margin-left: -px !important; } div.default_product_display div.textcol div.imagecol a img { width: px; height: px; } div.default_product_display div.item_no_image { width: px; height: px; } div.default_product_display div.item_no_image a { width: px; } /* * Grid View Styling */ div.product_grid_display div.item_no_image { width: px; height: px; } div.product_grid_display div.item_no_image a { width: px; } /* * Single View Styling */ div.single_product_display div.item_no_image { width: px; height: px; } div.single_product_display div.item_no_image a { width: px; } div.single_product_display div.textcol{ margin-left: px !important; min-height: px; _height: px; } div.single_product_display div.textcol div.imagecol{ position:absolute; top:0px; left: 0px; margin-left: -px !important; } div.single_product_display div.textcol div.imagecol a img { width: px; height: px; } get_results("SELECT `products`.`id`, `meta1`.`meta_value` AS `height`, `meta2`.`meta_value` AS `width` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` AS `products` INNER JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` AS `meta1` INNER JOIN `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` AS `meta2` ON `products`.`id` = `meta1`.`product_id` AND `products`.`id` = `meta2`.`product_id` WHERE `products`.`thumbnail_state` IN(0,2,3) AND `meta1`.`meta_key` IN ('thumbnail_height') AND `meta2`.`meta_key` IN ('thumbnail_width')", ARRAY_A); //print_r($product_image_size_list); foreach((array)$product_image_size_list as $product_image_sizes) { $individual_thumbnail_height = $product_image_sizes['height']; $individual_thumbnail_width = $product_image_sizes['width']; $product_id = $product_image_sizes['id']; if($individual_thumbnail_height > $thumbnail_height) { echo " div.default_product_display.product_view_$product_id div.textcol{\n\r"; echo " min-height: ".($individual_thumbnail_height + 10)."px !important;\n\r"; echo " _height: ".($individual_thumbnail_height + 10)."px !important;\n\r"; echo " }\n\r"; } if($individual_thumbnail_width > $thumbnail_width) { echo " div.default_product_display.product_view_$product_id div.textcol{\n\r"; echo " margin-left: ".($individual_thumbnail_width + 10)."px !important;\n\r"; //echo " _margin-left: ".(($individual_thumbnail_width/2) + 5)."px !important;\n\r"; echo " }\n\r"; echo " div.default_product_display.product_view_$product_id div.textcol div.imagecol{\n\r"; echo " position:absolute;\n\r"; echo " top:0px;\n\r"; echo " left: 0px;\n\r"; echo " margin-left: -".($individual_thumbnail_width + 10)."px !important;\n\r"; echo " }\n\r"; } if(($individual_thumbnail_width > $thumbnail_width) || ($individual_thumbnail_height > $thumbnail_height)) { echo " div.default_product_display.product_view_$product_id div.textcol div.imagecol a img{\n\r"; echo " width: ".$individual_thumbnail_width."px;\n\r"; echo " height: ".$individual_thumbnail_height."px;\n\r"; echo " }\n\r"; } } } if(is_numeric($_GET['brand']) || (get_option('show_categorybrands') == 3)) { $brandstate = 'block'; $categorystate = 'none'; } else { $brandstate = 'none'; $categorystate = 'block'; } ?> div#categorydisplay{ display: ; } div#branddisplay{ display: ; } query_vars['category_id'])) { $category_id =(int) $wpsc_query->query_vars['category_id']; $display_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `display_type` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `id`='{$category_id}' LIMIT 1"); } if($display_type == '') { $display_type = get_option('product_view'); } if(isset($_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'])) { $display_type = $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type']; } if(isset($_GET['view_type'])) { switch($_GET['view_type']) { case 'grid': $display_type = 'grid'; $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'] = $display_type; break; case 'list': $display_type = 'list'; $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'] = $display_type; break; case 'default': $display_type = 'default'; $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'] = $display_type; break; default: break; } } //exit($display_type); // switch the display type, based on the display type variable... switch($display_type) { case "grid": if(file_exists($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/grid_view.php")) { include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/grid_view.php"); break; // only break if we have the file; } case "list": if(file_exists($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/list_view.php")) { include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/list_view.php"); break; // only break if we have the file; } case "default": // this may be redundant :D default: include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/products_page.php"); break; } } $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //$output = str_replace('$','\$', $output); list($temp_wpsc_query, $wpsc_query) = array($wpsc_query, $temp_wpsc_query); // swap the wpsc_query objects back return $output; } //handles replacing the tags in the pages function wpsc_products_page($content = '') { global $wpdb, $wp_query, $wpsc_query, $wpsc_theme_path; /// added by xiligroup.dev to be compatible with touchshop $cur_wpsc_theme_folder = apply_filters('wpsc_theme_folder',$wpsc_theme_path.WPSC_THEME_DIR); /// end of added by xiligroup.dev to be compatible with touchshop $output = ''; if(preg_match("/\[productspage\]/",$content)) { $wpsc_query->get_products(); $GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_activateshpcrt'] = true; ob_start(); if(wpsc_is_single_product()) { include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/single_product.php"); } else { // get the display type for the selected category if(is_numeric($_GET['category']) || is_numeric($wp_query->query_vars['category_id']) || is_numeric(get_option('wpsc_default_category'))) { if(is_numeric($wp_query->query_vars['category_id'])) { $category_id =(int) $wp_query->query_vars['category_id']; } else if(is_numeric($_GET['category'])) { $category_id = (int)$_GET['category']; } else { $category_id = (int)get_option('wpsc_default_category'); } } $display_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `display_type` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `id`='{$category_id}' LIMIT 1"); if($display_type == '') { $display_type = get_option('product_view'); } if(isset($_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'])) { $display_type = $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type']; } if(isset($_GET['view_type'])) { switch($_GET['view_type']) { case 'grid': $display_type = 'grid'; $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'] = $display_type; break; case 'list': $display_type = 'list'; $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'] = $display_type; break; case 'default': $display_type = 'default'; $_SESSION['wpsc_display_type'] = $display_type; break; default: break; } } // switch the display type, based on the display type variable... switch($display_type) { case "grid": if(file_exists($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/grid_view.php")) { include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/grid_view.php"); break; // only break if we have the function; } case "list": if(file_exists($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/list_view.php")) { include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/list_view.php"); break; // only break if we have the file; } case "default": // this may be redundant :D default: include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/products_page.php"); break; } } $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $output = str_replace('$','\$', $output); // } else { // $GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_activateshpcrt'] = true; // ob_start(); // include_once(WPSC_FILE_PATH . "/products_page.php"); // $output = ob_get_contents(); // ob_end_clean(); // } return preg_replace("/(
)*\[productspage\](<\/p>)*/",$output, $content); } else { return $content; } } /** * wpsc_count_themes_in_uploads_directory, does exactly what the name says */ function wpsc_count_themes_in_uploads_directory() { if ( !is_dir( WPSC_THEMES_PATH ) ) { return 0; } $uploads_dir = @opendir(WPSC_THEMES_PATH); $file_names = array(); while(($file = @readdir($uploads_dir)) !== false) { if(is_dir(WPSC_THEMES_PATH.$file) && ($file != "..") && ($file != ".") && ($file != ".svn")){ $file_names[] = $file; } } return count($file_names); } function wpsc_place_shopping_cart($content = '') { global $wpsc_theme_path; /// added by xiligroup.dev to be compatible with touchshop $cur_wpsc_theme_folder = apply_filters('wpsc_theme_folder',$wpsc_theme_path.WPSC_THEME_DIR); /// end of added by xiligroup.dev to be compatible with touchshop if(preg_match("/\[shoppingcart\]/",$content)) { $GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_activateshpcrt'] = true; define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', true); ob_start(); include($cur_wpsc_theme_folder."/shopping_cart_page.php"); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $output = str_replace('$','\$', $output); return preg_replace("/(
)*\[shoppingcart\](<\/p>)*/",$output, $content); } else { return $content; } } /// wpsc_checkout is an obsolete function // function wpsc_checkout($content = '') { // if(preg_match("/\[checkout\]/",$content)) { // ob_start(); // include_once(WPSC_FILE_PATH . "/checkout.php"); // $output = ob_get_contents(); // ob_end_clean(); // return preg_replace("/(
)*\[checkout\](<\/p>)*/",$output, $content); // } else { // return $content; // } // } function wpsc_transaction_results($content = '') { if(preg_match("/\[transactionresults\]/",$content)) { define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', true); ob_start(); include(WPSC_FILE_PATH . "/transaction_results.php"); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return preg_replace("/(
)*\[transactionresults\](<\/p>)*/",$output, $content); } else { return $content; } } function wpsc_user_log($content = '') { if(preg_match("/\[userlog\]/",$content)) { define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', true); ob_start(); include(WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/user-log.php'); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return preg_replace("/(
)*\[userlog\](<\/p>)*/",$output, $content); } else { return $content; } } //displays a list of categories when the code [showcategories] is present in a post or page. function wpsc_show_categories($content = '') { if(preg_match("/\[showcategories\]/",$content)) { $GLOBALS['nzshpcrt_activateshpcrt'] = true; $output = nzshpcrt_display_categories_groups(); return preg_replace("/(
)*\[showcategories\](<\/p>)*/",$output, $content); } else { return $content; } } // substitutes in the buy now buttons where the shortcode is in a post. function wpsc_substitute_buy_now_button($content = '') { if(preg_match_all("/\[buy_now_button=([\d]+)\]/", $content, $matches)) { //echo "
".print_r($matches,true).""; foreach($matches[1] as $key => $product_id) { $original_string = $matches[0][$key]; //print_r($matches); $output = wpsc_buy_now_button($product_id, true); $content = str_replace($original_string, $output, $content); } } return $content; } /* 19-02-09 * add to cart shortcode function used for shortcodes calls the function in * product_display_functions.php */ function add_to_cart_shortcode($content = '') { //exit($content); if(preg_match_all("/\[add_to_cart=([\d]+)\]/",$content, $matches)) { foreach($matches[1] as $key => $product_id){ $original_string = $matches[0][$key]; $output = wpsc_add_to_cart_button($product_id, true); $content = str_replace($original_string, $output, $content); } } return $content; } function wpsc_enable_page_filters($excerpt = ''){ global $wp_query; add_filter('the_content', 'add_to_cart_shortcode', 12);//Used for add_to_cart_button shortcode add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_products_page', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_place_shopping_cart', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_transaction_results', 12); //add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_checkout', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'nszhpcrt_homepage_products', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_user_log', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'nszhpcrt_category_tag', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_show_categories', 12); add_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_substitute_buy_now_button', 12); return $excerpt; } function wpsc_disable_page_filters($excerpt = '') { remove_filter('the_content', 'add_to_cart_shortcode');//Used for add_to_cart_button shortcode remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_products_page'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_place_shopping_cart'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_transaction_results'); //remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_checkout'); remove_filter('the_content', 'nszhpcrt_homepage_products'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_user_log'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_category_tag'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_show_categories'); remove_filter('the_content', 'wpsc_substitute_buy_now_button'); return $excerpt; } wpsc_enable_page_filters(); add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wpsc_disable_page_filters', -1000000); add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wpsc_enable_page_filters', 1000000); /** * Body Class Filter * @modified: 2009-10-14 by Ben * @description: Adds additional wpsc classes to the body tag. * @param: $classes = Array of body classes * @return: (Array) of classes */ function wpsc_body_class( $classes ) { global $wp_query, $wpsc_query; $post_id = $wp_query->post->ID; $page_url = get_permalink($post_id); // If on a product or category page... if ( get_option('product_list_url') == $page_url ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; if ( !is_array($wpsc_query->query) ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-home'; } if ( wpsc_is_single_product() ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-single-product'; if ( absint($wpsc_query->products[0]['id']) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-single-product-' . $wpsc_query->products[0]['id']; } } if ( wpsc_is_in_category() && !wpsc_is_single_product() ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-category'; } if ( absint($wpsc_query->query_vars['category_id']) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-category-' . $wpsc_query->query_vars['category_id']; } if ( absint(wpsc_category_group()) > 0) { $classes[] = 'wpsc-group-' . wpsc_category_group(); } } // If viewing the shopping cart... if ( get_option('shopping_cart_url') == $page_url ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-shopping-cart'; } // If viewing the transaction... if ( get_option('transact_url') == $page_url ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-transaction-details'; } // If viewing your account... if ( get_option('user_account_url') == $page_url ) { $classes[] = 'wpsc'; $classes[] = 'wpsc-user-account'; } return $classes; } add_filter( 'body_class', 'wpsc_body_class' ); ?>