general page */ function wpsc_tax_isincluded() { if(get_option('tax_inprice') == false || get_option('tax_inprice') == '0'){ return false; }elseif(get_option('tax_inprice')=='1'){ return true; } } /** * cart item count function, no parameters * * @return integer the item count */ function wpsc_cart_item_count() { global $wpsc_cart; $count = 0; foreach((array)$wpsc_cart->cart_items as $cart_item) { $count += $cart_item->quantity; } return $count; } /** * coupon amount function, no parameters * * @return integer the item count */ function wpsc_coupon_amount($forDisplay=true) { global $wpsc_cart; if($forDisplay == true) { $output = $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->coupons_amount); } else { $output = $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount; } return $output; } /** * cart total function, no parameters * @return string the total price of the cart, with a currency sign */ function wpsc_cart_total($forDisplay=true) { global $wpsc_cart; $total = $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal(); // echo 'cart shipping total'.$wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping(); $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping(); $total -= $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount; if(wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false){ $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax(); } if($forDisplay){ // exit('abksd'.get_option('add_plustax')); return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($total); }else{ return $total; } } /** * Cart Total Widget * * Can be used to display the cart total excluding shipping, tax or coupons. * * @since * * @return string The subtotal price of the cart, with a currency sign. */ function wpsc_cart_total_widget( $shipping = true, $tax = true, $coupons = true ) { global $wpsc_cart; $total = $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal(); if ( $shipping ) { $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping(); } if ( $tax && wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false ) { $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax(); } if ( $coupons ) { $total -= $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount; } if ( get_option( 'add_plustax' ) == 1 ) { return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency( $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal() ); } else { return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency( $total ); } } /** * nzshpcrt_overall_total_price function, no parameters * @return string the total price of the cart, with a currency sign */ function nzshpcrt_overall_total_price() { global $wpsc_cart; $total = $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal(); $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping(); if(wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false){ $total += $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax(); } $total -= $wpsc_cart->coupons_amount; return $total; } /** * cart total weight function, no parameters * @return float the total weight of the cart */ function wpsc_cart_weight_total() { global $wpsc_cart; if(is_object($wpsc_cart)) { return $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_weight(); } else { return 0; } } /** * tax total function, no parameters * @return float the total weight of the cart */ function wpsc_cart_tax($forDisplay = true) { global $wpsc_cart; if($forDisplay){ if(wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false){ return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax()); }else{ return '('.$wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax()).')'; } }else{ return $wpsc_cart->calculate_total_tax(); } } /** * wpsc_cart_show_plus_postage function, no parameters * For determining whether to show "+ Postage & tax" after the total price * @return boolean true or false, for use with an if statement */ function wpsc_cart_show_plus_postage() { global $wpsc_cart; // exit($_SESSION['wpsc_has_been_to_checkout'] ."get_option('add_plustax')".get_option('add_plustax')); if(($_SESSION['wpsc_has_been_to_checkout'] == null ) && (get_option('add_plustax') == 1)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * uses shipping function, no parameters * @return boolean if true, all items in the cart do use shipping */ function wpsc_uses_shipping() { global $wpsc_cart; $shippingoptions = get_option('custom_shipping_options'); if( (!((get_option('shipping_discount')== 1) && (get_option('shipping_discount_value') <= $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal()))) && count($shippingoptions) >= 1 && $shippingoptions[0] != '' && get_option('do_not_use_shipping') == 0) { $status = $wpsc_cart->uses_shipping(); } else { $status = false; } return $status; } /** * cart has shipping function, no parameters * @return boolean true for yes, false for no */ function wpsc_cart_has_shipping() { global $wpsc_cart; if($wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping() > 0) { $output = true; } else { $output = false; } return $output; } /** * cart shipping function, no parameters * @return string the total shipping of the cart, with a currency sign */ function wpsc_cart_shipping() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->calculate_total_shipping()); } /** * cart item categories function, no parameters * @return array array of the categories */ function wpsc_cart_item_categories($get_ids = false) { global $wpsc_cart; if(is_object($wpsc_cart)) { if($get_ids == true) { return $wpsc_cart->get_item_category_ids(); } else { return $wpsc_cart->get_item_categories(); } } else { return array(); } } /** * have cart items function, no parameters * @return boolean true if there are cart items left */ function wpsc_have_cart_items() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->have_cart_items(); } function wpsc_the_cart_item() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->the_cart_item(); } /** * cart item key function, no parameters * @return integer - the cart item key from the array in the cart object */ function wpsc_the_cart_item_key() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->current_cart_item; } /** * cart item name function, no parameters * @return string the cart item name */ function wpsc_cart_item_name() { global $wpsc_cart; return htmlentities(stripslashes($wpsc_cart->cart_item->product_name), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } /** * cart item quantity function, no parameters * @return string the selected quantity of items */ function wpsc_cart_item_product_id() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->cart_item->product_id; } /** * cart item quantity function, no parameters * @return string the selected quantity of items */ function wpsc_cart_item_quantity() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->cart_item->quantity; } function wpsc_cart_item_quantity_single_prod($id) { global $wpsc_cart; //exit('
'.print_r($wpsc_cart, true).''); return $wpsc_cart; } /** * cart item price function, no parameters * @return string the cart item price multiplied by the quantity, with a currency sign */ function wpsc_cart_item_price($forDisplay = true) { global $wpsc_cart; if($forDisplay){ return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->cart_item->total_price); }else{ return $wpsc_cart->cart_item->total_price; } } /** * cart item shipping function, no parameters * @return string the cart item price multiplied by the quantity, with a currency sign */ function wpsc_cart_item_shipping($forDisplay = true) { global $wpsc_cart; if($forDisplay){ return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->cart_item->shipping); }else{ return $wpsc_cart->cart_item->shipping; } } /** * cart item url function, no parameters * @return string the cart item url */ function wpsc_cart_item_url() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->cart_item->product_url; } /** * cart item image function * returns the url to the to the cart item thumbnail image, if a width and height is specified, it resizes the thumbnail image to that size using the preview code (which caches the thumbnail also) * @param integer width * @param integer height * @return string url to the to the cart item thumbnail image */ function wpsc_cart_item_image($width = null, $height = null) { global $wpsc_cart; if(($width > 0) && ($height > 0)) { $image_path = "index.php?image_id=".$wpsc_cart->cart_item->image_id."&thumbnail=true&width=".$width."&height=".$height.""; } else { $image_path = WPSC_THUMBNAIL_URL.$wpsc_cart->cart_item->thumbnail_image; if(is_ssl()) { $image_path = str_replace("http://", "https://", $image_path); } } return $image_path; } /** * cart all shipping quotes, used for google checkout * returns all the quotes for a selected shipping method * @access public * * @return array of shipping options */ function wpsc_selfURL() { $s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? "" : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : ""; $protocol = wpsc_strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s; $port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } function wpsc_strleft($s1, $s2) { $values = substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2)); return $values; } function wpsc_google_checkout(){ $currpage = wpsc_selfURL(); //exit('
'.print_r(get_option('custom_gateway_options'), true).''); if (array_search("google",(array)get_option('custom_gateway_options')) !== false && $currpage != get_option('shopping_cart_url')) { global $nzshpcrt_gateways; foreach($nzshpcrt_gateways as $gateway) { if($gateway['internalname'] == 'google' ) { $gateway_used = $gateway['internalname']; $gateway['function'](true); } } } } function wpsc_empty_google_logs(){ global $wpdb; $sql="DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` WHERE `sessionid`=".$_SESSION['wpsc_sessionid']; $wpdb->query($sql); unset($_SESSION['wpsc_sessionid']); } /** * have shipping methods function, no parameters * @return boolean */ function wpsc_have_shipping_methods() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->have_shipping_methods(); } /** * the shipping method function, no parameters * @return boolean */ function wpsc_the_shipping_method() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->the_shipping_method(); } /** * the shipping method name function, no parameters * @return string shipping method name */ function wpsc_shipping_method_name(){ global $wpsc_cart, $wpsc_shipping_modules; if(is_object($wpsc_shipping_modules[$wpsc_cart->shipping_method])){ return $wpsc_shipping_modules[$wpsc_cart->shipping_method]->getName(); } } /** * the shipping method internal name function, no parameters * @return string shipping method internal name */ function wpsc_shipping_method_internal_name() { global $wpsc_cart, $wpsc_shipping_modules; return $wpsc_cart->shipping_method; } /** * have shipping quotes function, no parameters * @return string the cart item url */ function wpsc_have_shipping_quotes() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->have_shipping_quotes(); } /** * the shipping quote function, no parameters * @return string the cart item url */ function wpsc_the_shipping_quote() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->the_shipping_quote(); } /** * the shipping quote name function, no parameters * @return string shipping quote name */ function wpsc_shipping_quote_name() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->shipping_quote['name']; } /** * the shipping quote value function, no parameters * @return string shipping quote value */ function wpsc_shipping_quote_value($numeric = false) { global $wpsc_cart; //echo 'Shipping value'.$wpsc_cart->shipping_quote['value']; if($numeric == true) { return $wpsc_cart->shipping_quote['value']; } else { return $wpsc_cart->process_as_currency($wpsc_cart->shipping_quote['value']); } } /** * the shipping quote html ID function, no parameters * @return string shipping quote html ID */ function wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id() { global $wpsc_cart; return $wpsc_cart->shipping_method."_".$wpsc_cart->current_shipping_quote; } /** * the shipping quote selected state function, no parameters * @return string true or false */ function wpsc_shipping_quote_selected_state() { global $wpsc_cart; if(($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method == $wpsc_cart->shipping_method) && ($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option == $wpsc_cart->shipping_quote['name']) ) { $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_amount = $wpsc_cart->base_shipping; return "checked='checked'"; } else { return ""; } } function wpsc_have_morethanone_shipping_quote(){ global $wpsc_cart; // if it's fixed rate shipping, and all the prices are the same, then there aren't really options. if (count($wpsc_cart->shipping_methods) == 1 && $wpsc_cart->shipping_methods[0] == 'flatrate') { $last_price = false; $first_quote_name = false; foreach ((array)$wpsc_cart->shipping_quotes as $name => $quote) { if (!$first_quote_name) $first_quote_name = $name; if ($last_price !== false && $quote != $last_price) return true; $last_price = $quote; } $wpsc_cart->rewind_shipping_methods(); $wpsc_cart->update_shipping('flatrate', $name); return false; } return true; } function wpsc_have_morethanone_shipping_methods_and_quotes(){ global $wpsc_cart; if(count($wpsc_cart->shipping_quotes) > 1 || count($wpsc_cart->shipping_methods) > 1 || count($wpsc_cart->shipping_quotes) == $wpsc_cart->shipping_quote_count){ //$wpsc_cart->update_shipping($wpsc_cart->shipping_method, $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option); return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * Whether or not there is a valid shipping quote/option available to the customer when checking out * * @return bool */ function wpsc_have_shipping_quote(){ global $wpsc_cart; if ($wpsc_cart->shipping_quote_count > 0 || count($wpsc_cart->shipping_quotes) > 0) { return true; } return false; } function wpsc_update_shipping_single_method(){ global $wpsc_cart; //exit('
'.print_r($wpsc_cart->shipping_method, true).''); if(!empty($wpsc_cart->shipping_method)) { $wpsc_cart->update_shipping($wpsc_cart->shipping_method, $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option); } } function wpsc_update_shipping_multiple_methods(){ global $wpsc_cart; //exit('
'.print_r($wpsc_cart->shipping_method, true).''.$wpsc_cart->shipping_methods[0]); if(!empty($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method)) { $wpsc_cart->update_shipping($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method, $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option); } } /** * The WPSC Cart class */ class wpsc_cart { var $delivery_country; var $selected_country; var $delivery_region; var $selected_region; var $selected_shipping_method = null; // var $shipping_quotes = null; var $selected_shipping_option = null; var $selected_shipping_amount = null; var $coupon; var $tax_percentage; var $unique_id; var $errors; // caching of frequently used values, these are wiped when the cart is modified and then remade when needed var $total_tax = null; var $base_shipping = null; var $total_item_shipping = null; var $total_shipping = null; var $subtotal = null; var $total_price = null; var $uses_shipping = null; var $is_incomplete = true; // The cart loop variables var $cart_items = array(); var $cart_item; var $cart_item_count = 0; var $current_cart_item = -1; var $in_the_loop = false; // The shipping method loop variables var $shipping_methods = array(); var $shipping_method; var $shipping_method_count = 0; var $current_shipping_method = -1; var $in_the_method_loop = false; // The shipping quote loop variables var $shipping_quotes = array(); var $shipping_quote; var $shipping_quote_count = 0; var $current_shipping_quote = -1; var $in_the_quote_loop = false; //coupon variable var $coupons_name = ''; var $coupons_amount = 0; //currency values var $currency_conversion = 0; var $use_currency_converter = false; var $selected_currency_code = ''; function wpsc_cart() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; $coupon = 'percentage'; // this is here to stop extremely bizzare errors with $wpsc_cart somehow not ending up as a global variable, yet certain code being run from it that eventually expects it to be one if(!is_object($GLOBALS['wpsc_cart'])) { // $GLOBALS['wpsc_cart'] =& $this; } $this->update_location(); $this->get_tax_rate(); $this->unique_id = sha1(uniqid(rand(),true)); $this->get_shipping_method(); } /** * update_location method, updates the location * @access public */ function update_location() { if(get_option('lock_tax') == 1){ $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country'] =& $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country']; $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_region'] =& $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_region']; //exit('
'.print_r($_SESSION, true).''); } if(!isset($_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country']) && !isset($_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country'])) { $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country'] = get_option('base_country'); $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country'] = get_option('base_country'); } else { if(!isset($_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country'])) { $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country'] = $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country']; } else if(!isset($_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country'])) { $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country'] = $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country']; } } if(!isset($_SESSION['wpsc_selected_region']) && !isset($_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_region'])) { $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_region'] = get_option('base_region'); $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_region'] = get_option('base_region'); } $this->delivery_country =& $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_country']; $this->selected_country =& $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_country']; $this->delivery_region =& $_SESSION['wpsc_delivery_region']; $this->selected_region =& $_SESSION['wpsc_selected_region']; $this->get_tax_rate(); } /** * get_shipping_rates method, gets the shipping rates * @access public */ function get_shipping_method() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; // Reset all the shipping data in case the destination has changed $this->selected_shipping_method = null; $this->selected_shipping_option = null; $this->shipping_option = null; $this->shipping_method = null; $this->shipping_methods = array(); $this->shipping_quotes = array(); $this->shipping_quote = null; $this->shipping_method_count = 0; // set us up with a shipping method. $custom_shipping = get_option('custom_shipping_options'); $this->shipping_methods = get_option('custom_shipping_options'); $this->shipping_method_count = count($this->shipping_methods); if((get_option('do_not_use_shipping') != 1) && (count($this->shipping_methods) > 0) ) { if(array_search($this->selected_shipping_method, (array)$this->shipping_methods) === false) { //unset($this->selected_shipping_method); } $shipping_quotes = null; if($this->selected_shipping_method != null) { // use the selected shipping module if(is_callable(array(& $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method], "getQuote" ))) { $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]->getQuote(); } } else { // otherwise select the first one with any quotes foreach((array)$custom_shipping as $shipping_module) { // if the shipping module does not require a weight, or requires one and the weight is larger than zero $this->selected_shipping_method = $shipping_module; if(is_callable(array(& $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method], "getQuote" ))) { $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]->getQuote(); } if(count($this->shipping_quotes) > $shipping_quote_count) { // if we have any shipping quotes, break the loop. break; } } } } } /** * get_shipping_option method, gets the shipping option from the selected method and associated quotes * @access public */ function get_shipping_option() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; if((count($this->shipping_quotes) < 1) && is_callable(array($wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method], "getQuote" ))) { $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]->getQuote(); } if(count($this->shipping_quotes) < 1) { $this->selected_shipping_option = ''; } if(($this->shipping_quotes != null) && (array_search($this->selected_shipping_option, array_keys($this->shipping_quotes)) === false)) { $this->selected_shipping_option = array_pop(array_keys(array_slice($this->shipping_quotes,0,1))); } } /** * update_shipping method, updates the shipping * @access public */ function update_shipping($method, $option) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; // if($method == 'weightrate') { // exit("
".print_r(debug_backtrace(),true).""); // } $this->selected_shipping_method = $method; //if(is_callable(array($wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]), "getQuote" )) { $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$method]->getQuote(); //} //exit('
'.print_r($this->shipping_quotes,true).'quotes'); $this->selected_shipping_option = $option; foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $this->cart_items[$key]->refresh_item(); } $this->clear_cache(); $this->get_shipping_option(); } /** * get_tax_rate method, gets the tax rate as a percentage, based on the selected country and region * @access public */ function get_tax_rate() { global $wpdb; $country_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `isocode` IN('".get_option('base_country')."') LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $add_tax = false; if($this->selected_country == get_option('base_country')) { // Tax rules for various countries go here, if your countries tax rules deviate from this, please supply code to add your region switch($this->selected_country) { case 'US': // USA! $tax_region = get_option('base_region'); if($this->selected_region == get_option('base_region') && (get_option('lock_tax_to_shipping') != '1')) { // if they in the state, they pay tax $add_tax = true; } else if($this->delivery_region == get_option('base_region')) { // if they live outside the state, but are delivering to within the state, they pay tax also $add_tax = true; } break; case 'CA': // Canada! // apparently in canada, the region that you are in is used for tax purposes if($this->selected_region != null) { $tax_region = $this->selected_region; } else { $tax_region = get_option('base_region'); } $add_tax = true; break; default: // Everywhere else! $tax_region = get_option('base_region'); if($country_data['has_regions'] == 1) { if(get_option('base_region') == $region ) { $add_tax = true; } } else { $add_tax = true; } break; } } if($add_tax == true) { if(($country_data['has_regions'] == 1)) { $region_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `".WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX."`.* FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX."`.`country_id` IN('".$country_data['id']."') AND `".WPSC_TABLE_REGION_TAX."`.`id` IN('".$tax_region."') ",ARRAY_A) ; $tax_percentage = $region_data['tax']; } else { $tax_percentage = $country_data['tax']; } } else { // no tax charged = tax equal to 0% $tax_percentage = 0; } if($this->tax_percentage != $tax_percentage ) { $this->clear_cache(); $this->tax_percentage = $tax_percentage; foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $this->cart_items[$key]->refresh_item(); } } } /** * Set Item method, requires a product ID and the parameters for the product * @access public * * @param integer the product ID * @param array parameters * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function set_item($product_id, $parameters, $updater = false) { // default action is adding if(($parameters['quantity'] > 0) && ($this->check_remaining_quantity($product_id, $parameters['variation_values'], $parameters['quantity']) == true)) { $new_cart_item = new wpsc_cart_item($product_id,$parameters, $this); $add_item = true; $edit_item = false; //exit('hello
'.print_r($new_cart_item,true).''); if((count($this->cart_items) > 0) && ($new_cart_item->is_donation != 1)) { //loop through each cart item foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { // compare product ids and variations. if(($cart_item->product_id == $new_cart_item->product_id) && ($cart_item->product_variations == $new_cart_item->product_variations) && ($cart_item->embroidery_values == $new_cart_item->embroidery_values) && ($cart_item->custom_message == $new_cart_item->custom_message) && ($cart_item->custom_file == $new_cart_item->custom_file)) { // if they are the same, increment the count, and break out; if(!$updater){ $this->cart_items[$key]->quantity += $new_cart_item->quantity; } else { $this->cart_items[$key]->quantity = $new_cart_item->quantity; } $this->cart_items[$key]->refresh_item(); $add_item = false; $edit_item = true; } } } // if we are still adding the item, add it if($add_item === true) { $this->cart_items[] = $new_cart_item; } } else { //$errors[] = new WP_Error('no_stock_available', __(__('This product has no available stock', 'wpsc'))); } // if some action was performed, return true, otherwise, return false; $status = false; if(($add_item == true) || ($edit_item == true)) { $status = true; } $this->cart_item_count = count($this->cart_items); $this->clear_cache(); do_action ("wpsc_cart_updated", &$this); return $status; } /** * Edit Item method * @access public * * @param integer a cart_items key * @param array an array of parameters to change * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function edit_item($key, $parameters) { if(isset($this->cart_items[$key])) { $product_id = $this->cart_items[$key]->product_id; $quantity = $parameters['quantity'] - $this->cart_items[$key]->quantity; if($this->check_remaining_quantity($product_id, $this->cart_items[$key]->variation_values, $quantity) == true) { foreach($parameters as $name => $value) { $this->cart_items[$key]->$name = $value; } $this->cart_items[$key]->refresh_item(); $this->clear_cache(); } else { //$errors[] = new WP_Error('no_stock_available', __(__('This product has no available stock', 'wpsc'))); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * check remaining quantity method * currently only checks remaining stock, in future will do claimed stock and quantity limits * will need to return errors, then, rather than true/false, maybe use the wp_error object? * @access public * * @param integer a product ID key * @param array variations on the product * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function check_remaining_quantity($product_id, $variations = array(), $quantity = 1) { global $wpdb; $quantity_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `quantity_limited`, `quantity` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id` IN ('$product_id') LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); // check to see if the product uses stock if($quantity_data['quantity_limited'] == 1){ if(count($variations) > 0) { /// if so and we have variations, select the stock for the chosen variations $variation_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT `variation_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` WHERE `id` IN ('".implode("','",$variations)."')"); asort($variation_ids); $all_variation_ids = implode(",", $variation_ids); $priceandstock_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `priceandstock_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_COMBINATIONS."` WHERE `product_id` = '".(int)$product_id."' AND `value_id` IN ( '".implode("', '",$variations )."' ) AND `all_variation_ids` IN('$all_variation_ids') GROUP BY `priceandstock_id` HAVING COUNT( `priceandstock_id` ) = '".count($variations)."' LIMIT 1"); $variation_stock_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_PROPERTIES."` WHERE `id` = '{$priceandstock_id}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $stock = $variation_stock_data['stock']; } else { /// if so and we have no variations, select the stock for the product $stock = $quantity_data['quantity']; $priceandstock_id = 0; } if($stock > 0) { $claimed_stock = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(`stock_claimed`) FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` WHERE `product_id` IN('$product_id') AND `variation_stock_id` IN('$priceandstock_id')"); if(($claimed_stock + $quantity) <= $stock) { $output = true; } else { $output = false; } } else { $output = false; } } else { $output = true; } return $output; } /** * get remaining quantity method * currently only checks remaining stock, in future will do claimed stock and quantity limits * will need to return errors, then, rather than true/false, maybe use the wp_error object? * @access public * * @param integer a product ID key * @param array variations on the product * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function get_remaining_quantity($product_id, $variations = array(), $quantity = 1) { global $wpdb; $quantity_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `quantity_limited`, `quantity` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id` IN ('$product_id') LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); // check to see if the product uses stock if($quantity_data['quantity_limited'] == 1){ if(count($variations) > 0) { /// if so and we have variations, select the stock for the chosen variations $variation_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT `variation_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` WHERE `id` IN ('".implode("','",$variations)."')"); asort($variation_ids); $all_variation_ids = implode(",", $variation_ids); $priceandstock_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `priceandstock_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_COMBINATIONS."` WHERE `product_id` = '".(int)$product_id."' AND `value_id` IN ( '".implode("', '",$variations )."' ) AND `all_variation_ids` IN('$all_variation_ids') GROUP BY `priceandstock_id` HAVING COUNT( `priceandstock_id` ) = '".count($variations)."' LIMIT 1"); $variation_stock_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_PROPERTIES."` WHERE `id` = '{$priceandstock_id}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $stock = $variation_stock_data['stock']; } else { /// if so and we have no variations, select the stock for the product $stock = $quantity_data['quantity']; $priceandstock_id = 0; } if($stock > 0) { $claimed_stock = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(`stock_claimed`) FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` WHERE `product_id` IN('$product_id') AND `variation_stock_id` IN('$priceandstock_id')"); $output = $stock - $claimed_stock; } else { $output = 0; } } return $output; } /** * Remove Item method * @access public * * @param integer a cart_items key * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function remove_item($key) { if(isset($this->cart_items[$key])) { $cart_item =& $this->cart_items[$key]; $cart_item->update_item(0); unset($this->cart_items[$key]); $this->cart_items = array_values($this->cart_items); $this->cart_item_count = count($this->cart_items); $this->current_cart_item = -1; $this->clear_cache(); return true; } else { $this->clear_cache(); return false; } } /** * Empty Cart method * @access public * * No parameters, nothing returned */ function empty_cart($fromwidget = true) { global $wpdb; if(isset($_SESSION['wpsc_sessionid']) && !($fromwidget)){ // exit('google triggered'); ///wpsc_empty_google_logs(); } $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` WHERE `cart_id` IN ('%s');", $this->unique_id)); $this->cart_items = array(); $this->cart_item = null; $this->cart_item_count = 0; $this->current_cart_item = -1; unset($this->coupons_amount); unset($this->coupons_name); $this->clear_cache(); $this->cleanup(); do_action('wpsc_empty_cart', &$this); } /** * Clear Cache method, used to clear the cached totals * @access public * * No parameters, nothing returned */ function clear_cache() { $this->total_tax = null; $this->base_shipping = null; $this->total_item_shipping = null; $this->total_shipping = null; $this->subtotal = null; $this->total_price = null; $this->uses_shipping = null; $this->shipping_quotes = null; $this->get_shipping_option(); } /** * submit_stock_claims method, changes the association of the stock claims from the cart unique to the purchase log ID * @access public * * No parameters, nothing returned */ function submit_stock_claims($purchase_log_id) { global $wpdb; //exit($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` SET `cart_id` = '%d', `cart_submitted` = '1' WHERE `cart_id` IN('%s')", $purchase_log_id, $this->unique_id)); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` SET `cart_id` = '%d', `cart_submitted` = '1' WHERE `cart_id` IN('%s')", $purchase_log_id, $this->unique_id)); } /** * cleanup method, cleans up the cart just before final destruction * @access public * * No parameters, nothing returned */ function cleanup() { global $wpdb; //echo $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` WHERE `cart_id` IN ('%s')", $this->unique_id); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` WHERE `cart_id` IN ('%s')", $this->unique_id)); } /** * calculate total price method * @access public * * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function calculate_total_price() { if($this->total_price == null) { $total = $this->calculate_subtotal(); $total += $this->calculate_total_shipping(); if(wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false){ $total += $this->calculate_total_tax(); } $total -= $this->coupons_amount; $this->total_price = $total; //exit($this->coupons_amount); } else { $total = $this->total_price; } return $total; } /** * calculate_subtotal method * @access public * * @param boolean for_shipping = exclude items with no shipping, * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function calculate_subtotal($for_shipping = false) { global $wpdb; if($for_shipping == true ) { $total = 0; foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { if($cart_item->uses_shipping == 1) { $total += $cart_item->total_price; } } } else { $total = 0; if($this->subtotal == null) { foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $total += $cart_item->total_price; } $this->subtotal = $total; } else { $total = $this->subtotal; } } return $total; } /** * calculate total tax method * @access public * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function calculate_total_tax() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart; $total = 0; if(wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false){ if($this->total_tax == null) { foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $total += $cart_item->tax; } $this->total_tax = $total; } else { $total = $this->total_tax; } if($this->total_tax != null && $this->coupons_amount > 0){ $total = ($this->calculate_subtotal()-$this->coupons_amount)/$this->tax_percentage; } }else{ if($this->total_tax == null) { foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $total += $cart_item->taxable_price/(100+$wpsc_cart->tax_percentage)*$wpsc_cart->tax_percentage; } $this->total_tax = $total; } else { $total = $this->total_tax; } } $total = apply_filters('wpsc_convert_tax_prices', $total); //If coupon is larger or equal to the total price, then the tax should be 0 as the product is going to be free. if($this->coupons_amount >= $this->total_price && !empty($this->coupons_amount)){ $total = 0; } return $total; } /** * calculate_total_weight method * @access public * * @param boolean for_shipping = exclude items with no shipping, * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function calculate_total_weight($for_shipping = false) { global $wpdb; if($for_shipping == true ) { foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { if($cart_item->uses_shipping == 1) { $total += $cart_item->weight*$cart_item->quantity; } } } else { foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $total += $cart_item->weight*$cart_item->quantity; } } return $total; } /** * get category url name method * @access public * * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function get_item_categories() { $category_list = array(); foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $category_list = array_merge((array)$cart_item->category_list, $category_list); } return $category_list; } /** * get category IDs total price method * @access public * * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function get_item_category_ids() { $category_list = array(); foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $category_list = array_merge((array)$cart_item->category_id_list, $category_list); } return $category_list; } /** * calculate_total_shipping method, gets the shipping option from the selected method and associated quotes * @access public * @return float returns the shipping as a floating point value */ function calculate_total_shipping() { if( ! ( (get_option('shipping_discount')== 1) && (get_option('shipping_discount_value') <= $this->calculate_subtotal() ) ) ){ $total = $this->calculate_base_shipping(); // echo 'Base shipping'.$total; // echo '
'.print_r($this, true).''); } if($this->selected_shipping_option == null){ $this->get_shipping_option(); } $total = (float)$this->shipping_quotes[$this->selected_shipping_option]; $this->base_shipping = $total; } else { $total = 0; } return $total; } /** * calculate_per_item_shipping method, gets the shipping option from the selected method and associated quotesing * @access public * @return float returns the shipping as a floating point value */ function calculate_per_item_shipping($method = null) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; if($method == null) { $method = $this->selected_shipping_method; } foreach((array)$this->cart_items as $cart_item) { $total += $cart_item->calculate_shipping($method); } if($method == $this->selected_shipping_method) { $this->total_item_shipping = $total; } // echo("
".print_r($this->selected_shipping_method." ".$method." ".$total,true).""); return $total; } /** * uses shipping method, to determine if shipping is used. * @access public * (!(get_option('shipping_discount')== 1) && (get_option('shipping_discount_value') <= $wpsc_cart->calculate_subtotal())) * @return float returns the price as a floating point value */ function uses_shipping() { global $wpdb; $uses_shipping = 0; if(($this->uses_shipping == null)) { foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $uses_shipping += (int)$cart_item->uses_shipping; } $uses_shipping = (bool)$uses_shipping; } else { $uses_shipping = $this->uses_shipping; } return $uses_shipping; } /** * process_as_currency method * @access public * * @param float a price * @return string a price with a currency sign */ function process_as_currency($price) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_currency_data; $currency_type = get_option('currency_type'); if(count($wpsc_currency_data) < 3) { $wpsc_currency_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `symbol`,`symbol_html`,`code` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".$currency_type."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A) ; } $price = round($price + pow(10, -2-1), 2); $price = number_format($price, 2, '.', ','); if($wpsc_currency_data['symbol'] != '') { if($nohtml == false) { $currency_sign = $wpsc_currency_data['symbol_html']; } else { $currency_sign = $wpsc_currency_data['symbol']; } } else { $currency_sign = $wpsc_currency_data['code']; } $currency_sign_location = get_option('currency_sign_location'); switch($currency_sign_location) { case 1: $output = $price.$currency_sign; break; case 2: $output = $price.' '.$currency_sign; break; case 3: $output = $currency_sign.$price; break; case 4: $output = $currency_sign.' '.$price; break; } $output = apply_filters('wpsc_price_display_changer', $output); return $output; } /** * save_to_db method, saves the cart to the database * @access public * */ function save_to_db($purchase_log_id) { global $wpdb; foreach($this->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) { $cart_item->save_to_db($purchase_log_id); } } /** * cart loop methods */ function next_cart_item() { $this->current_cart_item++; $this->cart_item = $this->cart_items[$this->current_cart_item]; return $this->cart_item; } function the_cart_item() { $this->in_the_loop = true; $this->cart_item = $this->next_cart_item(); if ( $this->current_cart_item == 0 ) // loop has just started do_action('wpsc_cart_loop_start'); } function have_cart_items() { if ($this->current_cart_item + 1 < $this->cart_item_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_cart_item + 1 == $this->cart_item_count && $this->cart_item_count > 0) { do_action('wpsc_cart_loop_end'); // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_cart_items(); } $this->in_the_loop = false; return false; } function rewind_cart_items() { $this->current_cart_item = -1; if ($this->cart_item_count > 0) { $this->cart_item = $this->cart_items[0]; } } /** * shipping_methods methods */ function next_shipping_method() { $this->current_shipping_method++; $this->shipping_method = $this->shipping_methods[$this->current_shipping_method]; return $this->shipping_method; } function the_shipping_method() { $this->shipping_method = $this->next_shipping_method(); $this->get_shipping_quotes(); } function have_shipping_methods() { if ($this->current_shipping_method + 1 < $this->shipping_method_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_shipping_method + 1 == $this->shipping_method_count && $this->shipping_method_count > 0) { // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_shipping_methods(); } return false; } function rewind_shipping_methods() { $this->current_shipping_method = -1; if ($this->shipping_method_count > 0) { $this->shipping_method = $this->shipping_methods[0]; } } /** * shipping_quotes methods */ function get_shipping_quotes() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; $this->shipping_quotes = array(); // exit('
'.print_r($this, true).''); if($this->shipping_method == null){ $this->get_shipping_method(); } //echo "
".print_r($this->shipping_method,true).""; //echo "".print_r($wpsc_shipping_modules,true).""; if(is_callable(array($wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->shipping_method], "getQuote" ))) { $unprocessed_shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->shipping_method]->getQuote(); } // exit(''.print_r($unprocessed_shipping_quotes,true).''); $num = 0; foreach((array)$unprocessed_shipping_quotes as $shipping_key => $shipping_value) { //$this->calculate_per_item_shipping(); $per_item_shipping = $this->calculate_per_item_shipping($this->shipping_method); //echo(''.print_r($unprocessed_shipping_quotes,true).''); $this->shipping_quotes[$num]['name'] = $shipping_key; $this->shipping_quotes[$num]['value'] = (float)$shipping_value+(float)$per_item_shipping; $num++; } $this->shipping_quote_count = count($this->shipping_quotes); } function google_shipping_quotes(){ global $wpsc_shipping_modules; $custom_shipping = get_option('custom_shipping_options'); if(array_search($this->selected_shipping_method, (array)$this->shipping_methods) === false) { //unset($this->selected_shipping_method); } $shipping_quotes = null; if($this->selected_shipping_method != null) { // exit('here'); $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]->getQuote(); // use the selected shipping module if ( is_callable( array( $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method], 'getQuote' ) ) ) { $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]->getQuote(); } } else { //exit('here'); // otherwise select the first one with any quotes foreach((array)$custom_shipping as $shipping_module) { // if the shipping module does not require a weight, or requires one and the weight is larger than zero $this->selected_shipping_method = $shipping_module; if ( is_callable( array( $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method], 'getQuote' ) ) ) { $this->shipping_quotes = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->selected_shipping_method]->getQuote(); } if(count($this->shipping_quotes) > $shipping_quote_count) { // if we have any shipping quotes, break the loop. break; } } } } function next_shipping_quote() { $this->current_shipping_quote++; $this->shipping_quote = $this->shipping_quotes[$this->current_shipping_quote]; return $this->shipping_quote; } function the_shipping_quote() { $this->shipping_quote = $this->next_shipping_quote(); } function have_shipping_quotes() { if ($this->current_shipping_quote + 1 < $this->shipping_quote_count) { return true; } else if ($this->current_shipping_quote + 1 == $this->shipping_quote_count && $this->shipping_quote_count > 0) { // Do some cleaning up after the loop, $this->rewind_shipping_quotes(); } return false; } function rewind_shipping_quotes() { $this->current_shipping_quote = -1; if ($this->shipping_quote_count > 0) { $this->shipping_quote = $this->shipping_quotes[0]; } } /** * Applying Coupons */ function apply_coupons($couponAmount='', $coupons=''){ $this->clear_cache(); $this->coupons_name = $coupons; $this->coupons_amount = $couponAmount; $this->calculate_total_price(); if ( $this->total_price < 0 ) { $this->coupons_amount += $this->total_price; $this->total_price = null; $this->calculate_total_price(); } } } /** * The WPSC Cart Items class */ class wpsc_cart_item { // each cart item contains a reference to the cart that it is a member of var $cart; // provided values var $product_id; var $variation_values; var $product_variations; var $variation_data; var $quantity = 1; var $provided_price; //values from the database var $product_name; var $category_list = array(); var $category_id_list = array(); var $unit_price; var $total_price; var $taxable_price = 0; var $tax = 0; var $weight = 0; var $shipping = 0; var $product_url; var $image_id; var $thumbnail_image; var $custom_tax_rate = null; var $is_donation = false; var $apply_tax = true; var $priceandstock_id; // user provided values var $custom_message = null; var $custom_file = null; var $meta = array(); /** * wpsc_cart_item constructor, requires a product ID and the parameters for the product * @access public * * @param integer the product ID * @param array parameters * @param objcet the cart object * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function wpsc_cart_item($product_id, $parameters, &$cart) { global $wpdb; // still need to add the ability to limit the number of an item in the cart at once. // each cart item contains a reference to the cart that it is a member of, this makes that reference // The cart is in the cart item, which is in the cart, which is in the cart item, which is in the cart, which is in the cart item... $this->cart = &$cart; foreach($parameters as $name => $value) { $this->$name = $value; } $this->product_id = (int)$product_id; // to preserve backwards compatibility, make product_variations a reference to variations. $this->product_variations =& $this->variation_values; if(($parameters['is_customisable'] == true) && ($parameters['file_data'] != null)) { $this->save_provided_file($this->file_data); } //$this->meta = $meta; $this->refresh_item(); } /** * update item method, currently can only update the quantity * will require the parameters to update (no, you cannot change the product ID, delete the item and make a new one) * @access public * * @param integer quantity * #@param array parameters * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function update_item($quantity) { $this->quantity = (int)$quantity; $this->refresh_item(); $this->update_claimed_stock(); } /** * refresh_item method, refreshes the item, calculates the prices, gets the name * @access public * * @return array array of monetary and other values */ function refresh_item() { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules, $wpsc_cart; $product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id` = '{$this->product_id}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $priceandstock_id = 0; if(defined('WPSC_ADD_DEBUG_PAGE') && (constant('WPSC_ADD_DEBUG_PAGE') == true)) { $this->product_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id` = '{$this->product_id}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); } if(count($this->variation_values) > 0) { // if there are variations, get the price of the combination and the names of the variations. $variation_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT *FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` WHERE `id` IN ('".implode("','",$this->variation_values)."')", ARRAY_A); $this->variation_data = $variation_data; $variation_names = array(); $variation_ids = array(); foreach($variation_data as $variation_row) { $variation_names[] = $variation_row['name']; $variation_ids[] = $variation_row['variation_id']; } asort($variation_ids); $variation_id_string = implode(",", $variation_ids); $priceandstock_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `priceandstock_id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_COMBINATIONS."` WHERE `product_id` = '{$this->product_id}' AND `value_id` IN ( '".implode("', '",$this->variation_values )."' ) AND `all_variation_ids` IN('$variation_id_string') GROUP BY `priceandstock_id` HAVING COUNT( `priceandstock_id` ) = '".count($this->variation_values)."' LIMIT 1"); $priceandstock_values = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_PROPERTIES."` WHERE `id` = '{$priceandstock_id}' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $price = $priceandstock_values['price']; $weight = wpsc_convert_weights($priceandstock_values['weight'], $priceandstock_values['weight_unit']); $file_id = $priceandstock_values['file']; } else { $priceandstock_id = 0; $weight = wpsc_convert_weights($product['weight'], $product['weight_unit']); // otherwise, just get the price. if(($product['special_price'] > 0) and (($product['price'] - $product['special_price']) >= 0)) { $sale_discount = (float)$product['special_price']; } else { $sale_discount = 0; } $price = $product['price'] - $sale_discount; $file_id = $product['file']; // if we are using table rate price $levels = get_product_meta($this->product_id, 'table_rate_price'); if ($levels != '') { foreach((array)$levels['quantity'] as $key => $qty) { if ($this->quantity >= $qty) { $unit_price = $levels['table_price'][$key]; if ($unit_price != '') { $price = $unit_price; } } } } } $price = apply_filters('wpsc_do_convert_price', $price); // create the string containing the product name. $product_name = $product['name']; if(count($variation_names) > 0) { $product_name .= " (".implode(", ",$variation_names).")"; } $this->product_name = $product_name; $this->priceandstock_id = $priceandstock_id; $this->is_donation = (bool)$product['donation']; // change notax to boolean and invert it $this->apply_tax = !(bool)$product['notax']; // change no_shipping to boolean and invert it $this->uses_shipping = !(bool)$product['no_shipping']; $this->has_limited_stock = (bool)(int)$product['quantity_limited']; if($this->is_donation == 1) { $this->unit_price = $this->provided_price; } else { $this->unit_price = $price; } $this->weight = $weight; $this->total_price = $this->unit_price * $this->quantity; $category_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."`.`id`,`".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."`.`nice-name` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."` , `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`product_id` IN ('".$product['id']."') AND `".WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC."`.`category_id` = `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."`.`id` AND `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."`.`active` IN('1')", ARRAY_A); $this->category_list = array(); $this->category_id_list = array(); foreach($category_data as $category_row) { $this->category_list[] = $category_row['nice-name']; $this->category_id_list[] = $category_row['id']; } if($this->apply_tax == true) { $this->taxable_price = $this->total_price; $custom_tax = get_product_meta($this->product_id, 'custom_tax'); if(is_numeric($custom_tax)) { $this->custom_tax_rate = $custom_tax; $this->tax = $this->taxable_price * ($this->custom_tax_rate/100); } else { $this->tax = $this->taxable_price * ($wpsc_cart->tax_percentage/100); } } $this->product_url = wpsc_product_url($this->product_id); $this->image_id = $product['image']; if($product['thumbnail_image'] != null) { $this->thumbnail_image = $product['thumbnail_image']; } else { $this->thumbnail_image = $product['image']; } $product_files = (array)get_product_meta($this->product_id, 'product_files'); if($file_id > 0 && ((count($product_files) <= 0) || (count($this->variation_values) > 0))) { $this->file_id = (int)$file_id; $this->is_downloadable = true; } else if(count($product_files) > 0) { $this->file_id = null; $this->is_downloadable = true; } else { $this->file_id = null; $this->is_downloadable = false; } if ( is_callable( array( $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->cart->selected_shipping_method], 'get_item_shipping' ) ) ) { $this->shipping = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->cart->selected_shipping_method]->get_item_shipping($this); } // update the claimed stock here $this->update_claimed_stock(); } /** * Calculate shipping method * if no parameter passed, takes the currently selected method * @access public * * @param string shipping method * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function calculate_shipping($method = null) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; if($method === null) { $method = $this->cart->selected_shipping_method; } if(method_exists( $wpsc_shipping_modules[$method], "get_item_shipping" )) { $shipping = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$method]->get_item_shipping( $this ); //echo("".print_r($shipping,true).""); } if($method == $this->cart->selected_shipping_method) { $this->shipping = $shipping; } return $shipping; } /** * user provided file method * @access public * @param string shipping method * @return boolean true on sucess, false on failure */ function save_provided_file($file_data) { global $wpdb; $accepted_file_types['mime'][] = 'image/jpeg'; $accepted_file_types['mime'][] = 'image/gif'; $accepted_file_types['mime'][] = 'image/png'; $accepted_file_types['mime'][] = 'image/pjpeg'; // Added for IE compatibility $accepted_file_types['mime'][] = 'image/x-png'; // Added for IE compatibility //$accepted_file_types['mime'][] = 'image/svg+xml'; $accepted_file_types['ext'][] = 'jpeg'; $accepted_file_types['ext'][] = 'jpg'; $accepted_file_types['ext'][] = 'gif'; $accepted_file_types['ext'][] = 'png'; //$accepted_file_types['ext'][] = 'svg'; $can_have_uploaded_image = get_product_meta($this->product_id,'can_have_uploaded_image'); if ($can_have_uploaded_image=='on') { $mime_type_data = wpsc_get_mimetype($file_data['tmp_name'], true); $name_parts = explode('.',basename($file_data['name'])); $extension = array_pop($name_parts); if($mime_type_data['is_reliable'] == true) { $mime_type = $mime_type_data['mime_type']; } else { // if we can't use what PHP provides us with, we have to trust the user as there aren't really any other choices. $mime_type = $file_data['type']; } //echo( "".print_r($mime_type_data,true)."" ); //exit( "".print_r($file_data,true)."" ); if(( (array_search($mime_type, $accepted_file_types['mime']) !== false) || (get_option('wpsc_check_mime_types') == 1) ) && (array_search($extension, $accepted_file_types['ext']) !== false) ) { if(is_file(WPSC_USER_UPLOADS_DIR.$file_data['name'])) { $name_parts = explode('.',basename($file_data['name'])); $extension = array_pop($name_parts); $name_base = implode('.',$name_parts); $file_data['name'] = null; $num = 2; // loop till we find a free file name, first time I get to do a do loop in yonks do { $test_name = "{$name_base}-{$num}.{$extension}"; if(!file_exists(WPSC_USER_UPLOADS_DIR.$test_name)) { $file_data['name'] = $test_name; } $num++; } while ($file_data['name'] == null); } //exit($file_data['name']); $unique_id = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true)); if(move_uploaded_file($file_data['tmp_name'], WPSC_USER_UPLOADS_DIR.$file_data['name']) ) { $this->custom_file = array('file_name' => $file_data['name'], 'mime_type' => $mime_type, "unique_id" => $unique_id ); } } } } /** * update_claimed_stock method * Updates the claimed stock table, to prevent people from having more than the existing stock in their carts * @access public * * no parameters, nothing returned */ function update_claimed_stock() { global $wpdb; if($this->has_limited_stock == true) { $current_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("REPLACE INTO`".WPSC_TABLE_CLAIMED_STOCK."` ( `product_id` , `variation_stock_id` , `stock_claimed` , `last_activity` , `cart_id` )VALUES ('%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s');",$this->product_id, $this->priceandstock_id, $this->quantity, $current_datetime, $this->cart->unique_id)); } } /** * save to database method * @access public * * @param integer purchase log id */ function save_to_db($purchase_log_id) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_shipping_modules; if($method === null) { $method = $this->cart->selected_shipping_method; } if(method_exists( $wpsc_shipping_modules[$method], "get_item_shipping" )) { $shipping = $wpsc_shipping_modules[$this->cart->selected_shipping_method]->get_item_shipping( $this ); } if($this->cart->has_total_shipping_discount()) { $shipping = 0; } if($this->apply_tax == true && wpsc_tax_isincluded() == false) { if(is_numeric($this->custom_tax_rate)) { $tax_rate = $this->custom_tax_rate; } else { $tax_rate = $this->cart->tax_percentage; } $tax = $this->unit_price * ($tax_rate/100); } else { $tax = 0; $tax_rate = 0; } if($this->embroidery_values!=''){ $product_name = $this->product_name.'. Tikandi tekst: '.$this->embroidery_values; } else { $product_name = $this->product_name; } $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` (`prodid`, `name`, `purchaseid`, `price`, `pnp`,`tax_charged`, `gst`, `quantity`, `donation`, `no_shipping`, `custom_message`, `files`, `meta`) VALUES ('%d', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '0', '%s', '%s', NULL)", $this->product_id, $product_name, $purchase_log_id, $this->unit_price, (float)$shipping, (float)$tax, (float)$tax_rate, $this->quantity, $this->is_donation, $this->custom_message, serialize($this->custom_file))); $cart_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` LIMIT 1"); foreach((array)$this->variation_data as $variation_row) { $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS."` ( `cart_id` , `variation_id` , `value_id` ) VALUES ( '".$cart_id."', '".$variation_row['variation_id']."', '".$variation_row['id']."' );"); } $downloads = get_option('max_downloads'); if($this->is_downloadable == true) { //$product_files = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `meta_value` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCTMETA."` WHERE `product_id` = '".$this->product_id."' AND `meta_key` = 'product_files'", ARRAY_A); //$product_files = unserialize($product_files["meta_value"]); $product_files = get_product_meta($this->product_id, 'product_files'); if($this->file_id != null){ // if the file is downloadable, check that the file is real if($wpdb->get_var("SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_FILES."` WHERE `id` IN ('{$this->file_id}')")) { $unique_id = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `".WPSC_TABLE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS."` (`product_id` , `fileid` , `purchid` , `cartid`, `uniqueid`, `downloads` , `active` , `datetime` ) VALUES ( '{$this->product_id}', '{$this->file_id}', '{$purchase_log_id}', '{$cart_id}', '{$unique_id}', '$downloads', '0', NOW( ));"); } } else { foreach($product_files as $file){ // if the file is downloadable, check that the file is real if($wpdb->get_var("SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_FILES."` WHERE `id` IN ('{$file}')")) { $unique_id = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `".WPSC_TABLE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS."` (`product_id` , `fileid` , `purchid` , `cartid`, `uniqueid`, `downloads` , `active` , `datetime` ) VALUES ( '{$this->product_id}', '{$file}', '{$purchase_log_id}', '{$cart_id}', '{$unique_id}', '$downloads', '0', NOW( ));"); } } } } do_action('wpsc_save_cart_item', $cart_id, $this->product_id); } } ?>