$module) { if($module->is_external == true) { $external_shipping_modules[$key] = $module; } else { $internal_shipping_modules[$key] = $module; } } $currency_data = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `symbol`,`symbol_html`,`code` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".get_option('currency_type')."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A) ; if($currency_data['symbol'] != '') { $currency_sign = $currency_data['symbol_html']; } else { $currency_sign = $currency_data['code']; } //get shipping options that are selected $selected_shippings = get_option('custom_shipping_options'); ?>

: />   />
' />
: />   />
/>   />
id='shipping_discount_value'> Sales over or equal to: will receive free shipping.

UPS has been deactivated because you are running PHP4, please upgrade to PHP5 to enable UPS.','wpsc'); } ?>

".print_r($shipping,1).""); if (in_array($shipping->getInternalName(), (array)$selected_shippings)) { ?>

requires_curl == true) && !function_exists('curl_init')) { $disabled = "disabled='disabled'"; } if (in_array($shipping->getInternalName(), (array)$selected_shippings)) { ?>

name='custom_shipping_options[]' checked='checked' type='checkbox' value='getInternalName(); ?>' id='getInternalName(); ?>_id' />

name='custom_shipping_options[]' type='checkbox' value='getInternalName(); ?>' id='getInternalName(); ?>_id' />

' name='updateoption'/>

> ' name='updateoption' />