"text", "Email Address" => "email", "Street Address" => "address", "City" => "city", "Country" => "country", "Delivery Address" => "delivery_address", "Delivery City" => "delivery_city", "Delivery Country" => "delivery_country", "Text Area" => "textarea", "Heading" => "heading", "Select" => "select", "Radio Button" => "radio", "Checkbox" => "checkbox" ); $unique_names = Array('billingfirstname','billinglastname','billingaddress','billingcity','billingcountry','billingemail','billingphone','billingpostcode','delivertoafriend','shippingfirstname','shippinglastname','shippingaddress','shippingcity','shippingstate','shippingcountry','shippingpostcode'); update_option('wpsc_checkout_form_fields', $form_types); if(get_option('wpsc_checkout_form_fields') == ''){ update_option('wpsc_checkout_form_fields', $form_types); } do_action('wpsc_checkout_form_fields_page'); $columns = array( 'drag' => 'Drag', 'name' => 'Name', //'alt_name' => 'Alternate Name', 'type' => 'Type', 'unique_names' => 'Unique Names', 'mandatory' => 'Mandatory', 'trash' => 'Trash', ); register_column_headers('display-checkout-list', $columns); $form_types = get_option('wpsc_checkout_form_fields'); ?>

Misc Checkout Options

: />   /> ' class='flag_email' href='#' >
: />   />
: />   />
: />   />
: />   />

Form Fields

escape($_GET['checkout-set']); $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS."` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `checkout_set` IN ('".$filter."') ORDER BY `order`;"; } $email_form_field = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS."` WHERE `type` IN ('email') AND `active` = '1' ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql,ARRAY_A); $selected_checkout_set = $_GET['checkout-set']; echo ""; ?> \n\r"; echo ''; echo ""; echo " "; $checked = ""; echo ""; if($form_field['mandatory']) { $checked = "checked='checked'"; } echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; } ?>
roll-over-drag"; echo ""; if(in_array($form_field['type'], array('select','radio','checkbox'))){ echo "more options"; } echo "".__("; if($email_form_field['id'] == $form_field['id']) { echo " "; } echo "

' />