query($sql); switch($subpage) { case 'upgrade-purchase-logs': wpsc_upgrade_purchase_logs(); break; default: wpsc_display_sales_log_index(); break; } } function wpsc_display_sales_log_index() { ?>
'.print_r($dashboard_data,true).''); // $dashboard_data['hidden_postboxes'] = (array)get_usermeta( $current_user->ID, 'metaboxhidden_store_page_wpsc-edit-products'); $fixpage = get_option('siteurl').'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsc-sales-logs&subpage=upgrade-purchase-logs'; if (isset($_GET['skipped']) || isset($_GET['updated']) || isset($_GET['deleted']) || isset($_GET['locked']) ) { ?>
get_results($sql,ARRAY_A); echo nzshpcrt_currency_display(admin_display_total_price(),1); ?>
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WP Campaign Monitor is an email newsletter tool built just for WP users who want to send campaigns, track the results and manage their subscribers. The latest version integrates with e-commerce lite meaning that you will be able to send buyers email newsletters and much more. ', 'wpsc'); ?>