merchant_id = $id; $this->merchant_key = $key; $this->schema_url = ""; ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path').PATH_SEPARATOR.'.'); require_once('googlelog.php'); $this->log = new GoogleLog('', '', L_OFF); } /** * @param string $id the merchant id * @param string $key the merchant key */ function SetMerchantAuthentication($id, $key){ $this->merchant_id = $id; $this->merchant_key = $key; } function SetLogFiles($errorLogFile, $messageLogFile, $logLevel=L_ERR_RQST) { $this->log = new GoogleLog($errorLogFile, $messageLogFile, $logLevel); } /** * Verifies that the authentication sent by Google Checkout matches the * merchant id and key * * @param string $headers the headers from the request */ function HttpAuthentication($headers=null, $die=true) { if(!is_null($headers)) { $_SERVER = $headers; } if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { $compare_mer_id = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $compare_mer_key = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; } // IIS Note:: For HTTP Authentication to work with IIS, // the PHP directive cgi.rfc2616_headers must be set to 0 (the default value). else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])){ list($compare_mer_id, $compare_mer_key) = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], " ") + 1))); } else if(isset($_SERVER['Authorization'])) { list($compare_mer_id, $compare_mer_key) = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['Authorization'], strpos($_SERVER['Authorization'], " ") + 1))); } else { $this->SendFailAuthenticationStatus( "Failed to Get Basic Authentication Headers",$die); return false; } if($compare_mer_id != $this->merchant_id || $compare_mer_key != $this->merchant_key) { $this->SendFailAuthenticationStatus("Invalid Merchant Id/Key Pair",$die); return false; } return true; } function ProcessMerchantCalculations($merchant_calc) { $this->SendOKStatus(); $result = $merchant_calc->GetXML(); echo $result; } // Notification API function ProcessNewOrderNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } function ProcessRiskInformationNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } function ProcessOrderStateChangeNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } // Amount Notifications function ProcessChargeAmountNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } function ProcessRefundAmountNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } function ProcessChargebackAmountNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } function ProcessAuthorizationAmountNotification() { $this->SendAck(); } function SendOKStatus() { header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); } /** * Set the response header indicating an erroneous authentication from * Google Checkout * * @param string $msg the message to log */ function SendFailAuthenticationStatus($msg="401 Unauthorized Access", $die=true) { $this->log->logError($msg); header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GoogleCheckout PHPSample Code"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); if($die) { die($msg); } else { echo $msg; } } /** * Set the response header indicating a malformed request from Google * Checkout * * @param string $msg the message to log */ function SendBadRequestStatus($msg="400 Bad Request", $die=true) { $this->log->logError($msg); header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); if($die) { die($msg); } else { echo $msg; } } /** * Set the response header indicating that an internal error ocurred and * the notification sent by Google Checkout can't be processed right now * * @param string $msg the message to log */ function SendServerErrorStatus($msg="500 Internal Server Error", $die=true) { $this->log->logError($msg); header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); if($die) { die($msg); } else { echo $msg; } } /** * Send an acknowledgement in response to Google Checkout's request */ function SendAck($die=true) { $this->SendOKStatus(); $acknowledgment = "" . "schema_url . "\"/>"; $this->log->LogResponse($acknowledgment); if($die) { die($acknowledgment); } else { echo $acknowledgment; } } /** * @access private */ function GetParsedXML($request=null){ if(!is_null($request)) { $this->log->LogRequest($request); $this->response = $request; ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path').PATH_SEPARATOR.'.'); require_once('xml-processing/gc_xmlparser.php'); $this->xml_parser = new gc_xmlparser($request); $this->root = $this->xml_parser->GetRoot(); $this->data = $this->xml_parser->GetData(); } return array($this->root, $this->data); } } ?>