get_results($purchase_log_sql,ARRAY_A) ; $cart_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` WHERE `purchaseid`='".$purchase_log[0]['id']."'"; $cart = $wpdb->get_results($cart_sql,ARRAY_A) ; // Chronopay post variables $chronopay_url = get_option('chronopay_url'); $data['product_id'] = get_option('chronopay_product_id'); $data['product_name'] = get_option('chronopay_product_name'); $data['product_price_currency'] = get_option('chronopay_curcode'); $data['language'] = get_option('chronopay_language'); $data['cb_url'] = get_option('siteurl')."/?chronopay_callback=true"; $data['cb_type'] = 'P'; $data['decline_url'] = get_option('siteurl')."/?chronopay_callback=true"; $data['cs1'] = $sessionid; $data['cs2'] = 'chronopay'; $salt = get_option('chronopay_salt'); $data['cs3'] = md5($salt . md5($sessionid . $salt)); // placed in here for security so that the return call can be validated as 'real' // User details if($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_first_name')] != '') { $data['f_name'] = $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_first_name')]; } if($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_last_name')] != "") { $data['s_name'] = $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_last_name')]; } if($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_address')] != '') { $data['street'] = str_replace("\n",', ', $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_address')]); } if($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_city')] != '') { $data['city'] = $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('chronopay_form_city')]; } if(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]{2}$/",$_SESSION['selected_country'])) { $data['country'] = $_SESSION['selected_country']; } // Change suggested by, if email to be sent is not there, dont send an email address $email_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`,`type` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS."` WHERE `type` IN ('email') AND `active` = '1'",ARRAY_A); foreach((array)$email_data as $email) { $data['email'] = $_POST['collected_data'][$email['id']]; } if(($_POST['collected_data'][get_option('email_form_field')] != null) && ($data['email'] == null)) { $data['email'] = $_POST['collected_data'][get_option('email_form_field')]; } // Get Currency details abd price $currency_code = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `code` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".get_option('currency_type')."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $local_currency_code = $currency_code[0]['code']; $chronopay_currency_code = get_option('chronopay_curcode'); // Chronopay only processes in the set currency. This is USD or EUR dependent on what the Chornopay account is set up with. // This must match the Chronopay settings set up in wordpress. Convert to the chronopay currency and calculate total. $curr=new CURRENCYCONVERTER(); $decimal_places = 2; $total_price = 0; $i = 1; $all_donations = true; $all_no_shipping = true; foreach($cart as $item) { $product_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".$item['prodid']."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $product_data = $product_data[0]; $variation_count = count($product_variations); $variation_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS."` WHERE `cart_id`='".$item['id']."'"; $variation_data = $wpdb->get_results($variation_sql,ARRAY_A); $variation_count = count($variation_data); if($variation_count >= 1) { $variation_list = " ("; $j = 0; foreach($variation_data as $variation) { if($j > 0) { $variation_list .= ", "; } $value_id = $variation['venue_id']; $value_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_VARIATION_VALUES."` WHERE `id`='".$value_id."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A); $variation_list .= $value_data[0]['name']; $j++; } $variation_list .= ")"; } else { $variation_list = ''; } $local_currency_productprice = $item['price']; $local_currency_shipping = nzshpcrt_determine_item_shipping($item['prodid'], 1, $_SESSION['delivery_country']); $chronopay_currency_productprice = $local_currency_productprice; $chronopay_currency_shipping = $local_currency_shipping; $data['item_name_'.$i] = $product_data['name'].$variation_list; $data['amount_'.$i] = number_format(sprintf("%01.2f", $chronopay_currency_productprice),$decimal_places,'.',''); $data['quantity_'.$i] = $item['quantity']; $data['item_number_'.$i] = $product_data['id']; if($item['donation'] !=1) { $all_donations = false; $data['shipping_'.$i] = number_format($chronopay_currency_shipping,$decimal_places,'.',''); $data['shipping2_'.$i] = number_format($chronopay_currency_shipping,$decimal_places,'.',''); } else { $data['shipping_'.$i] = number_format(0,$decimal_places,'.',''); $data['shipping2_'.$i] = number_format(0,$decimal_places,'.',''); } if($product_data['no_shipping'] != 1) { $all_no_shipping = false; } $total_price = $total_price + ($data['amount_'.$i] * $data['quantity_'.$i]); if( $all_no_shipping != false ) $total_price = $total_price + $data['shipping_'.$i] + $data['shipping2_'.$i]; $i++; } $base_shipping = nzshpcrt_determine_base_shipping(0, $_SESSION['delivery_country']); if(($base_shipping > 0) && ($all_donations == false) && ($all_no_shipping == false)) { $data['handling_cart'] = number_format($base_shipping,$decimal_places,'.',''); $total_price += number_format($base_shipping,$decimal_places,'.',''); } $data['product_price'] = $total_price; if(WPSC_GATEWAY_DEBUG == true ) { exit("
".print_r($data,true).""); } // Create Form to post to Chronopay $output = " "; // echo form.. if( get_option('chronopay_debug') == 1) { echo ("DEBUG MODE ON!!
".htmlspecialchars($output).""); } echo($output); if(get_option('chronopay_debug') == 0) { echo ""; } exit(); } function nzshpcrt_chronopay_callback() { global $wpdb; // needs to execute on page start // look at page 36 if($_GET['chronopay_callback'] == 'true' && $_POST['cs2'] == 'chronopay') { // This is a call from chronopay. validate that it is from a chronopay server in the and process. // validate cs3 variable to see if it makes sense for security $salt = get_option('chronopay_salt'); $gen_hash = md5($salt . md5($_POST['cs1'] . $salt)); if($gen_hash == $_POST['cs3']) { // Added in to fake a TX number for testing. ChronoPay dev accounts do not return a trans_id. //if($_POST['transaction_id'] == '') // $_POST['transaction_id'] = 'testid123123'; // process response. $sessionid = trim(stripslashes($_POST['cs1'])); $transaction_id = trim(stripslashes($_POST['transaction_id'])); $verification_data['trans_id'] = trim(stripslashes($_POST['transaction_id'])); $verification_data['trans_type'] = trim(stripslashes($_POST['transaction_type'])); switch($verification_data['trans_type']) { case 'onetime': // All successful processing statuses. case 'initial': case 'rebill': $wpdb->query("UPDATE `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` SET `processed` = '2', `transactid` = '".$transaction_id."', `date` = '".time()."' WHERE `sessionid` = ".$sessionid." LIMIT 1"); transaction_results($sessionid, false, $transaction_id); break; case 'decline': // if it fails, delete it $log_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` WHERE `sessionid`='$sessionid' LIMIT 1"); $delete_log_form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` WHERE `purchaseid`='$log_id'"; $cart_content = $wpdb->get_results($delete_log_form_sql,ARRAY_A); foreach((array)$cart_content as $cart_item) { $cart_item_variations = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_ITEM_VARIATIONS."` WHERE `cart_id` = '".$cart_item['id']."'", ARRAY_A); } $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` WHERE `purchaseid`='$log_id'"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA."` WHERE `log_id` IN ('$log_id')"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` WHERE `id`='$log_id' LIMIT 1"); break; case 'Pending': // need to wait for "Completed" before processing $sql = "UPDATE `".WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS."` SET `transactid` = '".$transaction_id."', `date` = '".time()."' WHERE `sessionid` = ".$sessionid." LIMIT 1"; $wpdb->query($sql) ; break; default: // if nothing, do nothing, safest course of action here. break; } } else { // Security Hash failed!!.. notify someone.. $message = "This message has been sent because a call to your ChronoPay function was made by a server that did not have the correct security key. This could mean someone is trying to hack your payment site. The details of the call are below.\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "OUR_POST:\n\r".print_r($header . $req,true)."\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "THEIR_POST:\n\r".print_r($_POST,true)."\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "GET:\n\r".print_r($_GET,true)."\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "SERVER:\n\r".print_r($_SERVER,true)."\n\r\n\r"; mail(get_option('purch_log_email'), "ChronoPay Security Key Failed!", $message); } // If in debug, email details if(get_option('chronopay_debug') == 1) { $message = "This is a debugging message sent because it appears that you are in debug mode.\n\rEnsure ChronoPay debug is turned off once you are happy with the function.\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "OUR_POST:\n\r".print_r($header . $req,true)."\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "THEIR_POST:\n\r".print_r($_POST,true)."\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "GET:\n\r".print_r($_GET,true)."\n\r\n\r"; $message .= "SERVER:\n\r".print_r($_SERVER,true)."\n\r\n\r"; mail(get_option('purch_log_email'), "ChronoPay Data", $message); } } } function nzshpcrt_chronopay_results() { // Function used to translate the ChronoPay returned cs1=sessionid POST variable into the recognised GET variable for the transaction results page. if($_POST['cs1'] !='' && $_GET['sessionid'] == '') { $_GET['sessionid'] = $_POST['cs1']; } } function submit_chronopay() { if($_POST['chronopay_product_id'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_product_id', $_POST['chronopay_product_id']); } if($_POST['chronopay_product_name'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_product_name', $_POST['chronopay_product_name']); } if($_POST['chronopay_curcode'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_curcode', $_POST['chronopay_curcode']); } if($_POST['chronopay_language'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_language', $_POST['chronopay_language']); } if($_POST['chronopay_url'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_url', $_POST['chronopay_url']); } if($_POST['chronopay_salt'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_salt', $_POST['chronopay_salt']); } if($_POST['chronopay_debug'] != null) { update_option('chronopay_debug', $_POST['chronopay_debug']); } foreach((array)$_POST['chronopay_form'] as $form => $value) { update_option(('chronopay_form_'.$form), $value); } return true; } function form_chronopay() { $select_currency[get_option('chronopay_curcode')] = "selected='selected'"; $select_language[get_option('chronopay_language')] = "selected='selected'"; $chronopay_url = ( get_option('chronopay_url')=='' ? '' : get_option('chronopay_url') ); $chronopay_salt = ( get_option('chronopay_salt')=='' ? 'changeme' : get_option('chronopay_salt') ); $chronopay_debug = get_option('chronopay_debug'); $chronopay_debug1 = ""; $chronopay_debug2 = ""; switch($chronopay_debug) { case 0: $chronopay_debug2 = "checked ='checked'"; break; case 1: $chronopay_debug1 = "checked ='checked'"; break; } $output = "