in Log'); define('TXT_WPSC_DESCRIPTION', 'Description'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORY_PARENT', 'Category Parent'); define('TXT_WPSC_IMAGE', 'Image'); define('TXT_WPSC_HEIGHT', 'Height'); define('TXT_WPSC_WIDTH', 'Width'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALID', 'Please enter a valid'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDNAME', 'Please enter a valid name'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDSURNAME', 'Please enter a valid surname'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDEMAILADDRESS', 'Please enter a valid email address'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDADDRESS', 'Please enter a valid address'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDPHONENUMBER', 'Please enter a valid phone number'); define('TXT_WPSC_TERMSANDCONDITIONS', 'You have not agreed to the terms and conditions'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOTHINGINYOURSHOPPINGCART', 'There is nothing in your shopping cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_SPECIALS', 'Specials'); define('TXT_WPSC_BUY', 'Buy'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCART', 'Shopping Cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_NUMBEROFITEMS', 'Number of items'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOMOREAVAILABLE', 'This Product is out of stock.'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMPTYYOURCART', 'Empty your cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOTOCHECKOUT', 'Go to Checkout'); define('TXT_WPSC_CONTINUESHOPPING', 'Continue shopping'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOURSHOPPINGCARTISEMPTY', 'Your shopping cart is empty'); define('TXT_WPSC_VISITTHESHOP', 'Visit the shop'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAGES', 'Pages'); define('TXT_WPSC_OUTOF', 'Out of'); define('TXT_WPSC_VOTES', 'votes.'); define('TXT_WPSC_CLICKSTARSTORATE', 'Click stars to rate'); define('TXT_WPSC_AVERAGERATINGOF', 'Average rating of'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOURVOTE', 'Your vote'); define('TXT_WPSC_AVERAGEVOTE', 'Average vote'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOUHAVEVOTED', 'You have voted'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOVOTES', 'No Votes'); define('TXT_WPSC_1VOTE', '1 Vote'); define('TXT_WPSC_VOTES2', 'Votes'); define('TXT_WPSC_PERSONGIVEN', 'person has given this image'); define('TXT_WPSC_PERSONGIVEN2', 'stars.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PEOPLEGIVEN', 'people have given this image'); define('TXT_WPSC_PEOPLEGIVEN2', 'stars.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ITEMHASBEENADDED', 'The item has been added'); define('TXT_WPSC_ITEMHASNOTBEENADDED', 'The item has not been added'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDNEWCATEGORY', 'Add New Category'); define('TXT_WPSC_SUBMIT', 'Submit'); define('TXT_WPSC_SELECTAVALIDCATEGORY', 'Please select a valid Category'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTNAME', 'Product Name'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION', 'Product Description'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDNEWPRODUCT', 'Add Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTQUANTITY', 'Productquantity'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTIMAGE', 'Product Image'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTPRICE', 'Product Price'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOTAX', 'No tax'); define('TXT_WPSC_ABOUT', 'About'); define('TXT_WPSC_ABOUTCONTENT', 'Welcome to the e-commerce panel.

Note: on some setups, the shopping cart may empty on every page load, if this happens, you will have to add this line:


to the index.php file in the base wordpress directory.
'); define('TXT_WPSC_CONTACTDETAILS', 'Please enter your contact details:'); define('TXT_WPSC_CREDITCARDHANDY', 'Note, Once you press submit, you will need to have your Credit card handy.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ASTERISK', 'Fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in.'); define('TXT_WPSC_FIRSTNAME', 'First Name'); define('TXT_WPSC_LASTNAME', 'Last Name'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL', 'Email'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDRESS', 'Address'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDRESS1', 'Address 1'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDRESS2', 'Address 2'); define('TXT_WPSC_CITY', 'City'); define('TXT_WPSC_COUNTRY', 'Country'); define('TXT_WPSC_PHONE', 'Phone'); define('TXT_WPSC_TERMS1', 'I agree to The '); define('TXT_WPSC_TERMS2', 'Terms and Conditions'); define('TXT_WPSC_TEXT', 'Text'); define('TXT_WPSC_TEXTAREA', 'Textarea'); define('TXT_WPSC_HEADING', 'Heading'); define('TXT_WPSC_MAKEPURCHASE', 'Make Purchase'); define('TXT_WPSC_BUYPRODUCTS', 'Please buy some products before using this page'); define('TXT_WPSC_BRANDHASBEENEDITED', 'The brand has been edited.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SURETODELETEPRODUCT', 'Are you sure you want to delete this product?'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDBRAND', 'Add Brand'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYBRANDS', 'Display Brands'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDITBRAND', 'Edit Brand'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADD', 'Add'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_NEW_FORM', 'Add New Form Field'); define('TXT_WPSC_SAVE_CHANGES', 'Save Changes'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORYHASBEENEDITED', 'The category has been edited.'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYCATEGORIES', 'Display Categories'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDCATEGORY', 'Add Category'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDITCATEGORY', 'Edit Category'); define('TXT_WPSC_ALLCATEGORIES', 'All Categories'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYVARIATIONS', 'Display Variations'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDVARIATION', 'Add Variation Set'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDITVARIATION', 'Edit Variation Set'); define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATIONHASBEENEDITED', 'The variation has been edited.'); define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_VALUES', 'Variation Values'); define('TXT_WPSC_REMOVE_SET', 'Remove This Set'); //this needs to be translated define('TXT_WPSC_SELECT_PARENT', 'Select Parent'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTHASBEENEDITED', 'The product has been edited.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDPRODUCT', 'Add Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYPRODUCTS', 'Display Products'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASESELECTACATEGORY', 'Please Select a Category'); define('TXT_WPSC_STOCK', 'Stock'); define('TXT_WPSC_PNP', 'PnP'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDITITEM', 'Edit Item'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTDETAILS', 'Product Details'); define('TXT_WPSC_SELECT_PRODUCT', 'Select an Existing Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_ENTERPRODUCTDETAILSHERE', '(enter in your product details here)'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDITIONALPRODUCTDESCRIPTION', 'Additional Product Description'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDITEM', 'Add Item'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSEACATEGORY', 'Choose a Category'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSEABRAND', 'Choose a Brand'); define('TXT_WPSC_USETHEACTUALIMAGE', 'use the actual image. No resize.'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYPURCHASES', 'Purchase Log'); define('TXT_WPSC_ID', 'ID'); define('TXT_WPSC_TRANSACTIONSTATUS', 'Transaction Status'); define('TXT_WPSC_DATE', 'Date'); define('TXT_WPSC_VIEWDETAILS', 'Details'); //Text has changed - translation is needed define('TXT_WPSC_STATUS', 'Status'); define('TXT_WPSC_SUCCESSFUL', 'Successful'); define('TXT_WPSC_FAILED', 'Failed'); define('TXT_WPSC_GST', 'GST'); define('TXT_WPSC_PP', 'P&P'); define('TXT_WPSC_TOTAL', 'Total'); define('TXT_WPSC_FINALTOTAL', 'Final Total'); define('TXT_WPSC_CUSTOMERDETAILS', 'Customer Details'); define('TXT_WPSC_USERSCARTWASEMPTY', 'This users cart was empty'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOBACK', 'Go Back'); define('TXT_WPSC_THANKSAPPLIED', 'Thanks, your changes have been applied.'); define('TXT_WPSC_FORM_FIELDS', 'Checkout Options'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENTGATEWAY2', 'Payment Gateway'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASESELECTAPAYMENTGATEWAY', 'Please Select A Payment Gateway'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENTGATEWAYNOTE', 'Note: This lite version of the e-Commerce plugin only allows you to interface with PayPal.

If you are looking for a more profesional "non paypal solution" then we have a gold version of e-Commerce available that interfaces seamlessly with, DPS (, and paystation ('); define('TXT_WPSC_URLSETTINGS', 'URL Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTLISTURL', 'Product List URL'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOPPINGCARTURL', 'Shopping Cart URL'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHECKOUTURL', 'Checkout URL'); define('TXT_WPSC_TRANSACTIONDETAILSURL', 'Transaction Details URL'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRESENTATIONSETTINGS', 'Presentation Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_CARTLOCATION', 'Cart Location'); define('TXT_WPSC_SIDEBAR', 'Sidebar'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAGE', 'Page'); define('TXT_WPSC_WIDGET', 'Widget'); define('TXT_WPSC_NEEDTOENABLEWIDGET', 'You need to enable the widgets plugin to use this'); define('TXT_WPSC_MANUAL', 'Manual'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWCATEGORIESBRANDS', 'Show Categories/Brands'); define('TXT_WPSC_BOTH', 'Both'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTTHUMBNAILSIZE', 'Default Product Thumbnail Size'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORYTHUMBNAILSIZE', 'Default Category Thumbnail Size'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWPOSTAGEANDPACKAGING', 'Show Postage and Packaging'); define('TXT_WPSC_YES', 'Yes'); define('TXT_WPSC_NO', 'No'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWSPECIALS', 'Show Specials'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWPRODUCTRATINGS', 'Show Product Ratings'); define('TXT_WPSC_CURRENCYSETTINGS', 'Currency Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_GSTTAXRATE', 'GST/Tax Rate'); define('TXT_WPSC_CURRENCYTYPE', 'Currency Type'); define('TXT_WPSC_CURRENCYSIGNLOCATION', 'Currency Sign Location'); define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULTPOSTAGEPACKAGING', 'Default Postage & Packaging'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADMINISTRATIONSETTINGS', 'Administration Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_MAXDOWNLOADSPERFILE', 'Max downloads per file'); define('TXT_WPSC_PURCHASELOGEMAIL', 'Purchase Log Email'); define('TXT_WPSC_REPLYEMAIL', 'Reply Email'); define('TXT_WPSC_BRANDNOCAP', 'brand'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORYNOCAP', 'category'); define('TXT_WPSC_UDPATING', 'Updating'); define('TXT_WPSC_MOREDETAILS', 'More Details'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDTOCART', 'Add To Cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_AVGCUSTREVIEW', 'Avg. Customer Rating'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOURRATING', 'Your Rating'); define('TXT_WPSC_RATING_SAVED', 'Saved'); define('TXT_WPSC_RATETHISITEM', 'Rate This item'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTSOLDOUT', 'This product has sold out.'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOITEMSINTHIS', 'There are no items in this'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORYORBRAND', 'Category or Brand'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASECHOOSEA', 'Please choose a'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT', 'Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_QUANTITY', 'Quantity'); define('TXT_WPSC_QUANTITY_SHORT', 'Qty'); //translation needed define('TXT_WPSC_APPLY', 'Apply'); define('TXT_WPSC_MAKEPAYMENT', 'Make Payment'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMPTYSHOPPINGCART', 'Empty shopping cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_TOTALPRICE', 'Total Price'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOITEMSINTHESHOPPINGCART', 'There are no items in the shopping cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAILMSG1', "Thank you, the order has been accepted, any items to be shipped will be processed as soon as possible, any items that can be downloaded can be downloaded using the links on this page.\n\r\n\rAll prices include tax and postage and packaging where applicable.\n\r\n\rYou ordered these items:\n\r\n\r"); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAILMSG2', ".\n\rThese items were ordered:\n\r\n\r"); define('TXT_WPSC_CLICKTODOWNLOAD', 'Click here to download'); define('TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOAD', 'Download'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOURTRANSACTIONID', 'Your Transaction ID'); define('TXT_WPSC_TRANSACTIONID', 'Transaction ID'); define('TXT_WPSC_PURCHASERECEIPT', 'Purchase Receipt'); define('TXT_WPSC_PURCHASEREPORT', 'Purchase Report'); define('TXT_WPSC_THETRANSACTIONWASSUCCESSFUL', 'The Transaction was successful'); define('TXT_WPSC_THETRANSACTIONWASNOTSUCCESSFUL', 'The Transaction was not successful'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOBACKTOCHECKOUT', 'Go back to the checkout'); define('TXT_WPSC_SPECIALPRICE', 'Special Price'); define('TXT_WPSC_INSTRUCTIONS', ' To complete the installation you need to create the Product, Shopping Cart, Checkout and Transaction Result pages, and then hide the Shopping Cart, Checkout and Transaction Result pages so that they do not appear in the pages list. Expecting more? That\'s it.

Wishlist Tip Jar

Donations are in no way mandatory.

Yet, we have been spending considerable amounts of time writing, supporting and debugging WP e-commerce. Therefore, if you like what you see, and want to see more of it, feel free to help finance future releases by dropping a buck or two in the tip jar...

Customisation and Tips

GST & Tax
If required you can enter in a default GST/Tax rate on the Options page in the "e-Commerce" tab.

Email purchase Logs
If you add an email address for the purchase log on the Purchase Log page this will be the email address that is sent a purchase notification each time something is bought.

Hiding pages
To prevent the Shopping Cart, Checkout and Transaction Results pages from being displayed in the page list you must first find out their ID numbers.

Then you have to edit the file in the theme you use that displays pages.

This is normally found in sidebar.php, find the line similar to:

"<?php wp_list_pages(\'title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>\' ); ?>"

Edit the line accordingly, for example:

"<?php wp_list_pages(\'title_li=<h2>Pages<h2>&exclude=3,4,5\'); ?>"

The word exclude tells it to exclude the pages from the list, and the numbers after the word exclude are the ID numbers of the pages to exclude.

Upgrading from Previous Version
If you are upgrading from a previous version, you will need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin.

Image Functions
If your server does not have the PHP image functions installed, you will not be able to resize images once they are uploaded

We\'re doing the best we can. I have not been able to find a really good way to pass the required variables from page to page using permalinks that dont use mod_rewrite, if you cant use mod_rewrite, the plugin may not work with permalinks turned on.

Javascript and Ajax
e-commerce lite uses Ajax, the shopping cart that the user sees will work without Javascript, but the Administration pages (specifically the Products and Categories pages) will not. To use the Administration section you will need to use a reasonably modern browser and have Javascript turned on. (Internet Explorer 6 or better, or Firefox 1.0 or better, older versions have not been tested for and may or may not work)

Contact Us

This project uses a modified version of Lightbox: Lightbox can be obtained from here.

'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPINGSETTINGS', 'Shipping Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_LOCAL', 'Base Local Shipping'); define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_INTERNATIONAL', 'Base International Shipping'); define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_COUNTRY', 'Base Country/Region'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_DETAILS', 'Additional Shipping Costs'); // this needs updating define('TXT_WPSC_LOCAL_PNP', 'Local Shipping Fee'); // this needs updating define('TXT_WPSC_INTERNATIONAL_PNP', 'International Shipping Fee'); // this needs updating define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_NOTE', 'Note: charged only once per product regardless of quantity ordered.'); define('TXT_WPSC_COUNTRY_FORM_FIELD', 'Country Form Field'); define('TXT_WPSC_COUNTRY_FORM_FIELD_EXPLANATION', '(select which form field on the checkout page you want to use for specifying the country)'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING', 'Shipping'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL_FORM_FIELD', 'Email Form Field'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL_FORM_FIELD_EXPLANATION', '(select which form field on the checkout page you want to use for specifying the email address)'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTIMAGES', 'Product Images'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTDOWNLOAD', 'Product Download'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWTHUMBNAILS', 'Show Thumbnails'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE', 'Add Additional Image'); define('TXT_WPSC_DELETE_IMAGE', 'Delete Image'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOLD_OPTIONS', 'Gold Cart Options'); define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIVATE_SETTINGS', 'Activation Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIVATION_KEY', 'Activation Key'); define('TXT_WPSC_THANKSACTIVATED', 'Thanks, the gold shopping cart has been activated.'); define('TXT_WPSC_NOTACTIVATED', 'Sorry, the API key was incorrect.'); define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULT', 'Default'); define('TXT_WPSC_LIST', 'List'); define('TXT_WPSC_VISIBLE', 'Visible'); define('TXT_WPSC_DELETE_PRODUCT', 'Delete Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE', 'Additional Image'); define('TXT_WPSC_GATEWAY_OPTIONS', 'Gateway Options'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_COUNTRY', 'Choose your shipping country:'); define('TXT_WPSC_CONFIRM_TOTALS', 'Confirm your totals before making the payment:'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHECKOUT_FORM_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION', 'Here you can customise the forms to be displayed in your checkout page. The checkout page is where you collect important user information that will show up in your purchase logs i.e. the buyers address, and name...'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_OPTIONS', 'Payment Options'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_DESCRIPTION', 'Choose what payment options you want to make available in the checkout page. By default purchasers can only pay for items using a credit card however you may wish to also let them pay manually in which case you should select the credit card + manual payment option.'); define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_ONLY', ' only'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLUS_MANUAL_PAYMENT', ' plus manual payment option'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment Method'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAY_USING', 'Pay using'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAY_MANUALLY', 'Pay by Cheque/Bank Deposit'); define('TXT_WPSC_CREDIT_CARD', 'Credit Card'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADJUSTABLE_QUANTITY', 'Show quantity form in list view'); define('TXT_WPSC_RSS_FEED_HEADER', 'Subscribe to your orders'); define('TXT_WPSC_RSS_FEED_LINK', 'Subscribe to an RSS feed'); define('TXT_WPSC_RSS_FEED_TEXT', 'of your orders'); define('TXT_WPSC_INITIAL_SETUP', 'Created default options.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLUGIN_NEWS_HEADER', 'Plugin News'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLUGIN_NEWS', 'WP Campaign Monitor is an email newsletter tool built just for WP users who want to send campaigns, track the results and manage their subscribers. The latest version integrates with e-commerce lite meaning that you will be able to send buyers email newsletters and much more.'); define('TXT_WPSC_POWERED_BY', 'This shop is powered by '); define('TXT_WPSC_NO_PURCHASES', 'There have not been any purchases yet.'); define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_ADDRESS', 'Delivery Address'); define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_CITY', 'Delivery City'); define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_COUNTRY', 'Delivery Country'); define('TXT_WPSC_MP3_SETTINGS', 'MP3 Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_MP3_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION', 'To create the 30 second MP3 file clips, this plugin needs SoX compiled with MP3 support, enter the path to SoX here.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SOX_PATH', 'SoX Path'); define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW', 'Preview'); define('TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOAD_CSV', 'Download CSV'); define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW_FILE', 'Preview File'); define('TXT_WPSC_REPLACE_PRODUCT', 'Replace Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_TOTALSHIPPING', 'Total Shipping'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAY_FRONT_PAGE', 'Display on Front page'); define('TXT_WPSC_SEARCH_FOR', 'Search For'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOUR_SEARCH_FOR', 'Your search for'); define('TXT_WPSC_RETURNED_NO_RESULTS', 'returned no results.'); define('TXT_WPSC_POSTAGE', 'Postage'); define('TXT_WPSC_SUBTOTAL', 'Subtotal'); //everything under here needs translations, added after 19/1/2007 define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALID', 'Please enter a valid'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDNAME', 'Please enter your first name.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDSURNAME', 'Please enter your last name.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDEMAILADDRESS', 'Please enter a valid email address.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDADDRESS', 'Please complete your address.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDCITY', 'Please enter your town or city.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDPHONENUMBER', 'Please enter a valid phone number.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASESELECTCOUNTRY', 'Please select your country from the list.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEAGREETERMSANDCONDITIONS', 'Please select the terms and conditions option. Unfortunately we cannot process your order otherwise.'); define('TXT_WPSC_POSITION', 'Position'); define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_REGION', 'Delivery Region'); define('TXT_WPSC_GENERAL_SETTINGS', 'General Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_TAX_SETTINGS', 'Tax Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_POSTAGE_AND_TAX', 'Postage & Tax '); define('TXT_WPSC_GRID', 'Grid'); define('TXT_WPSC_CANT_MOVE_CATEGORY', 'You cannot move a category with subcategories.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SURETODELETECATEGORY', 'Are you sure you want to delete this category? If the category has any subcategories, they will be deleted too.'); define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION', 'Variation'); define('TXT_WPSC_OVER_TWO_VARIATIONS', 'Variation stock and price control does not work if you have more than two variations.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRICE_AND_STOCK_CONTROL', 'Price, Stock and Variation Control') ; // pe.{ define('TXT_WPSC_CATSBRANDSLOCATION', 'Categories & Brands Location'); define('TXT_WPSC_DESCITEMSEPARATOR', ' : '); define('TXT_WPSC_SEARCHITEMSEPARATOR', ' : '); define('TXT_WPSC_SINGLE_SHIPPING_COUNTRY', 'Shipping country:'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_ANOTHER_VARIATION', 'Add a variation'); // }.pe define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES', 'Product Categories'); define('TXT_WPSC_THANKS_DELETED', 'Thanks, the purchase log record has been deleted'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_PREVIEW', 'Product image'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_THUMBNAIL_PREVIEW', 'Product thumbnail'); define('TXT_WPSC_REMOVE_LOG', 'Remove this record from the purchase log'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATSANDBRAND', 'Categories & Brands'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOLD_DROPSHOP', 'DropShop'); define('TXT_WPSC_NEEDTOENABLEDROPSHOP', 'You need to install the Gold and DropShop extentions to use this'); define('TXT_WPSC_DRAG_ITEM_HERE', 'Drag any item here to add it to your cart.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWCATEGORYTHUMBNAILS', 'Show Category Thumbnails'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_SLIDING_CART', 'Show Sliding Cart'); define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW_FILE', 'Upload Preview'); define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW_FILE_NOTE', 'Note: If you do not upload a preview file and your server has sox compiled with MP3 support then a preview file will be created for you.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PURCHASE_NUMBER', 'Purchase No.'); define('TXT_WPSC_FILTER_ORDER', 'Filter Orders'); ?>